5.3 Comparison of the Results
There are several points which make it difficult to
compare our outcomes to other reported test results
such as in (Bost, 2016b; Kim et al., 2017; Cash et al.,
• The used coding language differs - we used Java,
which lacks in performance compared to C++.
• Our tests focus on feasibility in the usage of SE
technologies in an application, whereas others fo-
cus on performance of the raw algorithms without
communication overhead of authentication and/or
transport encryption.
• The testing environment of this work differs com-
pared to (Cash et al., 2014).
The Searchitect framework presents our approach to
integrate searchable encryption technology in real
world applications. Further, it provides a stable envi-
ronment to compare implementations of different SE
schemes. We examined the performance difference
of two integrated forward secure implementations of
the DynRH scheme and Sophos. Due to the lack of
efficient backward secure schemes, both are add-only
schemes. Forward secure schemes can be extended
by a basic deletion handling by using the first byte in-
dicating if the document identifier is added or deleted.
If the performance of the client is a key factor the
DynRH implementation is preferred over the Sophos
one. The search queries of DynRH will cost signifi-
cantly more bandwidth. A work around could be us-
ing the keyword counters in the client state to predict
the significance of the keyword in advance to avoid
costly requests.
For our future evaluations we plan to replace the
HashSkipListMemTable with a Cuckoo hash table to
determine its influence on the system performance. In
addition we want to examine the impact of switching
to a native C(++) implementation as well as add new
backward secure schemes (i.e. schemes supporting
document deletion with space reclamation).
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Experimental Evaluation of Forward Secure Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption using the Searchitect Framework