Location Extraction from Twitter Messages using Bidirectional Long
Short-Term Memory Model
Zi Chen
, Badal Pokharel
, Bingnan Li
and Samsung Lim
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Named Entity Recognition, Location Extraction, Social Media, Deep Learning Model.
Abstract: Texts are a common form to encode location information which can be used crucially in disaster scenarios.
While Named Entity Recognition (NER) has been applied to location extraction from formal texts, its
performance on informal and colloquial texts such as social media messages is unsatisfactory. The geo-entities
in social media are often neglected or categorized into unknown or ‘other’ entity types such as person or
organisation. In this paper we proposed a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Netwok
to identify location information especially aiming to recognize rarely known local places in social media
messages. The contribution of both syntactic and semantic features to the classification results was explored
as well. The proposed method was validated on a Twitter dataset collected from typhoon-affected areas,
showing promising performance in detecting location information.
Social media can be beneficial in disaster risk
reduction, response and recovery process (Ahmed,
2011), and Twitter stands out as an effective social
media platform because of its global extension and
the speed in which information gets disseminated
(Chatfield and Brajawidagda, 2013). While location
information can be crucial in disaster management,
Twitter offers three types of information for
extracting the location where the incident happens: (i)
geo-tagged texts or geo-coordinates (ii) users’
locations in their profiles (iii) location mentions in the
tweets. The previous studies show that the explicit
and accurate information about the place where an
event has happened can be gained with the tweets
having geo-coordinates (Nakaji and Yanai, 2012).
However, the tweets containing geo-coordinates are
rare among the whole Twitter stream. The location
information from the user’s profile can be an
alternative to detection of the place of event, but its
accuracy is not guaranteed. Therefore, the location
mentions in the tweet text accounts the most for the
location recognition, which requires further text
The text mining technique that is commonly used
to extract place names from texts is Named Entity
Recognition (NER). This method analyzes the text
based on Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging and labels a
certain group of words as an entity category including
person, organisation or location. The technique
performs well for well-structured sentences and well-
known places, but not so good for the extraction of
local geo-entities from social media messages. It is
because the texts are usually written in informal or
random format due to geographic or non-geographic
In order to improve the extraction of unknown
place names from the social media, we proposed a
model based on Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) Neural Netwok to recognize the
local geo-entities mentioned in soical media
messages. Stanford Named Entity Recognizer was
used to label the training data. The experimentation
was carried out to incorporate both syntactic and
semantic features in the model. In addtion to word
Chen, Z., Pokharel, B., Li, B. and Lim, S.
Location Extraction from Twitter Messages using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0009338800450050
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2020), pages 45-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-425-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
embedding, POS tags, letter cases and prepositions
are considered as well to augment the model.
The extraction of location mentions from texts is a
long-studied problem since texts are one of the most
common forms to encode geographic information, but
in this process the geo-referents of the location
mentions become ambiguous and even the boundaries
of the location mentions in text are difficult to
recognize without enough background information,
especially when the place name is abbreviated for
brevity. Naturally the place name extraction falls into
sub-problems: entity delimitation and toponym
disambiguation. The former delimitates the
boundaries of a place name, which is the focus of our
study, and the latter decides the most possible geo-
referent to the place name.
While entity delimitation can be solved by
matching with gazetteer (Sultanik and Fink, 2012) or
hard-coded rules (Cunningham et al., 2001), the
current NER tools or systems are generally more
powerful in extracting location mentions from formal
texts in terms of recall. One of the most renowned
NER systems is Stanford NER (Finkel, Grenager and
Manning, 2005) where a Conditional Random Field
(CRF) model incorporates long distance features to
identify named entities including location. Some
researchers have also attempted further augmentation
to the NER capability of extracting locations by
constructing a gazetteer from word clusters (Kazama
and Torisawa, 2008). Web NER aims at separating
complex place names from web pages by utilizing
capitalization cues and lexical statistics (Downey,
Broadhead and Etzioni, 2007).
However, the NER systems have shown
unsatisfactory performances on social media
messages (Bontcheva et al., 2013) mainly owing to
the informal and irregular expressions as well as the
short texts. An outstanding performance has been
achieved by Stanford NER when it is retrained by
annotated tweets (Lingad, Karimi and Yin, 2013), but
the annotation of social media messages is time-
consuming and elusive on large scale text processing.
Meanwhile LSTM is becoming a popular choice of
NER owing to its suitability for sequence
classification. Bi-LSTM-CRF networks using
contextualized embeddings were employed for
chemical NER (Awan et al., 2019). An exploratory
study on Indonesian Twitter Posts (Rachman et al.,
2018) used LSTM for NER and experimented on a
small dataset, on which it achieved a F1-score of 0.81
for location recognition.
Recent years have witnessed a lot of efforts
attempting to address the problem of extracting
location mentions from social media streams. A
model to predict the occurrence of location mentions
in a tweet was introduced and was found that this
preliminary process can enhance the accuracy of
entity delimitation (Hoang and Mothe, 2018). A
statistical language model was built in (Al-Olimat et
al., 2017) based on augmented and filtered region-
specific gazetteers from online resources such as
OpenStreetMap (OSM) to extract place names from
tweets, a F1-score of 0.85 was achieved while no
training data is required.
Unlike the studies above, we mainly focus on the
location mentions referring to geo-entities of small
scale, which rarely appear in most gazetteers. And a
deep learning model is constructed and trained on
Stanford NER annotated tweets, without manual
3.1 Model
We used a Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) model,
which belongs to the category of Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNNs), to label whether a word is an
element of a location mention or not. RNN is an
appropriate approach for sequence classification due
to its capability of passing the output of one node to
its successor, which can be interpreted as the
influence of a word to the successive word. LSTM is
a specialized RNN which performs better on long
sequences while the impact of previous layers decay
along with vanishing gradient in RNN. LSTM
employs a mechanism called forget gates to control
the information flow in the neural network.
On the basis of LSTM, Bi-LSTM model is trained
on two directions of the input sequence, forward and
backward, providing comprehensive context
information of the target word. Bi-LSTM model has
been implemented on NER tasks and shown
competitive performances on benchmark datasets
(Chiu and Nichols, 2016).
As seen in Figure 1, features of the input sequence
are passed to the forward and backward LSTM layers
respectively in our model, the two outputs are
subsequently concatenated and passed to a fully
connected layer. Finally, a softmax layer outputs the
probability distribution over all the class labels.
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 1: Bi-LSTM model architecture.
3.2 Features
Apart from the Bi-LSTM model, we tested the
impacts of four categories of features on the
classification results: word embedding, POS tags,
capitalization and prepositions. Word embedding is a
word representation method that maps words to
continuous vectors in higher dimensions. It is
grounded on Distributional Hypothesis that words
with similar contexts are inclined to have similar
semantic meanings (Harris, 1954), and word
embedding encodes the context information in the
vector. Therefore, the similarity of two words can be
evaluated by the cosine value of their word vectors.
One of the most popular approaches of word
embedding is the Skip-Gram model. It is a fully
connected neural network that takes the one hot
encoding vector of the target word 𝑤
as input and
produces the conditional probability that an arbitrary
word 𝑤
from the vocabulary occurs in the context
window of 𝑤
. Parameters 𝜃 of the model are
optimized by maximizing the log-likelihood sum of
The other three features, POS tags, capitalization
and prepositions are regarded as categorical data and
encoded into integers. POS tags are the labels that
denote the part of speech of a word such as noun, verb
or adjective. Since the location mentions are mostly
comprised of nouns, POS tags can signify the possible
occurrence of location mentions.
Another factor that could influence the
identification of location mentions is the
capitalization or case of a word. We consider the
capitalization in three categories: upper case, lower
case and title case.
Prepositions that can describe places or directions
such asat orin are also important indicators of
location mentions. We collect all the prepositions
regarding locations in a list and encode the
occurrence of prepositions in tweets as the list index.
The three indexed categorical features are mapped
and trained into corresponding embeddings in the
Bidirectional LSTM model and concatenated with the
pre-trained word embedding for each token or word
as can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Concatenated feature embeddings.
As the features employed to describe the data are
heuristic, we also explore the contribution of each
feature to the correct location mention labelling by
adjust the dimension of the feature in the following
4.1 Dataset
The dataset we used in the experiments was collected
from Twitter via its official application programming
interfaces (APIs). From to 21st to 30th of August
2017 two consecutive typhoons Hato and Pakhar
affected Southern China area while two populated
coastal cities Hong Kong and Macau were severely
impacted. We collected and deduplicated tweets from
the two areas during the typhoon-impacted period and
extracted typhoon-related tweets by an augmented
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), resulting in
10,996 tweets ready for location extraction.
4.2 Pre-processing
The named entities including location mentions in the
tweets were annotated via Stanford NER tools, and
POS tagging was implemented likewise using
Stanford POS tagger. Among 10,996 tweets location
mentions were found in 4,215 tweets. Considering
that Stanford NER tools can ignore the unknown
places only familiar to locals, we only used the 4,215
positive tweets as training data.
In order to test the proposed model on its
capability of detecting local place names, we
manually selected and labelled 100 tweets in which
Stanford NER misclassified the place names. The
word embeddings with dimension of 200 were pre-
trained by the Skip-Gram model on the Twitter
stream we collected. The embeddings of POS tags,
capitalization and prepositions were trained along
with the model.
4.3 Model Training
In the training process we leave one tenth of the
training data, which is 422 tweets, for validation, and
Location Extraction from Twitter Messages using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Model
3,793 for training. If the validation loss is not
improved in 5 epochs the training process will be
Figure 3 shows the variation of accuracy and loss
for training set and validation set when all the four
features are employed. The validation accuracy is
improved to 96% in comparison to 92% when only
word embedding is used, which proves that the
utilisation of syntactic features such as POS tags can
boost the model performance. In the following
subsection we will examine how the features
influence the model on the test set.
Figure 3: Model training.
4.4 Feature Evaluation
4.4.1 Individual Application of Feature
We first verify every feature separately on the test set.
In the training process all the tweets are padded to the
same length for alignment, the padded element is
labelled 0 as its location mention category. A word
that is part of a location mention is labelled 1, and
other words are 2. The positive label 1 accounts for
an extreme small proportion in the true labels of test
set at 1.18%.
In Table 1 we present the precision, recall and F1-
score of each label when only word embedding is
applied. The proposed model performs well on label
0 and 2 which are the majority of labels but fails to
predict any location mentions, resulting in all the
metrics of label 1 ending up being 0%.
Table 1: Classification results on word embedding.
Label Precision Recall F1-score
0 0.96 0.98 0.97
1 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.92 0.92 0.92
We further investigate in the classification
performance of other features on label 1 as shown in
Table 2. Best performance is achieved by POS tags
on every metric and the employment of prepositions
produces greatly inferior outcomes compared to POS
tags and capitalization.
Table 2: Classification results on other features.
Feature Precision Recall F1-score
POS tags 0.31 0.51 0.38
Capitalization 0.27 0.44 0.33
Prepositions 0.23 0.10 0.14
In general, individual application of feature
produces unsatisfactory results, which is mostly
caused by the imbalanced nature of data where
location mentions are exceedingly infrequent.
4.4.2 Combination of Features
After examining the individual application of the
semantic and syntactic features, the effects of hyper-
parameters of combined features are validated on the
test set to reach an optimal outcome for label 1. The
four hyper-parameters to be altered and their
candidate values are listed in Table 3.
Table 3: Hyper-parameters to be tested.
50 30 20 10
60 40 30 20
70 50 40 30
Padded length is the alignment length that every
tweet will be padded or truncated to. The other
parameters are the dimensionalities of POS
embedding, case embedding and preposition
In Table 4 with dimensionalities of case
embedding and preposition embedding fixed, padded
length and POS embedding dimension vary in
respective scopes. Overall improvements up to 12%
on F1-score are observed in comparison with the best
performance obtained by individual application of
POS tags.
Although no general rules on the variation of
padded length and POS embedding are discovered, it
can be obviously concluded that the incorporation of
semantic and syntactic features enhances the model
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Table 4: Classification results under different padded
lengths and POS embedding dimensions.
Precision Recall
50 30 0.42 0.46 0.44
50 40 0.42 0.61 0.50
50 50 0.35 0.61 0.44
60 30 0.38 0.58 0.46
60 40 0.35 0.67 0.46
60 50 0.32 0.53 0.40
70 30 0.31 0.60 0.41
70 40 0.36 0.58 0.44
70 50 0.37 0.55 0.44
Given fixed padded length and POS embedding
dimension, F1-score does not vary considerably along
with case or preposition embedding in Table 5. But
case embedding and preposition embedding of 20 or
30 are preferred.
Table 5: Classification results under different case
embedding and preposition embedding dimensions.
Precision Recall F1-
20 10 0.31 0.58 0.41
20 20 0.36 0.58 0.44
20 30 0.33 0.61 0.43
30 10 0.31 0.53 0.39
30 20 0.35 0.61 0.44
30 30 0.41 0.47 0.44
40 10 0.32 0.58 0.41
40 20 0.32 0.44 0.37
40 30 0.27 0.47 0.34
We also compare the proposed model to one of
off-the-shelf NER tools TwitterNLP (Ritter et al.,
2011) which is specialised for Twitter data. The
experiments are conducted on the same test set. In
Table 6 it can be seen that precision, recall and F1-
score have been largely increased, which proves the
capability of the proposed model on identifying
location mentions from social media messages.
Table 6: Comparison to TwitterNLP.
Model Precision Recall F1-score
Bi-LSTM 0.42 0.61 0.50
TwitterNLP 0.30 0.14 0.19
In this paper we proposed a model based on Bi-LSTM
Neural Network to detect the local geo-entities
mentioned in social media messages that are ignored
by Stanford NER. We have attained competitive
results on classification performance of the proposed
model with noisy training data. However, there is still
room for enhancement in the Bi-LSTM model
especially on precision. To cope with the issue of
imbalanced datasets, we can further under-sample the
majority negative labels, or integrate our model with
methods such as decision trees which are suitable for
imbalanced datasets. On the other hand, the training
data labelled by Stanford NER possibly contains
many false negative labels, where the concept of
multiple instance learning can be considered to solve
this problem.
This research is sponsored by China Scholarship
Council (CSC).
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