• We are currently working on a Decepti-Box build
for a Windows client.
• We will be utilizing machine learning and artifi-
cial intelligence capabilities to enable decoys to
be more active and dynamic thus creating im-
proved realism.
• We continue to profile various equipment compo-
nents from multiple vendors in order to create a
more diverse set of decoys.
• We are actively studying ways to create more de-
coys while maintaining system fidelity.
• We are beginning to study game theoretic and log-
ical tools to more effectively camouflage Decepti-
SCADA honeypots among legitimate SCADA
network assets. This might be accomplished
through the implementation of deceptive network
scan results (Jajodia et al., 2017).
• We are conducting is an implementation of an at-
tacker engagement strategy (Bilinski et al., 2019)
in a SCADA network environment. The exper-
iment would have a real device and a decoy on
a SCADA network and test to see how a Rein-
forcement Learning (RL) agent would be perform
in determining which of the two devices are real.
Instead of using a simulated environment to give
signals to the RL agent, our experiment would use
real signals from the real machine and decoys.
This experiment will give us insight on how our
decoy system will influence an attacker given they
are aware of the techniques deployed by Decepti-
Beyond the areas described above, the Decepti-
SCADA Team continues to work on more refined test-
ing of the various components as well as develop a
case study which involves red team involvement in or-
der to determine the utility of deception for SCADA.
Roger A. Hallman is supported by the United States
Department of Defense SMART Scholarship for Ser-
vice Program funded by USD/R&E (The Under Sec-
retary of Defense-Research and Engineering), Na-
tional Defense Education Program (NDEP) / BA-1,
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IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security