test this, a study was designed that records the indi-
vidual subjects in different sweat status using a ther-
mal imaging camera. For evaluation a forehead area
is used to find out the difference between the maxi-
mum and minimum temperature. Due to the set deci-
sion thresholds, 78% of the images can be classified
correctly. This means that then the status not sweat-
ing was distinguished from sweating. The result also
shows that there is a significant difference between
the sweating and the non-sweating subjects based on
a temperature difference in a forehead area. With this
result, an important step in the direction of climate
automation is done. For this automation, in addi-
tion to already known interior data and personal data,
data about the sweat status of the various occupants
is required. So far, there was no way to detect this
status without contact. Only humidity sensors and
thermocouples were previously used for sweat detec-
tion. With the non-contact sweat detection by thermal
imaging cameras, it can be easily detected in the vehi-
cle, which climate setting is suitable for the individual
Since the presented method found only a recog-
nition accuracy of 78%, further alternative methods
are examined to increase the accuracy. Other alterna-
tives of sweat detection without thermal camera are
currently under investigation.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems