an IoT device. Second, the runtime agent must be in-
stalled on each IoT device that is involved in the sce-
nario. Furthermore, each device needs a minor pre-
configuration to be able to share its capabilities with
the runtime management. For many IoT devices, we
recommend automating this installation and configu-
ration step, using for example, TOSCA or other well-
known deployment tools, such as Ansible
As mentioned before, all additional software nec-
essary for a specific scenario should be stored in the
software repository and gets installed automatically
by the runtime management according to the process-
ing model for the scenario and the devices capabilities
in step 4 of our lifecycle method.
Our prototype shows that our concept can cope
with the challenges listed in Section 2. Devices are
automatically registered when they enter the area of
our environment and connect to the Wi-Fi (i). Soft-
ware is automatically deployed on each device ac-
cording to the processing model (ii). Data is (pre-
)processed on the devices by the deployed software
and is sent to the other devices according to the pro-
cessing and structural models ((iii) and (iv)).
Modelling distributed applications with the pro-
cessing model in Section 4.1 and the environment
with the structural model in Section 4.2 decouples ap-
plication development from executing environments
and, thus, creates dynamic IoT environments with in-
terchangeable devices. Data processing can be scaled
horizontally by adding more devices to the environ-
ment, since parallelizable operations are deployed au-
tomatically and load is balanced amongst them.
In this paper, we present A Life Cycle Method for
Device Management in Dynamic IoT Environments.
Using this method, newly appearing devices can be
seamlessly integrated into IoT applications without
the need for manual, time-consuming steps. In ad-
dition, we introduce concepts that allow coping with
failing devices or voluntarily leaving ones. Our
lifecycle method builds on meta models, describing
data processing and the IoT infrastructure landscape.
Based on these models, newly appearing devices can
be found, registered, necessary software can be in-
stalled and they can be integrated for data processing
in an IoT application. Finally, the device can be re-
tired either voluntarily or when it fails. Even in case
of a failure, we can support IoT applications in pro-
viding a robust way of data processing so that appli-
cations do not fail when single devices do.
We implemented a prototype for our lifecycle
method in order to provide a proof-of-concept. In
the future, we aim at applying this prototype to more
complex scenarios in order to show the strengths of
our approach to an even greater extend.
This work is partially funded by the German Ministry
for Economy and Energy in the scope of the project
IC4F (01MA17008).
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