test cases. (Mirzaaghaei et al., 2012) provides a semi-
automatic approach that supports test suite evolution
through test case adaptations by automatically repair-
ing and generating test cases during software evolu-
tion. This approach deals with the problem of re-
pairing existing test cases and generating new ones to
react to incremental changes in the software system.
Lastly, (Rapos, 2015) proposes a method for improv-
ing the model-based test efficiency by co-evolving
test models alongside system models. To enable this,
software model evolution patterns and their effects on
test models are analyzed. As all these approaches deal
with incremental changes, none of them is able to de-
tect conceptual changes.
In this paper, we presented a method engineering pro-
cess that enables a modular construction of situation-
specific test migration methods. The process consists
of two main disciplines, namely method development
and method enactment, and relies on a method base.
The focus in this paper is on the method develop-
ment, particularly on the situational context identifi-
cation. Firstly, the identification of system and tests
concepts realized in both source and target environ-
ments is performed. Then, the different realization
of the system and test concepts is analyzed as part
of the co-evolution analysis. Finally, test and sys-
tem influence factors are identified and, based on this
information, a selection of a suitable test migration
strategy is performed. As future work we plan to de-
velop tool support for the activities of the proposed
approach, e.g., to support the modeling of the situ-
ational context. Furthermore, automation of the im-
pact analysis based on the obtained concept models is
also planned. Additionally, a quality analysis of the
constructed test migration methods regarding quality
criteria like completeness or correctness is planned.
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MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development