Figure 5: Identity switches due to exiting the frame.
This paper deals with the tracking of young handball
players during handball practice. The goal was to
detect and track all players on the handball court so
that the performance of a particular athlete and the
adoption of a particular technique can be analyzed.
This is a very demanding task of multiple object
tracking since players move fast, often change
direction, and are very often occluded and out of the
camera field view. For detection of player the
YOLOv3 detector was used and DeepSORT
algorithm for player tracking. The results were
evaluated on custom dataset that contains handball
videos with marked player ID-s. The performances of
the algorithm were tested according to common
multiple object tracking measures: IDF1, IDP, IDR,
MOTA, MOTP. The results of MOTA and MOTP are
excellent but not relevant because the same detector
was used for ground truth detections and in tracking.
Due to the relatively large number of players on the
field that are often occluded, and the demanding
scenario, players were correctly identified 24.7% of
the time, according to the IDF1 measure.
A detailed analysis of the results showed that the
scale of an object, occlusion, swapping IDs, and the
similar color of the players’ clothes with the
background, many times appear as problems. Those
issues are challenging even for people familiar with
players and the rule of the game, so in the future, we
will consider different methods to focus monitoring
only on players who are active, perform a given
action, or are carriers of the game.
Also, we will consider defining an appropriate
multiplayer tracking metric that would appropriately
evaluate those elements of athlete tracking that are
relevant to the task of monitoring and analyzing
athlete activity, and performing a particular action.
This research was fully supported by the Croatian
Science Foundation under the project IP-2016-06-
8345 “Automatic recognition of actions and activities
in multimedia content from the sports domain”
(RAASS) and by the University of Rijeka under the
project number uniri-drustv-18-222.
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