ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with
Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
Fal Sadikin and Sandeep Kumar
Signify Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System, Rule-based Method, Machine Learning Anomaly Detection.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology with potential applications in different domains. How-
ever these IoT systems introduce new security risks and potentially open new attack vector never seen before.
In this article, we show various methods to detect known attacks, as well as possible new types of attacks
on ZigBee based IoT systems. To do so, we introduce a novel Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with hy-
brid approach by combining the human-crafted rule-based and machine learning-based anomaly detection.
Rule-based approach is used to provide accurate detection mechanism for known attacks, but the rule-based
approach introduces complexity in defining precise rules for accurate detection. Therefore, machine learning
approach is specifically used to create a complex model of normal behaviour that is used for anomaly detec-
tion. This paper outlines the IDS implementation that cover various types of detection methods both to detect
known attacks, as well as potential new type of attacks in the ZigBee IoT systems.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as key en-
abler for unique solutions in many application do-
mains like home and building automation. However,
due to its device constraints and their massive deploy-
ments, the IoT also introduces new security issues that
could open new attack vectors never seen before. This
paper introduces a novel prototype of Intrusion De-
tection Techniques, which is specifically tailored to a
ZigBee (ZigBee-Alliance, 2015) based IoT system.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a well-known
technology for detecting attacks in digital or con-
nected systems. In general, there are two approaches
of IDS in term of detection methods: misuse rule-
based and anomaly-based Machine Learning (ML).
Misuse rule-based are human created rules to detect
both known and unknown attacks. While, anomaly-
based machine learning IDS is a detection method
based on pre-defined ML model of normal behaviour,
which are used to detect malicious activities or new
type of attacks that have never been seen before.
This paper outlines our prototype of a novel de-
tection technique for a ZigBee based IoT system that
combines misuse rule-based and ML anomaly detec-
tion to detect both known and unknown attacks. In
this prototype, we use specific features of ZigBee
protocol to create the rules for the rule-based detec-
tion and to train the ML model to detect the attacks.
Specifically, the main contributions of this paper is
Survey various attacks and possible exploitation
scenarios in a ZigBee based IoT system.
Data-sets of network behavior when some of these
attack scenarios are performed on the ZigBee
based IoT system.
Novel rule-based attack detection techniques tai-
lored for a ZigBee based IoT system.
Novel machine learning based anomaly detection
techniques for a ZigBee based IoT system.
Our work is related to several research domains as
ZigBee Intrusion Detection System is based on var-
ious technologies like wireless communication sys-
tems, data analytics, machine learning and the detec-
tion techniques itself. In this section, we briefly out-
line several existing solutions that relate to our work.
(Pacheco, 2016) introduces an Anomaly Be-
haviour Analysis (ABA) Intrusion Detection System
(ABA-IDS) to detect anomalies in IoT system. This
approach can detect known and unknown attacks for
Sadikin, F. and Kumar, S.
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0009342200570068
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 57-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
IoT end nodes, with high detection rate and low false
(Doohwan-Oh, 2014) presents a lightweight se-
curity system that uses a novel malicious pattern-
matching engine. The authors manage to limit the
memory usage of the proposed system in order to
make it work on resource-constrained devices. To
mitigate performance degradation due to limitations
of computation power and memory, the authors pro-
pose two novel techniques, auxiliary shifting and
early decision.
(T-H-Lee, 2014) proposes a lightweight intrusion
detection model based on analysis of node’s energy
consumed in a 6LowPAN network. The 6LoW-
PAN energy consumption models for mesh-under and
route-over routing schemes are created. The sensor
nodes with irregular energy consumption are identi-
fied as malicious attackers.
(Summerville, 2015) have developed an ultra-
lightweight deep packet anomaly detection approach
that is feasible to run on resource constrained IoT de-
vices, but still provides good discrimination between
normal and abnormal payloads. Due to its simplicity,
the approach can be efficiently implemented in either
hardware or software and can be deployed in network
appliances, interfaces, or in the protocol stack of a de-
(Pongle, 2015) propose a novel intrusion detec-
tion system for the IoT, which can detect a wormhole
attack and the attacker. The proposed methods use
the location information of node and neighbour infor-
mation to identify the wormhole attack and received
signal strength to identify attacker nodes.
(Anhtuan-Le, 2016) propose a specification to de-
tect Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy net-
work (RPL) topology attacks that can downgrade the
network performance significantly by disrupting the
optimal routing structure.
(Rathore, 2018) introduce a fog-based attack de-
tection framework that relies on the fog computing
paradigm and a newly proposed ELM-based Semi-
supervised Fuzzy C-Means (ESFCM) method. As an
extension of cloud computing, fog computing enables
attack detection at the network edge and supports dis-
tributed attack detection.
(Chawla, 2018) propose a platform intrusion de-
tection system that uses machine learning algorithms
to detect security anomalies in IoT networks. This
detection platform provides security as a service and
facilitates inter-operability between various network
communication protocols used in IoT.
(A-A-Diro, 2018) propose design and implemen-
tation of deep learning based distributed attack detec-
tion mechanism, which reflects the underlying dis-
tribution features of IoT. Moreover, (Maniriho and
Ahmad, 2018) also studies the Performance of Ma-
chine Learning Algorithms in Anomaly Network In-
trusion Detection System. Furthermore, other re-
search works propose various detection techniques in-
cluding Probabilistic-driven Ensemble Approach pro-
posed by (Saia et al., 2018), and IDS with Internet-
integrated CoAP Sensing Applications proposed by
(Granjal and Pedroso, 2018).
In general, there is a lot of research work
that addresses various Intrusion Detection Sys-
tem approaches reaching from rule-based detection,
anomaly-based detection, to machine learning and
deep learning. However, to the best of our knowl-
edge, none of them address specific techniques to de-
tect attacks on large-scale ZigBee IoT system under
its various constraints.
3.1 ZigBee Protocol
This section describes the ZigBee stack architecture
(ZigBee-Alliance, 2015) and network topology de-
fined in the ZigBee standard specification provided by
ZigBee Alliance.
3.1.1 ZigBee Stack Architecture
As described in ZigBee Specification (ZigBee-
Alliance, 2015), the ZigBee Alliance has developed
a very low-cost, very low power consumption, wire-
less communications standard. Solutions adopting the
ZigBee standard are embedded in consumer electron-
ics, home and building automation, industrial con-
trols, medical sensor applications, toys, and games.
The ZigBee stack architecture is defined based on
a set of layers. Each layer performs a specific set of
services for the layer above and below. Figure 1 rep-
resents the outline of the ZigBee Stack Architecture.
Basically, ZigBee Stack Architecture is built based
on two standards. The lower layers, which are the
Physical Layer (PHY) and the Medium Access Con-
trol (MAC) are defined by IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
The upper layers, which are Network Layer (NWK)
and Application Layer (APL) are defined by ZigBee
Alliance itself. Furthermore, ZigBee also offers net-
work layer and application layer security.
ZigBee PHY uses three different frequency
ranges. The lower frequency band 868 MHz is used in
Europe and 915 MHz band is used in several countries
such as United Stated and Australia. Furthermore, the
higher frequency band in 2.4 GHz is used worldwide.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2 depicts the 2.4 GHz ZigBee channels, where
the channels are divided into 16 different channels,
ranging from channel 11 at 2405 MHz to channel 26
at 2480 MHz.
Network Layer (NWK)
Support Sub-layer
Application Layer (APL)
Beacon Mode Slotted
CSMA/CA GTS Allocation
Medium Access Control (MAC)
2.4 GHz/250
915 MHz/40
868 MHz/20
Physical Layer (PHY)
Non-beacon Mode
Non-Slotted CSMA/CA
Defined by
ZigBee Alliance
Defined by
IEEE 802.15.4
Network Layer (NWK)
Figure 1: ZigBee Stack Architecture.
Figure 2: 2.4 GHz ZigBee Channels.
3.1.2 ZigBee Network Topology
ZigBee Specification (ZigBee-Alliance, 2015) also
defines that ZigBee network layer (NWK) support
star, tree, and mesh topologies. In a star topology,
the network is controlled by one single device called
the ZigBee coordinator. The ZigBee coordinator is
responsible for initiating and maintaining the devices
on the network. All other devices, known as end de-
vices, directly communicate with the ZigBee coordi-
nator. In mesh and tree topologies, the single Zig-
Bee coordinator is responsible for starting the net-
work and for choosing certain key network parame-
ters, but the network may be extended through the use
of ZigBee routers. In tree networks, routers move data
and control messages through the network using a hi-
erarchical routing strategy. Tree networks may em-
ploy beacon-oriented communication as described in
the IEEE 802.15.4 specification. Mesh networks al-
low full peer-to-peer communication. ZigBee routers
in mesh networks do not currently emit regular IEEE
802.15.4 beacons. Figure 3 illustrates the ZigBee
Network Topology.
Star Topology
Tree Topology
Mesh Topology
ZigBee Coordinator
ZigBee Router
ZigBee End Device
Figure 3: ZigBee Network Topology.
3.2 Attack Scenarios
As shown in Figure 1, ZigBee protocol stack con-
sists of two main layers, the layer defined by IEEE
802.15.4 and the layer defined by ZigBee Alliance.
This section outlines various attack scenarios against
ZigBee devices, specifically on network layer defined
by the ZigBee Alliance. Basically, ZigBee devices
can be attacked to achieve four types of attacker’s
goals, which are:
Reconnaissance. An attacker aims at gaining de-
vice information to perform further malicious ac-
tivities, ranging from revealing sensitive informa-
tion related to user’s privacy, to gathering impor-
tant information to perform follow-up attacks.
Denial-of-Service (DoS). An attacker aims at per-
forming DoS to disable the service or operations
performed by the ZigBee devices.
Malicious Control. An attacker aims at gain-
ing unauthorized control to the ZigBee devices to
misuse them.
Device Hijacking. An attacker aims at hijacking
the device connectivity to take over full control of
the legitimate device. In this case, the legitimate
user will lose control to their devices.
This section discusses possible known attack sce-
narios that could happen on ZigBee devices. The dis-
cussion mainly focuses on two attack scenarios; Zig-
Bee network layer attacks and the possible attacks that
misuses the ZigBee feature on Inter-PAN command.
Figure 4 illustrates the possible attack scenarios on
ZigBee devices.
3.2.1 ZigBee Network Layer Attacks
An attacker can exploit the features in ZigBee NWK
layer to perform various attacks, ranging from recon-
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
Attack Scenario
Attack Scenario on ZigBee
ZLL TouchLink Inter-PAN
Network Layer Attacks
Device Scan
Factory Reset
via Attacker’s
Network Join
Network Key Extraction
triggered by User’s Reset
and Rejoin the Network
Channel Update
PAN ID Update
Network Key
Hijacking via
Key Update
Device Scan Via
Fake Beacon Request
via Attacker’s
Network Key
PAN ID Conflict
Data Request
Flooding: Device
Ask to Leave
Flooding: Coordinator
Ask to Leave
Replay Attack
Malicious Control
DoS Classification
Follow-up Attacks
Possible Follow-up
Attacks after DoS
DoS Follow-up
Figure 4: Attack Scenarios on ZigBee.
naissance, DoS type of attacks, malicious control, to
hijacking to take control over an user’s access to the
target device.
(i) Reconnaissance
An attacker can scan all active ZigBee devices in
the range by crafting a Zigbee standardized Bea-
con Request packet, that we denote further as the
Fake Beacon Request and broadcast it to all ZigBee
channels consecutively. In this way, all coordinator
and router devices in the range will answer the beacon
request that could reveal sensitive information about
the devices, which could be related to the privacy of
the user/owner of devices. In addition, the informa-
tion could also be used to perform further attacks.
Figure 5 illustrates the reconnaissance in a ZigBee
By collecting beacon frame from coordinator and
routers in the network, an attacker can get useful in-
formation, such as:
Channel Information. An attacker usually
broadcasts the Fake Beacon Request iteratively to
all ZigBee channels (e.g. channel 11-26). In this
Attack Scenario on
ZigBee Network
1. Attacker crafted
and broadcast it to all ZigBee
channels consecutively
2. Coordinator and all
routers then broadcast
their beacon information
Figure 5: Reconnaissance Using Fake Beacon Request.
case, the attacker can find out the channel that is
being used by the target network based on the re-
sponse from all devices. The channel information
is useful to find out the target and perform further
Protocol Version. The beacon frame from Zig-
Bee coordinator and routers contains the protocol
version that is used in the network. This informa-
tion is useful to initially judge what type of possi-
ble attacks could be performed on a specific ver-
sion of protocol. In addition, the attacker could
also infer the type of ZigBee application based on
the protocol version.
PAN ID. It is a ZigBee network address, which is
unique for each network. PAN ID is one of impor-
tant parameters that is needed to perform further
Extended PAN ID. By default, Extended PAN ID
(EPID) is a Coordinator MAC Address. To per-
form some attacks, an attacker needs to know the
Coordinator’s MAC Address.
List of All Active Devices. To find out the target,
an attacker needs information about all active de-
vices including their short ZigBee addresses and
corresponding MAC addresses.
Device Capability. ZigBee beacon also contains
information about the capability of each device
(e.g. Coordinator, End Device, Router Capabil-
ity). This information is useful to create attack
scenarios on ZigBee Network.
Signal Strength. This information could infer the
position or distance of each ZigBee device. Thus,
the attacker could get meaningful information in-
cluding infer the topology of the ZigBee network.
In general, collecting ZigBee beacon of each de-
vice in the network is a critical step to performing fur-
ther malicious activities.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
(ii) Malicious Control
After gaining the device information, an attacker
can then figure out the device functionalities in
the ZigBee network, and choose a target to launch
attacks such as performing malicious control. One
possible way to do malicious control is by performing
a Replay attack. Replay attack is a type of attack,
where an attacker records or copies the previous
communication packets of a legitimate device and
sends the copied packets later in time. The attacker
may successfully perform this attack if the legitimate
device does not check the Frame Counter due to
improper implementation or having flushed the last
known Frame Counter from its memory. In this
case, the legitimate device is made to believe that the
copied packet was sent by the legitimate device in the
network. For example, when a legitimate user sends
a command to unlock the door, the attacker sniffs and
copies the command to unlock the door and sends the
copied command when the user is not at home.
(iii) Denial-of-Service
By having enough information about the target
device, an attacker can perform many types of DoS
attacks, ranging from PAN ID conflict attack, Max-
Frame-Counter attack, to various flooding attacks.
a. PAN ID Conflict Attack
ZigBee specification defines that PAN ID shall be
unique for each ZigBee network. In this way, two
or more different ZigBee networks can operate in the
same channel, as long as each network has a unique
PAN ID. In other words, each ZigBee coordinator
shall issue an unique PAN ID for its network. In
addition, the ZigBee specification also defines that
a node which has detected a PAN identifier conflict
shall construct a Network Report Command frame of
type PAN Identifier Conflict and address it to the co-
ordinator. Upon receiving the network report, the co-
ordinator then sends a PAN ID realign to all devices
in the network. The attacker can craft a ZigBee bea-
con frame with the same PAN ID but different Coor-
dinator MAC address. This technique can make all
ZigBee devices in the target network (e.g. the same
PAN ID) to think that there is another network in the
vicinity that uses the same PAN ID. All devices that
receive the crafted beacon frame then construct a Net-
work Report Command frame of type PAN Identifier
Conflict. Figure 6 shows the result of our experiment,
where nodes that received the specially crafted bea-
con frame tried to report a PAN Identifier Conflict to
the coordinator.
In this test, four ZigBee nodes (i.e. 0xbcdb,
0x95d4, 0x59a5, and 0xfd55) and one coordinator
Figure 6: Network Report on PAN ID Conflict Attack.
(i.e. EPID a0:41:72:51:24:62:eb:d3) were set up
as the legitimate network with PAN ID 0x3309.
In addition, the fake beacon frame (marked in
blue) was specially crafted with node source address
0x3131, which belongs to different coordinator (EPID
b1:52:83:62:35:73:fc:e4), but has the same PAN ID
0x3309. In this case, all legitimate nodes that detected
the PAN ID conflict reported to their coordinator.
In PAN ID conflict attack, an attacker uses two
ZigBee interfaces. The first interface is used to listen
and mark PAN ID of the target network. The second
interface is used to constantly send out the specially
crafted fake beacon frame with the found PAN ID.
These two interfaces keep listening and sending out
beacons repeatedly, so that all the nodes keep asking
the coordinator to change their PAN ID. Thus, the
coordinator would be busy changing its PAN ID
leading to a DoS of the network.
b. Max-Frame-Counter Attack
ZigBee Specification defines that a Packet Frame
Counter value shall be incremented by one for each
new transmission. In other words, a ZigBee device
compares the frame counter value every time it re-
ceives a packet from a source address. If the received
frame counter value is not higher than the previous
value, the packet is then discarded by the device.
This feature introduces a type of attack called
Max-Frame-Counter Attack, where the attacker crafts
a spoofed packet using one of the legitimate source
addresses and sets the counter to maximum value.
In this case, the target device would discard any
packet from the legitimate device since its frame
counter is not higher than the spoofed packet that
was previously sent by the attacker. An attacker may
successfully perform this attack if the target device
incorrectly checks the MIC (Message Integrity Code)
due to improper implementation, or it could also
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
happen if the implementation uses a crypto-suite
without integrity protection. In addition, the attackers
could also successfully set the frame-counter to
maximum value if he/she has access to the single
network key being used.
c. Flooding Attacks
Another possible way to perform DoS attack is by
continuously flooding the target device with several
packets or requests. In this case, the target device
would be busy responding to those requests and can-
not perform its normal operation such as responding
to requests from other legitimate devices. In the case
of ZigBee protocol, there are several ways to perform
flooding attacks, including:
Associate Request Flooding: Associate request is
a type of request where a ZigBee node initiates to
join a ZigBee network. The request is sent by a
ZigBee node to the network parent or coordinator.
In case of flooding attack, an attacker can craft an
Associate Request packet and repeatedly send or
flood the target network coordinator. In this case,
the coordinator is flooded by many malicious re-
quests, keeping it busy and it cannot respond to
other requests from legitimate devices.
Data Request Flooding: Data request is a type of
request where a ZigBee node requests to collect
data from its parent or network coordinator. An
attacker can perform flooding attacks by crafting
Data Request and repeatedly sending the request
to the target network coordinator. The attacker
needs to know the network key or compromise
any one node in the network to perform this at-
Disassociate Request Flooding: There are two
types of disassociate request. The first type of
request is the coordinator asking the end-device
to leave the network, and the second type of re-
quest is the end-device initiating request to leave
the network. An attacker could impersonate as
a network coordinator and flood the target node
with leave requests to make it leave the network.
In similar scenario, an attacker could also imper-
sonate as legitimate node and flood the target co-
ordinator with leave requests. The attacker needs
to know the network key to perform this attack.
3.2.2 ZigBee TouchLink Inter-PAN
ZigBee specification also defines Inter-PAN commu-
nication, which allows a node to send messages to a
node in a different network (e.g. different PAN ID).
In other words, this feature allows communication be-
tween networks. It is to be noted that Inter-PAN com-
munication is not protected using NWK-layer secu-
The ZigBee application profile, ZigBee Light
Link (ZLL) is designed to meet the specific require-
ments of a connected lighting system. ZLL defines
TouchLink Commissioning via Inter-PAN message to
enable lighting use cases where commissioning of
lighting devices can be done using a device with lim-
ited functionality such as handheld remote control. In
addition, the Touchlink Commissioning also enables
to manage network configurations.
Similar to Network layer attack scenarios, an at-
tacker could exploit the features in Inter-PAN Touch-
Link commands to perform various attacks, ranging
from reconnaissance to gain device information, DoS
type of attacks, malicious control, to hijacking to take
over user’s access to their devices as shown in Figure
4. For the current work, we will focus more on the
network layer attack detection.
3.2.3 Follow-up Attacks after DoS
As described before, various DoS attacks can be
performed on Zigbee networks. After a successful
DoS attack, where the legitimate user cannot control
their devices, it is highly likely that the user would
perform reset factory procedure and sequentially
re-join to the legitimate network. In this regard, an
attacker can exploit this user behaviour by sniffing
the re-join procedure to steal and recover the key
of the legitimate network. This attack can be done
because the key is transported during the network
join procedure and it could be encrypted using a
well-known global key (such as ZigBeeAlliance09
for legacy device). Figure 7 depicts our test on steal-
ing the key during normal network join procedure. In
this test, network re-join was performed by initially
sending Associate Request and Data Request to the
coordinator/bridge (e.g. 0x01). At the reception
of those requests, the coordinator sends an Asso-
ciate Response to assign a ZigBee network address
to the device (e.g. 0x04) and sequentially send the
network key via Transport Key command. It is to be
noted that for legacy devices, the Transport Key is
encrypted using global keys defined by the Zigbee
standard. Therefore the attacker can use the recov-
ered network key to perform further attacks including
performing attacks on other legitimate device via
command injection and hijacking the whole network
with key updates.
(i) Command Injection
After successfully recovering the network key, an
attacker can then control the target device such as
impersonate as a legitimate user. In this case, the
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 7: Sniffing the Key during Network Join Procedure.
attacker can encrypt/decrypt the communication and
become a member of the legitimate network. This
enables command injection sent by an attacker to be
accepted by any device in the network that uses only
the network key for security.
(ii) Hijacking via Network Key Update
By knowing the network key, an attacker can act as
legitimate device and perform any activity that seems
legitimate to other devices in the network. In this at-
tack scenario, the attacker can impersonate as ZigBee
coordinator or Trust Center and force the target node
to update its network key to attacker’s network key.
It is done by sending the Network Key Update com-
mand to the target device. At the reception of the net-
work key update, the target device changes its net-
work key to the attacker’s network key. It means that
the device now belongs to the attacker’s network and
the legitimate user loses control of the target device.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one approach to
provide reliable attack detection both for known and
unknown attacks. This section outlines our proposed
solution using IDS, which is specifically tailored to a
large-scale ZigBee based IoT system. Initially, we de-
scribe our testbed setup used for data collection both
for normal behaviour, as well as anomaly datasets cre-
ated based on attack scenarios we performed on the
testbed. In addition, various attack detection tech-
niques both using rule-based and machine learning-
based solution are outlined in this section.
4.1 Proof of Concept
A ZigBee IoT lighting system is used as an experi-
mental testbed to create a realistic representative ver-
sion of an IoT system. This testbed includes Zigbee
based lights and a bridge, where the legitimate user
can control all lights in the network using a legitimate
App, such as turning on/off the lights, changing the
light colour, dimming, or adding a new light bulb to
join the network. It is to be noted that the testbed
consists of one gateway (0x01), and three Light Bulbs
(0x02, 0x03, and 0x04).
To collect realistic datasets, all ZigBee traffic is
sniffed and stored to the rule engine for further anal-
ysis. To collect the normal behaviour of legitimate
user, all legitimate commands sent from the App are
collected via the sniffer. In this case, we use the app to
repeatedly control the lights and behave like a normal
user. In addition, we also performed attack scenarios
on the testbed by launching various attacks described
in Figure 3. By doing so, we can collect realistic ma-
licious datasets for accurate attack detection and clas-
After collecting enough datasets at the rule engine,
we then perform data analysis that is used to classify
both normal and anomaly behaviour. Figure 8 depicts
our lighting testbed and ZigBee IoT IDS prototype.
In the prototype, we use rule engine to implement
both rule-based and machine learning based detection
ZigBee Network
Database, Indexing,
Rule Engine, Machine
Learning Application
Web and
Data Analysis and Attack Detection
Log Files
Attack Scenario
on ZigBee
Figure 8: ZigBee IoT Lighting System and IDS Prototype.
After successfully implementing the detection
methods, we tested the IDS by reproducing the attack
scenarios. It is done by controlling the lighting system
via the app, as well as re-launching all attacks on the
testbed. In this case, the IDS prototype raises an alarm
in case it detects attacks or anomalous behaviour.
4.2 Rule-based IDS
Rule-based IDS is a type of detection method using
parameters based on human-crafted rules, which is
created by manually analysing the dataset or log files.
The rule-based IDS can be used to recognize known
attacks, as well as for anomaly detection to detect un-
known attacks or types of attacks that have never been
seen before.
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
4.2.1 Attack Detection
To detect the known attacks, the dataset of various
attack scenarios is analysed and compared with the
dataset of legitimate user behaviour, which is sent
from the App. By doing so, we can classify the
normal and anomalous behaviour, as well as classify
various type of attacks described in Figure 4.
(i) RSSI Pattern
By analysing the dataset, there are several possi-
ble ways to detect malicious activities. For exam-
ple, malicious command injection can be detected by
analysing the pattern of Received Signal Strength In-
dication (RSSI). In common wireless networks in-
cluding ZigBee, all active devices measure the RSSI
of receiving (Rx) packets including Rx unicast and Rx
broadcast. The Rx RSSI sent by each neighbouring
device has specific pattern depending on the distance
between device sending the packet and the receiver.
In addition, the RSSI pattern can vary based on exter-
nal factors such as people movement or the number
of people present in the vicinity of the wireless net-
To perform command injection, an attacker ini-
tially spoofs the ID of a legitimate device. By doing
so, the attacker can impersonate as legitimate device
and make the target device to think that the command
is sent by the legitimate device. However, the attacker
cannot spoof the RSSI pattern received by the target
device, meaning that there will be an unusual change
in pattern of the Rx RSSI. Figure 9 depicts the detec-
tion mechanism, where the malicious command in-
jected by the attacker changes the Rx RSSI pattern
of the device (0x03). In this regard, there will be a
spike up on the pattern if the attacker sends the com-
mand when being closer than the legitimate device,
or a spike down if the attacker sends the command
from a device farther away than the legitimate device
than was to the receiver. The attacker may try to send
commands with a different signal strength as sent by
the legitimate device. However, it would still affect
the changing RSSI pattern due to external factors sur-
rounding the legitimate and different RSSI Rx pattern
being detected on other devices.
To create more accurate detection, the rule should
adopt the RSSI changes based on the presence of
other objects in the environment. For example, the
RSSI pattern in the office during working hours is
different than the RSSI pattern during night or when
most of the people are not in the office (e.g. weekend
or holidays). The section 4.2.2. describes in more
detail the rule-based RSSI pattern anomaly detection
with with the additional context of time.
Figure 9: Command Injection and Spoofed Device Detec-
Furthermore, specific patterns of RSSI can
indicate a specific attack such as various types of
flooding attacks. In this case, a continuously stable
RSSI value in a time range is a clear indication of
flooding attacks. Figure 10 shows the attack scenario
dataset for a flooding attack, where the RSSI value
of a device is continuously stable in a specific period
of time (e.g. 20 minutes). It is to be noted that the
flooding attack was performed by initially spoofing
the address of one legitimate device (i.e. 0x03) and
subsequently sending large number of packets to the
Figure 10: RSSI Pattern in Flooding Attack.
(ii) Frame Counter
The existence of a spoofed device and/or malicious
command injection can be detected by analysing the
frame counter of received ZigBee packets. ZigBee
specification defines that the value of a packet frame
counter shall be incremented by one for each new
transmission by the sender. In command injection use
case, an attacker attempts to impersonate as legitimate
device by spoofing the ID of the device (i.e. 0x03) and
inject a message with higher frame counter to fool the
target device to accept the command. However, this
type of attack can be detected as the received frame
counter value is significantly incremented than one.
Figure 11 depicts the attack scenario dataset on com-
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 11: The Pattern of Frame-Counter Value on Com-
mand Injection Attack.
mand injection attack, where one injected packet has
a significantly higher frame counter value.
Furthermore, the frame counter pattern can also
indicate a specific type of command injection (e.g.
various types of replay attacks). In replay attack use
case, an attacker copies a previous message sent by
legitimate device and replays it later to impersonate
as legitimate device. However, this attack can be de-
tected by checking the current frame counter value
that is not incremented or has lower value compared
to the value of previous message. Figure 12 depicts
the dataset of the replay attack scenario, where the at-
tacker repeatedly replays the pre-recorded packet sent
by the legitimate device (i.e. 0x03) which in this case
is ignored by the receiving device.
Figure 12: Frame Counter Value on Replay Attack.
(iii) Traffic Rate
Another way to detect various type of flooding
attacks is by measuring the packet rate. In normal
behaviour, there are certain thresholds of normal
network packet exchanges among the legitimate
devices. By defining the threshold, the flooding
attack can easily be detected. Figure 13 shows the
dataset of flooding attack with a different metric, the
packet rate. It is the same flooding dataset shown
in Figure 10, where the attack was performed by
continuously sending large number of packets using
Figure 13: Dataset on Flooding Attack.
spoofed address of legitimate device (0x04) for 20
(iv) Packet Frame Format
ZigBee defines various types of packet frame formats,
some of them are Packet Length, Command Frames
(e.g. Route Request, Route Reply, Network Status,
Network Report, Network Update, etc.), and Frame
Type. Various types of attacks in ZigBee can be de-
tected based on specific packet frame format. For ex-
ample, the existence of Inter-PAN command during
normal operation is a clear indication of TouchLink
Inter-PAN attacks. Therefore the IDS should raise
an alarm as the TouchLink Inter-PAN should not exist
during normal operation. Figure 14 shows the attack
scenario dataset on TouchLink Inter-PAN attacks.
Figure 14: Dataset of Packet Frame Format.
After detecting the TouchLink Inter-PAN attacks,
the next step is to classify the specific type of attacks,
as well as approximately locate the distance of the at-
tacker if it is applicable. It is done by checking the
identifier of the TouchLink command and comparing
it with the RSSI value to approximately locate the
distance of the attacker. Figure 15 shows the dataset
of the TouchLink Inter-PAN Identifier sent by the at-
tacker. In this dataset, the attacker attempted to send
several TouchLink commands, ranging from Scan Re-
quest (0x00) from various distances, Reset Factory
(0x07), Identify Request (0x06) for blinking attack,
Network Update (0x16) to change the channel, to Net-
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
Figure 15: Distribution of TouchLink Inter-PAN Identifier.
work Join Router (0x12) to hijack the device.
By analysing the symptoms of the attacks, all
known attacks basically can be detected by checking
the characteristic of Packet Frame Format. For exam-
ple, by checking the specific command frames that are
sent during normal operation and comparing it with
the specific command frames that are sent by the at-
4.2.2 Anomaly Detection
Rule-based method can be also used to detect
unknown attacks by creating a model for anomaly
detection. By using the model from the normal
dataset, the IDS can detect anomaly when there is a
new packet or command that does not match the rules
of normal behaviours.
(i) RSSI Pattern
One method to create the rules of normal behaviour
is by modelling the RSSI of normal devices. As an
example of creating the models, we conducted exper-
iments with data that was observed by a sniffer from
four neighbouring nodes in a connected ZigBee light-
ing system in a typical office environment. The pat-
tern of average RSSI levels of these legitimate de-
vices are depicted in Figure 17. In this graph, the
RSSI levels change based on the human presence in
the office, particularly during the work hours. In this
regard, the pattern of RSSI level is relatively stable
on weekends as the presence of people is relatively
low during those days. Figure 16 also depicts the pat-
tern that shows RSSI is relatively stable on workdays
particularly in the time range between evening hours
when most people leave the office to morning hours
when most people start to work on the next day.
In addition, the standard deviation of the RSSI lev-
els over the days is also provided for a more accurate
detection method. Figure 17 shows the standard devi-
ation of RSSI levels that we observed.
Figure 16: Average RSSI Pattern of Authorized Nodes in
Every 10 Minutes.
Figure 17: Standard Deviation of RSSI Pattern in Every 10
In this regard, the IDS will detect the existence
of malicious packet or spoofed device if the current
RSSI level does not match the rule model generated
from the historical patterns for different time and day
of the week. By doing so, all types of known attacks
including spoofed device, replay attack, flooding
attacks, packet injection, and in addition any types
of malicious activities that have never seen before
can be detected. This is because all those malicious
activities (e.g. known and unknown attacks) will not
match with the pattern of normal behaviour.
(ii) Packet Frame Format
A model for normal behaviour can also be created us-
ing packet frame format. There are many ways to do
that, for example, by combining several features such
as frame length, command frame, and the RSSI. Fig-
ure 19 depicts the model of a normal behaviour of
ZigBee lighting system in an office environment. In
addition, Figure 18 also identifies the anomaly com-
mand sent by the attacker, which is outside of the nor-
mal model frontier.
In this example, a model is created based on the
location of the source device represented by the RSSI
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 18: Anomaly Detection Using Packet Frame Format.
value, the length of the packet, and the type of com-
mand sent during the normal operation. Based on this
model, an example of rules for normal behaviour can
be created as follow:
Packet length shall be either 77 bytes or ranges
from 50 to 59 bytes.
And the RSSI shall ranges from -4 to 33 dBm.
And the legitimate command during normal op-
eration shall be either Link Status, Route Record,
Route Request, or Route Replay.
In general, all messages that do not match the rules
above will be classified as anomaly. For example,
an attacker attempting to send commands with packet
length 37 bytes and command Leave are classified as
To summarize, the rule-based method is an effec-
tive method that provide detection mechanisms with
high accuracy. It can be used to detect both known
attacks and potential new attacks that have never been
seen before. However, the human-crafted rule-based
introduces complexity and is time consuming for cre-
ating the model and rules for attack detection. In ad-
dition, the rules created by humans might be error
4.3 Machine Leaning Anomaly
In the proposed ZigBee IoT IDS, machine learn-
ing is used to create a complex model with vari-
ous features of ZigBee frame format including RSSI,
frame length, time, frame counter, and packet inter-
val. To create the model of normal behaviour, the
testbed dataset of normal behaviour was used for ma-
chine learning training using One-class-SVM with
non-linear kernel (RBF). Furthermore, we plotted the
implementation of training/test model using scikit-
learn (sklearn.svm.OneClassSVM). Figure 19 shows
the test result of the anomaly detection model.
Figure 19: Training and Test Dataset Using One-Class-
To validate the accuracy of the model, we re-run
the testbed to collect new normal observation (e.g.
marked in purple dot) and experiment on the model
by launching several attacks (marked in yellow). The
attack scenarios are listed as follow:
Flooding attack using Leave command: To do this
experiment, we crafted the leave command with
37 bytes length and flood the packet to the net-
work coordinator from various distances. In this
case, all flooded commands are spread with dif-
ferent RSSI ranging from -53 to 7 dBm. How-
ever, the Leave commands sent by the attacker are
not inside the learning frontier, which is classi-
fied as anomaly. In addition, we crafted an As-
sociate Request command with 22 bytes length
and flood this command to the network coordi-
nator, which is done from two different places,
inside and outside the room where the testbed is
installed. In this case, the plot of the commands
are separated to form two different RSSI area,
which are inside and outside the room. However,
the command is classified as anomaly since the
packet length is not in the range of packet length
in normal behaviour. Furthermore, we repeated
the flooding experiment using Data Request com-
mand with 18 bytes length. However, the re-
sult also shows that the command is classified as
anomaly since it is outside the normal frontier.
Finally, we attempted to perform replay attacks
using previously captured packets from legitimate
devices. In this case, we replayed several pack-
ets with length 51, 77, and 105 bytes. However,
ZigBee IoT Intrusion Detection System: A Hybrid Approach with Rule-based and Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
all commands are classified as anomaly (e.g. out-
side the normal frontier) since the attacks were
sent from outside the room. It is to be noted that
the attacker may attempt to perform the replay at-
tack from inside the building, however the frame
counter feature will be able to detect this attack.
In general, by combining several features to create
the normal behaviour model we can detect anomalous
behaviour in the ZigBee network which can be used to
detect possible attempts to attack the network. In ad-
dition, using machine learning for creating the model
for normal behaviour is more efficient and less-time
consuming. However, there is a limitation of the non-
linear kernel (RBF), where some part on the kernel
(i.e. the learned frontier) touch the leaning observa-
tion (e.g. dataset of normal behaviour). This issue
makes the new observation of normal behaviour to
be classified as anomaly, particularly when they touch
the learned frontier. Therefore, in real case IDS im-
plementation, the One-class-SVM model will intro-
duce false positives, where some of normal messages
sent by legitimate devices will touch the frontier of
normal behaviour. It means some of legitimate pack-
ets/commands will be classified as anomaly. There-
fore, additional learning should be built-in to ensure
the model of normal behaviour is updated correctly
over time.
In this article, we have covered various methods to
detect known attacks, as well as possible new types
of attacks in ZigBee IoT systems. To do so, we intro-
duce intrusion detection system with hybrid approach
by combining the human-crafted rule-based and ma-
chine learning-based anomaly detection. Rule-based
approach is used to provide accurate detection mech-
anism for known attacks, but it is also effective to
be used for anomaly detection mechanism. However,
the rule-based approach introduces complexity and
is time-consuming to define precise rules for accu-
rate detection. While, machine learning approach is
specifically used to create a complex model of nor-
mal behaviour that is used for anomaly detection.
Indeed, creating the model using machine learning-
based anomaly detection is much efficient method and
less-time consuming. However, it potentially intro-
duces false alarms in real IDS deployments.
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IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security