to capture SystemC AMS components in an abstract
but sufficiently representative way. Thanks to this in-
tegration, we can reuse the existing simulation meth-
ods at partitioning level of TTool, relying on the gen-
eration of C++ code and a predictive and discrete sim-
ulation engine. Yet, more detailed tests should reveal
whether our abstract model of converter ports as com-
posite ports guarantees sufficient precision or whether
the functional simulator has to be further enhanced.
Simulation parameters on the partitioning level
can be initially based on first assumptions; when
software design and deployment level have been de-
signed, more accurate estimations of the execution
time (DE) and valid schedules and parameters for
TDF can be fed back to the partitioning levels.
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platform running other software components in full-
system simulation under a lightweight operating sys-
tem. In a next step of the project, the complete scan
conversion code will be integrated on the SoC.
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High-level Partitioning and Design Space Exploration for Cyber Physical Systems