applying adaptive Gumbel in fully-connected layer of
the CNN models are recommended. Generally, CNN
models using proposed activation functions improves
prediction and convergence speed compared to mod-
els that work exclusively with standard functions.
A series of experiments using CNN models
trained on a top of word2vec text data is performed
to evaluate the performance of the proposed activa-
tion functions in a sentiment analysis application on
Movie Review benchmark. Our empirical results im-
ply that using adaptive Gumbel as activation functions
in fully-connected layer and adaptive ReLU in con-
volutional layers are strongly recommended. These
observations are consistent with the findings were no-
ticed in experiments on MNIST data. Also, a com-
parison between our best observations and the state-
of-the-art results in (Kim, 2014) indicates that our re-
ported accuracy using adaptive activation functions
reproduces their accuracy. We believe that applying
more fine-tuning hyper parameters and using other
complex variants of CNN models accompanied with
our proposed activation functions could improve the
existing results. To recap, our experiments on two
well-known image and text benchmarks imply that by
virtue of using adaptive-activation functions in CNN
models, we can improve the performance of the deep
networks in terms of accuracy and convergence.
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adding only one equation to back-propagation. Com-
putationally, letting neurons of a layer choose their
own activation function, in this framework, is equiv-
alent to adding a neuron to a layer. This minor extra
computation changes the network flexibility consider-
ably, especially in shallow architectures. We focused
only on the classic LeNet5 architecture, but there is a
potential of exploring this methodology with a wide
variety of distribution functions for portable architec-
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2016), QuickNets (Ghosh, 2017), etc. It also has
a potential to generalize modified quantized training
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