Automatic necrosis zone segmentation in follow-up
MR scans after RF ablations of spinal metastases has
the potential to quantify and objectify the treatment
outcome validation. It provides important informa-
tion regarding the improvement of ablation proce-
dures and it may help understanding and predicting
possible tumor reoccurrence. We proposed a CNN-
based segmentation approach and examined the im-
pact of various input modalities and dimensions on
the segmentation accuracy. Our results were on par
with those of Egger et al. (Egger et al., 2015), which
were the only quantitative results available (77.2.0 %
vs 77 %), altough the latter focused on necrotized
liver lesions in CT imaging. Overall, our study in-
dicates promising results and constitutes a valuale ap-
proach towards this ambitious and challenging issue.
This work was supported by the German Ministry
of Education and Research (13GW0095A) within the
STIMULATE research campus.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods