We have examined and compared several DH and ML
delay predictors on data from a real multi-skill call
center. We found that the ML predictors are much
more accurate than the DH predictors. Within the ML
predictors, ANN was more accurate than RS and LR,
but the latter can be trained much faster than ANN,
and could be more accurate when the amount of avail-
able data is smaller. We saw the negative impact of
leaving out relevant input variables on the accuracy
of the ML predictors, and illustrated how well Boruta
can identify the most relevant input variables. In on-
going work, we want to develop effective methods to
predict and announce not only a point estimate of the
waiting time, but an estimate of the entire conditional
distribution of the delay.
This work has been supported by grants from
NSERC-Canada and Hydro-Qu
ebec, and a Canada
Research Chair to P. L’Ecuyer. We thank Ger Koole,
from VU Amsterdam, who provided the data.
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Delay Predictors in Multi-skill Call Centers: An Empirical Comparison with Real Data