Since the visual approach already maintains a high
level of accuracy and precision, not reaching 100%,
but working with visual and not semantic characteris-
tics, the textual approach acts as a consolidator, ad-
dressing textual characteristics and ensuring 100%
precision in the classification of the documents. In
this study case, a high measure of precision will be
more beneficial than a high measure of accuracy. This
factor demonstrates the efficient contribution of this
paper because the mobile insurance company in ques-
tion, the focus of our case study, will be able to invest
in an aggressive marketing strategy without having to
double the number of call center resources to meet
the new needs. Adding the visual approach prevents
fraudulent attempts — fundamental in our mobile in-
surance company scenario.
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other technologies could be implemented to increase
the accuracy of the textual approach, such as Natural
Language Processing. We will consider this limita-
tion as future work. Another future work will be col-
lecting actual fraudulent data to experiment using our
hybrid framework.
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Personal Documents Classification using a Hybrid Framework at a Mobile Insurance Company: A Case Study