Improving Dialogue Smoothing with A-priori State Pruning
Manex Serras
1 a
, Mar
ıa In
es Torres
and Arantza del Pozo
Speech and Natural Language Technologies, Vicomtech, Paseo Mikeletegi 57, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Speech Interactive Research Group, Universidad del Pa
ıs Vasco UPV/EHU, Campus of Leioa, Leioa, Spain
Dialogue State Pruning, Dialogue Breakdown, Attributed Probabilistic Finite State Bi-Automata, Dialogue
When Dialogue Systems (DS) face real usage, a challenge to solve is managing unforeseen situations without
breaking the coherence of the dialogue. One way to achieve this is by redirecting the interaction to known
dialogue states in a transparent way. This work proposes a simple a-priori pruning method to rule out in-
valid candidates when searching for similar dialogue states in unexpected scenarios. The proposed method
is evaluated on a User Model (UM) based on Attributed Probabilistic Finite State Bi-Automata (A-PFSBA),
trained on the Dialogue State Tracking Challenge 2 (DSTC2) corpus. Results show that the proposed tech-
nique improves response times and achieves higher F1 scores than previous A-PFSBA implementations and
deep learning models.
During the last years, technological advances in
telecommunications have brought and normalized
new digital communication channels. This along with
the advances in Natural Language Processing, Speech
Recognition, Decision Making and other Artificial In-
telligence fields enabled the creation of Dialogue Sys-
tems (DS), more commonly known as Voice Assis-
tants or Chatbots.
Dialogue Systems usually employ voice or text for
engaging conversations with users whether the ob-
jective is to fulfill a task or entertain (Chen et al.,
2017). As DS can automatize low-level tasks in a dis-
tributed way and allow a natural and frictionless chan-
nel to communicate with the users, it is not surpris-
ing that they have been used in multiple tasks such as
bus schedule information systems (Raux et al., 2005),
post-sales management (Serras et al., 2017a), coach-
ing for elderly people (Montenegro et al., 2019; Tor-
res et al., 2019), general entertainment (Curry et al.,
2018) etc.
Every DS has to understand what it’s being told,
plan a coherent response strategy to fulfill the task and
give an adequate response. The Dialogue Manager
(DM) is the module that plans the interaction strat-
egy according to the context and the tasks to com-
plete. The dialogue planning can be treated as a
pattern matching, classification problem or even as
a generative process, due to this, the technological
stack available to build DMs employs handcrafted
rules or automata (Cole, 1999; Scheffler and Young,
2000), Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Griol et al.,
2008) stochastic discrete probabilistic models such as
Markov Decision Process (MDP) (Zhao, 2016; Es-
hghi et al., 2017) and Partially Observable MDPs,
Attributed Probabilistic Finite State Bi-Automata (A-
PFSBA) (Torres, 2013; Serras et al., 2017b), Bayesian
Networks (Pietquin and Dutoit, 2006) and more
recently, both discriminative Sequence-to-Sequence
Neural Networks and Generative Adversarial Net-
works (Agarwal et al., 2018; Lipton et al., 2018;
opez Zorrilla et al., 2019).
Once the DS is deployed and faces new interac-
tions, it is common to encounter circumstances where
the dialogue is led to unexpected scenarios. In these
situations, the main objective of every DM is to give
an appropriate response that does not induce to a di-
alogue breakdown (Higashinaka et al., 2016; Bohus
and Rudnicky, 2005).
In the circumstance of a dialogue breakdown, it
is common for the DM to employ error handling
techniques such as pre-defined fallback actions (e.g.
”Sorry, could you rephrase that?”) (Milhorat et al.,
2019; Paek and Pieraccini, 2008) or error recovery
strategies that narrows down the user responses to ex-
pected options (e.g. ”Select the Bus route A or B”)
Serras, M., Torres, M. and Pozo, A.
Improving Dialogue Smoothing with A-priori State Pruning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009184206070614
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 607-614
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Bohus and Rudnicky, 2005). When it comes to Deep
Learning (DL) approaches, every dialogue sequence
is approximated by the networks’ internal weights so
the model is able to give response to any situation, be-
ing this correct or not. To detect and avoid these pos-
sible breakdowns, the Dialogue Breakdown Detection
challenge has been created (Higashinaka et al., 2017),
where the breakdown detection –i.e. when the system
is giving an inappropriate response– is treated as a
prediction problem where different algorithms such as
Bi-LSTMs (Xie and Ling, 2017) and SVMs (Lopes,
2017) were used.
To avoid dialogue breakdown when an unseen in-
teraction is reached, the A-PFSBA framework uses
a dialogue smoothing strategy (Orozko and Torres,
2015; Serras et al., 2017b; Serras. et al., 2019). This
strategy consists on a two step procedure where first
the most similar known dialogue states to the un-
known dialogue state are sampled and then, the ac-
tions of these known states are used to keep on with
the dialogue, trying to transparently avoid any poten-
tial breakdown.
Unfortunately, when performing a spatial approx-
imation of an unknown dialogue state it is imperative
to correctly sample the most similar states so the given
response keeps being coherent, as an incoherent re-
sponse could be worse in terms of dialogue break-
down than a fallback action. Focusing on this as-
pect of the problem, this paper presents a simple-yet-
effective a-priori state pruning methodology to im-
prove the generalization of stochastic dialogue sys-
tem when facing unknown situations. The proposed
method is both applicable for DS and User Models
(UM), that are Dialogue Systems that emulate real
users, and are often used for data augmentation and
automated testing (Schatzmann et al., 2006). Even
they differ in name, the technological stack that they
require is identical with the difference that the UMs
have to model the final user behavior. In both sce-
narios the DM is a critical component to ensure the
coherence of the interaction and, thus, the same dia-
logue state pruning method can be applied.
The proposed methodology is tested over the Di-
alogue State Tracking Challenge 2 (DSTC2) corpus
using the A-PFSBA framework. The achieved re-
sults are compared using previous A-PFSBA models
as baseline and other DL UM as a hard baseline.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
briefly introduces the A-PFSBA framework, how the
dialogues are modelled and the dialogue smoothing
strategy; Section 3 presents the dialogue a-priori state
pruning method; Section 4 describes the experimen-
tal framework and the evaluations performed over
the DSTC2 corpus; finally, Section 5 summarizes the
conclusions of the paper with a brief discussion and
sets the guidelines for future work.
The Attributed Probabilistic Finite State Bi-Automata
framework (Torres, 2013) models the interaction be-
tween an user and an agent as a composition of two
alphabets, the alphabet of user actions d Σ and sys-
tem actions a . This bi-language Γ = × Σ is
enhanced with the attribute alphabet , which en-
codes the transitive information of the dialogue –i.e
the dialogue memory or the pieces of information that
should be kept turn by turn– which is inferred directly
from the dialogue interaction. Then each combination
of the Γ and alphabets render a dialogue state q Q
of the A-PFSBA model, which are connected by the
set of transition actions δ of the form (d
: ε) for user
actions and (ε : a
) for the system actions. Each tran-
sition is fully determined by the initial and final state.
As the bi-language models both user and system ac-
tions, the state set is composed by user and system
states Q = Q
, depending on who has to answer.
Note that all the dialogues start from the empty state
Q which is composed by ε, the empty symbol.
The A-PFSBA model is built from a sample of
dialogues z Z, where the principal objective is to
maximize the probability of the model
M to generate
those dialogue samples.
M = arg max
(Z) = arg max
One of the key aspects of the A-PFSBA frame-
work is that this formulation separates the structural
learning of the dialogue samples Z and its exploita-
tion for dialogue management. Once the model graph
structure is learned, this is used to track the dialogue
states through an interaction, using a policy function
Π to select the response to be given by the DM ac-
cording to the available transition edges (Ghigi and
Torres, 2015; Serras et al., 2019b).
2.1 Dialogue Smoothing Strategy
When using the A-PFSBA model
M as DM, variances
on the dialogue interactions may lead to an unknown
dialogue state q
6∈ Q. In this situation the policy Π
cannot select a transition edge, as q
is not part of the
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
To keep on with the dialogue without any break-
down, a two step dialogue smoothing strategy is used:
first, the most similar known dialogue states are found
using a G spatial function –which can be the Eu-
clidean distance or cosine similarity–; then, the next
action is selected using these known dialogue states
(Orozko and Torres, 2015; Ghigi and Torres, 2015;
Serras. et al., 2019). This allows to recover from the
unknown state q
transparently, keeping on with the
dialogue without interruption. This strategy is illus-
trated at Figure 1. As the first step of the smoothing
1) Find most similar dialogue
2) Select a transition action
from this state
Figure 1: Dialogue smoothing procedure from the unknown
dialogue state q
to select the systems’ next action without
is about sampling the nearest dialogue states using a
spatial relation function G, their spatial representation
is crucial. Early works on A-PFSBA employed string
based state representations (Orozko and Torres, 2015;
Ghigi and Torres, 2015), more recently a vectorial
representation was proposed in (Serras. et al., 2019),
allowing to operate in R
. Nevertheless, represent-
ing the A-PFSBA dialogue states q Q as vectors ~q
has some drawbacks, as the semantic relationships be-
tween each dimension of the vector will be ignored by
common spatial relations such as Euclidean distance
and cosine similarity. As an example, let us have these
three actions:
1. Request(address). ”Give me the address”
2. Request(telephone). ”Give me the phone.
3. Inform(area=city center). ”I want some restaurant
at the city center”
Let us suppose that binary vector representation of
these user dialogue actions are [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] and
[0, 0, 1]. In this scenario, we can observe that the Eu-
clidean distance between these representations is the
same, but their semantic meaning is completely dif-
ferent, and so, the response to give by a DS to each
user action should be different.
Afterwards, when the first step of the dialogue
smoothing strategy is performed, the closest dialogue
states are selected, but without taking into account
the semantic information that is encoded in each dia-
logue state. This may lead to sampling spatially close
but semantically unrelated dialogue states when se-
lecting the next response, thus returning an incoherent
response that causes a dialogue breakdown.
To improve the dialogue state sampling when per-
forming the dialogue smoothing procedure, a simple
a-priori dialogue state pruning method is presented
in this section. The principal objective of the pro-
posed method is to remove semantically unrelated di-
alogue states to the unknown state q
before the di-
alogue smoothing is applied. To achieve so, a func-
tion that captures the semantic relations of the vec-
torized dialogue-state representations ~q
Q, is built,
which is used afterwards for the dialogue-state prun-
ing. The principal assumption of this method is that
semantically similar dialogue states will return simi-
lar actions.
Generally, we can define a Pruning Model (PM) as
a function that receives the vector form of a dialogue
state (known or unknown) ~q and gives a score for each
item of the alphabet a .
PM(~q) {score(a
) a
The building of this PM can be done using off-the-
shelf Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The ML
model is trained with each dialogue state vector ~q us-
ing its output actions δ(q) as labels, so the model is
learning the discriminative patterns of the dialogue
state vector and its output actions.
Using the PM and a threshold θ
, when some
unknown state q
is reached during the conversa-
tion, the action-score distribution is predicted PM(
Next, for each action a
, if the score received is
lower than the defined θ
threshold, all the dia-
logue states that include a
in their possible transi-
tions q
Q : a
) are excluded from the dia-
logue smoothing sampling process. Note that δ(q
) is
the set of transitions that depart from q
and can be
used as the next system response.
As the proposed pruning method is applied to the
dialogue management, it can be used by both DS and
UM just by changing the dialogue state set to the user
states Q
and the action set to the user actions d Σ.
Improving Dialogue Smoothing with A-priori State Pruning
Table 1: Act/Slot level global evaluation metrics over the DSTC2 corpus for different pruning methods.
Development set Test set
Pruning Model Best θ
Precision Recall F1 Score Precision Recall F1 Score
baseline: BAUM 0.690/0.566 0.731/0.591 0.710/0.578 0.699/0.556 0.728/0.577 0.712/0.566
BAUM - MNB 0.1 0.717/0.590 0.746/0.605 0.731/0.598 0.747/0.594 0.744/0.586 0.746/0.590
BAUM - SVM 0.2 0.766/0.654 0.750/0.630 0.758/0.642 0.790/0.662 0.756/0.625 0.772/0.643
BAUM - PA -1.6 0.733/0.610 0.739/0.605 0.736/0.607 0.749/0.607 0.742/0.595 0.745/0.600
BAUM - MLP 0.2 0.752/0.638 0.753/0.626 0.752/0.631 0.774/0.638 0.761/0.618 0.768/0.628
BAUM - RF 0.3 0.757/0.630 0.705/0.579 0.730/0.603 0.770/0.630 0.703/0.570 0.735/0.599
Reg. Bi-LSTM 0.70/0.60 0.72/0.63 0.71/0.62 0.71/0.60 0.73/0.64 0.72/0.62
Table 2: Results achieved by selecting the next action with different ML algorithms.
Predicting the Next Action Development set Test set
Prediction Algorithm Precision Recall F1 Score Precision Recall F1 Score
MNB 0.649/0.515 0.706/0.556 0.676/0.535 0.700/0.489 0.730/0.500 0.715/0.490
SVM 0.732/0.609 0.711/0.582 0.721/0.595 0.767/0.631 0.721/0.586 0.743/0.607
PA 0.698/0.546 0.689/0.527 0.694/0.537 0.725/0.531 0.701/0.502 0.713/0.516
MLP 0.730/0.611 0.732/0.604 0.731/0.607 0.770/0.613 0.752/0.590 0.760/0.60
RF 0.703/0.570 0.701/0.562 0.702/0.566 0.704/0.551 0.693/0.542 0.699/0.547
BAUM - SVM 0.766/0.654 0.750/0.630 0.758/0.642 0.790/0.662 0.756/0.625 0.772/0.643
This section performs the experiments over the
DSTC2 corpus to test the proposed dialogue state
pruning method. To compare with previous results,
the pruning is applied to the A-PFSBA User Model
(BAUM) presented at (Serras. et al., 2019) which uses
cosine similarity as spatial function G and Maximum
Likelihood as policy Π. Several ML algorithms are
used to perform the state pruning and the obtained
results are compared with the results achieved by a
Deep Learning Bi-LSTM ensemble UM presented at
(Serras et al., 2019a). During the experimental sec-
tion, three main hypotheses are tested:
1. Dialogue state pruning before the dialogue
smoothing sampling improves the generalization
of the Dialogue Management module.
2. The presented methodology can be applied using
a wide-range of ML methods, thus the PM can
be adjusted to domains that may have different
constraints and features (e.g. hardware/scalability
constraints, decoding time constraints, different
data distributions, and so on).
3. The use of ML algorithms is better suited for
state-pruning than for decision making, i.e. using
the same ML algorithm to predict the next action
when an unknown state q
is reached.
4.1 Dialogue State Tracking Challenge
2 Corpus
The Dialogue State Tracking Challenge 2 (DSTC2)
corpus was released in the second edition of the
DSTC series (Henderson et al., 2014), which was fo-
cused on tracking the dialogue state of a SDS in the
Cambridge restaurant domain. For such purpose, a
corpus with a total of 3235 dialogues was released
Amazon Mechanical Turk was used to recruit users
who would interact with a spoken dialogue system.
Previous to each dialogue, each user was given a goal
to fulfill, which had to be completed interacting with
the system. The goals defined in this corpus followed
the agenda approach of (Schatzmann et al., 2007a;
Schatzmann et al., 2007b), where the user was given
some restaurant related constraints such as food type
and price range and some information to request to
the system, as the venue address. More information
about this corpus can be found at (Henderson et al.,
2013). As this corpus is already partitioned in train,
development and test sets, such splits have been used
in this section.
4.2 Impact on User Modeling
Following the evaluation procedure used by (El Asri
et al., 2016; Serras et al., 2019a; Serras. et al., 2019),
1 mh521/dstc/
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
the UMs are evaluated in direct comparison, i.e. com-
paring the output given by the UM with the real users’
output. The evaluation is measured in terms of preci-
sion, recall and F1 score. The BAUM used as base-
line selects just the nearest dialogue state when per-
forming the dialogue smoothing strategy, (BAUM)
using the cosine similarity and the maximum likeli-
hood to select the next action. This initial baseline
is enhanced with the proposed dialogue state pruning
method using five well-known off-the-shelf ML algo-
rithms. The PM is trained using the A-PFSBA model
M inferred from the DSTC2 training set. The θ
threshold is selected using the development set and
performing a grid search with step size of 0.1 to opti-
mize the F1 score.
The ML algorithms employed in this section are
the Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) (Sch
utze et al.,
2008), Support Vector Machines with linear kernel
function (SVM) (Platt, 1999), Passive Aggressive
Classifier (PA) (Crammer et al., 2006), Multi-Layer
Perceptron (Hinton, 1990) (MLP) and Random For-
est Classifier (RF) (Breiman, 2001). All these al-
gorithms were implemented using scikit-learn (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011) and for the sake of simplicity,
given that the goal is to prove the ease of use of
the state pruning, no hiperparameter tuning was per-
formed. As a hard baseline, one of the latest DL user
modelling approach based on an ensemble of regular-
ized Bi-LSTM (Serras et al., 2019a) is also included
(Reg. Bi-LSTM).
Table 1 shows the achieved scores for each
method, evaluated at intent level –higher level,
coarser granularity– and slot-value level –finer granu-
larity and more challenging–. As it is clearly seen, the
inclusion of a pruning mechanism improves the base-
line regardless of the ML algorithm used to build the
PM. The best suited ML algorithms for the DSTC2
case happened to be the SVM and the MLP, where
the results obtained with the BAUM - SVM/MLP
achieved higher scores than the Deep Learning Bi-
LSTM ensemble in most of the metrics. Finally, Fig-
ure 2 compares the relative decoding times achieved
by the different BAUM versions in the development
and test sets of the corpus. The development set de-
coding time of the baseline BAUM, which uses no
PM at all, is used as reference. The results clearly
indicate that using the proposed dialogue state prun-
ing method before performing the dialogue smooth-
ing procedure reduces the decoding time. This is a
critical feature for any DS, as they have to provide a
real-time service.
4.3 Predicting the Next Action
In the following experiment the third hypothesis pre-
sented in Section 4 is tested. As previous works on
DS used ML algorithms to perform the dialogue man-
agement (Griol et al., 2008), one of the questions that
arises when using one of these algorithms to prune
possible dialogue states is ”Why not use the ML al-
gorithm as predictor for the next action when an un-
known state q
is reached?”. To justify the use of
these ML methods as state pruners instead of predic-
tors, Table 2 displays the results achieved by using the
same algorithms as next user action predictors when
an unknown state is reached.
As it can be seen, the overall results when us-
ing a ML algorithm to predict the next action are
worse than using it for state pruning. In addition,
the achieved results are less robust as the selection
of the ML algorithm strongly conditions the results
In this paper a dialogue state pruning method was pre-
sented to prune semantically unrelated dialogue states
when performing the dialogue smoothing procedure
to avoid dialogue breakdown when an unknown dia-
logue state is reached during interaction. Using the
DSTC2 corpus and the user modelling task for evalu-
ation, the presented pruning method has proven to be
a robust way to improve the generalization of the DM
when some unknown state is reached in a dialogue in-
teraction. In addition, the decoding time of the system
is improved, mainly due because the amount of valid
dialogue states is highly reduced in comparison to the
original dialogue smoothing sampling method, which
takes into account all the system/user dialogue states
to compute the spatial similarity function G.
When using the same ML algorithms for predict-
ing the next action –instead for state pruning– when
an unknown dialogue state is met, despite some al-
gorithms such as SVM and MLP achieve competitive
results, the overall result is worse and the achieved
results show a high variance depending on which al-
gorithm is used. On the other hand, when using these
algorithms for pruning, the overall score of the base-
line UM is always improved. Anyways, with the pre-
sented experiments we cannot discard that the use of
more complex and resource-demanding prediction al-
gorithms and/or performing some exhaustive hyper-
parameter tuning on them could not match the results
achieved by the PMs (note that the same effort could
Improving Dialogue Smoothing with A-priori State Pruning
Figure 2: Relative time comparison between using different algorithms as PM in the A-PFSBA User Model.
improve the results of the dialogue state pruning), but
this was not the goal of the experimental section, as
one of the main points of the proposed method is its
simplicity and ease of use. That is the reason why no
complex algorithms were used nor hyper-parameter
fine-tuning was performed.
Yet it is true that the proposed method has no
direct application within the field of DL-based di-
alogue management, it can be used in any discrete
state based DMs such as MDPs, POMDPs, HMMs
and A-PFSBA. These approaches are more popular to
build DS in environments where the amount of data is
Future work will be focused on performing an in-
direct evaluation using the proposed methodology, i.e.
evaluating the Task Completion or Dialogue Success
rate between dialogues generated by a UM and DM
talking to each other. In addition, as dialogue state
pruning reduces the number of times that the spatial
function G needs to be computed when the smoothing
is performed, the construction of more complex spa-
tial relation functions –rather than using the Euclidean
distance or cosine similarity– will be researched. Fi-
nally, the development of a method that decides when
to select an explicit fallback action ”I don’t under-
stand what you mean, could you rephrase that?” in-
stead of performing the dialogue smoothing strategy
(because there is no adequate response given by the
sampled dialogue states), is an open question that
would require an experimental setup with real users.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods