SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient
Terracotta Figurines
Alexander Zeckey and Martin Langner
Institute for Digital Humanities, Georg August University Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12, Göttingen, Germany
Keywords: Object Mining, Image Exploration, Greek Terracotta Figurines, Machine Learning, Typology.
Abstract: The goal of the starting case-study is not only to develop procedures for automatically generating corpora
using 3D pattern recognition, but also to reflect on the associated schematizations and how they can be applied
in computer science and visual sciences. For this purpose, methods of object mining in 3D data are to be
developed. We chose an object group which is defined by its complexity in shape and the similarity between
the objects: In 4th and 3rd century BC ancient Greece small terracotta figurines used to be an art form that
was quite common. Based on 200 of those terracottas, a classification system will be elaborated with digital
methods, which is able to meet the complexity of the artefacts. In close cooperation between computer science
and archaeology, this experimental process leads to a fundamental examination of the concept of pattern
recognition as a humanities category. The discussion of the various concepts and methods will be carried out
in two complementary dissertations.
Three-dimensional objects with complex forms are
inadequately classified both in applied computer
science and disciplines dealing with material artifacts.
Archaeologists are confronted with the problem that
although resemblance in shape can be recognized and
established, it is much harder to support it with
reasons and to describe adequately in language what
may be visible for the eye. Furthermore,
archaeologists have yet to make sufficient use of
automated 3D shape recognition in seeking to
differentiate the mutual, formal dependency of
similar figures.
Archaeologists and Art Historians categorize their
objects by creating typologies, thus being able to
make statements about the similarity of objects, about
their purpose, production or style. A computer has no
problem recognizing identically shaped objects, but
has yet to learn our human perception and
understanding of similarity. The approach to this is to
develop shape recognition procedures that link the
degree of simplification and abstraction not only to
human recognition and dissemination patterns as a
means of incrementally evaluating and classifying
unknown objects, but also to categorizations
developed in archaeology and art history. 3D pattern
recognition of the main components must therefore
go hand in hand with archaeological
subcategorization and suitable forms of machine
This paper will show work in progress on
developing those procedures for automatically
generating corpora and will reflect on the associated
schematizations and how they can be applied in
computer science and archaeology. The goal of the
project is to create and evaluate a multi-step
classification process. Eventually, there might be an
object mining that will automatically compare
various grades of similarity and determine to which
category and sub-category (or type) the respective
artifact belongs.
Classification procedures and pattern recognition
methods are as relevant to visual and object oriented
disciplines as they are to computer science. Both seek
to determine how closely two objects resemble each
other and both use this information for a
classification, even though their objectives differ.
Whereas the goal in computer science is to automate
the classification of unknown objects by means of
pattern matching, typologies created in archaeology
serve as a categorisation criterion for sociocultural
Zeckey, A. and Langner, M.
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines.
DOI: 10.5220/0009167809100917
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 910-917
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
questions regarding the dating, production, or
functioning of artefacts. But both approaches
combine a formal description of the objects with
analytically interpretive approaches.
2.1 Main Objective
Big Data and Cultural Analytics methods require an
appropriate structuring of data, which has not yet
been sufficiently explored for three-dimensional
objects. The methods of 3D pattern recognition are
usually based on cognitive psychology concepts for
object recognition by David Marr and Irving
Biederman. The shape of an object described
geometrically is divided into geometric primitives
and analysed statistically by parts and part
segmentation. Machine learning algorithms help to
automate this process. However, for the classification
of artefacts these methods can provide only rough
approximations. The highly differentiated methods of
biometric face recognition, for example, do not work
with ancient portraits, because their visible
appearance is rather determined by certain hair
designs as by individual face shapes (Schofield et al.,
2012; Lu et al., 2013). These insights lead to the fact
that based on archaeological standards, a
computational feature extraction actually can only be
conducted manually by qualitative shape comparison.
Nevertheless, this process cannot be used
automatically yet. In addition, in areas where the sum
of individual characteristics is too large, too complex
or too heterogeneous to easily create an appropriate
typology, archaeological methods failed. Therefore,
methods of computational shape recognition might be
helpful to define suitable archaeological categories.
In Archaeology and Art History, typologies are
created to make historical and cultural statements.
These qualitative analyses are based on a scientific
framework of classification criteria that are not
necessarily congruent with the concepts of cognitive
psychology, since human perception is not
anthropologically constant, but relies on certain
viewing habits and varies significantly depending on
period or culture. In cases where a large number of
artefacts has quite a similar shape but differs
significantly in certain details, as in serially produced
terracotta figurines that were reworked subsequently,
the concept of typology has reached its limits (Bell,
1993; Burn, 2012). In terms of perception and value
of the figurines, there are too many different criteria
that might bear a meaning. Only a statistical approach
concerning the main features in combination with
archaeological sources and the intrinsic aesthetic
values (such as colour, execution, or style) may solve
the problem.
On the one hand, the algorithms to be developed
must take into account that pictorial works own a
certain complexity of information. They have to
represent the variety of image immanent features in a
better way than a verbal description can provide and
try to follow a genuinely image-oriented logic of
detection and
development when capturing visual
Figure 1: Different grades of similarity in ancient terracotta figurines (after Jeammet, 2003 no. 118–120. © Museum for Fine
Arts Boston).
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines
phenomena. On the other hand, it is the task of
Archaeologists to determine the impressions and
viewing habits of the ancient viewer and classify
them in terms of cultural history. By contextually
analyzing the respective conditions of reception, one
tries to reconstruct how the ancient beholder may
have absorbed and processed the visual impressions.
The results of archaeological research must therefore
be equally incorporated into the digital recording of
the pictorial works.
Consequently, the project aims to combine
qualitative and quantitative classification methods to
revise the typology of artefacts. Here, the methods of
computer science (object recognition, shape
comparison and shape analysis) and archaeology
(typology, “Kopienkritik” and contextual analysis)
should benefit from each other, so as to overcome the
aforementioned shortcomings. The conceptual
development-oriented reflection of the approach,
which combines the use of pattern recognition with a
consistent methodological reflection, goes hand in
hand with media reflective studies. The dissertations
that will be developed in the course of this project aim
to conduct preliminary work for the development of
large technical or mental image corpora. However,
both studies also investigate the capabilities of
computer-aided analysis, the limits of this approach
for addressing internal structures, the possibility of
developing novel analytical methods, and the
implications that this approach will have in general
for future archaeological research.
2.2 3D Shape Analysis of Terracotta
Figurines as a Case Study
Ancient terracottas are particularly well suited for
questions of precise classification. The term
“terracottas” refers to figurines made of fired clay that
are not hand sculpted, but rather produced serially
from moulds (Burn, 2012; Erlich, 2015). With regard
to production, distribution, and usage, the items in
question are therefore ancient handcrafted products
that rank below marble and bronze figures in terms of
quality and uniqueness. But they do have the
advantage of having survived in large quantities and
in a wide variety of shapes.
Ancient terracottas resemble each other to
differing degrees. These degrees of resemblance can
be precisely defined by archaeologists and evaluated
progressively by means of classification procedures
at different levels of precision (Muller, 1997): There
are figures that were produced from the same mould
and therefore exhibit an exact correspondence;
alternatively, there are those that were produced in
new moulds using an already fired figurine (Fig.
1a/b/c). These terracottas differ only in size from the
source object. Also, there are figures taken from the
same mould that nonetheless differ in appearance due
to additions or changes by hand (Fig. 1b/c), as a result
of which they no longer belong to the same type. The
next category of terracottas bear strong resemblances
to each other in terms of posture and how the costume
is draped, yet they stem from different moulds (Fig.
1a/d). And finally, there are terracottas in which the
same figure schema occurs in various free
configurations (Fig. 1e). Admittedly, it is possible to
verify at the craftsmanship level that two terracottas
were produced in the same workshop. But if this is
not the case, there are not yet sufficient suitable
criteria for determining degrees of similarity.
New possibilities for artistic formal analysis and
classification can be realised by combining geometric
analysis and information known to archaeologists,
because the traditional archaeological method of
typology is based only on 2D photographs and
subjective judgment which is not as convincing as a
quantitative analysis with 3D models.
3.1 Applied Computer Science /
Computational Archaeology
In their manual, Juan A. Barceló and Igor Bogdanovic
provide a detailed outline of the current state of
research and an in-depth analysis of how archaeology
and computer science might influence each other
(Barceló / Bogdanovic, 2015). They, too, draw
attention to the fact that economic mass digitisation
of 3D artefacts still constitutes an unsolved problem.
Though the semantic enrichment of 3D data itself
remains challenging, methods for using the geometry
of the 3D shape for data mining is a lively area of
research (e.g. De Luca et al., 2014; Aggarwal, 2015;
Fouhey / Gupta / Zissermann, 2017). Various
methods for recognising 3D objects have been around
for years: CAD models, data-driven geometric
primitives, surface type classification using the
Gaussian image (Amann, 1990. Taylor / Kleeman,
2006) and digital image comparison (Hueting et al.,
2015). They mainly involve automatically extracting
primitives from range data and referring to known
patterns in order to classify unknown objects. The
shape analysis is usually performed statistically
(Dryden / Mardia, 1998). Statistical values describing
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
geometric properties of similar shapes are evaluated
with the principal component analysis (PCA)
(Jolliffe, 2002) to analyse the shape variability. In
addition, partial shape matching methods are widely
used (Funkhouser / Shilane, 2006; Bronstein et al.,
2009). Furthermore, outline comparison of one or
more slices of the 3D model (Tal, 2014), as well as
using image-based 3D reconstruction approaches and
formalised primitives in order to generate a library of
elements through the simple declaration of a sequence
of architectural moldings (De Luca et al., 2014), are
utilized. In general, it is much easier to retrieve the
shape of a concentric solid (Hörr, 2011) than that of a
complex structure; the available methods and
technologies so far do not offer a final solution for the
latter. Actual research topics in content-based 3D
object retrieval address different methods. There is
retrieval and classification on textured 3D models as
well as 3D shape retrieval based on distance scanning.
Methods of shape retrieval on non-rigid and large
scale 3D watertight meshes are used as well. They are
complemented with 3D object retrieval with
multimodal views [see titles in the Eurographics
workshops on 3D object retrieval 2014 and 2015].
These different algorithm-based approaches classify
3D models only in terms of basic instances (such as
woman, dog, cup etc).
Thus far, these methods have rarely been used for
the automated capture of artefacts, though
experiments with curve detection and relief detection
are already approved with archaeological artefacts
(Tal, 2014). There are several reasons for this. Firstly,
there are not enough 3D models of sculptures to test
the feasibility of this procedure on a significant scale.
Secondly, works of art (unlike structural elements or
plants, for example) pose significant challenges for
all types of computer-aided classification due to their
complexity and variability. It is much more difficult
to assign a specific instance to a more general class in
this context, because works of art can differ
significantly from each other in terms of shape, size,
and colour. Therefore, a simple computational shape
comparison for “best fit” was used by archaeologists
to analyse the similarity of two artefacts (e. g.
Beenhouwer, 2008). “Best fit” processes are
established in engineering and similar industries and
there are numerous software solutions. These tests are
qualitative rather than quantitative and were already
used for tolerance-based Pass/Fail shape comparison
of ancient sculpture (e.g.; Lu et al., 2013;
Frischer, 2014; Rieke-Zapp / Trinkl / Homer, 2017).
The problem with „best fit“ is that only two models
are ever compared to each other, so that a generally
valid extraction of 3D information to compare the
objects does not take place. It is possible to compare
each object with one aother, but only with
morphologically strongly resembling models a
meaningful result can be obtained.
As a result, it is not enough to dismantle the
models into simple geometric forms. A much more
promising approach is to develop shape recognition
procedures that link the degree of simplification and
abstraction not only to human recognition and
dissemination patterns as a means of incrementally
evaluating and classifying unknown objects, but also
to categorizations developed in archaeology and art
history. 3D pattern recognition of the main
components (shape, size, and colour) must therefore
go hand in hand with archaeological sub
categorisation and suitable forms of machine learning
(Bishop, 2006).
3.2 Computational Science
For many years, shape comparison has been an active
research topic at various institutions. Not lastly,
because the shape of a concentric solid is easier to
compare than a complex structure. There is no
definitive solution for these very structures. For this
reason, various basic methods for content-based
shape recognition and shape comparison already exist
in the 2D and 3D area.
However, the often-used partial decomposition
into the basic geometric forms is not suitable for a
final determination of the similarity of complex
works of art, which represent a great challenge due to
their high variability, since much information is lost
and the result becomes too inaccurate. Usually,
similarity is based on a list of numeric attributes
(interest attributes) to be determined. If more than one
feature is specified for matching input features,
similarity is based on averages for each of the interest
attributes. Still, this approach treats all interest
attributes the same and does not match the perception
of the terracotta figurines. Therefore, one must try to
determine a weighting of interest attributes that is
close to both the ancient and modern perception of the
figurines. Here, only archaeological research can help
to distinguish certain types and motives. In addition,
it is more difficult to assign a specific instance to a
general class in this object area, since the differences
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines
Figure 2: a - Voxelised model, b - extracted Skeleton Graph, c - Feature Point Extraction of an ancient terracotta figurine
(Göttingen TK23).
shape, size and colour can be considerable. In order
to obtain a more precise result for works of art, pattern
recognition methods mustlink the degree of
simplification and abstraction to human recognition
parameters and in this way redefine a similarity of the
objects. Methods that are based on simple geometric
shapes must not take up the main part of the
recognition process, but rather represent a possible
The aim of the project is to develop a possibility
for the automated processing of 2D and 3D data that
goes beyond the usual similarity parameters of
linguistic usage by overcoming everyday paradigms
on the subject of similarity. For this purpose, it is
urgently necessary to shed light on the technical side
of shape comparison and analysis and to evaluate and
combine different methods. As a result, variants of
similarity shall be found that would not be detectable
without the help of the computer, but which have to
be compared with conventional interpretations based
on the parameters of archaeological perception in
order to obtain a useful result. It is important to
consider the differentiation between both sides and to
create a link between the two approaches to the
object. Surely, there is the informatics aspect in which
the aim is to capture and process the complexity of
this data in its entirety in order to deliver new results.
Nevertheless, these results can only be used by the
humanities if they can be combined with established
definitions of archaeological findings or are able to
challenge them. This is why the side of informatics
has to be in constant check with the side of
3.3 Planned Implementation
The data to be used will be recorded in the first year
of the project. For this, a number of museums will be
visited to scan nearly 200 Objects. There will be high-
resolution 3D scans of ancient terracottas which will
be created with the structured light scanner in our 3D
Lab. The figurines to be scanned are chosen on the
basis of archaeological terms of similarity.
The first step in the process for recognising
patterns in 3D data should be to carry out a series of
tests with tolerance-based Pass/Fail shape
comparison (“Best Fit”; Figure 3) of the figurines
before moving to shape analysis. During this
procedure, the results will be contrasted with
archaeological theory concerning the concepts of
similarity, seriality, typology and copy. This will
keep the archaeologists and computer scientists in
constant communication and will help to reset
expectations and to define initial criteria of similarity.
The second step in the process for recognising
patterns in 3D data, by means of the description and
segmentation of surface areas (“feature patch”), is to
evaluate the existing matching procedures (statistical
analysis, CAD comparison, structural pattern
recognition) with a view not only to conducting
(semi-)automated processing of large quantities of
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: “Best Fit” comparison between the two Erotes
Göttingen TK22 and TK23.
data, but also in terms of quality and correctness. The
goal should be to determine the degree of similarity,
so that the type of resemblance can be determined
from it. To accomplish this, the results of learning
algorithms will have to be constantly compared to
archaeologist’s expectations as a means of identifying
and eliminating system errors in classification (Hörr
et al., 2014).
The next step is to search the 3D models or
segments for common patterns on the basis of the
defined model group. The objective here is to
transcend the tolerance-based shape comparison with
identified methods of shape recognition creating a
process for model-based shape analysis. For these,
algorithms will be tested and validated which have
not been used for this kind of data yet, but seem useful
for a similarity comparison. A rough allocation to the
species and an exact similarity comparison within the
species must be carried out in parallel. Those parts
will converge during the project and go hand in hand
at the end.
The approach might therefore make it possible to
carry out a “best fit” shape comparison with selected
comparative pieces first and then use this comparison
to fine tune the pattern recognition function
progressively from “pose schema” and “figure type”
to “mould identity” (and vice versa). For the goal is
to develop a case study to achieve a finely tuned
categorisation and classification method that goes
beyond verbal, descriptive approaches.
The methods used in this step of development are
various shape recognition techniques of shape
analysis in the 2/3D range, not only to link the degree
of simplification and abstraction with human patterns
of recognition and dissemination for the gradual
evaluation and classification of objects, but to use the
categorisations developed in archaeology and art
history as well. In this regard, extracting feature
regions that distinguish subcategories from each other
and subspace clustering deem to be useful. For this,
Feature Detection and Extraction (Figure 2 c), Image
Labeler, volume-based investigations and
Voxelisation/Skeletonisation (Figure 2 a/b) among
others are used.
After the evaluation of the methods, they are
combined and assigned to a ranking list according to
their stability which is accompanied by an internal
evaluation system when extracting data from an
Thus, although the totality of data that can be
extracted is to be collected, its interpretation is to be
restricted according to parameters that have been
optimised by investigation in order to avoid a
threshold value for defining similarity that is too high
or too low.
Figure 4: Model of the data pipeline.
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines
Since the material in the image and object area is
very complex, a partial objective is to test and
compare the different procedures not only for their
productivity, but also for their stability and
A data pipeline will be experimentally developed for
this purpose. This is an established method in data
analysis that is also suitable for processing big data.
A series of processing elements is connected in a
chain, whereby each step generates the output for the
next step from an input (see Fig. 4 for a general
concept). It implements the different parts of data
processing pipelines that are needed to create
consumable data products: Pre-Processing,
Computing and Post-Processing. With this, it should
be possible to automatically extract data for the
determination and categorisation of similarity in art
historical objects and to create a repository from it.
This repository contains 2D and 3D objects that have
been combined with data that was extracted using
shape analysis. This data can be used for finding new
categorisations or to be linked with existing
humanities categorisations as additional digital
Archaeology as a scientific discipline sees its task
above all in extracting patterns from the sum of
surviving remains of past societies which allows
conclusions to be drawn about the conditions at that
time. For this reason, it has always used forms of
pattern recognition to describe artefacts and images,
although it has continually referred to it more as
structural analysis, typology or seriation. The
question arises whether the methods of
archaeological “Formanalyse” are congruent with the
corresponding methods of digital pattern recognition.
Therefore, the methods will be compared during an
intensive discussion on archaeological concepts for
describing similarity and machine learning
techniques for classification. The discussion has two
objectives: The first is to provide archaeology with
nonverbal forms of description that make it possible
to classify not only typological dependence relations,
but also other degrees of similarity. This may enable
scholars to obtain a more explicit view of the ancient
perception of terracottas concerning types, variants
and motives. The second is to significantly improve
the object mining process, so that a large percentage
of data on objects in a collection can be automatically
stored in databases in the future. On the one hand, this
will revitalise the somewhat deadlocked debate on
types and schemas through the adaptation of
established shape recognition methods from the fields
of mathematics and computer science. On the other
hand, concepts of comparative visual analysis,
developed in visual disciplines, will be applied in the
area of shape recognition. This project will therefore
investigate theoretical aspects of practical
importance, such as a modified definition of the
similarity concept. What does it mean for two shapes
to be similar? How do you describe and define the
uncertainty of the concept? What further conclusions
can be drawn from this for scientific work in
archaeology and computer science?
The capture, analysis and publication of
historically relevant objects as 3D models offers art
historical and archaeological disciplines numerous
advantages: In addition to global availability, simple
and non-intrusive handling, and unlimited
reproducibility, the main advantage is that the
viewpoint is highly adjustable (for example via
rotation, zooming or juxtaposition of objects) as
compared to established documentation methods
(such as orthophotography or plaster casts), thereby
making the objects far more accessible to researchers.
This approach also allows researchers to recreate
historical conditions (in the sense of an object
biography), assign fragments and reconstruct
positioning. As a result, traditional academic
viewpoints and analytical methods will not only be
expanded, but even called into question. The large-
scale virtualisation of objects in collections will in
general have major ramifications for visual
identification processes in historical and visual
disciplines. Also, comparative visualisation of
similarity makes the results of formal analysis
measurable and hence objectifiable, therefore the
visual identification methods used by researchers in
visual disciplines must adapt to new forms of
visualisation which will lead to standardization
processes based on new methodologies. Beginning
with the methodology comparisons proposed in the
project, it will be investigated and described how
archaeological research will be transformed using 3D
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