A refactoring bot was developed in the past to over-
come the drawbacks of removing code smells manu-
ally and to make the process more efficient and effec-
tive. As similar bots did not always meet with high
acceptance in the context of software engineering and
since we have little qualitative knowledge about the
perception and acceptance of development bots in
general, we conducted a qualitative study deploying
a refactoring bot to investigate how it is perceived and
accepted in a software development team.
In semi-structured interviews we found that the
bot is perceived as a useful and unobtrusive contribu-
tor. Its contributions are not reviewed more critically
than those of human developers but are more inten-
sively analyzed for logical errors. Although all team
members intend to continue using the bot, only a few
felt responsible for it during the study.
The results have implications for the design of
bots to ensure their successful use. Even a useful bot
will be ignored if its perceived benefit for the indi-
vidual is not great enough and there is a diffusion of
responsibility in the team. Developers accept bots,
but they must be smart and adapted to the context and
process of the development team.
Future work could explore which context vari-
ables predict the acceptance of a bot and investigate
more bots qualitatively. Their long-term use should
be investigated along with how the developers’ per-
ception changes over time. In the context of refac-
toring bots, the effects of proposing more complex
and diverse refactorings on the behavior of developers
should be studied. The findings would also be of in-
terest to other maintenance bots which regularly pro-
pose very similar changes, possibly leading to a kind
of review blindness. Finally, the results can be un-
derstood as an indication that people appreciated that
a socially unpleasant task was taken over by the bot,
which was to remind people that code quality needs
to be improved. It would be interesting to further ex-
plore the potential of this type of bot contribution.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence