Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a
Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study
Raissa Barcellos and Rodrigo Salvador
ADDLabs, Computing Institute - Federal Fluminense University, Brazil
Document Classification, Convolutional Neural Networks.
In the information age, coupled with the full range and speed of data, the ease of access to new disruptive
technologies brings the relevant problem of document classification. Identifying and categorizing documents is
still a very challenging initiative addressed in the literature. This paper analyzes the construction of a document
classification hybrid framework in a real business context. The research is based on a case study addressing the
construction of a hybrid framework that uses text and image in document classification and how this framework
can be useful in an authentic context of a mobile insurance company. Excellent accuracy and precision results
were found in the use of both approaches, even considering a possible fraudulent circumstance. From these
results we can conclude that using the hybrid framework, using the visual approach as a filter — which is more
efficient in verifying the authenticity of documents— and consolidating the results with the textual approach,
is a convincing option for deployment in the company in question.
Nowadays, with the era of Big Data, over-data ex-
poses the challenging problem of recognizing and cat-
egorizing documents. In many scenarios, document
classification is a sophisticated task that confronts
several areas of research. This task usually consists
of a feature extraction step and an automatic classifi-
cation step. The primary purpose of this type of clas-
sification is to assign a document to one or more cat-
egories (Hassan et al., 2015).
Documents generally have distinct visual styles.
Today, one of the challenges of document image anal-
ysis is the fact that within each type of document,
there is a vast range of visual variability (Harley et al.,
2015). Another critical issue is that documents of dif-
ferent categories regularly display considerable visual
similarities. From a visual style standpoint, some er-
roneous recoveries under these circumstances may be
justifiable, but generally, the task of document image
analysis is to classify documents despite intra-class
variability and class similarity (Harley et al., 2015).
Also, there are several important issues - which
have serious consequences in today’s society
that can be well resolved using document classifica-
tion (Xiao and Cho, 2016). Such as the problem of
identity fraud. These threats can be characterized as
small frauds or even organized crimes. Several ap-
proaches have been proposed to classify documents -
such as supervised classification, unsupervised clas-
sification, and semi-supervised classification of doc-
uments (Hassan et al., 2015). More recently, it has
become more common to use neural networks, which
jointly perform feature extraction and classification,
for document classification. In the following subsec-
tions, we will cover these different approaches more
extensively (Xiao and Cho, 2016).
The main objective of this paper is to conduct
a case study, regarding the construction of a frame-
work for personal documents classification submit-
ted by users, in a real business context. Our case
study refers to a mobile insurance company — it cov-
ers phones for loss, theft and accidental damage with
mobile phone — that massively identifies the correct-
ness of the clients’ documents manually, through a
call center. This particular company intends to invest
in an aggressive marketing strategy, but the number of
service orders cellphone theft notification will
increase so much, that it would be necessary to dou-
ble the number of resources in the call center to meet
new demand. In this context, the ideal would be to in-
vest in an automatic document identification applica-
tion, so that when opening a service order through the
company portal, the customer is instructed to submit
their documents via the internet. This service should
be able to identify personal documents with as little
Barcellos, R. and Salvador, R.
Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009340204900497
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 490-497
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Developed Hybrid Framework.
human intervention as possible.
To conduct this case study, we developed a hy-
brid application that explores text and image to clas-
sify personal documents, as we can see in Figure 1,
targeting the real business scenario. By running this
case study, we hope to be able to explore the option of
deploying a document classifier hybrid framework as
an alternative for the company, in question to be able
to invest in its new marketing strategy without having
to double the call center staff. For the development
and testing of the framework, we have a sample of the
database provided by the company.
This work is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the theoretical background, regarding to the
techniques used in our work and that conceptualize
the importance of this work. Section 3 presents a lit-
erature review. Section 4 presents our hybrid frame-
work. Section 5 describes a discussion about our hy-
brid framework. Finally, Section 6 show our final con-
clusion and future work.
2.1 Unsupervised Document Learning
The Machine Learning community widely studies un-
supervised learning (Su et al., 2019). In unsuper-
vised learning, there is a set of N observations (x1,
x2, ..., xN) of a random p-vector X having joint den-
sity Pr(X).The goal is to directly infer the properties
of this probability density without the help of a super-
visor or teacher providing correct answers or degree-
of-error for each observation (Friedman et al., 2001).
The dimension of X is sometimes much higher than
in supervised learning, and the properties of interest
are often more complicated than simple location esti-
mates (Friedman et al., 2001).
The most common unsupervised learning task is
the clustering detecting potentially useful input
sample clusters. A fixed group of text is clustered
into groups that have similar content. The similarity
between documents is calculated with the associative
coefficients. Document clustering mainly used Hier-
archical clustering algorithms (Hassan et al., 2015).
2.2 Supervised Document Classification
In supervised learning, there is a set of N variables
that might be denoted as inputs, which are measured
or preset. These have some influence on one or more
outputs. The goal is to use the inputs to predict the
values of outputs. This activity is called supervised
learning (Friedman et al., 2001).
In this kind of learning, approaches such as pattern
recognition are used to classify a document —– ex-
amples of classifiers such as neural networks, support
vector machines, and genetic programming. Multiple
classifiers can be used in combination with supervised
learning, but classifier accuracy can be improved us-
ing a small set of documents (Hassan et al., 2015).
An example of a supervised learning technique, that
is widely used today in document recognition, is the
use of Convolutional Neural Networks.
2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Networks in
Document Classification
Deep learning is revolutionizing the already rapidly
developing field of computer vision. The convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) is a state-of-the-art deep
learning tool that learns high level features directly
from a huge dataset of labeled images (Khan et al.,
2018). A deep convolutional neural network consists
of convolutional layers followed by fully connected
layers with normalization and/or grouping performed
between the layers. There are a wide variety of net-
work architectures and layer parameters are learned
from trainning data.
In traditional Artificial Neural Networks, the rela-
tionship between input and output units is determined
by matrix multiplication. In Convolutional Neural
Networks, convolution is used instead of general ma-
trix multiplication, reducing the number of weights
and parameters in the network (Revanasiddappa and
Harish, 2019).
Besides, it minimizes network complexity by re-
ducing memory size and improving performance.
Learning algorithms bypass the resource extraction
procedure due to the direct consideration of network
entry. Convolution also helps to learn a multi-level
representation (Revanasiddappa and Harish, 2019).
Image representations are computed by taking the
output of the fully connected intermediate layers or
Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study
by pooling the output of the last convolutional layer.
Intermediate layer extraction produces intermediate-
level generic representations that can be used for var-
ious recognition and recognition tasks a wide range
of data, such as document classification (Sicre et al.,
2017). Convolutional Neural Networks have tradi-
tionally been implemented for image recognition, and
several techniques have already been implemented to
improve this architecture (Sicre et al., 2017).
Semi-supervised learning algorithms have widely
been studied since the 1990s mostly thanks to Infor-
mation Access and Natural Language Processing ap-
plications. In these applications unlabeled data are
significantly easier to come by than labeled examples
which generally require expert knowledge for correct
and consistent annotation. The underlying assump-
tion of semi-supervised learning algorithms is, if two
points are close then they should be labeled simi-
larly, resulting in that the search of a decision bound-
ary should takeplace in low-density regions. This as-
sumption does not imply that classes are formed from
single compact clusters, only that objects from two
distinct classes are not likely to be in the same clus-
ter (Krithara et al., 2008).
2.3 Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology
that analyzes image characters and transforms them
into the text format used on a computer (Lee et al.,
2019). OCR is a complex problem because of the va-
riety of languages, fonts and styles in which text can
be written, and the complex rules of languages etc.
Hence, techniques from different disciplines of Com-
puter Science as image processing, pattern classi-
fication and natural language processing are em-
ployed to address different challenges (Islam et al.,
Based on the type of input, the OCR systems
can be categorized as handwriting recognition and
machine printed character recognition. The former
is relatively simpler problem because characters are
usually of uniform dimensions, and the positions of
characters on the page can be predicted (Islam et al.,
2017). In this work we only utilized machine printed
character recognition.
Web services like Google Cloud Vision and Ama-
zon Rekognition are OCR solutions that implement
machine learning algorithms as a solution to image
recognition (Pathak et al., 2019). Google Cloud Vi-
sion was launched on December 2, 2015 moreover
has been growing and developing constantly. Cloud
Vision is a proprietary API that can prove application
development for image analysis, using as multiple
REST APIs. The API has features for image recog-
nition, including identification of landmarks, optical
character recognition, face detection, and logo detec-
tion (Pathak et al., 2019).
Various approaches for document image classification
have been proposed over the years. Generally, docu-
ment image classification approaches are divided into
two major groups, structure/layout based, and content
based. This section provides an overview of some
important works which have been reported in refer-
ence to structure or content based document classifi-
cation (Afzal et al., 2015).
Khanalni et al. (Khanalni and Gharehchopogh,
2018) used a hybrid of the IWO algorithm based
on chaos theory with a Naive Bayes classifier
for classifying text documents. The authors used
the algorithm IWO to select essential features and
Naive Bayes for trainning-based document classifica-
tion and tests. The results indicated that the proposed
model is more accurate compared to Naive Bayes.
Also, the error rate factor indicates that proposed
model errors with Feature Selection are smaller in a
comparison of the proposed model with other mod-
els, the results indicated that the model proposed by
the authors is more accurate due to the use of Fea-
ture Selection which is capable of better exploit the
resource space.
In another work, Audebert et al. (Audebert et al.,
2019) attacked the problem of document classifica-
tion based only on an image of a digitized document,
and the authors performed classification using visual
and textual attributes using the Tesseract OCR En-
gine and FastText a library for text classification
and representation learning. The authors introduced
an end-to-end learned multimodal deep network that
jointly learns text and image capabilities and performs
the final classification based on a different represen-
tation of the document. The proposal showed consis-
tent gains in both small and large datasets. So, there is
significant interest in the hybrid image/text approach
even when clear text is not available for document im-
age classification.
Popereshnyak et al. (Popereshnyak et al., 2018)
chosen Convolutional Neural Network to solve the
problem of identifying personal documents, using the
ReLU activation function. As a result, image clas-
sification performance has been tested, and an ac-
curacy of about 85% has been achieved. It has
been experimentally determined that a neural network
can recognize multiple classes at once in one image.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This option allows more improvement of the neural
network, increasing the number of classes, and in-
creasing recognition accuracy. Kolsch et al. (K
et al., 2017) addressed the problem of real-time train-
ning for document image classification. The authors
present a document classification approach that trains
one millisecond per image, ie, in real-time. The ap-
proach is divided into two stages the first stage uses
resource extraction from deep neural networks, and
the second stage uses Extreme Learning Machines
(ELMs) for classification.
According to Tensmeyer et al. (Tensmeyer and
Martinez, 2017), convolutional neural networks are
very efficient models for document image classifica-
tion. However, many of these approaches are based
on architectures designed to classify natural images,
which differ from document images. In this paper,
the authors question whether this custom is appropri-
ate and conduct an empirical study to find out which
aspects of convolutional neural networks most affect
document imaging performance. In general, the ap-
plication of shear transformations during trainning
and the use of large input images lead to the most
significant gains in performance. trainning and test-
ing at various scales also improve the specifically for
smaller trainning sets. Also, Batch Normalization is
a useful alternative to Dropout in datasets with great
visual variety. A trained convolutional neural net-
work is also examined, and the authors report evi-
dence that it is learning characteristics layout interme-
diaries. Neurons fire based on the type of layout com-
ponent (graphic, text, handwriting, noise) and tend to
shoot at specific places in the image.
The contribution of this present work is to explore
the development and implementation of a hybrid doc-
ument classifier framework, in a real scenario of a
mobile insurance company, using a not artificial sam-
ple of documents. We also performed a framework
implementation evaluation, using a company dataset
containing actual data of varying quality.
In order to build a document classification hybrid
framework, in a real business scenario, we used some
technologies, and we combined two approaches. The
visual approach uses Convolutional Neural Networks
to identify the documents to be classified automati-
cally, through the image only. This step is essential
to identify the document class, since this will pro-
vide relevant information about the layout of data to
be extracted, and about the security measures present
on that document that will allow detecting document
forgery. In the textual approach, we used the Google
Vision API to extract text from images, along with
the use of regular expressions, identifying common
words present in documents to be classified.
4.1 Dataset
The document dataset, for trainning and testing, con-
tains images of scanned documents, collected from
the mobile insurance company’s private database. In
total, the database has over 30.587 documents, hand-
labeled with tags. The three categories are ”iden-
tity document/driver’s license”, ”invoice” and ”occur-
rence report”.
4.2 Convolutional Neural Networks
The convolutional neural networks we used in
this experiment are models that map input images
x R
into the probability vectors y R
where D is the input image depth, W is a filter
which is applied to a window of H words to pro-
duce a new feature, and C is the number of classes.
Each layer performs a transformation with learn-
able parameters followed by non-linear operation(s):
= g
? x
+ b
) where 1 l L is the layer in-
dex, x
is the input image, W
, b
are learnable param-
eters, ? is either matrix multiplication for fully con-
nected layers or 2D convolution for convolution lay-
ers, and g
is a layerspecific non-linearity, constituted
by Rectified Linear Units— ReLU (x) = max(0, x),
and optionally max-pooling, batch normalization, or
dropout. Deep convolutional neural networks with
ReLUs train much faster than their counterparts with
Hyperbolic Tangent. The output of the last layer is
a input to a sigmoid function the softmax func-
tion is a more generalized logistic activation function
which is used for multiclass classification. Similar
approaches were used in (Tensmeyer and Martinez,
2017) (Krizhevsky et al., 2012). For each type of
document, we trained a different convolutional neu-
ral network, using Keras
a high-level neural net-
works API, written in Python and capable of running
on top of TensorFlow.
4.2.1 Identity Document
1. Trainning Details
For this trainning, we utilized 3 datasets: a train-
ning dataset, a testing dataset and a validation
dataset. We use trainning data to train the algo-
rithm and then create the predictive model. Only
Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study
IDs is in the training data. We used validation
data to evaluate the model during trainning. We
used the testing data to validate the performance
of the already trained model, ie, we presented the
model with data that he did not see during train-
ning to ensure that he can make predictions. The
first dataset is composed of 10.595 images, splited
into two paths 5.257 (IDs) and 5.339 (others). The
second dataset is composed of 607 images. The
third dataset is composed of 139 images.
2. Trainning Hyperparameters
We used 32 features for a 2D array and defined
our array as 3x3 format. So, we converted all
our 256x256 pixel images into a 3D array. We
applied the max-pooling layer to reduce the size
of the feature map, added four convolution lay-
ers, applying max-pooling layers between them.
We used Data Augmentation technique to gener-
ate samples by transforming trainning data, with
the target of improving the accuracy and robust-
ness of the model (Fawzi et al., 2016). We ap-
plied Flatten to convert the 2D data structure to
a 1D structure, ie, an array. The rectifier activa-
tion function (relu) is used, and then a sigmoid
activation function to obtain the odds of each im-
age containing an identification document or not.
To compile the network, we used the Adam opti-
mizer first-order algorithm for gradient-based
optimization of objective functions based on an
adapted estimate of low order moments. We used
a log loss function with binary cross-entropy be-
cause it works well with sigmoid functions. We
used 5000 steps in our trainning set for 4 epochs.
We chose 2000 validation steps for validation im-
3. Accuracy
We achieved an accuracy of 97% for the trainning
set and 91% for the test set.
4.2.2 Occurrence Report
1. Trainning Details
Like for Identity Document, we utilized 3
datasets: a trainning dataset, a testing dataset, and
a validation dataset. The first dataset is composed
of 7.373 images, splited into two paths 3.447
(IDs) and 3.926 (others). The second dataset is
composed of 938 images. The third dataset is
composed of 638 images. Only Occurrence Re-
ports is in the training data.
2. Trainning Hyperparameters
We used 32 features for a 2D array and defined
our array as 3x3 format. So, we converted all
our 256x256 pixel images into a 3D array. We
applied the max-pooling layer to reduce the size
of the feature map, added four convolution layers,
applying max-pooling layers between them. Like
for Identity Document, we used Data Augmenta-
tion technique. We also applied a technique called
Batch Normalization to increase trainning speed.
Batch Normalization works by first linearly scal-
ing and shifting each neuron’s activations to have
zero mean and unit variance (Tensmeyer and Mar-
tinez, 2017). We inserted Batch Normalization af-
ter each convolution layer. We applied Flatten to
convert the 2D data structure to a 1D structure.
Like for Identity Document, we used the rectifier
activation function (relu), and then a sigmoid acti-
vation function. To compile the network, we used
the Adam optimizer and a log loss function with
binary cross-entropy. We used 3000 steps in our
trainning set for 4 epochs. We chose 2000 valida-
tion steps for validation images.
3. Accuracy
We achieved an accuracy of 96% for the trainning
set and 89% for the test set.
4.2.3 Invoice
1. Trainning Details
We also utilized 3 datasets: a trainning dataset, a
testing dataset, and a validation dataset. The first
dataset is composed of 9648 images, splited into
two paths 5459 and 4189 (others). The second
dataset is composed of 3369 images. The third
dataset is composed of 5537 images. Only In-
voices in is trainning data.
2. Trainning Hyperparameters
We also used 32 features for a 2D array and
defined our array as 3x3 format, and we con-
verted all our 384x384 pixel images into a 3D ar-
ray. Like for Occurrence Report, we applied the
max-pooling layer to reduce the size of the fea-
ture map, added four convolution layers, apply-
ing max-pooling layers between them. We also
used Data Augmentation technique and we ap-
plied Batch Normalization to increase trainning
speed. We applied Flatten and we used the recti-
fier activation function (relu), and the sigmoid ac-
tivation function. To compile the network, we also
used the Adam optimizer and a log loss function
with binary cross-entropy. We used 3000 steps in
our trainning set for 4 epochs. We chose 2000 val-
idation steps for validation images.
3. Accuracy
We achieved an accuracy of 94% for the trainning
set and 82% for the test set.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Documents type, keywords and regular expressions used.
Document Type Keywords Regular expressions
Occurrence report “police”, “report”, “record”“((police)+(.+))+((report |
occurrence |
record)+(.))+(.+)?”, line)
“danfe”, “invoice”, “tax coupon”,“nf”,
“taxes”, “tax”, “tributes”, “nfce”“((danfe | invoice |
tax coupon | nf)+(.+))
+(tributes | tax | taxes | nfce)+(.+)?”, line)
Identity Document/
Driver’s license
“secretary of”, “safety”, “public”,
“identity”, “doc source”,
“id card”, “director”,
“national traffic department”,
“permission”“(((((secretary of)+
| ((identity)+(.+)))+
((doc source | doc . source | doc. source)
+(.+))+((id card | director)+(.+))+(.+)?)) |
traffic department) +(.+))+
(permission)+ (.)+(cat)+(.+)?)”, line)
4.3 Google Vision API and Regular
We used the Google Vision API text extraction feature
to implement regular expressions, refining the text ex-
tracted from document images. For the construction
of regular expressions, we listed the most common
keywords in all selected document types, according to
the Table 1. The classification of the documents hap-
pens through the results of the regular expressions.
4.3.1 Accuracy
We performed a test with a total of 198 real doc-
uments, where: (i) 75 documents corresponded to
the occurence report type, (ii) 51 documents corre-
sponded to the identification document or driver’s li-
cense type and (iii) 72 documents corresponded to the
invoice type. We measured the accuracy of the correct
classification for each of these types of documents.
Table 2 presents the accuracy measurements obtained.
Table 2: Accuracy measurements obtained.
Document Type Accuracy
Occurrence report 97,5%
Invoice 94,8%
Identity Document/
Driver’s license
As a hybrid framework evaluation methodology, we
compute the precision metric for the same test dataset
in both approaches with 198 documents, as we can
see in Table 3. The visual approach using Convo-
lutional Neural Networks works learning the pro-
cedures that it needs to follow through images, any
kind of anomaly that comes through is going to be
detected and can be classified as a potencial for fraud
that need to be checked out. So, the textual approach
— using Google Vision API and Regular Expressions
after 198 test cases, we do not compute precision
errors, there is no false-positive occurrence informa-
tion for this approach, so the precision metric is con-
siderated 100%. However, the textual approach works
with text extraction and regular expressions, does not
consider fraudulent situations, considering the image
format and characteristics.
Given that accuracy indicates the overall perfor-
mance of the approach, that is, of all ratings, how
many have the approach correctly rated, by using our
hybrid framework, the company will be able to au-
tomate much of the manual document classification
process today. Given our results, in visual approach,
we were able to accurately exclude between 82%
and 92% handwritten documents considered fraudu-
lent when attempting to reproduce either type of doc-
ument. By aggregating the textual approach, we are
able to guarantee between 87.5% and 97.5% accuracy
in the textual approach and arguably satisfactory ac-
curacy for scanned documents. Given that precision
indicates, among all the positive class ratings the ap-
Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study
Table 3: Precision measurements obtained for document type/approach.
Document Type
First step precision
Second step precision
(OCR+ Regex)
Number of
Number of
Occurrence report 97% 100% 192 6
Invoice 100% 100% 198 0
Identity Document/
Driver’s license
99% 100% 196 2
proach has taken, how many are correct, by using our
hybrid framework, in visual approach, we were able
to precisely classify between 97% and 100% docu-
ments. By aggregating the textual approach, we are
able to precisely classify 100% documents.
Therefore, with the result of this evaluation, we
can conclude that the high classification accuracy,
provided by the hybrid framework, gives remarkable
confidence to the model’s ability to classify docu-
ments correctly. As for accuracy, we can conclude
that by evaluating the error in the classes equally
true positives and negatives we have a high accu-
racy of document classification, this factor is also a
good general indication of the excellent performance
of the hybrid framework. For our scenario, a high
measure of precision will be more beneficial than a
high measure of accuracy. For, considering that one
purpose of building the hybrid framework would be
to reduce as much human interference as possible
in document identification, the precision measure re-
ports whether the framework accuses the document
of a particular type, but is not. With a very high
level of precision, as presented, the framework will
be able to quickly meet the demand of the mobile in-
surance company by efficiently automating the work
previously done by the call center industry manually.
We compared our accuracy results with some re-
lated works, given the union between image and text
to classify documents. In the study (Audebert et al.,
2019), the authors obtained about 90.6% accuracy in
the RVL-CDIP dataset and between 68% and 98%
accuracy in the Tobacco3482 dataset, both contained
in documents such as emails, letters, questionnaires,
and presentations. That is, the datasets did not con-
tain personal documents. In the work (Popereshnyak
et al., 2018), the authors conduct training with per-
sonal documents such as passports and driver’s li-
censes, reaching an accuracy of around 85%, through
only one CNN to classify all types of documents to-
The problem of document classification still consists
of several types of research in the academic field. The
search for an efficient and effective approach, which
can identify various types of documents with the best
yet, is extensive, although it is addressed by many
areas today. In this paper, we conduct a case study,
in a real business scenario, where a mobile insurance
company needs a solution that automatically classi-
fies documents, with the goal of leverage the invest-
ments in other areas of the business, such as market-
ing, without any increase in call center resources —–
industry that manually classifies documents. For this
case study, we developed a hybrid document classifier
framework that explores text and image documents
using technologies such as Optical character recog-
nition and Convolutional Neural Networks. We use a
real database, used today in production, for the con-
struction and testing of the framework. This frame-
work has two approaches: (i) the visual approach
explores the document format and the image itself
through supervised machine learning, and (ii) the tex-
tual approach explores only the text itself after its ex-
traction it is a fact that the textual approach does
not consider handwritten/digitized texts.
For the visual approach, we built Convolutional
Neural Networks to classify each type of document.
In this approach, we train hyperparameters by apply-
ing various techniques such as Data Augmentation
and Batch Normalization. Already for the textual ap-
proach, we use an Optical Character Recognition so-
lution for text extraction and build regular expressions
through the most recurring terms between documents.
After building the framework, we could observe
the results of some metrics like accuracy and preci-
sion. Given the results, the conclusions we have ob-
tained is that the best way to use our hybrid frame-
work is to ensure that the visual approach works as
a filter, because the visual approach exploits the im-
age, avoiding fraudulent attempts fundamental in
our scenario.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Since the visual approach already maintains a high
level of accuracy and precision, not reaching 100%,
but working with visual and not semantic characteris-
tics, the textual approach acts as a consolidator, ad-
dressing textual characteristics and ensuring 100%
precision in the classification of the documents. In
this study case, a high measure of precision will be
more beneficial than a high measure of accuracy. This
factor demonstrates the efficient contribution of this
paper because the mobile insurance company in ques-
tion, the focus of our case study, will be able to invest
in an aggressive marketing strategy without having to
double the number of call center resources to meet
the new needs. Adding the visual approach prevents
fraudulent attempts — fundamental in our mobile in-
surance company scenario.
As a limitation of this work, we point out that
other technologies could be implemented to increase
the accuracy of the textual approach, such as Natural
Language Processing. We will consider this limita-
tion as future work. Another future work will be col-
lecting actual fraudulent data to experiment using our
hybrid framework.
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Deepdocclassifier: Document classification with deep
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