The identification of incompleteness in requirements
specifications is still an open issue in requirements
We presented our method that reveals scenarios
and alternative scenarios in textual requirements
specification using patterns. In the first phase, we
construct a UML model as we described in our pre-
vious paper (
r and Kroha, 2018). Using the
model, we find values of attributes of classes that take
parts in scenarios and alternative scenarios. Then we
compare sets of attributes mentioned in alternative
scenarios with sets of attributes from the model and
decide about this kind of requirements specification
Unfortunately, it is difficult to get large textual
requirements specifications from software compa-
nies. Usually, these documents are classified as confi-
dential. Software developers do not agree with the
publishing. This is the reason why we cannot present
statistical data supporting our patterns.
In the future, we will test the possible existence of
some more complicated textual formulations of sce-
narios and their correspondence with a domain model.
This research was supported by the grant
of Czech Technical University in Prague
No. SGS17/211/OHK3/3T/18.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering