Table 1: Results of character recognition accuracy.
class training image numbers testing image numbers epoch time accuracy
10 19323 1000 200 0:10:35 0.930
20 28412 2000 300 0:32:28 0.884
30 35165 3000 400 1:06:44 0.899
40 41425 4000 500 1:49:01 0.890
Figure 12: Problems of processed image.
books to help automatic understanding. the proposal
includes ARU-Net based method and the two-step
method. In the experiment, the frame deletion of our
proposed method is greatly improved, which verifies
the correctness of our method. But the correctness of
the cut out blank part has not been verified, which will
be our future work. Moreover, our purpose is to real-
ize the automatic recognition of early Japanese books,
so the automatic extraction of text lines and automatic
character recognition are also our future work.
This research is supported by the Art Research Cen-
ter of Ritsumeikan University. In addition, We would
like to thank Prof. Akama Ryo Prof.Takaaki Kaneko
for his advice.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods