either actually execute the composite service or else
simulate its execution.
In an attempt to address the above problems re-
lated to web service composition, in this paper, we
propose the use of GIPSY as a simulation/execution-
based environment for verification and validation of
constraint- and context-aware composite web ser-
vices. Since GIPSY is a system dedicated to the com-
pilation and execution of LUCID programs, it requires
the composite services under examination to be trans-
lated into programs written in some LUCID dialect.
Therefore, as part of our proposed solution, we design
and implement in JAVA an automated and extensible
translator framework that allows modules for translat-
ing composite services into OBJECTIVE LUCID.
In order to assess the extent to which these two
processes fulfill their design goals, we prepare ex-
haustive lists of all their constituent operations to-
gether with the other required conditions to be met
by each of their algorithms and perform tests on them
individually as well as all of them combined as a
composition or translation process. Taking our scope
and time restrictions under consideration, the meticu-
lous study that we have conducted on the composition
methodology and the LUCID/GIPSY model, we can
conclude that we have been able to effectively eval-
uate our composition and translation solutions and
have found them to be capable of fulfilling all their
design objectives.
During the course of this research, we discovered sev-
eral features that can be incorporated into our current
verification solution in order to make it more compre-
hensive, maintainable, efficient, robust, reliable and
versatile while improving the quality of the composi-
tions that it generates and validates. The current user
interface for the service composition application can
be enhanced to assist the user in applying customized
termination conditions on the forward expansion pro-
cess for increased control over the processing dura-
tion. For instance, growth of a search graph can be
stopped once a certain number of possible solutions
are likely to have been obtained, a certain number of
layers have been constructed or a certain amount of
time has been consumed. Although we allow service
requesters to specify their constraints and expected
QoS features as part of a composition request for
the sake of completeness, we do not implement any
mechanisms as of now that would enable requester
constraints or QoS features to be included in a solu-
tion plan. While our composition application allows
composite services to be used as components in other
compositions, our translator framework still assumes
the components of its source composite services to
be atomic in nature. We plan to improve the design
of our existing translator modules so as to be able to
represent composite component services in the trans-
lations generated. We currently use a scenario-based
testing approach which does not represent an abso-
lute proof of absence of unexpected or faulty behav-
ior. We are working on the design of a formal model
of the OBJECTIVE LUCID translation model followed
by development of a correctness proof.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science