tion, of road users is presented. Trajectory data sets
from both bicyclists and cars are used to demonstrate
the proposed approach. From the trajectories a slid-
ing window is applied creating short time series used
for building models that predicts the action intention.
The no free lunch theorem is put to use as it was found
that the RF yields the best performance for the bicy-
cle data and the NN for the car data. The search for
the most important variables for the classification task
resulted in slightly improved performance while us-
ing only five variables for the bicycle model and six
for the car model. For the bicycle model longitudinal
and lateral position along with speed dynamics v(t),
v(t − 4) and h(t) are needed. With the car model, es-
timated speed, heading and position dynamics (t) and
(t − 4) for both longitudinal and lateral position are
among the most important input variables.
Future work includes incorporating data describ-
ing relations between different road-users to enable
modelling of how the behavior of different road users
interplay in decision making. Moreover, while mod-
eling interplay, time to decision becomes a natural
model output instead of only the actual action inten-
tion, as used in this work.
Viscando Traffic Systems are greatly acknowledged
who have provided the data. This work is part of the
AIR project (action and intention recognition in hu-
man interaction with autonomous systems), financed
by the KK foundation under the grant agreement
number 20140220.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems