is different from approaches that use the raw point
clouds directly as input and might explain why they
perform overall better on the KITTI benchmark. Nev-
ertheless, relying on those values may be a problem
when dealing with sensor noise or model differences.
With the rise of new datasets, it will hopefully become
clear how robust these methods are compared to BEV
based approaches.
In addition, this work visualizes how the distance
to the sensor influences the objects representation in
the point cloud. Most convolutional neural network
rely on the assumption that features are consistent
over the full range of the image. This allows for one
filter to be used to extract features from the entire fea-
ture map. For LiDAR data this is not the case which
is shown by analyzing point clouds and objects at var-
ious distances. This observation is used to change the
detection pipeline and have a separate detector for ob-
jects in the 0-35 meter range and another detector for
objects in the 35-70 meter range. These changes lead
to improvements, most notably of 2.7% AP on the 0-
35 meter range for easy category and 5.0% AP on the
35-70 meter range for hard category, using a 70% IoU
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