Safety in Distributed Sensor Networks: A Literature Review
Tobias Altenburg
, Sascha Bosse
and Klaus Turowski
Very Large Business Applications Lab, Faculty of Computer Science Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Dependability, Sensor Network, Internet of Things, Fault Tolerance, Fault Prevention.
Abstract: The connectivity megatrend dominates the current social change. The number of networked devices and the
resulting amount of data is constantly increasing worldwide. For this reason, the dependability of computer
systems is becoming increasingly relevant. Especially in the context of civil infrastructures, the constant
availability of computer systems is of great importance. This paper provides a structured overview of the
current literary status of safety in distributed sensor networks. Most approaches from the literature focus on
the design phase. By the following connection with the existing dependability theory, the potential for the
optimization of dependability could be proven.
The visionary article “The Computer for the 21st
Century” by Marc Weiser (1991) is the birth of the
integrative technology paradigm later known by the
term “Internet of Things”. For the first time he takes
up existing technological developments and brings
them into a relationship. Driven by the laws of Robert
Metcalf (Gilder, 1993) and Gordon Moore (1965) the
steady progress of microelectronics, communication
and information technology continues. The number of
networked devices is estimated to be about 75 billion
by 2025 (Lucero, 2016) and the resulting global data
volume will increase to 175 Zettabyte (Reinsel,
Gantz, and Rydning, 2018).
The background to this rapid increase is the new
way in which sensor networks can obtain data
(Borgia, 2014; Akyildiz, Su, Sankarasubramaniam,
and Cayirc, 2002). These networks use sensory
acquisition to transfer the dynamic real world into the
digital world in real time. In contrast, conventional
information systems have manual data entry. Borgia
(2014) illustrates these essential architectural
differences of general information systems and sensor
networks. The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a
key technology for forward-looking scenarios. The
applications are manifold. The use in civil
infrastructure facilities in particular has a particularly
high social relevance and impact (BMI, 2009).
These critical infrastructures are organizations or
institutions of importance to the community. Their
systems and services, such as the supply of water or
electricity, are increasingly dependent on highly
available and functioning information technology. A
malfunction, impairment or even failure can lead to
significant disturbances of public safety or other
dramatic consequences (BSI, 2018). The resulting
dependence of progressive society on complex
information systems is constantly increasing and
digital systems are consequently entrusted with ever
more critical tasks that require a correspondingly high
degree of dependability (Nelson, 1990; BSI, 2015).
The categorical statement that “anything that can go
wrong will go wrong”, known as Murphy's Law,
already describes the importance of dependability in
information and communication technology.
Domains such as Smart Cities and Smart Grids are
becoming increasingly important as a result of global
population growth and urbanization. The existence of
such a large network entails an enormous risk
(Andrea, Chrysostomou, and Hadjichristofi, 2015).
The conventional dependability procedures for
safety-critical information systems are not
universally applicable in the context of IoT (Boano et
al., 2016). The challenges here are the resource-
limited hardware and the basically complex IoT
environment, e.g. the harsh environmental conditions
or the high dynamics in the communication network
Altenburg, T., Bosse, S. and Turowski, K.
Safety in Distributed Sensor Networks: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009311701610168
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 161-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
itself. Since the stability of information systems has
become a national or worldwide social concern of the
highest priority, methods must be researched which
significantly improve the dependability of future
information systems, especially in critical
infrastructures (Avizienis, Laprié, and Randell,
The field of dependability research was shaped by
Jean-Claude Laprié. He established a standard
framework and general terminology for reliable and
fault-tolerant systems (Laprié, 1995). A distinction is
made between dependability methods and
dependability validation (Avizienis, Laprié, Randell,
and Landwehr, 2004). Fault prevention and fault
tolerance are part of dependability procurement and
form the focus of our future investigations. We
assume that these two methods promise the greatest
potential in terms of optimizing dependability, while
ensuring simple and cost-effective implementation.
Error prevention refers to methods which are intended
to prevent the occurrence of an error condition or the
introduction of an error cause into the system (see
also Laprié, 1995; Avizienis et al., 2004). These occur
during the design phase or during the runtime of the
system. In contrast, in fault tolerance methods are
developed which are intended to avoid a failure even
though a cause of the fault already exists in the system
(Laprié, 1995; Avizienis et al., 2004). Two basic
concepts are relevant in the environment of
distributed sensor networks - Security and Safety (see
also Avizienis et al., 2004). The modelling of errors
can include technological, human and organizational
factors. The focus in science and practice in most
cases lies in the development of approaches in the
context of security. However, safety is often not
considered as another important system property
(Kufås, 2002). In order to be able to make a scientific
contribution in this area, our investigation focuses on
safety, i.e. protection against random failures in
computer systems (Idsø, and Jakobsen, 2000).
In literature, the different dependability methods
are usually considered independently and isolated
from other methods. For this reason, the goal is to
define a pattern catalogue that can be used as a set of
rules for improving safety in distributed sensor
networks. This contains generally valid solution
schemes for recurring problems in the context of
safety, especially in fault prevention and fault
tolerance. The defined patterns show the different
possibilities for dependability optimization under
consideration of the technical as well as logical
correlations. This provides an essential decision-
making basis for the optimization of safety, especially
in the area of IoT. Based on this literature review, we
would like to answer the following research question:
"Is the use of classical safety approaches qualified
for dependability optimization in distributed
sensor networks?"
This article presents the current state of the art for the
dependability of distributed sensor networks, based
on a structured literature review according to Webster
and Watson (2002). Below, the structure of the
literature search and the material collection is
described first. Afterwards a descriptive analysis is
presented in section (3). Section (4) gives an insight
into the defined analytical categories and section (5)
presents the corresponding results of the material
evaluation. Section (6) concludes this contribution by
summarizing the paper and outlining the way
The literature review process derived from Seuring
and Müller (2008) and includes four steps:
Material collection
Descriptive analysis
Category selection
Material evaluation
The material collection identifies the relevant
contributions for the research area. The formal
aspects of the relevant material are then evaluated in
the descriptive analysis in order to be able to present
the result set in a ordered form. For the material
evaluation, content dimensions are defined in step 3
and then analysed in order to achieve an interpretation
of the results. A paper is considered relevant if it
provides theoretical foundations for the dependability
paradigm or approaches to optimizing dependability
in the context of distributed sensor networks. The
scientific investigation focuses on fault tolerance and
fault avoidance as dependability methods according
to Laprié (1995). For the work, essentially software-
technical, hardware-technical as well as interaction
approaches are classified as relevant. The first step of
material collection was a keyword search in the most
important publication databases of the IT domain.
The following expression was used for the search
term: (Reliability OR Dependability OR Availability
OR Robustness) AND (fault tolerance OR fault
prevention or fault Avoidance) AND (Wireless sensor
networks OR Sensor Network OR distributed sensor
Networks OR Internet of Things). About 15,000
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
articles were found using the keyword search. After
these results were filtered from the databases by
checking title and abstract for relevance, 190 papers
remained. Subsequently, content filtering was carried
out by cursory reading of the documents, which
resulted in 82 relevant publications.
This section evaluates the formal attributes of the
selected publications. For this reason, the year of
publication and the type of publication are taken into
account for each relevant contribution.
Figure 1: Number of relevant publications per year.
Figure 1 shows the number of publications per
year from 1993 and earlier until 2017. Research in the
field of dependability methods began before 1993
(Avizienis, 1976; Iver et al., 1991; Avizienis, 1967;
Laprié, 1985) and this work forms the basis for
subsequent publications, since the generally
developed theories on dependability are generally
applicable to all information systems (Laprié, 1995).
The distributed sensor networks as an architectural
concept were first analysed in 1980 (Wesson, and
Hayes-Roth, 1980) and later coined in 1999 by the
term “Internet of Things” (Ashton, 2009). With the
breakthrough of IoT paradigm, the use of complex IT
systems, which are also used in critical application
domains, is now growing. This development
increases the need for resilient ICT and is becoming
increasingly important (Boano, and Römer, 2014). In
Figure 1, the linear trend line (represented by the
dotted line) of the number of papers per year shows
that the number of publications is increasing. This
illustrates the growing relevance of the topic and the
existing research interest. As early as the mid-2000s,
most of the contributions addressed possible
applications and the safety-related aspects lost their
Figure 2 shows that the identified contributions
were published in four types: Journal articles (25),
book chapters (13) as well as conference papers (26)
and symposium contributions (18). The high number
of journal articles indicates that there are completed
research projects already that are known to have
validated approaches for optimizing dependability.
More than half of the relevant papers are conference
and symposium papers, which highlights the
intensive discussions on the topic. Book chapters
often provide a detailed theoretical basis for the
development of relevant approaches and thus form
the basis for the field of research.
Figure 2: Publication types of relevant contributions.
Looking at the year of publication as well as the
type of publications, one can conclude that the area of
dependability procedures is still strongly discussed in
the context of distributed sensor networks. This
makes it clear that there is still research potential and
that the approaches so far have not been scientifically
and practically mature.
This paper examines approaches for optimizing the
dependability of distributed sensor networks by using
dependability procedures, i.e. error avoidance and
error tolerance (Avizienis et al., 2004). The identified
approaches serve as a basis for deriving the categories
for material evaluation and are classified accordingly
in six categories, cf. Table 1.
Table 1: Categories and common values for material
The methods for optimizing the dependability of
distributed sensor networks can be divided into the
three basic architecture layers (see also Borgia, 2014).
The collection layer refers to procedures for capturing
Safety in Distributed Sensor Networks: A Literature Review
the physical environment and for general perception
of the real world. The transmission layer, which
contains the mechanisms for rendering the collected
data to the application level or the attached services,
is superordinate. The utilization layer is the actual
processing, administration and usage level. This
includes the processing of information flows, the
bidirectional forwarding of data and general functions
such as device management or data aggregation.
In addition to the basic architecture, time t plays
an important role in the dependability domain,
because it is directly related to dependability R(t) (see
also Laprié, 1995). According to Dubrova (2012) and
Laprié (1995), a distinction is made between the
design and operation phases. The overall model is a
temporal classification of the methods into two life-
cycle phases - the pre-phase and the peri-phase
(Byron, and Blake, 2019). In the pre-phase, the focus
is on planning and designing the information system
at the software and hardware levels. According to
Laprié (1995), the design of an IT system has the
greatest influence on its dependability. Suitable
procedures are to be defined, which also optimize
dependability in the operating phase through fault
tolerance or fault avoidance. The peri-phase is the
actual operating phase of the IT system. Here
methods are classified, which can be used exclusively
during the performance of the system. The scope
category was examined to determine the intensity of
the various optimization methods. This analyses the
size of the efficiency in relation to the number of
nodes in the sensor network. A distinction is made
between three orders of magnitude:
One Node - here procedures are classified which
refer to only one single node (Cotroneo, Natella,
Pietrantuono, and Russo, 2014; Grey, and
Siewiorek, 1991).
Many - by this we mean dozens to several hundred
nodes, which simultaneously achieve an
improvement in dependability through the
respective method (Asim, Mokhtar, and Merabti,
2008; Johnson, 1996; Cooper, 1985).
All - all nodes of the entire network segment are
influenced by the method used (Denning, 1976;
Bishop, 1988; Lyu, 1995).
In summary, it can be concluded that the sphere of
influence of the dependability procedures examined
represents an important indicator for the prioritization
of the methods in the pattern catalogue. Due to the
large number and high dynamics in current sensor
networks (Tubaishat, Madria, 2003) the effort for the
implementation and application of the methods can
also increase significantly. Error classes can be
derived from the already known error causes
(Avizienis et al., 2004). According to Laprié (1995)
there are three essential error classes to be
distinguished, which we use for our investigation:
Design - this includes all software and hardware
errors that occurred during the design phase and
affect the actual operating phase.
Physical - contains all errors that affect the
hardware of the three architecture layers (Borgia,
Interaction - if all external and internal input or
communication errors occur between the various
nodes or components of the information system.
A system is referred to as being correct when it
performs as specified for the system. As soon as the
system no longer meets these specifications, it
switches to a faulty state (Avizienis et al., 2004).
Laprié (1995) defines three fundamental error types
which form the basis of error theory. The various
dependability optimization methods are assigned to
the respective fault types and thus provide an
appropriate indicator of efficiency. In the area of
dependability, the terms “failure” for downtime,
“fault” for a cause of failure and “error” for
malfunction have gained acceptance (Avizienis et al.,
2004). A fault is the responsible or hypothetical cause
of a malfunction. An error is the part of the system
state that is responsible for a failure. In general, it is a
deviation from the required operation of the system
or subsystem. Failure occurs when the performance
of the system no longer corresponds to the correct or
expected performance. It is the transition from a
correct to an incorrect system state. The system
therefore no longer performs the required functions.
Figure 3 of Avizienis et al. (2001) shows the error
process described in a component. If a fault is
activated, it can cause an error, which in turn (if it
spreads) can cause a failure. This failure is evaluated
as a fault by the next component.
Figure 3: Fault-Error-Failure chain.
Thus, it can be deduced that the analysed methods
can only be subdivided into the error classes fault and
error, since according to Avizienis et al. (2001) causal
chain a failure can only occur by the propagation of
an error. A further differentiation of the evaluated
papers is provided by the individual type of
evaluation. In this analysis, the evaluations are classi-
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
fied according to the following schema:
An exemplary assessment was performed when a
hypothetical scenario was modelled to
demonstrate the basic applicability of the
developed model.
An experimental evaluation was performed when
a realistic scenario was modelled. This simulation
offers a realistic representation.
A case study was performed when a real scenario
was modelled and analysed. This proves the
applicability of the model to real problems.
An argumentative evaluation was carried out
when a conclusive argumentation was used to
prove the methods.
All papers that do not contain any of the previous
valuation types are classified under
Once the categories have been identified, the
quantitative analysis of the 82 selected papers can be
carried out. The design of a system for high
dependability implies the need to identify and
consider the various possible causes of failure. Figure
4 shows the classification of the approaches into the
three essential error classes according to Laprié
Figure 4: Number of contributions per error class.
All approaches to optimizing system
dependability can be classified into the three error
classes. Eleven publications deal with the general
theoretical basics and thus form the basis for the
investigation. Most methods are assigned to the error
class Design. This proves the high importance of the
construction phase of information systems, because
already at this point measures can be taken to prevent
errors or the methods for error tolerance can be
implemented and synchronized at an early stage.
Nevertheless, the other two fault classes have a
similar potential to significantly increase
dependability in distributed sensor networks. Errors
in hardware components or the interaction between
the various system components must be equally
avoided or tolerated with regard to dependability
(Laprié, 1995). The previous analysis of error classes
applied showed that the design phase plays a crucial
role in optimizing the dependability of information
systems (Byron, and Blake, 2019). The majority of
the methods examined relate to software engineering
(Birolini, 2017). Various measures for increasing
dependability are possible along the entire
development process. Holzmann (2006) offers an
exemplary set of rules for the software development
of safety-critical systems. In order to guarantee the
correctness of the result in the algorithm created, the
basic concept of design diversity (Bishop, 1988; Xie,
Sun, Saluja, 2008) or the already established method
of software testing (Lyu, 2007; Luo, 2001) is used..
Quality control techniques must also be used in the
installed hardware in order to be able to avoid
hardware errors in a targeted manner (Avizienis et al.,
2001). The approaches mentioned help to avoid errors
in software and hardware already in the design phase,
but also fault tolerance, as an important dependability
procedure, should guarantee the correct performance
in case of active faults (see also Avizienis et al.,
2001). Fault tolerance is usually a design goal, which
is realized from the requirements of dependability and
availability (Auerswald, Herrmann, Kowalewski,
Schulte-Coerne, 2002). The error tolerance can
basically be divided into reactive and proactive error
tolerance. Reactive fault tolerance techniques are
used to reduce the impact of failures on a system
when the failures have already occurred. In
comparison, the proactive fault tolerance techniques
include preventive measures to avoid faults during the
actual operating time of the IT system (Amin, Sethi,
Singh, 2015).
Figure 5: Number of contributions per scope.
For the evaluation of the individual
dependability methods, the scope can be used as a
criterion. The aim is to be able to design as many
components of the distributed sensor network as
Safety in Distributed Sensor Networks: A Literature Review
possible more reliably using these methods. In this
way, the complexity of the implementation or the
difficulty of using the various methods can be
approximately determined. Figure 5 shows the scope
of the methods found in the Design error class. More
than 75 % of the papers examined describe
procedures that can be applied to several components
of the information system. Figure 5 shows once again
that there is great potential for optimizing
dependability in the design phase of information
systems. The use of high-quality components or
systematic design techniques often does not
sufficiently reduce the probability of system failures
and means must be provided to tolerate errors in the
system (see also Nelson, 1990). Accordingly, the use
of a dualism between fault prevention and fault
tolerance is essential to increase dependability. The
following Figure 6 shows the time phase when the
methods examined can be used appropriately in the
event of an error. The classification is based on the
active life cycle of a computer system.
Figure 6: Number of contributions per temporal phase.
More than 2/3 of the dependability procedures
are assigned to the pre-stage, i.e. the design phase. In
contrast, about a quarter of the papers examined
describe methods that are applied during the
operating phase. These results of Figure 6 illustrate
Laprié's hypothesis (see also Laprié, 1995).
According to Auerswald et al. (2002) and Laprié
(1995) the complete avoidance of errors is practically
impossible or too costly. After all the improvement of
dependability in distributed sensor networks should
be in an acceptable relation to the economic costs.
This economic point of view has to be considered for
all views concerning the optimization of
dependability. A sensor network can be considered as
a sum of components. Dependability is influenced by
the interaction of the various system components
(Avizienis et al., 2001). The threats to distributed
sensor networks are characterized by faults, errors,
and failures. These three types of errors according to
Laprié (1995) and Avizienis et al. (2001) are good
indicators for assessing the efficiency of the methods
analysed. The causal chain of Avizienis et al. (2001)
shows the logical course of errors in an information
system. Basically, failure is to be avoided completely,
whereby we have assigned the methods identified in
Figure 7 to the two error types fault and error.
Figure 7: Number of contributions per error types.
Almost all identified papers describe methods to
avoid or tolerate faults (Xie et al., 2008; Paradis, Han,
2007; Saridakis, 2002; Treaster, 2005). In particular,
the software development process is at the forefront.
Bishop (1988) and Torres-Pomales (2000)
summarize the already identified patterns for fault-
tolerant software in their work. These concepts are
divided into two groups (see also Lyu, 1995) - Single
versions and multi-version software techniques.
Single version techniques focus on improving the
fault tolerance of a single piece of software by adding
mechanisms to the design. In contrast, multi version
techniques creates several variants of a software in
order to avoid design errors in one version. A third of
the papers examined describe techniques that deal
with the tolerance or avoidance of errors. According
to Hanmer (2007) error processing is characterized by
error detection and the subsequent error recovery. A
fundamental distinction is made between forward and
backward recovery mechanisms (Laprié, 1995; Iver
et al., 1991; Saridakis, 2002). Errors can be avoided
by implementing redundancy techniques already in
the design phase or in the pre-phase by a proactive
rejuvenation of the software (Cotroneo et al., 2014).
The analysis of the evaluations carried out in the
identified papers shows that 1/3 of the findings are
proven by an argumentative explanation, cf. Figure 8.
In the other contributions an experimental or
exemplary evaluation type is dominating. In only 11
% of the papers was a real case study carried out.
These results show that although half of the identified
papers are based on empirical research, only a small
part was examined in a real environment. Therefore,
it can be concluded that there is still a need for
realistic approaches in reliability theory for
distributed sensor networks.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 8: Number of contributions per evaluation types.
Our goal is to maximize the dependability of
distributed sensor networks through a pattern
catalogue defined by us. The requirements in the real
world are manifold. A distributed sensor network has
to cope with a large spatial separation of the
individual components. It has an open system
structure, a high degree of autonomy for the
individual system components and a high degree of
heterogeneity. Therefore, it is important to be able to
achieve standardization by means of a pattern
catalogue. For this purpose, a taxonomy is created
from the identified dependability procedures of the
literature review. On the basis of this classification,
characteristically similar methods can be summarized
and subsequently standardized. Afterwards, the
classified methods are evaluated in the context of
distributed sensor networks and included in the
pattern catalogue with regard to the optimization of
In this paper, a structured literature analysis was
performed to analyse the current state of
dependability theory in distributed sensor networks.
Eighty-two relevant publications were identified by
keyword search and filter process. After the
descriptive analysis pointed out the relevance of the
topic, the categories for the content analysis of the
examined papers were defined. On this basis the
material valuation could be carried out. The methods
identified were analysed using the error classes from
Laprié (1995). It turned out that most approaches in
literature refer to design errors. The design phase thus
offers a high potential to optimize the dependability
of distributed sensor networks. The following
specification of the procedures in the design phase
showed that over 75 % of the methods can be applied
to several components at the same time. This
significantly reduces the complexity of
implementation into existing or newly emerging
sensor networks. Furthermore, more than half of the
methods found can be classified in the concept of
fault tolerance and one third in error avoidance.
According to the hypothesis of Laprié (1995) and
Auerswald et al. (2002), this illustrates that errors can
never be completely avoided and therefore the focus
in literature is on error tolerance techniques. In order
to be able to determine the efficiency of the identified
dependability procedures, the error types were
analysed at the end. Dependability tools are designed
to reduce the number of errors. Faults can spread
traditionally and cause errors or failures (Avizienis et
al., 2001). In this respect, it is important to apply error
theory in order to assess the effectiveness of the
procedures. Increasing IT penetration and networking
are creating potential that a highly developed and
industrialized country cannot do without (BSI, 2017).
The development of a fully interconnected ecosystem
has a major impact on industry and society. At the
same time, increasing digitalization is creating new
risk situations. Computer failures can have
considerable economic and social consequences,
which must be responded to quickly and consistently
(BSI, 2018). The sources of error are manifold,
widely distributed and difficult to locate. It is
therefore necessary to pay close attention to
dependability and future maintainability when
developing sensor networks.
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IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security