Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting
Albert F. H. M. Lechner and Steve R. Gunn
School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, U.K.
Time Series Prediction, Forecasting, De-trending, ARIMA.
This work introduces a new way to improve the sales forecasting accuracy of time series models using prod-
uct’s life cycle information. Most time series forecasts utilize historic data for forecasting because there is
no data available for the future. The proposed approach should change this process and utilize product life
cycle specific data to obtain future information including product life cycle changes. Therefore a decision tree
regression was used to predict the shape parameters of the bass curve, which reflects a product’s life cycle
over time. This curve is used in a consecutive step to de-trend the time series to exclude the underlying trend
created through the age of a product. The sales forecasts accuracy was increased for all 11 years of a lux-
ury car manufacturer, comparing the newly developed product life cycle de-trending approach to a common
de-trending by differencing approach in a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average framework.
As more data and computational power becomes
available, machine learning is used in many parts of
a manufacturer’s value chain, such as development,
procurement, logistics, production, marketing, sales,
and after-sales, followed by a connected customer af-
ter the purchase (Stock and Seliger, 2016). Analysing
past and current data to improve business is an im-
portant task, but predicting the future is even more
important as several of a company’s decision-making
processes are based on forecasts. Important deci-
sions such as strategic planning, production planning,
sales budgeting, marketing planning or new product
launches are influenced by forecasts. Therefore, many
practitioners and researchers have focused on new
forecasting methods and improved forecasting accu-
racy as money can be saved and a business’s com-
petitive advantage could be improved (Wright et al.,
1986; Armstrong, 2001).
Machine learning models can outperform tradi-
tional statistical models as they can utilise more fea-
tures of the available data, for that reason companies
use data driven approaches that are able to do so.
Whilst emerging machine learning models increase
accuracy they have challenges and shortcomings from
a practical aspect as they typically have a dense black
box structure which often make them difficult to ex-
plain them within a business environment. It is impor-
tant for businesses to not only increase the accuracy of
a forecast, but also to focus on explainability for the
wider business network. Understanding the main fea-
tures that drive the prediction is not only important for
forecasting but also essential for other departments to
affect the important features and thereby increase fu-
ture sales (Langley and Simon, 1995).
Various techniques are able to model this process,
such as seasonal autoregressive integrated moving av-
erage (SARIMA) models but suffer from drawbacks
being applied on real-world problems. One draw-
back of SARIMA models is that they are not ca-
pable to capture non-linear patterns. For that rea-
son non-linear models were used as well in order to
explain them (Gurnani et al., 2017). To overcome
these problems a new approach was developed based
on a ARIMA model. So far ARIMA models have
not been combined with product life cycle (PLC) de-
trending based on estimated parameters for increased
sales forecasting accuracy as well as increased busi-
ness interpretability.
This work focuses in particular on improving sales
forecasting with the help of machine learning by the
integration of product life-cycle information in tradi-
tional forecasting methods. This approach is of spe-
cial interest in the automotive world, where a car sells
better after its introduction to the market and sells less
over time when newer models from competitors are
introduced, especially when the start of the successor
of the car is already conceivable.
Lechner, A. and Gunn, S.
Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting.
DOI: 10.5220/0009324300250033
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2020), pages 25-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-427-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Time series forecasting is a frequently researched
topic with many extensions for different special cases.
This topic solves problems in different areas such as
forecasting financial markets or sales for a supermar-
ket. For all these cases there are many different mod-
els to choose which have different extensions to their
forecasting capabilities (Montgomery et al., 2008).
Various researchers and practitioners used PLCs to
generate better sales forecasts such as (Solomon et al.,
2000; Hu et al., 2017).
Usually they have a huge number of different
products where individual forecasting is not feasible
for different reasons, therefore they cluster products
into different groups. In order to improve the fore-
casting for new products they use the average PLC
curve sales numbers from clusters that share similar
products. Usually this type of forecasting is used for
products with short PLCs, different to this case where
the life cycle spans over more than seven years. Other
related work uses different data sources in order to
increase the accuracy of monthly car sales forecasts
by including economic variables and Google online
search data (Fantazzini and Toktamysova, 2015). The
previously mentioned approach improves forecasting
but does not include product specific parameters such
as its age, which will be included in this work.
For statistical models like ARIMA models, there
is no extension to our knowledge that includes a prod-
ucts life cycle into the prediction based on machine
learning estimation of its future sales. For that reason
the following subsection gives an overview about time
series forecasting with a focus on ARIMA models
in Subsection 2.1 as well as an introduction to PLCs
in Subsection 2.2, neural networks in Subsection 2.3,
and decision trees in Subsection 2.4. A combination
of the models named above is then used to create the
new proposed PLC de-trending model in Section 3 to
improve sales forecasts.
2.1 ARIMA Models
Many time series forecasting methods were devel-
oped over the years where the ARIMA model is one
of the most prominent ones. The ARIMA model orig-
inated from the auto regressive moving average mod-
els. Auto regressive refers to the use of past values in
the regression equation for the series; moving average
specifies the error of the model as a linear combina-
tion of error terms that occurred at various times in the
past (Ho et al., 2002). An ARIMA model is described
by its values (p, d, q), where p and q are integers re-
ferring to the order of the auto regressive and moving
average models and d is an integer that refers to the
order of differencing (Zhang, 2003). The equation for
an ARIMA(1, 1, 1) model is given by (Ho et al., 2002)
(1 φ
B)(1 B)Y
= (1 θ
Where φ
is the first order auto regressive coeffi-
cient and B is a backward shift operator given by
= Y
. The time series at time t is Y
, θ
the first order moving average coefficient and ε
is the
random noise at time t (Arunraj and Ahrens, 2015).
The ARIMA model can be used when the time series
is stationary and there is no missing data within the
time series. In the ARIMA analysis, an identified un-
derlying process is generated based on observations
of a time series to create an accurate model that pre-
cisely illustrates the process-generating mechanism
(Box and Jenkins, 1976). An extension of this model
is the seasonal auto regressive integrated moving av-
erage model, which relies on seasonal lags and differ-
ences to fit the seasonal pattern (Yaffee and McGee,
2009). By including seasonal autoregressive, seasonal
moving average, and seasonal differencing operators
a SARIMA(p, d, q)(P, D, Q)
can be stated as (Arunraj
and Ahrens, 2015)
)(1 B)
(1 B
c + Θ
where S represents the seasonal length, B the
backward shift operator of a time series observation
lag k symbolized by
= X
, ϕ
(B) (3)
represents the autoregressive operator of p-order (1
(B) ϕ
) · ·· ϕ
)), φ
(B) represents
seasonal autoregressive operator with P-order (1
(B) φ
) ··· φ
)), (1 B)
the differencing operator of order d to remove non-
seasonal stationarity, (1 B
represents the dif-
ferencing operator of order D to remove seasonal
stationarity, c is a constant, Θ
(B) represents the
moving average operator of q-order (1 Θ
)·· · Θ
), and Θ
(B) represents the sea-
sonal moving average operator with Q-order (1
(B) Θ
) ··· Θ
)). There are vari-
ous methods for model selection with the most promi-
nent ones Akaike-Information-Criterion (AIC) and
Bayesian-Information-Criterion (BIC). Despite vari-
ous theoretical differences the main difference here is
that BIC penalizes a models complexity more heavily
(Kuha, 2004). The AIC is used for model comparison
in this work and is given by (Kuha, 2004)
AIC(k) = 2
+ 2
where k is the number of model parameters and
represents the log likelihood, a measure of model fit.
COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
2.2 Product Life Cycle
The new PLC de-trending approach introduced in
Section 3 is based on the PLC that every manufac-
turer’s products go through. Figure 1 depicts this pro-
cess over time. After a product idea goes through
research, development, production, and market roll-
out, it is in the introduction phase. If the product is
successful, sales increase in the second growth phase.
When the product is widely available on the market
and sales stop increasing, the product is in the ma-
turity stage. The demand for the product eventually
declines, and the product reaches its last phase, the
decline stage (Vernon, 1966).
Figure 1: Product life cycle curve.
If the product is successful or the manufacturer
sees it becoming more successful with improvements,
a new product will replace the old one, which restarts
in the first phase. The restarts of PLC curves result
in an up and down movement in sales for a partic-
ular product over time. The time frame of a PLC
varies and depends on product, market, and industry
aspects (Meyer, 1997). If a manufacturer produces
more than one product, this information is hard to in-
clude and filter out in classic time series approaches,
like ARIMA models. For that reason a new approach
was developed in order to include this up and down
generated by different PLCs of all products a com-
pany has on the market. This was initially done by us-
ing neural networks, explained in the following sub-
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks
Neural networks were chosen as a promising ap-
proach to model the dependencies of the PLC model.
For this reason a short introduction to artificial neural
networks is given in the following subsection.
One of the most commonly used methods in ML is
artificial neural networks (ANNs), which try to mimic
the biological brain (Bishop, 1995). The equation for
a simple neural network, the multilayer perceptron, is
given by (Bishop, 1995)
y =
x + b
) (5)
where w is a vector of weights, x denotes the in-
put vector, b the bias, ϕ is a non-linear activation
function and a are the weights in the output layer.
An ANN consists of several connected nodes, called
neurons, which receive input from other neurons and
send their output to the next neurons. The larger the
network, the more input every neuron receives and
the more neurons in the next layer receive their out-
put (Bishop, 1995). An important feature of ANNs
are that they are nonlinear models as well as univer-
sal approximators that provide competitive results by
using effective training algorithms. Different train-
ing algorithms were used and developed over time:
from back-propagation by (E. Rumelhart et al., 1986)
to newer methods that aim to accelerate the conver-
gence of the algorithm. Although ANNs do not need
any prior assumption to build models, as a model is
mainly determined by the characteristics of the data,
the architecture of the network needs to be predefined
(Haykin, 1994). In 1960, shallow neural networks
with few neurons were used due to the difficulty of
training deeper neural networks. More recently, new
techniques have been found to train these networks
and provide state-of-the-art performance. Depend-
ing on the problem, different neural network archi-
tectures evolved over the years. For example, convo-
lutional neural networks are useful for vision prob-
lems (Goodfellow et al., 2016). Over time, many
suitable extensions have been developed, especially
for time series forecasting, such as recurrent neural
networks, which are designed to learn time varying
patterns by using feedback loops (Fausett, 1994). As
from a business perspective the feature importance of
the resulting model is usually very important to ex-
plain the model to stakeholders, other ML techniques
were explored with a focus on decision tree regression
for their better understanding of feature importance,
which are explained in the next subsection.
2.4 Decision Tree Regression
As described in the previous subsection the same
problem of estimating parameters was done using a
decision tree regressor which then was compared to
a neural network. Decision trees have their origin in
machine learning theory and can be used effectively
for classification and regression problems. They are
based on a hierarchical decision scheme like a tree
structure. Every tree has a root node followed by in-
ternal nodes that end at one point in terminal nodes.
Each of these nodes takes a binary decision to de-
cide which route to take in the tree until it ends in a
Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting
leaf node. By splitting up a complex problem in sev-
eral binary decisions, a decision tree breaks down the
complexity into several simpler decisions. The result-
ing tree is easier to interpret and understand. Decision
tree regression is a type of a decision tree that approx-
imates real-valued functions. The regression tree is
constructed based on binary recursive partitioning in
an iterative process. All training data is used to se-
lect the structure of the tree. The sum of the squared
deviations from the mean is used to split the data into
parts based on binary splits starting from the top. This
process is continued until a user defined minimum
node size is reached which leads to a terminal node
(Breiman et al., 1984).
This section provided an overview of various tech-
niques used for forecasting. Although different aca-
demics and practitioners use these techniques to im-
prove forecasting, this work identifies a new approach
that improves forecasting accuracy based on the meth-
ods presented. The introduced forecasting methods
range from neural network algorithms to pure time
series methods, like ARIMA models. This new ap-
proach includes model life cycle information in a time
series forecast and is detailed in the following section.
These new findings support sales and demand fore-
casting for a variety of different businesses.
The following section explains how PLC information
can be used to improve sales forecasting (Section 3.1).
The estimation of the Bass curve parameters, that are
used to model the PLC curve is explained further in
Subsection 3.2. The improvements are outlined in
Section 4, based on an application using car sales
data from a luxury car manufacturer in the UK. Im-
plications and future improvements to the proposed
approach are discussed in Section 5.
3.1 Bass Sales De-trending
In the following subsection, a new way to improve
the forecasting accuracy of time series models using
PLC information is introduced. Bringing a product to
market requires a business plan that has to contain not
only an estimated production number over time to jus-
tify financial costs but also an estimated time frame
of production until a new product launches (Stark,
2015). Both numbers are based on forecasts and have
limitations, but the important factor is that they tend
to be consistent over time and give a rough estimate
about time and volume of the product. The proposed
approach leverages this information and uses it to de-
trend the time series, consisting of all products of-
fered by the manufacturer. There is no clear defi-
nition of de-trending a time series as there are vari-
ous approaches (Fritts, 1976; Anderson, 1977; Chat-
field, 1975). The most common approach is to fit a
straight line to the data and then remove it to yield a
zero-mean residue. Another commonly used proce-
dure is to take the moving mean of the time series and
remove it. This operation needs a pre-defined time
scale, which has little rational basis. Regression anal-
ysis or Fourier-based filtering are examples of more
sophisticated trend extraction methods, which share
the problem of justifying their usage as they are based
on many assumptions (Wu et al., 2007).
Within the new approach, every product needs a
life cycle curve to be fitted based on the expected pro-
duction number and the time frame of production as
well as two shape parameters. By adding all PLC
numbers together, the PLC de-trending curve is cre-
ated and, in a second step, is removed from the sales
time series history. As this information is also avail-
able for a limited time in the future as well, the new
approach adds the lifecycle information to the fore-
cast as well.
There are different ways to fit the PLC curve to
the sales data. In a different approach using the PLC
for new product forecasting, (Hu et al., 2017) used
three different ways to fit a curve to the sales numbers.
They compare piecewise linear curves with polyno-
mial approaches and with the Bass diffusion model
(Bass, 1969). Since their approach clusters the re-
sulting PLC curves, they choose the linear piecewise
over polynomial and Bass curve. However, for this
research, the Bass diffusion model fits the data best
as there are fewer products (five compared to hun-
dreds) on the market, which have longer life cycles
(7 to 15 years compared to half a year). Piecewise
linear curves as well as polynomial approaches were
explored as well but have not delivered better results
than the Bass curve. Also the estimation of parame-
ters is not as straight forward as from the bass curve
parameter estimation described later in this subsec-
tion. The Bass diffusion curve draws a smooth dif-
fusion curve, including the slow rise of sales in the
beginning and a saturation after the demand increases
over time (Massiani and Gohs, 2016). The Bass diffu-
sion curve is fitted to the available yearly sales num-
bers from 2003 to today. Yearly sales numbers, in-
stead of monthly, were used because of the huge sea-
sonality of car sales, which is not caused by a prod-
uct’s life cycle, but instead is the result of targets
within the business. The seasonality for demand is
much flatter throughout the year as the main impulse
COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
for demand is new model introductions, which vary
in time around the world, thus flattening the real de-
mand. There is also seasonality within the demand;
for example, convertibles have higher demand in sum-
mer, but summer varies around the world. The result-
ing Bass curve is then split per month for the pro-
posed approach by converting the sales numbers from
a yearly to a monthly basis, based on the Bass func-
tion. The Bass curve consists of three parameters p, q
and m where m represents the lifetime sales volume
and p and q are shape parameters which representing
the coefficient of innovation and imitation. Therefore,
sales at time T are given by (Bass, 1969)
S(T ) = pm + (q p)Y (T )
[Y (T )]
Given the yearly sales numbers, the curve was fitted
using a non-linear least squares fitting. As the cars
used for training were already sold m was calculated
by the sum of all past sales. For the years where
no sales numbers were available as a new product
was launching, the Bass curve was calculated using
the parameters predicted by the newly developed ap-
proach later in this subsection. The sales, m, for new
products were calculated using lifecycle business plan
sales numbers (LCBPSN), which are only available to
the business itself. The LCBPSN are used to calculate
the business case of a new car over its entire lifecycle
and are a good approximation of how many cars will
be sold from this model.
Figure 2 depicts the monthly sales numbers in
dark grey as well as the PLC curves fitted with the
Bass diffusion model for two products in blue and or-
ange. The green curve represents the sum of all PLC
curves for 10 years and was used later for division
through the sales numbers to generate a new time se-
ries for forecasting with improved PLC information
PLC de-trended time series =
car sales
bass curves
3.2 Bass Parameter Estimation
Although the bass curve can be fitted based on as-
sumptions as described above, there is a new way of
estimating the parameters p and q found within this
research. A new approach of fitting the Bass curve
for new products is proposed in the following. By
using sales data from sold products with features like
size and weight it is possible to predict the parameters
of the bass curve for new products by using machine
learning. The data used in this research is a combi-
nation of all car models sales numbers, Bass param-
eters calculated for every model based on past sales
numbers and car specific features from Car Database
API (Seo and Ltd., 2019) for more than 1000 dif-
ferent car models. The Car Database API features
power, length, width, height, weight, wheelbase and
displacement are numeric and no pre-processing was
necessary; coupe and drive were pre-processed by us-
ing one-hot encoding. In total these features are avail-
able for over 28.000 car models. Yearly sales numbers
are taken from a dataset available within the company
providing the data which consist of all car models sold
since 1990. Out of these sales numbers the Bass pa-
rameters m, p and q were calculated as described in
Subsection 3.1. The following Table 1 shows an ex-
tract from the dataset for two different car models.
The resulting dataset consists of over 1000 differ-
ent car models. The decrease in total car models from
28.000 is due to merging both datasets and remov-
ing entries with missing values. The internal dataset
containing car model sales number only has around
1400 car models whereas the CAR DATABASE API
data lists all cars with different engines separate. This
results in a dataset with no missing values for over
1000 different car models. By fitting a bass curve to
the yearly sales numbers of products already sold, it
is possible to use them as an desired output for the
model. As input, the features of the car models de-
scribed above is used.
For the prediction of p and q a multi regressor ap-
proach using a random forest regressor was compared
to a neural network. The results indicate that the un-
derlying problem can be modelled with a simple neu-
ral network with one hidden layer consisting of 20
neurons. The mean absolute error (MAE) for the neu-
ral network is p = 0.06 and for q = 0.29. These re-
sults were improved by the multi regressor approach
with 100 estimators and a maximal depth of 30 with
an MAE of p = 0.02 and q = 0.11. Also within the
business environment where this model is used, it was
important to get the feature importance for every sin-
gle feature as this information is useful for stakehold-
ers in the business to understand the model and use
the information for the product development of future
cars. As this could be delivered from the linear model
it was the used in the next Section 4. To summarise
the steps from the new PLC approach the following
Table 2 gives a broad overview of all steps. All of
them are conducted on a real world application in the
following section.
The proposed approach of PLC de-trending is pre-
sented for several sales forecasts of the luxury car
Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting
Figure 2: PLC curves for monthly sales data.
Table 1: Data extract for Bass curve fitting.
name year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 m p q
Suzuki Ertiga 59467 62220 61154 60194 63850 68355 56408 431648 0.055 0.112
Subaru Legacy 219945 280027 244614 244749 228710 198540 187271 1603856 0.089 0.208
name power rpm coupe length width height displacement fuelSystem drive weight
Suzuki Ertiga 105 4500 1 4395 1735 1690 1462 1 2 1180
Subaru Legacy 156 5000 4 4685 1745 1415 2457 2 4 1589
Table 2: PLC algorithm steps.
Step Input Algorithm Output
1. Features of over 1000 cars Decision tree regression p and q for bass curve
2. Companies car model features Decision tree regression from 1. p and q for companies car model
3. p and q from 2. + m from business plan Bass curve PLC curve (cumulated bass curves)
4. Sales time series/ PLC curve from 3. SARIMA model Forecast of PLC de-trended time series
5. Forecast from 4. Multiplication with PLC curve from 3. Final forecast
manufacturer who made the data available with five
products. The proposed approach outperforms de-
trending by differencing, which is a common ap-
proach to de-trend a time series (Solo, 1984). The
sales data used ranges from May 2003 to December
2018. The forecasts are compared in Table 3 using
the the root mean squared error (RMSE) and MAE for
the years from 2008 to 2018, where the lower error is
highlighted in gray. To build a reasonable SARIMA
model, a minimum of 50 observations was needed,
so more than four years of monthly data were used
(Wei, 1990). To achieve enough input data for the
SARIMA model, only predictions for years after 2007
were considered. The SARIMA model creation it-
self was completed following the classic Box-Jenkins
methodology (Box and Jenkins, 1976).
The models’ hyper parameters p, d, q, P, D, and Q
were chosen from a grid search between zero and
three based on the AIC score. As the business that
generated the sales numbers measures their forecast-
ing accuracy in absolute errors, the MAE was used for
comparison. As the MAE does not penalize huge out-
liers as much as other metrics, the RMSE was used as
well, so both measurements are in the same units as
the forecasted values of car sales. As Figure 2 shows,
the company introduced a new product at the end of
Year 7, which led to an increase in sales. Also, in
2013, 2015, and 2018, new products were released.
Table 3 compares the RMSE and MAE of a classic
SARIMA forecast with de-trending by differencing
COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 3: PLC de-trending comparison 2008-2018.
Error\Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
PLC RMSE 30.6 32.7 188.5 57.5 69.1 65.2 56.8 25.9 85.9 76.2 80.9
PLC MAE 22.7 25.1 167.5 49.2 49.7 55.5 50.9 22.1 73.3 68.9 61.7
NDT RMSE 46.1 119.2 2205.2 145.3 124.1 70.9 71.7 46.5 96.8 103.9 192.1
NDT MAE 35.2 77.2 1949.6 117.6 109.7 64.5 62.7 41.9 84.1 89.5 183.6
with the proposed approach, highlighting the lower
error in bold. All years indicate an improvement with
the proposed PLC de-trending approach. For, 2010,
a huge difference is also apparent because it was the
year in which the PLC of one product started with
the introduction of a new product, resulting in higher
sales that were covered within the new approach. In
all 11 years, the new approach resulted in an increased
accuracy for 11 years measured for the MAE as well
as the RMSE.
For all years combined the improvement of the
PLC model for the RMSE is 77% and for the MAE is
78%. Implications for the business were not only in-
creased accuracy in their monthly forecasting, it also
delivered new insights into which features were most
predictive within the decision tree regression and how
they affect shape parameters. Especially newer body
types such as sport utility vehicles have different life
cycle curves compared to traditional sedan models.
They result in a steeper increase at the beginning of
the PLC which was also felt in reality. This informa-
tion can be used for the future planning of new prod-
The proposed approach has the advantage of includ-
ing information on PLCs in a sales forecast. Other
methods also include new product information to im-
prove forecast accuracy. However, these methods are
often based on a business’s marketing department’s
forecasts (Kahn, 2002). Hierarchical procedures,
like those proposed by (Lenk and Rao, 1990; Nee-
lamegham and Chintagunta, 1999), use a Bayesian
modelling framework to include various information
sources to make new product forecasts but focus more
on new products than on existing products, unlike the
new PLC approach proposed in this work.
Forecasting every product is also possible, but this
approach has two drawbacks. The first one is the lim-
ited amount of historic data for a new product, and
the second one is that new products influence other
products, so forecasting the total number of sales bet-
ter includes the influence from a new product onto
other products. In particular, cannibalization from
one product to another product from the same man-
ufacturer is not included, which is an issue that could
further improve the accuracy. As products from other
manufacturers influence the sales of a product as well,
a general PLC curve containing information about the
life cycles of all products in the same market could
improve forecast accuracy even more. Typically start
and end dates for competitor’s PLCs and their busi-
ness cases are not publicly available, and therefore
including this information was not possible. Other ap-
proaches to fit the PLC curve could be considered as
well, such as extended Bass diffusion models that in-
clude supply constraints, which was not considered so
far (Kumar and Swaminathan, 2003).
Overall sales numbers reflected by parameter m
were determined from the business case, which makes
it difficult for people outside of a business to use the
same approach. Therefore an approach which esti-
mated m using a similar approach to the estimation
for p and q was attempted, but the estimate had a large
error which is a consequence of the limited available
data. Further work is required to establish whether the
sales numbers can be estimated reliably from new car
features which would make the approach more widely
applicable. This work would need to explore larger
feature sets as well as suitable modelling approaches.
Although the dataset was using car sales data in the-
ory the approach should work for other products as
well if there is enough data about the features of the
product. As the needed data contains confidential
information it was not possible to get datasets from
other industries and products which could open the
proposed approach to a wider variety of implementa-
The neural networks accuracy as well as the one
from the decision tree regression could have been im-
proved even further but with that it gets harder to com-
pare both of them. As from a business point the re-
sulting feature importance was more important com-
pared to the accuracy, the decision tree was used. As
the data contains confidential features unique to each
business, it was not possible to get different datasets
the algorithms could be compared and tested on. For
that reason the time series given by the car manufac-
turer was reversed and then forecasted from the oppo-
site side. The results were even better comparing the
Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting
PLC approach to the classic de-trending by differenc-
Neural networks itself can also be used to fore-
cast time series and not only for modelling the
shape parameters of the bass curve. They are not
well suited for capturing seasonal or trend varia-
tions for unpre-processed data but by de-trending
or de-seasonalization their performance could be in-
creased drastically (Zhang and Qi, 2005). This could
be another approach to change the used SARIMA
model into a neural network model to improve its
accuracy even more with the proposed PLC de-
trending as a pre-processing step for an improved
neural network forecasting model. The problem of
de-seasonalization would not be solved here so this
would need a different pre-processing step.
Although the proposed approach performed better
compared to the current forecasting done by the com-
pany itself there is also room of improvement espe-
cially in how the code is currently executed. Running
the system in a cloud based system would decrease
the time spend running the code with extracting all
the data from different sources. This would allow to
outsource work into the cloud which has proven to
be more efficient for data scientist within a company
(Aulkemeier et al., 2016). This would not only save
time, it could also be run throughout the month more
often in order to get an actual status, live from all re-
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Product Lifecycle De-trending for Sales Forecasting