case, having more fog nodes powered on than what is
strictly necessary (because E
= 1 for all fog nodes)
results in a lower processing time. At the same time,
the low impact of network delays makes the problem
of achieving a good load balancing quite straightfor-
ward because the penalty for reaching a fog node far
away is almost negligible.
In this paper, we focused on a facility location-
allocation problem related to the management of a fog
infrastructure, with special attention to the mapping
of data flows from the sensors to the fog nodes and
from the fog nodes to the cloud data centers. Then,
we propose a mathematical model that starts with a
list of potential fog nodes and selects a minimal sub-
set of them to guarantee the satisfaction of a Service
Level Agreement.
We test the proposed model against alternative
models from the scientific literature. The experiments
are based on a realistic situation from a project for a
smart city application. We consider a wide range of
scenarios characterized by different load levels and by
different ratios between the service time (that is the
processing time for a set of data from a sensor) and
network delay. The results demonstrate that the pro-
posed model can outperform existing alternatives in
the literature. We also consider an ideal but unreal-
istic model and demonstrate that the proposed model
can, in several cases, achieve a result that is compara-
ble with this ideal solution.
This paper is a step in a wider research line on fog
infrastructure design. We plan to extend our proposal
including quickly and effectively heuristic algorithms
that can be used to solve our problem, and to intro-
duce dynamic scenarios where the load can change
through time.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science