deliveries and split policy for the ODs. The authors
studied the behaviour of the transportation system by
solving to optimality small-size networks. They ob-
tained optimal solution for instances up to 15 cus-
tomers. The work of Macrina et al. (Macrina et al.,
2017) was recently extended by Macrina et al. (Mac-
rina et al., 2020), who introduced the transshipment
nodes in the service network. Transshipment nodes
are closer than the main depot to the delivery area,
they are intermediate depots for ODs and have to
be served by the classical vehicle. The authors for-
mulated the problem as a particular instance of the
two-echelon VRP and proposed a math-heuristic al-
gorithm based on the VNS framework. Dahle et al.
(Dahle et al., 2019) introduced the pickup and de-
livery problem with time windows and ODs, an ex-
tension of the problem proposed in Archetti et al.
(Archetti et al., 2016). They modeled the problem,
than studied the impact of introducing ODs in trans-
portation planning, focusing on different compensa-
tions schemes. Their computational study highlighted
the benefits of employing the ODs, even if the sub-
optimal compensation scheme is used. Macrina and
Guerriero (Macrina and Guerriero, 2018) modeled the
green vehicle routing problem with ODs, in which a
fleet composed of classical engine fuelled vehicles,
electrical vehicles and ODs is used for the deliver-
ies. They focused on the environmental impacts of
the three types of vehicles and concluded that the joint
use of electrical vehicles and ODs may reduce the
overall polluting emissions.
All the mentioned contributions suppose to oper-
ate in a static system. Thus, all the information re-
lated to the demands and the availability of the ODs
are known a priori. Recently, several researchers have
started to consider a more realistic framework in a
dynamic context. Dahle et al. (Dahle et al., 2017)
considered the availability of ODs as an uncertain pa-
rameter and supposed to know some stochastic in-
formation about their appearance. They proposed
a stochastic model and compared its performance
with those obtained by using deterministic strategies
with re-optimization. They highlighted that the use
of a stochastic formulation may lead to more prof-
itable solutions in terms of saving costs. (Dayarian
and Savelsbergh, 2017) considered a VRPOD vari-
ant with dynamic customers requests. They devel-
oped and compared two rolling horizon dispatching
approaches: a myopic one that ignores all the infor-
mation regarding future events and one that consid-
ers probabilistic information about future on-line or-
der and ODs appearance. In their dynamic VRPOD
variant, Gdowska et al. (Gdowska et al., 2018) sup-
posed that the ODs may reject assignments and gave
to each pair (OD-request) a random probability. They
proposed a bi-level stochastic formulation of the
problem and a heuristic approach to solve it. Their
results pointed out the needs of defining a dynamic
compensation scheme for ODs. All these contri-
butions clearly highlight the interesting results that
could be obtained with the crowd-shipping, not only
in terms of reduction of operational costs, but also in
terms of reduction of environmental impacts and op-
timization of the quality of service. Thus, the ma-
jority of scientific contributions focused on the study
of the impacts of using ODs in transportation plan-
ning. However, scarce attention has been devoted to
the implementation of effective and efficient solution
approaches for this problem.
In this paper, we propose a metaheuristic to ad-
dress the more general static version of the VR-
POD with time windows and multiple deliveries (VR-
PODTWmd) proposed by Macrina et al. (Macrina
et al., 2017). In their work Macrina et al. (Macrina
et al., 2017) solved only small-size instances, thus
we want to fill this gap by proposing a VNS heuris-
tic which solves more sized instances. We carry out
several computational tests on different size networks
and we assess the effectiveness of the proposed algo-
rithm. Since we compare the results obtained with the
VNS heuristic with the optimal solution, for the sake
of completeness, we report in this paper the formu-
lation proposed in (Macrina et al., 2017). It is im-
portant to highlight that our solution approach can be
easily adapted to handle several variants of the VR-
POD, arising either in static or dynamic settings.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we report the mathematical formu-
lation of the VRPODTWmd proposed by Macrina et
al. (Macrina et al., 2017). In Section 3 we describe
our VNS heuristic for the VRPODTWmd. In Section
4 we describe the computational experiments and we
analyze the numerical results. In Section 5 we sum-
marize the conclusions.
In this section we describe the mathematical formu-
lation of the VRPODTWmd proposed by Macrina et
al. (Macrina et al., 2017). Let C be the set of cus-
tomers, let s be the origin node and t the destination
node for the classical vehicles, i.e., those belonging to
the company. Let K be the set of available ODs and V
A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers and Time Windows