ranking performance simultaneously. The model is
ready for production with immediate application to
social media monitoring, campaign engagement fore-
casting, influence prediction, and maximization. We
propose the ability to engage the audience as a new,
more holistic baseline for social influence analysis.
We share the compound engagement workflow and
parameters (Eq. (3) and Table (4)) to ensure repro-
ducibility and inspire future work on engagement
modeling. We hope the future work will balance any
negative impact of diffusion-based influence maxi-
mization, on our collective attention and well-being.
This project is supported by Microsoft Development
Center Copenhagen and the Danish Innovation Fund,
Case No. 5189-00089B. We would like to acknowl-
edge the invaluable support of Sandeep Aparajit, J
Derungs, Ralf Gautschi, Tomasz Janiczek, Charlotte
Mark, Pushpraj Shukla and Walter Sun. Any opin-
ions, findings, conclusions or recommendations ex-
pressed in this material are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence