In this article we have considered the case of a
microservice-based application deployed on devices
distributed on the edge of the network. We observed
that variations of parameters on these edge devices,
such as network QoS, may impact the response-time
of the application. We proposed a solution to dy-
namically adapt the placement of the microservices
to these variations. The adaptation process we de-
scribed in this article is based on the knowledge of
the response-time of each microservice. These values
are directly measured by the devices participating to
the application and stored in RT matrices. The PSO
heuristic uses these values to propose adapted place-
ment solutions.
We evaluated on a production infrastructure two
strategies to decide when the system should adapt
the placement of the microservices. A first proac-
tive strategy tries to periodicaly adapt this placement.
We observed that half of the adaptations resulted in
a deterioration of the response-time. We explained
that, when such adaptation occurred, the RT matri-
ces were inconsistent with the actual response-times.
We proposed to supplement this strategy with a reac-
tive behavior which allows the system to trigger a new
adaptation in case of deviations of the response-time.
We concluded from our experiments that this strategy
gave satisfactory results.
We observed that the reactive strategy resulted in
consecutives iterations where several placements are
tested. These iterations led to a perceptible unstabil-
ity of the response-time of the application. To keep
a stable experience for the users, we propose, as an
improvement of the solution, to test these alternative
placements in parallel with the current deployment of
the application. Thanks to the flexibility of microser-
vices, a subset of the clients can transparently use an
alternative deployment of the application. Measure-
ments from the devices participating in this deploy-
ment will help the heuristic to find a suitable place-
ment solution.
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