press them. Its algorithm is hence specific to this
assumption. We compared CkTail with Assess and,
as expected, we showed that Assess builds imprecise
models when event logs include communications.
This paper has proposed CkTail, an approach that
learns models of communicating systems from event
logs. Our algorithm improves the model precision
by integrating the identification of dependency rela-
tions among components and by better detecting ses-
sions in event logs to extract traces. Unlike CSight,
which targets the same kind of systems, CkTail re-
quires as inputs one event log only. Then, it builds ex-
ecution traces while trying to recognise complete ses-
sions with respect to 4 constraints, whereas the other
approaches rely on one or two rules for the trace seg-
mentation. The constraints used by CkTail are specif-
ically related to communicating systems and restrict
the trace generation w.r.t. the association of request-
s/responses, time delay, data dependency, component
identification. Besides, CkTail infers DAGs show-
ing the component dependencies. They offer another
viewpoint of the component interactions and system
architecture, and they may be used to different pur-
poses, e.g., testability measurement, or security anal-
As future work, we firstly plan to evaluate CkTail
on further kinds of systems, e.g., Web service com-
positions. The trace analysis step relies upon some
assumptions for finding sessions in event logs when
these are not identified by means of a session mech-
anism. But, if sessions are clearly identified in mes-
sages, these assumptions can be relaxed and the algo-
rithm reduced. We will investigate this possibility in a
future work to redesign the first step of CkTail so that
it also supports session identification.
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