In all our tests, Snabb was not able to achieve
comparable latency with respect to other solutions;
for example, while all other virtual switches could
maintain their average latency under 40 µs for B = 4,
Snabb’s delay was always greater than 60 µs, even for
very small packet sizes. Since this overall behavior is
repeated in all our tests, regardless of which parame-
ters are applied, Snabb will not be discussed further.
Figures 5a to 5c show that only virtio-based so-
lutions were able to achieve single-digit microsec-
ond round-trip latency on a single host, while SR-
IOV has a higher latency for small packet and burst
sizes. Increasing the burst size over 32 packets, these
roles are reversed, with SR-IOV becoming the most
lightweight solution, although it was never able to
achieve single-digit microsecond latency. From this
we inferred that SR-IOV performance are less influ-
enced by the variation of the burst size with respect to
the other options available and thus it is more suitable
when traffic on a single host is grouped into bigger
We then repeated the same evaluations by deploy-
ing the server application on a separate host (L =
remote, Figure 3f). In this new scenario, SR-IOV al-
ways outperforms OVS and VPP, as shown in Fig-
ures 5d to 5f. This can be easily explained, since
when using a virtio-based switch to access the phys-
ical network two levels of forwarding are introduced
with respect to the case using only SR-IOV: the two
software instances, each running in their respective
hosts, introduce additional computations with respect
to the one performed in hardware by the SR-IOV de-
In this work, we presented a novel framework aimed
to evaluate and compare the performance of various
virtual networking solutions based on kernel bypass.
We focused on the interconnection of VNFs deployed
in Linux containers in one or multiple hosts.
We performed a number of performance evalu-
ations on some virtual switches commonly used in
the NFV industrial practice. Test results show that
SR-IOV has superior performance, both in terms of
throughput and scalability, when traffic is limited to a
single host. However, in scenarios that consider inter-
host communications, each solution is mostly con-
strained by the limits imposed by the Ethernet stan-
dard. Finally, from a latency perspective we showed
that both for local and remote communications SR-
IOV can attain smaller round-trip latency with respect
to its competitors when bigger burst sizes are adopted.
In the future, we plan to support additional vir-
tual networking solutions, like NetVM (Hwang et al.,
2015), Netmap (Rizzo, 2012a), and VALE (Rizzo and
Lettieri, 2012). We also plan to extend the functional-
ity of the proposed framework, for example by allow-
ing for customizing the number of CPU cores allo-
cated to the virtual switch during the runs. Finally, we
would like to compare various versions of the consid-
ered virtual switching solutions, as we noticed some
variability in the performance figures after upgrading
some of the components, during the development of
the framework.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science