touch with real industry problems during the whole
curriculum can be a way to make courses closer to the
We are aware that our results are still preliminar,
but there is at least an indication that further research
can be performed in order to verify the effectiveness
of incorporating real projects into an educational en-
vironment in a structured manner (such as the one
presented in this study), and not in an isolated course
with no connection with the other pieces of the pro-
gram. As future work, we intend to take the following
steps in order to further explore this research:
• collect more data from the same software engi-
neering program in order to strengthen our find-
• collect data from other software engineering pro-
grams that also offer a real-world experience to
• collect data from other software engineering pro-
grams that do not offer a real-world experience to
• compare the results in order to verify if our find-
ings hold true.
By running the proposed experiments we will
have more data to support the hypothesis that incor-
porating real-world projects throughout the journey
of the student into the curriculum can foster students
perception on the importance of user’s interaction and
involvement. Therefore, this work could help faculty
members into pursuing a new way of designing pro-
grams, courses and curricula that are more connected
with market needs.
Additionally, the lack of statistical evidence that
students’ agile knowledge increases the probability
of them paying attention to user involvement raises
a warning signal. Given that users’ feedback and in-
teraction is an important aspect of this methodology,
future work could be performed in order to verify
whether students are really capturing these important
This work is partially funded by FAPERGS (17/2551-
0001/205-4). The authors would like to thank the stu-
dents who participated in this study.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education