Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling
Cristiana Pereira Bispo
, Ana Patricia Magalhães
, Sergio Fernandes
and Ivan Machado
Post Graduated Program in Computing and Systems, Salvador University, Salvador, Brazil
State University of Bahia, Department of Exact Sciences and Earth, Salvador, Brazil
Federal University of Bahia, Computer Science Department, Salvador, Brazil
Keywords: Information Systems, Strategy for Use Case Modeling, Use Case, Software Modeling, Requirement.
Abstract: The specification of software requirements in an enterprise system is crucial for software quality. The use-
case (UC) approach is often used to describe software requirements because, among other benefits, its
simplicity and ability to convey detailed information favors communication between business analysts,
requirements analysts and, crucially, end users, who can easily understand and validate requirements.
However, UC models are easier to understand than to specify, and difficulties in use case modeling (UCM)
may negatively affect the quality of UC models, and so its usefulness. UC models quality can be enhanced by
several modeling strategies mapped in the literature. However, no studies were found to show which of these
strategies can be used to mitigate specific difficulties. There is a gap between UCM difficulties and UCM
strategies. This paper presents a difficulty-strategy correlation proposal based on quality attributes of the UC
model. This correlation was initially evaluated in a controlled experiment with students of an undergraduate
program in computer science.
Information Systems (IS) are crucial for business
corporations, as they provide information that
supports decision making, helping to reduce costs and
improve the quality and efficiency of services or
products. ISs may even enable new business models
that would not be viable without them, and provide
business with a competitive advantage. For all these
benefits to materialize though, a precise requirements
specification of an IS is of paramount importance.
Properly defining the requirements of these systems
is crucial for meeting the real needs of stakeholders
and avoiding significant costs if requirements
specification failures are identified late in the
software development lifecycle.
Furthermore, even before IS deployment, during
its development, requirements specification is a
critical source of information for analysis and design,
implementation, testing and project management.
Failures in requirements specification could be easily
propagated to the artifacts which use them as input,
decisively influencing the success of the project.
The Use Case (UC) approach is often used to
describe software requirements because, among other
benefits, it favors communication between business
analysts, requirements analysts and crucially end
users, who can easily understand and validate
requirements (Nascimento et al., 2017).
Use case modeling (UCM) has gained wide
acceptance from software analysts, designers and
testers (Tiwari and Gupta, 2015). The rules for
creating UC models are relatively simple to use and
follow. However, whether they are misapplied, it is
likely that low quality UC models (Anda et al., 2001)
with potentially significant impacts on the generated
product would be created. The poor quality of UC
models has been attributed to the inability of
requirements specifiers in creating UC models.
Typically, they face difficulties in both understanding
and representing the requirement (Anda et al., 2009);
understanding the domain of the problem
(Nascimento, 2017); specifying information
unambiguously (Bolloju, 2006), among others.
There are several strategies to support UCM, as
discussed in (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) as
follows: i) virtualization technique for creating a
conceptual mental model that represents the user's
thinking of how the system works (Beimel and
Kedmi-Shahar, 2018). The authors emphasize that
this strategy can reduce the difficulties that affect the
accuracy, completeness and redundancy of the UC
Bispo, C., Magalhães, A., Fernandes, S. and Machado, I.
Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0009338100430052
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 43-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
model; ii) Scenario Patterns (Ko et al., 2018) that help
requirements specifiers identify possible missing
requirements in the UC models they have created; and
iii) other strategies that use concepts of Business
Process Notation (Bouzidi et al., 2017), Role-Playing
(Nkamaura and Tachikawa, 2016), Antipattern (El-
Attar and Miller
, 2010).
Difficulties in UCM and strategies to assist UCM
requirements specifiers are already mapped in the
literature. However, no studies were found to show
which strategies can be used to mitigate specific
difficulties. Such evidence highlights a gap between
difficulties and strategies, characterizing a problem
that could be addressed by establishing a connection
between them. The underlying hypothesis is that, if
for each pointed out UCM difficulty a well-defined
and tested strategy is indicated that seeks to address
the lack of understanding of the requirements
specifiers to model UCs, such the difficulty would be
mitigated and consequently the quality of the UC
models will be improved.
In this effect, the main goal of this paper is to
present a proposal of correlation between difficulties
in UCM and strategies for mitigating these
Quality attributes of UC models were defined as
the link between UC modeling difficulties and UC
modeling strategies. In this study, we used them to
create the difficulty-strategy correlation. This link
emerged from the consideration that difficulties
negatively affect the quality attributes of UC models,
while modeling strategies positively affect the quality
attributes of these models. Once a correlation
between difficulties and modeling strategies was
made, an assessment was performed with one of the
modeling strategies to assess its effectiveness in
mitigating the modeling difficulties to which it was
correlated. The result shows the pertinence of the
performed correlation, demonstrating that the
proposed correlation can be a promising way to
mitigate the difficulties that affect the requirements
specifiers in the UCM.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: section 2 introduces the underlying concepts
of this work and section 3 briefly discusses related
work. Section 4 describes the proposed correlation
between UCM difficulties and UCM strategies as
well as provides detailed information on the
methodology. Section 5 presents the correlation
evaluation. Finally, section 6 draws concluding
remarks and opportunities for future work.
Use cases are used to describe and document software
requirements. They are mainly used, among other
purposes, as a facilitator in the communication
between project team members and others involved
with the system and the use environment (Cockburn,
2000). UC modeling is the activity of designing a use-
case model, which describes in detail the functional
requirements of the software. They make use of
graphic and textual notation to, respectively
(Jacobson, 2004), i) create the UC diagram that
provides a visual summary of the system services and
their interaction with the environment and users
(called actors); and ii) describe the interactions
between the system and its actors. Difficulties
regarding the syntax and semantics of graphic and
textual elements in the elaboration of the UC model
compromise the quality attributes (Anda et al., 2009)
of this model, such as completeness, ambiguity and
In this paper, a difficulty is considered to be any
lack of knowledge of requirement specifiers that
prevent them from modeling UCs meeting specified
quality requirements. The term strategy refers to any
UCM resources (guidelines, procedures, or activities)
proposed by researchers to improve the quality of UC
models. Making a connection between difficulties
and modeling strategies implies defining a
relationship that either links or associates a difficulty
to a strategy. However, correlating involves finding a
rationale for a relationship to be conceived. The
rationale investigated and identified as an effective
basis for correlating UC difficulties with UC
strategies are the quality attributes of the UC models
defined in (Anda et al., 2009).
The studies deemed as related to the purpose of this
research focus on the same aspect: the difficulties of
UCM requirements specifiers that prevent them from
building UC models meeting the defined quality
Nascimento et al. (2017) sought to explore and
understand the difficulties in UCM by conducting
four experimental studies. As a result, they presented
a model of difficulties. Anda et al. (2006), Bolloju
(2006) and Siau and Loo (2006) also investigated and
reported difficulties in UCM. These works do not
present any strategy to mitigate these difficulties.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
To mitigate the difficulties that requirements
specifiers face when modeling UCs, several authors
propose the application of resources already used in
other domains to verify their effectiveness in UCM.
Bouzidi (2017) employed business process models to
derive UCs because these models are often available
in a company in the form of work instructions or
administrative manuals in a clear and structured
manner. Conversely, El-Atar and Miller (2012)
presented an antipattern-based strategy for UCM, in
which bad practices are identified to be replaced by
recommended solutions. In a preceding investigation,
we identified other strategies, and their respective
contributions to UCM (Bispo et al., 2019). However,
these studies do not indicate which strategies could
actually mitigate the UCM difficulties.
The difficulty-strategy correlation proposed in
this paper guides the requirements specifier in
selecting the most appropriate strategy to mitigate a
given difficulty. It avoids the adoption of ineffective
practices, and presents various alternatives for
applying tested and evaluated procedures to assist
The strategies identified in the literature were
proposed to improve the quality of UC models,
instead of indicating which specific difficulties are
mitigated by each strategy. In order to address such a
concern, we defined a two-procedures methodology,
as detailed next.
4.1 Correlation Methodology
The procedures adopted to make the correlation
possible were two-fold: (1) obtaining a precise
definition of the meaning of each difficulty, and then
grouping them into categories; and (2) obtaining a
precise definition of each quality attribute - in order
to gain a deeper understanding of each attribute, in
such a way that it would be possible to identify, in a
UC model, which quality attributes were either met or
4.1.1 Categorizing UCM Difficulties
To categorize the difficulties of UCM, the studies that
present these strategies, earlier presented in Bispo et
al. (2019), were analyzed with the support of
Grounded Theory (GT) (Corbin and Strauss, 2008)
which helps in the construction of data-based
According to Corbin and Strauss (2008), GT can
be used when there is a need to understand a certain
situation from a volume of information about the
observed phenomenon; how and why the participants
act in a certain way; and how or why a particular
phenomenon or situation unfolds this way or that. An
example, illustrated in Table 1, is an excerpt from one
of the analyzed studies.
Table 1: A piece of text examined using GT.
“The main research question posed by this case study
is whether the proposed strategy can improve the
overall quality of UC models. This is achieved on two
fronts: (a) by restructuring the UC diagrams to adhere
to the notational syntax rules and semantics set by
OMG (OMG, 2010); and (b) by changing UC
descriptions to comply with recommended guidelines
and widely accepted practices (Sect. 2). Therefore, the
effectiveness of using our proposed approach will be
assessed by comparing the resulting UC model with
the original UC model, with respect to the aspects
mentioned in (a) and (b)...” (El-Attar and Miller,
By using GT procedures, as Figure 1 illustrates,
the highlighted phrase (taken from the example
citation in Table 1) "... restructuring UC diagrams to
adhere to syntax and semantic rules..." was
interpreted as: difficulties that prevent UC diagrams
from being modeled in accordance with syntax and
semantic rules. This interpretation is supported by the
information that the proposed strategy affects those
aspects (syntactic and semantic rules) so that there is
a general improvement in the quality of the UC
models also taken from the example in Table 1.
Another set of studies were examined following
the same approach, and similar interpretations were
made to precisely define a set of difficulties. To this
set the difficulties of UCM reported by Nascimento et
al. (2017), Anda et al. (2009), Bolloju (2006) and Siau
and Loo (2006) were added.
After defining the set of difficulties, they were
grouped into categories, as Figure 2 shows. This is
supported by our finding that a strategy which
supports the identification of an UC, also supports the
identification of actors and relationships. In other
words, the same strategy supports the identification
of the different elements (UC, actor, etc.) in the UC
diagram. Therefore, it was possible to group all these
difficulties in: Difficulty in identifying UCs, actors or
relationships. Furthermore, considering the same
example, for the word identify, some authors used the
Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling
Figure 1: Using the GT method to precisely define difficulties in UCM.
word extract, while others used discover, all with the
same sense of finding the UC diagram element among
the requirements. The categorization considered the
synonyms as well. For the difficulties illustrated in
the example in Figure 2, the following category was
obtained: Difficulty in identifying/extracting/
discovering UCs, actors or relationships. The same
interpretation was adopted to obtain the other
Figure 2: UCM Difficulties Grouping.
The following categories of difficulties have been
established, with their respective meanings succinctly
Difficulty in identifying/extracting/discovering
UCs, actors or relationships.
o The requirements specifier face
difficulties in finding any functionality or
actor; or actor and actor; actor and UC; and
UC and UC relationships.
Difficulty in representing/expressing elements
of UC model.
o This difficulty is related to the
representation of relationships. For
example, the requirements specifier
identifies that there is a relationship (UC-
actor, UC-UC, ...) but she is unsure about
how to represent it. Whenever an UC
extends another UC, for instance, the
requirements specifier may mix up the
direction of the arrow, the base case, and /
or the extended case.
Difficulty in describing/detailing the semantics
of a UC model.
o The requirements specifier is not sure
about how to precisely define the meaning
of any model element. For example, given
the diagram, the specifier may find it
difficult to define and clarify scenarios or
behaviors of UCs, flows, and interactions.
Difficulty in understanding/interpreting the
problem domain.
o The requirements specifier may find it
complex to model the system considering
the particularities of its actual
environment. Therefore, they may leave.
o aside important information in defining
Difficulty in understanding implicit
o The requirements specifier face
difficulties in accurately specifying a
requirement that is not explicitly defined
by the domain stakeholders.
Difficulty in synthesizing use cases.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
o The requirements specifier may not be
sure about the granularity of an UC. She
does not understand that she must combine
correlated actions into a single function
that adds value to the actor.
Difficulty in precisely organizing the various
pieces of information into the UC model.
o The requirements specifier fails to be
concise and model only what is necessary
and sufficient.
UCM difficulties compromise the UC model
because they affect quality attributes (Nascimento et
al., 2017). Thus, it is necessary to know what a quality
attribute of the UC model is and how to identify it. If
it is compromised, a strategy for UCM may be
4.1.2 Refining Quality Attributes Definitions
The usefulness of the UC model is a function of its
quality. There are many recommendations in the
literature about what quality means in a use case
model. A list of the attributes (and their definition)
from which the quality of UC models is evaluated can
be found in (Tiwari and Gupta, 2015), such as
completeness, consistency and ambiguity.
However, the definition of each attribute is
insufficient to identify its occurrence in the UC
model. This is because some definitions are not
sufficiently clear and detailed, and different authors
attribute different meanings to the same quality
attribute. For example, the definition of the
consistency attribute states that “the structure of the
UCs and the use of language and grammar must be
consistent across all UCs” (Anda et al., 2009). Here,
the word consistent was used to define consistency,
which does not elucidate the definition of the
A clear understanding of how the difficulties of
requirements specifiers affect the quality of the UC
model is required to enable the correlation proposed
in this paper. To achieve this, it was necessary to
refine the definition of quality attributes mentioned in
the strategies for UCM. Thus, the definition of each
quality attribute was extended from the definition
found in the literature. This extension was based on
the approach of Zayan et al. (2018) which
systematically uses examples for model
understanding and domain knowledge transfer.
According to this approach, suitable examples help to
understand subjective or abstract definitions.
Example-based Understanding Acquisition. Table
2 illustrates an example of the approach taken to
clarify the definition of the consistency quality
Table 2: Example that highlights inconsistent and
consistent diagrammatic structure.
The first line of Table 2 aggregates and
synthesizes definitions scattered in the literature for
quality attribute consistency. In the next line a
keyword has been associated with the attribute to
clarify its meaning. The following sentence is
designed to assist the requirements specifier in
judging some part of the UC model with respect to the
attribute. Then we hypothesized a scenario and two
simulated structures to help the requirements
specifier in understanding the quality attribute.
Similarly, the same procedure was adopted for
other quality attributes. Thus, a clearer and more
detailed definition was constructed and is
summarized as follows:
Accuracy or Completeness or Integrity -
There should be no missing information nor
elements in the UC diagram and in the
corresponding textual descriptions;
Consistency - The UC model information
should have the expected semantics. There
should not be any conflicting elements in the
diagrams and in their textual descriptions;
Correctness - The UC diagram and its
descriptions must correctly represent the
Understandability - The information and
rules contained in the UC diagrams and
textual descriptions must be accurate and
clearly defined;
Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling
Ambiguity - There should be no information
in the UC diagram and textual descriptions
that can have more than one meaning;
Redundancy - There should be no excessive,
repetitive or superfluous information in the
UC diagram and descriptions;
Abstraction Level - The UC diagram and
descriptions should present only what the
software should do, at an appropriate level of
granularity. That is, the UC should not be
broken down into parts that have no value in
The attributes Accuracy, Completeness and
Integrity of a use case model usually have the same
4.2 Link between Difficulties and
Strategies for UCM
After the difficulties in UCM were categorized and
quality attribute definitions for the UC model were
refined, it was possible to understand how difficulties
affect attributes and identify which attribute is
affected (as illustrated in Figure 3).
Figure 3: Relationship between UCM Difficulties and
Quality Attributes in UC Models.
An example of what is shown in Figure 3 is: the
difficulty to identify a UC makes the model
incomplete because an expected functionality for the
system will not be found. For this example, using a
strategy that supports the identification of UCs will
avoid model incompleteness, nullifying the effect of
the presented difficulty. Thus, the quality attributes
are a link between difficulties and strategies.
Figure 4 shows the methodology for
implementing the proposal to correlate an UCM
difficulty with an UCM strategy.
Figure 4: Quality Attributes as link between UCM
Difficulties and Strategies.
4.3 Making the Correlation
The correlation, illustrated in Figure 5, is the
proposed solution to the problem of lack of
connection between the difficulties in UCM and the
strategies for UCM that we identified.
At the top of Figure 5 each difficulty is linked by
an arrow to one or more quality attributes that are
affected by it, in addition to the attribute code next to
the difficulty. For example, next to Difficulty
identifying / extracting / discovering UCs, actors or
relationships is Q1, which corresponds to the quality
attribute Accuracy or Completeness or Integrity, plus
the arrow link to these attributes. (in the middle of
Figure 5).
Each quality attribute, in turn, is enhanced by the
use of the strategy to which it is linked to by an arrow.
There is also the attribute code (s) next to the strategy
Example: the strategy of Use Case Fragments
enhances the quality attributes Q2, Q4, Q5 and Q6,
respectively, Consistency, Comprehensibility,
Ambiguity and Redundancy. Attributes Q4 and Q5 are
affected by the same difficulty, while attributes Q2
and Q6 are affected by different difficulties.
Figure 5 also provides a short explanation of the
meaning of each correlation element, as follows:
difficulty, quality attribute, and strategy. It can be
inferred from the correlation that:
a difficulty may affect more than one quality
when a quality attribute is affected by a
difficulty, other attributes may be, as a side
effect, also affected;
a strategy can leverage more than one
attribute which can be affected by the same
difficulty or more than one distinct difficulty.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Correlation between UCM Difficulties and UCM Strategies.
Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling
This section describes the correlation assessment, by
reporting the goal, the research questions, the
hypotheses, and the analysis and interpretation of the
The Antipattern-based strategy was selected to be
validated because it is one of the most mentioned in
the literature for UCM. As we can see in Figure 5,
Antipattern enhances the consistency and ambiguity
attributes. These are affected by the difficulties in
describing / detailing semantics in the UC model and
in understanding implicit requirements.
The purpose of the evaluation was defined
according to Goal Question Metric (GQM) (Basili et
al., 1994), as described next: To analyze the
Antipattern-based strategy for the purpose of
assessing its effectiveness in mitigating the difficulties
for describing / detailing semantics in the UC model
and to understand implicit requirements regarding
consistency and ambiguity, from the point of view of
requirement specifiers.
Based on the overall goal, the following research
questions were defined (RQ):
RQ1: Is the Diagram Produced with the
Support of the Strategy Free of Defects that
Would Make It Inconsistent And Ambiguous?
This question aimed to evaluate whether the use of
the strategy corrected defects or prevented the
emergence of new ones. According to Kalinowski
(2012), a defect in the UC model is the failure to
comply with any UC good writing rules or guidelines
whose effect is to compromise some quality attribute
RQ2: Does using the Antipattern-based
Strategy Mitigate the Difficulties the
Requirements Specifiers Encounter that Affect
the Consistency and Ambiguity of the Use Case
Diagram? This question aimed to verify whether the
difficulties of requirements specifiers affecting
consistency and ambiguity had disappeared or
In order to conduct the evaluation a set of
hypotheses were formulated: null (H0) and
alternative (HA) hypotheses, illustrated in Figure 6,
corresponding respectively to the existence of defects
in a set of diagrams modeled without the strategy
(called this set of UCD_Controlled) and another set
of diagrams modeled with Antipattern-based strategy
(called this set of UCD_Antipattern).
5.1 Data Analysis and Interpretation
The assessment encompassed the modeling of a
similar scenario by sixteen computer science
undergraduate students, which acted in the role of
requirements specifiers. Each participant built two
UC diagrams: one without using the strategy based on
Antipatterns and another using the strategy.
Inspection of the diagrams provided the results
illustrated in Figure 7. As the objective of the
experiment was not to evaluate the performance of
the strategy, the time spent to execute the experiment
was not considered. However, the effect of the
strategy on the number of defects in the UCs diagram
was considered.
It can be seen from Figure 7 that, with regard to
ambiguity, defects were reduced from 62 to 14, and
with regard to consistency, defects were reduced from
64 to 18 when using the Antipattern-based strategy.
The hypotheses were assessed through the Shapiro-
Wilk (1965) test, and it was possible to answer the
research questions.
Figure 6: Hypotheses formulated for the assessment.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: Effect of Antipattern-based strategy on reducing
ambiguity and inconsistency of a UC diagram.
For RQ1, the use of the Antipattern-based strategy
in UC diagram modeling has considerably reduced
the defects that make the diagram ambiguous and
inconsistent, although not all defects have been
For RQ2, in this paper we assumed that defects
are generated by the UC modeling difficulties found
by the requirements specifiers. Based on this
assumption, if the defects that affect the consistency
and ambiguity of the diagram were reduced in
Antipattern modeling, then the difficulties that
generated these defects have also been mitigated.
However, there are limitations in the results, which
are considered indicative and not conclusive.
5.2 Threats to Validity
To prevent bias in the validation we now discuss
some threats to the validity of this empirical study.
Regarding internal validity as the level of knowledge
and experience of the participant in use case
specification may influence the results of the study,
we provided a training for every participant in
modelling use cases. Besides, we only selected
participants who were enrolled in the software
engineering discipline.
Concerning external validity, to minimize the risk
of sample representativeness, the diagrams produced
by the participants were also inspected by people who
did not participate in the experiment. The
representativeness of the chosen domain as well as
the size and complexity of the scenario are other
threats to the experiment. As there was no possibility
of using a real case, a scenario widely used in
software modeling was chosen. However,
experiments using real scenarios are necessary to
better validate our proposal. Related to construction
validity, we performed two pilot studies in order to
validate the material used in the experiment.
Distortions in understanding the anti-pattern strategy
were minimized through a summary of examples of
its use.
Finally, concerning conclusion validity, the
statistic method used may influence on the
conclusion. Therefore, we consulted a specialist to
define which method adopt.
To mitigate the difficulties in use case modeling, this
paper presented a proposal to correlate difficulties
and modeling strategies, with the link between both
being quality attributes of the use case model.
The correlation proposes modeling strategies to
improve the quality of the UC model. Therefore, as a
consequence, if a strategy improves quality, it
promotes learning. If the requirements specifier
learns, the difficulty is mitigated.
Thus, a preliminary assessment of a correlation
triad (difficulty-attributes-strategy) was performed.
The strategy tested was the one based on Antipattern
and the results showed that there is clear indication
that it mitigates the difficulties to which it is related:
difficulty to describe / detail semantics in the UC
model and to understand implicit requirements. Other
difficulties may be mitigated by other strategies
indicated in the correlation and which should be
tested in future work.
The strategy-difficulty correlation proposed in
this paper organizes and guides the requirements
specifier in the selection of the most appropriate
strategy to mitigate a given difficulty. This oriented
indication that the correlation provides avoids the
adoption of ineffective practices, as well as making
the requirements specifier aware of several
possibilities of applying tested and evaluated
procedures to assist UCM.
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