bad transactions but was never executed in the good
The method we have developed can be used for Cloud
PaaS debugging and performance analysis, fault anal-
ysis and root cause analysis. It can be used online
in streaming mode and is efficient in both memory
and speed. It is possible to adjust the method to re-
duce False Positives by requiring that an insight be
restricted to an attribute:value pair appearing in the
“bad” transactions and not appearing in the “good”
transactions. This is very desirable in practical appli-
cations where customers lose trust in alerting systems
due to many False Positives.
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methods, instances not visited by good transactions
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be categorical taking a small set of discrete values in-
cluding strings, or numerical attributes taking a large
set of values such as UserId. Call-chain data on which
Perceptor relies as input is rich with useful informa-
tion and makes Perceptor a major help in performance
debugging and in isolating faults.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science