(a) Before AEWGAN
(b) After AEWGAN
Figure 4: Embedding using t-SNE.
In summary, the proposed method using
AEWGAN in this paper has shown excellent results
in terms of sampling and anomaly detection for wafer
data, which is high-dimension imbalanced data.
We observed proposed AEWGAN show an efficient
abnormal detection method of semiconductor
manufacturing process data with high dimensional
imbalance characteristics. AEWGAN first proceeded
with the autoencoder learning using normal data only.
Then, the abnormal data was oversampled using the
WGAN and put into the previously learned model as
an input value. Finally, we carried out anomaly
detection within the latent space.
In the experiment, semiconductor wafer data with
an extreme imbalance of 152 dimensions were used.
The results of the experiment showed that the
AEWGAN of this paper, performed better
classification performance in abnormal data
compared to other models and that efficient anomaly
detection was also performed in visual comparisons
through t-SNE.
The method is expected to be applicable to semi-
conductor manufacturing processes with various
production systems, i.e. data with many variables and
few abnormal data, so it is likely to be practical and
applicable to a wide variety of areas. Future work to
be undertaken not only will detect the manufacturing
process sensor data but also time series data affected
by past values. It is thought that quantitative
comparisons will be needed in the future.
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the
Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-
2019R1A2C2005949). This work was also supported
by the BK21 Plus (Big Data in Manufacturing and
Logistics Systems, Korea University) and by the
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
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