PLC approach to the classic de-trending by differenc-
Neural networks itself can also be used to fore-
cast time series and not only for modelling the
shape parameters of the bass curve. They are not
well suited for capturing seasonal or trend varia-
tions for unpre-processed data but by de-trending
or de-seasonalization their performance could be in-
creased drastically (Zhang and Qi, 2005). This could
be another approach to change the used SARIMA
model into a neural network model to improve its
accuracy even more with the proposed PLC de-
trending as a pre-processing step for an improved
neural network forecasting model. The problem of
de-seasonalization would not be solved here so this
would need a different pre-processing step.
Although the proposed approach performed better
compared to the current forecasting done by the com-
pany itself there is also room of improvement espe-
cially in how the code is currently executed. Running
the system in a cloud based system would decrease
the time spend running the code with extracting all
the data from different sources. This would allow to
outsource work into the cloud which has proven to
be more efficient for data scientist within a company
(Aulkemeier et al., 2016). This would not only save
time, it could also be run throughout the month more
often in order to get an actual status, live from all re-
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COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk