Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on
Spatio-temporal Centroid
Diego Addan Gonc¸alves
, Maria Cec
ılia Calani Baranauskas
, Julio C
esar dos Reis
and Eduardo Todt
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Informatics, Universidade Federal do Paran
a, Curitiba, Brazil
3D Avatar, Sign Language, Facial Expression.
Systems that use virtual environments with avatars for information communication are of fundamental im-
portance in contemporary life. They are even more relevant in the context of supporting sign language com-
munication for accessibility purposes. Although facial expressions provide message context and define part
of the information transmitted, e.g., irony or sarcasm, facial expressions are usually considered as a static
background feature in a primarily gestural language in computational systems. This article proposes a novel
parametric model of facial expression synthesis through a 3D avatar representing complex facial expressions
leveraging emotion context. Our technique explores interpolation of the base expressions in the geometric
animation through centroids control and Spatio-temporal data. The proposed method automatically generates
complex facial expressions with controllers that use region parameterization as in manual models used for sign
language representation. Our approach to the generation of facial expressions adds emotion to representation,
which is a determining factor in defining the tone of a message. This work contributes with the definition of
non-manual markers for Sign Languages 3D Avatar and the refinement of the synthesized message in sign
languages, proposing a complete model for facial parameters and synthesis using geometric centroid regions
interpolation. A dataset with facial expressions was generated using the proposed model and validated using
machine learning algorithms. In addition, evaluations conducted with the deaf community showed a positive
acceptance of the facial expressions and synthesized emotions.
Systems that use virtual environments for informa-
tion communication are of fundamental importance
in everyday life, providing flexibility and speed in the
transmission of information (Lombardo et al., 2011)
(Punchimudiyanse and Meegama, 2015). Studies on
gesture synthesis in 3D space have an immediate im-
pact on the development of new essential technologies
and deserve attention and investment. Although sign
languages have been documented since the 17th cen-
tury, their practical definitions and modeling vary lo-
cally based on countries’ legislation (Lombardo et al.,
2011) (Kacorri et al., 2015) (Sofiato, 2014), most of
which based on recent studies.
Several computational systems have been devel-
oped for Sign Languages based on signal synthesis
through the user interaction (Bento et al., 2014) (Ad-
han and Pintavirooj, 2016) (Ratan and Hasler, 2014),
(Kacorri et al., 2015). In general, those systems
use configuration parameters for hand-based gestures,
body and arms positioning, aiming at the fidelity be-
tween the virtual and real representations. Although
facial expressions provide message context and de-
fine part of the information transmitted (Elons et al.,
2014), e.g., irony or sarcasm, there is a serious lack of
such features in most of the existing software tools.
In this direction, systems that use virtual interpreters
need a greater focus on the parameterized representa-
tion of facial expressions, which is an indispensable
element in the effective transmission of a message
(Hyde et al., 2016).
According to Neidle et al. (Neidle et al., 1998),
it is remarkable that an addressee in a sign language
dialogue tends to look more to the eyes of the partner
than to the hands, reinforcing the importance of fa-
cial expressions in the communication. In this sense,
the accurate transmission of a message using sign lan-
guages needs a facial expression representation as a
feeling modifier or as a context supplement for the
Gonçalves, D., Baranauskas, M., Reis, J. and Todt, E.
Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid.
DOI: 10.5220/0009344404630475
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 463-475
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
raw gesture information as well as for morphological
However, facial parameters for the computational
representation of sign languages are scarce and lack
details that correspond with the models applied to the
manual elements of the language. Facial expressions,
that also provides the emotion, should consider cul-
tural elements, morpho-syntactic elements and facial
expression interpolations. Although some systems
implement facial expressions in their avatars, they of-
ten do not follow any models integrated with the other
parameters and do not associate the emotional expres-
sion with the message. To this end, it is necessary
a control model that understands the relationship of
each facial region with facial expressions for the gen-
eration of a virtual environment. A model with these
characteristics facilitates the integration of complex
features in the system.
The manual sign language parameters has well-
defined models, such as the CORE-SL (Iatskiu et al.,
2017), that describes the hand parameters as shape,
location, movement and orientation. Each parame-
ters have values and hierarchy relationship that com-
pounds a signal. These models do not incorporate
detailed facial parameters, or Non-Manual Markers
(NMM), a fact that unfortunately holds for models
and systems for other sign languages as well.
In this paper, we propose and validate a novel
parametric model of facial expression applied to a
3D avatar dedicated to Sign Language synthesis. The
animation of facial expressions can be controlled by
understanding the behavior of facial landmarks and
the geometric animations allowing the implementa-
tion of automatic signal synthesis and a facial model
for sign languages. In particular, we propose a func-
tional facial model for Sign Languages 3D animation
that considers parameters of the face using Spatio-
temporal information. The Spatio-temporal informa-
tion enables to control the behavior of the geometric
landmarks and to generate an automatic synthesis of
emotions through a 3D avatar.
Our investigation involved the definition and ap-
plication of a parameterized landmark-based model
of facial expressions in a signal language synthesis
system. We aimed to enhance the animation process
supporting a more accurate representation of sign lan-
guage messages and integrating into the Core-SL hi-
erarchic model.
The conducted methodology is synthesized as fol-
Proposed a parameterized computational model
for facial representation in sign language 3D
Identified the main components of deformation
landmarks in the avatar face to define the relation-
ship between facial regions and base expressions.
Base expressions are the main emotions used to
generate all the secondary interpolations. This en-
ables to generate expressions that follow the de-
scriptive sign language model by associating the
expression with the signal message. This allows
full control of the geometric mesh of the face.
Applied concepts of temporal data related to a ge-
ometric mesh to control and optimize the 4D ac-
tions of a 3D avatar.
Evaluated the proposed system through a data set
based on interpolation of parameters and genera-
tion of simplified and adapted expressions. The
evaluation was carried out in two steps: Using
machine learning to classify avatar generated ex-
pressions and based on the feedback of the Deaf
community concerning the outputs.
Our contribution offers a fine control of the geometric
deformations in the representation of emotions during
the transmission of the message, defining which pa-
rameters are the most relevant in the representation of
the main expressions, allowing local control for each
parameter. The main contributions are the definition
of a NMM model for sign languages avatar and a pro-
cess to synthesize emotions and expressions in a 3D
avatar for synthesis systems, supported by the extrac-
tion of the spatio-temporal data of facial animation
that defines facial behavior.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents a synthesis of related work.
Section 3 presents the built model for facial parame-
ters in the 3D avatar. Section 4 reports on our tech-
nique for the automatic generation of complex facial
expressions based on behaviors of facial landmarks.
Section 5 describes the evaluations conducted to as-
sess our proposal. Section 6 refers to the final re-
The use of virtual agents for educational or entertain-
ment systems has increased as well as the interest
by target users (Grif and Manueva, 2016) (Ratan and
Hasler, 2014) (Wiegand, 2014). Basawapatna et al.
(Basawapatna et al., 2018) reinforce the importance
of 3D avatars in educational environments, compar-
ing the impact of more dynamic virtual environments
with traditional concepts in programming teaching.
The avatar motions may be generated by con-
trollers associated with the 3D geometric mesh us-
ing techniques such as Blend Shapes or Morph Tar-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
gets as well as the tracking of geometric controllers
based on a set of features and classifier cascade (Feng
and Prabhakaran, 2016) (Ahire et al., 2015) (Kacorri,
2015). Some models can use notation based on sign
languages, as Signwriting and HamNoSys, extending
them for characteristics of manual signal elements,
using terms such as symmetry, hand position, rota-
tion and location, associated with values of move-
ments or coordinates among other information (Kaur
and Singh, 2015). These models make a parallel be-
tween sign language representation and their descrip-
tive notations, but do not cover complex elements for
facial definitions (Lombardo et al., 2011).
Modulation in the mouth, eyebrows and other
points of interest in the face can change the meaning
of expressions in sign languages (Huenerfauth et al.,
2011), reinforcing the necessity of a facial model that
defines complex elements of the face. There are facial
expression definitions for sign languages such as the
work of Elons which limits the categories of: Ques-
tion, used when the sentence is interrogative, Empha-
sis used to highlight part of the sentence, Emotion as
sadness and joy and Continue when the emitter has
paused the message momentarily.
These categories are still very generic and an ideal
definition of facial parameters is similar to used for
manual elements in the descriptive models of sign
languages (Iatskiu et al., 2017) identifying indepen-
dent elements and position values. The base classes of
emotional states used in interactive scenarios are the
Positive (joy, surprise and excited emotions), Neutral
(calm and relaxed expressions) and Negative (afraid,
anger and sadness expressions) classes (Alkawaz and
Basori, 2012). Ekman’s model (Szwoch, 2015) iden-
tifies base expressions as Anger, Fear, Sadness, Sur-
prise, and Joy. Other representations of emotions are
identified as a combination and interpolation of ba-
sic expressions also called Plutchick’s Wheel of Emo-
The face can be decomposed into specific and
independent regions handling the classification of
key points in groups (Lemaire et al., 2011). These
key points are frequently used in Facial Expres-
sions Recognition (FER) (Happy and Routray, 2015),
where mathematical spatial models can define, for ex-
ample, a distance for eyes and nose, that can be ap-
plied to the synthesis process as well. MPEG-4 Fa-
cial Points is a broadly used standard set of points of
interest in the face (Bouzid et al., 2013). It provides
84 points mapped on a model with a neutral expres-
sion, including areas such as tongue, lips, teeth, nose,
and eyes, with points distributed along the perimeter
of these regions, particularly at the corners.
Most approaches use spatio-temporal information
to classify facial data (Sikdar, 2017) (Yu and Poger,
2017). Different mathematical models for temporal
data representation are found in the literature (Erwig
et al., 1998) (Lee et al., 2016) (Mahmoud et al., 2014)
(Suheryadi and Nugroho, 2016). The general defini-
tion commonly used for 4D data is for an object ob-
served temporarily in a defined space.
The spatial data type, as well as the temporal en-
vironment, define the specificity of the models devel-
oped and can help to understand the behavior of emo-
tion animation.
Algorithms such as Data Time Warping (DTW),
Factor Analysis (FA) and Principal Components
Analysis (PCA) can be used to understand the correla-
tion between landmarks and the expressions through
their behavior (Mahmoud et al., 2014). Oliveira et al.
(Oliveira et al., 2017) use the PCA + k-NN algorithms
to extract features from an image base referring to the
alphabet in Irish Sign Language. According to the
authors, techniques used for sign definition include
the use of landmarks and Principal Component Anal-
ysis (PCA) and can be classified by machine learning
techniques. This concept will be used to define a fa-
cial region during an expression animation as a 4D
geometric mesh.
In the following sections, a novel model for the au-
tomatic synthesis of facial expressions in sign lan-
guages is presented using the proposed non-manual
markers based on regions and Spatio-temporal facial
behavior. The NMM model follows the manual pa-
rameters format defined for sign language computa-
tional models around the world. Using this model,
methods for facial behavior analysis was applied to
extract 4D meshes that detail the relationship between
facial landmarks and base expressions. With this
model, an automatic facial expression generation and
parser system have been developed that can be in-
tegrated into automatic sign language synthesis sys-
Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid
3.1 Proposed Sign Language
Non-manual Markers based on
Region Centroid
The model proposed in this section relies on hier-
archical modeling, compatible with concepts widely
used in the computational representation of the man-
ual parameters of sign languages, improving systems
that do not use expressions or emotions on message
A 3D avatar was built with a geometry compatible
with the facial data-sets that require a low poly mesh
(a simple geometry with few polygons), and that can
efficiently represent the base expressions defined by
Plutchick’s Wheel of Emotion (Figure 1). Both the
geometric model and the parameters defined in the
following subsections can be used to represent any fa-
cial expression using interpolation of facial landmarks
displacement values.
Figure 1: Basic emotions represented in the virtual environ-
ment. The top row shows faces built with the 3D mesh, from
left to right: Neutral, Joy, Anger, Surprise and Sadness. The
bottom row shows the samples of the data-set (Lyons et al.,
1998) used as a reference for the base expressions.
A humanoid model was built with 598 facial polygons
and a rigging supporting the aforementioned base ex-
pressions. The facial model MPEG-4 FP (Kacorri and
Huenerfauth, 2014) was used as a points of interest
reference in avatar modeling. According to Obaid et
al. (Obaid et al., 2010), the main regions for facial
expression recognition are: forehead, eyes, cheeks,
nose, and mouth.
Other studies using facial regions for the extrac-
tion or classification of characteristics argue for the
local division as a fundamental resource to better un-
derstand the behavior and relation between a geomet-
ric area or related spatial points (Lemaire et al., 2011)
(Lv et al., 2015).
Based on these concepts, the facial model for
sign language avatar was defined as the merge of the
MPEG-4 points of interest controlled by centroids
calculated based on the five main facial regions. This
setting allows fine control of expression animation
and is a new approach in sign language models.
Then, a process for generating the base expres-
sion animations was defined using the morph target
method (Dailey et al., 2010), where geometric defor-
mations are processed using tracking of points of in-
terest from an input sequence. In the process of track-
ing and measuring the point of interest, distances were
used as a reference two 2D data-sets with images of
the base expressions states and representations.
Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) data-
set and the Averaged Karolinska Directed Emotional
Faces (AKDEF) data-set provide samples of the base
expressions interpreted by more than 20 subjects
providing approximately 120 samples (Lyons et al.,
1998) (Lundqvist, 1998). These data-sets classify the
images using averaged semantic ratings, which define
expressions by points of interest values, statistically
identifying which emotions each image is and its gen-
eral intensity(the displacement of the facial muscles
and facial points of interest define the expression rep-
resents and the value of intensity). Figure 2 shows
an example of the AKDEF base where the represen-
tation of base expressions uses values for synthesized
expression by intensity value.
Figure 2: AKDEF data-set sample (Lundqvist, 1998). The
images sequences follow the intensity in the representation
of the expression (0% for the neutral expression and 100%
for the angry base expression), based on the position of the
Points of Interest (POI) in the human face. The points of
interest is the facial muscles that when displaced indicate
the expression or emotion that the face intends to express.
The coordinates for each expression points of inter-
est in face region were defined based on the average
values found in the data-sets. Following the semantic
values identified in each base expression, controllers
were applied to the 3D geometric mesh by deform-
ing the model in order to fit in the average values as
shown in Figure 3.
With the morph targets of the applied base expres-
sions, coordinates of specific points on the 3D avatar
face, linked to controllers, can be used as predictions
of positions for interpolation of expressions. For the
input and output parser steps will be used as target de-
scriptive model the CORE-SL, which already imple-
ments manual and non-manual sign language param-
eters and elements, being the most complete model
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Generation of the synthesized expression based on
the subjects of the AKDEF and JAFFE data-sets used. The
red dots were defined based on the MPEG-4 and applied to
the 3D avatar, and based on the position of the points of
interest tracked in the input images, the blend shapes were
constructed as animation for the base expressions. In the
image, inputs like the three figures displayed (NA.DI2.215,
nomenclature used in the JAFFE data-set that defines the
subject (NA), expression (DI2) and image number (215),
and the AKDEF data-set examples that represent the sub-
ject gender (AM), identification (13 and 14) and expression
(DIS)) were used to define the displacements of each point
for the generation of the disgusting expression in the 3D
3.2 Neutral Expression Deviation
Factor (NEDeF)
The next methods were built aiming to relate each fa-
cial region with each base expression. This process
is fundamental to identify values for the parameters
defined in the previous section and can be used in au-
tomatic synthesis in the same way as the manual ele-
ments. A metric was proposed to measure the global
normalized region deformation, representing the in-
fluence on the mesh for each expression, defined by
the Neutral Expression Deviation Factor (NEDeF) as
For each expression (e) a measure of the distortion rel-
ative to the neutral expression (n) is computed. This
is done, for each facial region (R
), by the normalized
sum of differences of the Euclidean distances in the
3D space from the centroid region to each respective
landmark. A second normalization is computed con-
sidering the number of landmarks (reference points)
defined for each region (NV
). The distances were
taken in absolute values because the distortion of the
regions is assumed to be additive.
The spatial location of the landmarks in the same
region (vertexes placed as MPEG-4 Point of Interest)
is defined respective to the centroid. The absolute val-
ues of the displacements were used to calculate the
NEDeF considering that one distortion in the mesh
should be considered in any direction in the virtual
environment in order to evaluate deviation from the
neutral expression.
Table 1 shows the NEDeFs of the regions and
their distortion points compared to the same land-
marks with the synthesized expressions, together with
the normalized values of intensity of influence in the
3D mesh that was extracted in each region.
Table 1: NEDeF of the base expressions for main facial re-
gions, indicating the relation between the facial regions and
each expression. The displacements are calculated using
centroid position for facial region point of interest.
Geometrical Comparison of Facial Regions
Foreh. Eyes Cheeks Mouth Nose
Joy 0.18 1.00 0.80 0.79 0.37
Anger 0.62 0.90 0.95 0.70 0.08
Surp. 0.36 0.46 0.00 0.97 0.00
Fear 0.25 0.48 0.67 1.00 0.09
Sadn. 1.00 0.98 0.30 0.40 0.09
Disg. 0.73 0.05 0.66 1.00 0.00
The results presented in Table 1 allow the identifica-
tion of the more affected regions for each emotion.
The forehead region is a highlight in the expressions
of anger and sadness and the mouth region is of great
importance in joy, surprise, and fear expressions. For
the joy emotion, the regions with more distortion in
the mesh were the cheeks; on the negative expressions
(anger, fear, sadness) the nose region tends to have a
more noticeable change in comparison with the posi-
tive emotions (joy and surprise).
The next facial experiment aimed to identify the
main components of the face on the emotion synthe-
sis process. This is important to identify the general
weight of each region, which will allow prioritizing
regions of greater importance in the synthesis of fa-
cial animations. For this process the Principal Com-
ponents Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis (FA) al-
gorithms were used, reducing the data dimensions,
making it easier to observe the regions with the most
relevant influence in the facial expression animations.
Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid
The facial landmarks were used as the PCA vari-
ables with their Euclidean values ranging from a neu-
tral expression to the extracted synthesized expres-
sions. The covariance matrix was calculated as the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the average vector
of the samples, relating the landmarks and the eu-
clidean displacement. Then the data was rearranged
in a Hotelling matrix, used to solve such multivariate
testing problems, in order to obtain the facial principal
components. Figure4 shows a graph representing the
landmarks in two-dimensional space and their repre-
sentation after applying the PCA algorithm.
Figure 4: PCA applied to 3D mesh landmarks vector: Ac-
cording to Explained Variance Ratio (EVR), components of
Forehead and Mouth regions had the most expressive dis-
placement values. The dotted lines at left show the max-
imum variance direction of the first and second principal
components, and the right image shows the points repre-
sented in the new principal component’s base.
The Explained Variance Ratio (EVR) was obtained
based on the eigenvectors and eigenvalues; it was ob-
served that 58 % of the variance of the data is in the
direction of the main components of the Forehead re-
gion, being the Mouth region with the second most
expressive value with 26 %, followed by Cheek’s with
11 % of the variance of the data directed to its compo-
nents. The Eye region had less expression in the tests,
followed by the nose region which had the EVR value
lower than 1 %.
In order to support the previous experiments, the
Factor Analysis Algorithm (FA) was applied. This
algorithm confronts the facial landmarks behavior
given by PCA results. The same PCA variables of
the previous analysis were used as facial landmarks
coordinates in expression animation morph target, ob-
serving the weights of their relations.
The objective of applying the FA was to find the
co-variance between the regions in the synthesis of
facial expression, defining the most relevant regions
in the synthesis of each base expression.
The normalized values for the analyzed factors
eigenvalues are 0.79 for Forehead, 0.0 for the Eyes,
0.85 for Cheeks, 1.0 for Mouth, 0.13 for Nose region,
which show that using the five main facial regions of
the proposed sign language NMM and the six base
expressions of the Ekman’s model, it’s correct to con-
sider three main factors. The graph in Figure 5 shows
the reduced factors based on the eigenvalues, where
the absolute values of mouth and nose regions can be
reduced in a single factor, as well as values for cheeks
and forehead.
Figure 5: Main factors for facial regions. The five values,
from left to right, represents the absolute values for the main
facial regions: Forehead, Eyes, Cheeks, Mouth, and Nose.
This means that, in the synthesis of base emotion ex-
pressions, using the points of interest landmarks and
regions of the proposed 3D avatar facial model, de-
fined in the previous sub-section, we can point out
that the Forehead and Cheeks regions had a similar
displacement expressiveness in the geometric mesh.
The Mouth region was the most expressive with
the most noticeable details of geometric change and
Eyes and Nose can be considered as a factor with less
perceptive displacement. The PCA and FA results re-
inforce the proposed NEDeF function and point to the
more expressive facial regions and centroids in base
expression animation. Trajectories of these centroids
can define the general facial behavior of the 3D avatar
in the sign language synthesis process and can be ex-
tracted using Spatio-temporal, or 4D concepts. With
the results obtained, these strategies are explored in
the next section.
The following methods were built aiming at the ex-
traction of the displacement geometric meshes of each
controller regarding the centroids of the main facial
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
regions. These results allow to define the behavior
of each controller and generate trajectories that, ob-
served as curves, allow the complete analysis of the
synthesis process of emotions and the generation of
complex facial expression interpolations.
For this process, the parameters of the NMM for
sign language 3D avatar defined in the previous sec-
tions were transformed into function curve structures.
In order to represent a function curve, the values of
the points represented by t are a part of the sequence
called Knot Vector and determine the base function
that influences the shape of the B-Spline trajectory.
Knot vector is represented by t = (t
, t
, ...t
) in
range t [t
, t
] (Aldrich, 1998). Each centroid is a
spatial point in a trajectory in synthesis process. In
this way, for a trajectory referring to the synthesis of
an expression E of degree n and Controller Points
represented by the centroid of the region α observed
as a time point t(α) as follows:
t = p
, p
, ... p
t = p(α) [0, 1] = (p
, p
, ... p
t(C) =
B(t) =
(t)C(t) +W
For all control points p
as centroid t(C) and the knots
in B-Spline consider the parameter W based on the
value of influence extracted from PCA and FA analy-
sis. The influence parameter W is considered in the
animation generation process, where a lower value
of W corresponds to less important regions that can
be ignored in the expression synthesis, reducing the
computational load.
4.1 Spatio-temporal Centroid
The Spatio-temporal concept used in this work fol-
lows the presented by Erwig and G
uting (Martin Er-
wig and G
uting, 1998) where the trajectory of a spa-
tial point, based on temporal readings can be observed
as a region if its spatial displacement is considered.
When the shape of the curve changes, the region dis-
placements is expanded or retracted.
The centroids trajectories along the generated fa-
cial expression animation can be represented by dy-
namic curves, controlling the edges that connect the
vertexes landmarks, producing the movement or de-
formation of facial regions. The relevant coordinates
occur in the transition between the neutral expression
to the synthesis of one of the six base emotions of the
Ekman model, since with these landmarks it is possi-
ble to observe the specific impact of these expressions
on the 3D mesh. The trajectories of the Facial Ex-
pression Landmarks (FEL) of the facial NMM model
defined in the previous section were extracted using
intervals of 60 frames for each Expression by:
Tra j =
, [E
, E
When in a range between the neutral expression and
the base expression [E
, E
], the coordinates of the
FEL are extracted by the region centroid Cent
, and
their displacement. The centroids displacements of
the region define their behavior and influence for each
The splines shown in Figure 6 represent the
geometric displacement calculated by the Three-
dimensional Euclidean Distance (3DED) of the Cen-
troid coordinates C
observed at 50 ts (t relating to
an element of the Keyframes vector for the emotion
synthesis). Each spline in images defines the Cen-
troid trajectory by the expression, the displacement
projection can be considered the 4D data as a trajec-
tory mesh (Le et al., 2011), once represent a geomet-
ric controller in a time slice.
Figure 6 shows the Spatio-temporal trajectories of
the five main facial regions for the base expressions.
Graphically it is possible to observe which region has
more spatial variation considering its geometric coor-
dinates and the shape of the curve.
The 3D Euclidean Distance values of each Cen-
troid reading are assigned to the matrix sequenced by
the Keyframe of the observed animation, where Eu-
clidean Distance Variance values of a mouth facial
region Centroid are displayed and their overall vari-
ance value. Based on 3D Euclidean Distances, Table
2 shows the Variance Analysis Matrix for each Cen-
troid in the time slice of the synthesis of each base
Most of the values in the EDVA table are rein-
forced by PCA tests, such as the fact that the Nose re-
gion is more significant in negative expressions (such
as Anger and Sadness) with a variance of 0.00236 and
0.004911 respectively, significant among the matrix
The forehead region has a greater variance in the
positive expressions (Joy and Surprise) as well as the
mouth region, reinforcing the variance obtained with
the PCA Algorithm. For negative expressions, the
mouth region has more significant variance values.
The expression Anger, according to the analyzed ma-
trix (Table 2) indicates that the regions of the eyes
with 0.002369 and cheeks with 0.001781 are those
that have a greater variance in the displacements also
Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid
Figure 6: Spatio-temporal Centroid trajectories, from left-top to right bottom: Joy, Anger, Surprise, Sadness, Fear, Disgust
expression synthesis. The Spatio-temporal trajectories for each Centroid follow the displacement of 3D Euclidean Distance
Variance as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Centroid trajectory EDVA values. For each base
expression, as Joy, Anger, Surprise, Fear, Sadness and Dis-
gusting, the variance value of each facial region is shown
(M. for mouth region, C. for cheeks region, N. for nose re-
gion, F. for forehead region and E. for eyes region).
EDVA values.
Joy Anger Surp. Fear Sadn. Disg.
M. .123 .001 .002 .010 .197 .182
C. .163 .001 .002 .002 .001 .003
N. .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .002
F. .052 .001 .076 .014 .004 .011
E. .006 .002 .001 .001 .004 .001
reinforcing the values tabulated by the PCA test.
The avatar’s mouth presented high values of ge-
ometric displacement variance in practically all base
expressions, highlighting the disgust expression, with
0.1820 of variance and sadness expression, with
0.1972, reinforcing their relationship between these
expressions and facial regions. The cheek region has
a greater variance in the Joy expression synthesis with
0.16371, and its lower values are in the expressions
of surprise and fear, expressions that depend more
on the forehead region that presented high values of
0.076342 and 0.014019 respectively.
Table 3 presents the normalized variance data for
the PCA and EDVA test relating the centroids of the
facial regions and the base expressions. Although ex-
tracted values cannot be compared directly, due to the
difference between the algorithms, the data presented
for the influence of facial region on the synthesis of
expressions reinforce the main regions that character-
ize the negative and positive emotions.
There are many approaches to interpolate curves
or Spatio-temporal data where intermediate points are
calculated in order to obtain a predicted trajectory
that extends the original shape (Gloderer and Hertle,
2010) (T. Jusko, 2016). From a weight parameter,
simplifies curves by interpolating duplicated or less
relevant edges shortening the number of controller
points in the spline (Li et al., 2014), a useful resource
for interpolated expressions generation.
The proposed process was applied to create a data-
set with different outputs representing interpolated
emotions or simplification of base expressions param-
eters. The Newton Polynomial Interpolation method
was used in the process. Through a list containing
the values of the coordinates separated by sequential
readings of the expressions, the simplification method
of the 4D regions was implemented.
In this process, the readings must contain values in
the three geometric axes for each key-frame, defined
by 50 frames for each expression, plus 10 frames to
return to the neutral state, exporting a different list for
each landmark. The landmarks are further grouped by
facial region, in order to parameterize the simplifica-
tion process by data-sets.
With a list of intermediate values u, spatial ver-
texes displacements are simplified generating a new
Spatio-temporal trajectory. With the exported coor-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Centroid displacement variance for Facial Regions
in expression synthesis. The shown values were normalized
and separated by the facial region and animated expression.
For regions with more than one Centroid, the mean-variance
values were calculated ((M. for mouth region, C. for cheeks
region, N. for nose region, F. for forehead region and E. for
eyes region).
PCA normalized variance values.
Joy Anger Surp. Fear Sadn. Disg.
M. .626 .005 .011 .053 1.0 .923
C. .829 .009 .003 .003 .005 .020
N. .001 .003 .002 .003 .003 .002
F. .267 .006 .387 .071 .020 .057
E. .003 .012 .009 .009 .024 .007
3D EDVA normalized values.
M. .791 .702 .970 1.00 .400 1.00
C. .800 .953 .000 .673 .307 .667
N. .376 .080 .000 .095 .091 .000
F. .118 .628 .363 .250 1.00 .730
E. 1.00 .900 .460 .484 .980 .050
dinates it is possible to intensify the animations by
increasing the variance in the displacements or opti-
mize the generation of the expression by excluding
4D regions with a lower w parameter. The value of w
represents the weight extracted from the EDVA, PCA
and FA results, which define the weight relationship
between the expression and the facial region.
Once the value of an intermediate point u is cal-
culated, its coordinates can be inserted in Centroid
values list of the morph target by the distance be-
tween Centroid and the data matrix using the func-
tion that calculates the distance between C
and C
, C
The whole process of outputting and calculating
base expression animation or expression interpolation
has been extracted from a parser process that follows
the CORE-SL framework structure. This structure
follows an XML notation model where parameters,
relationships, and values are defined in order to gener-
ate a sign. For the facial model proposed by this work,
the parameters are the points of interest and Centroid
of each facial region, and their values are the geomet-
ric displacement relations defined by the 4D meshes.
In summary, the presented generation process is com-
plete and can generate any interpolation variation pro-
posed by the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions, or inten-
sify and alter the base expressions to suit local and
regional representations.
In order to identify whether the generated expressions
are recognizable, two validation tests were applied:
an evaluation using K-nearest neighbors algorithm
(KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Machine
Learning, and an evaluation collecting feedback from
the Deaf community.
5.1 Using Machine Learning
Although there are no models that define detailed
NMM parameters for sign languages 3D avatar, some
models and landmarks are widely used for facial ex-
pression recognition (Figure 7), and can be used in or-
der to point out facial behaviors that define emotions
and expressions for the virtual environment genera-
Figure 7: Facial expression recognition using Support Vec-
tor Machine (Song et al., 2018).
KNN and SVM are pattern recognition algorithms
that use machine learning to classify an input based
on a previously trained space of hypothesis H
to rec-
ognize patterns that define classes in a database.
Two facial bases, JAFEE and AKDEF, were used
in order to define the facial model in section 3. Both
bases were used in SVM training, where character-
istics such as eye position, mouth corners, nose, and
other spatial characteristics were defined as parame-
ters of variables and the base expressions were de-
fined as labels (Adil et al., ) and (Song et al., 2018).
The KNN algorithm does not learn any hypothesis
model being a distance-based strategy of elements by
comparing their attributes and defining their dimen-
sional position based on their values.
After training with 2D image bases, 3D Facial
Expressions (3DFE) dataset was generated using the
model proposed in this work, with 21 examples of
synthesized base expressions and some interpolations
between them. Although the model generates virtual
environment animations as outputs, the final output of
each rendered expression can be used as an example
and applied to SVM and KNN for labeling, once the
coordinates of the landmarks can be identified. In this
Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid
way, based on H
, which is adaptable and learns from
new classifications, it is possible to label each output
of the dataset identifying if the intended expression
was generated correctly.
Figure 8 shows the accuracy of Machine Learning
algorithms in the labeling of facial expressions gener-
Figure 8: Average accuracy’s of 3DFE classification.
It is possible to identify that the KNN algorithm had
had less accuracy in classifying the output images,
perhaps because its hypothesis space is totally defined
by distance calculations. The SVM results were sup-
ported by the training stage based on AKDEF and
JAFEE databases, and have shown high positive clas-
The results demonstrate that the expressions gen-
erated by the methods proposed in this work are cor-
rect and highlight an important first step in the in-
tegration of complex expressions in avatars for sign
language automatic synthesis systems, and can also
be integrated into other sign language systems around
the world. A dataset with the base expressions and
fifteen interpolations was generated aiming to test the
automatic generation process and to present to the
deaf community through sign language synthesis sys-
tems through 3D avatar.
5.2 3DFE Dataset and User Evaluation
A questionnaire containing expressions generated by
the synthesis system developed in this work was or-
ganized to be presented to a university community
of deaf students. The objective was to evaluate if
the generated automatic expressions are recognizable
by the people, including the interpolations generated
through the spatio-temporal geometric meshes. This
exercise helps you identify which expressions can
have their parameters adjusted for better representa-
tion and values for interpolations.
A form containing a collection of 21 synthe-
sized expressions outputs generated using the pro-
posed technique was made available to Sign Lan-
guage users in order to evaluate the system and its
outputs. The form was made available online, and did
not require users identification or personal informa-
tion once it was the system being analyzed and not the
people. Users should identify the facial expressions
presented, including some interpolations with inten-
sity variations in facial regions, and simplifications by
excluding regions with the less relevant w parameter.
The application of the form has received 30
anonymous responses. It was reported that 46.7% of
the respondents already used software with 3D avatars
as sign language interpreters, 10% had already used
software that uses 3D avatars but not in the context
of sign languages and 43.3% had never used software
with these characteristics.
Following, 86.7% of respondents consider facial
expressions a very important feature in a sign lan-
guage conversation, 10% consider it important and
3% consider it less important. Table 4 presents Spear-
man’s Rank Correlation coefficient and significance
applied to the data extracted from the answers feed-
back. The data below were organized in order to re-
late the importance of the parameters used to define
the outputs in the user’s responses.
Table 4: Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient applied to
validated parameters in the applied formulas. The presented
values vary between 1 for a direct relation between the pa-
rameters and -1 for inverse relation. 0 represents no relation.
The parameters presented are: ”B.E. for base expressions,
Interpolations (I.), ’N.I. for unidentified expressions, ’E.
and ’H.’ for the number of errors and hits by output image.
B.E. I. N.I. E. H.
B.E. 1.00 -0.75 -0.33 -0.09 0.91
I. -0.75 1.00 -0.09 0.13 -0.06
N.I. -0.33 -0.09 1.00 0.15 -0.51
E. -0.09 0.13 0.15 1.00 -0.90
H. 0.91 0.06 -0.51 -0.90 1.00
The positive correlation between the basic expres-
sions and the hits of 0.9 justify the use of the pro-
posed and implemented system, being a viable model
in the first moment for the parametrized representa-
tion of facial expressions in signal language systems.
Other variables in Table 4 highlight the strong
correlation of interpolated expressions with N.I. re-
sponses and the strong correlation between N.I. and
Errors. Therefore, the system would be improved if
there were image bases with representations of sec-
ondary expressions to serve as hypothesis space help-
ing to classify these variations geometrically.
Some relationships can be made between clas-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sifications using artificial intelligence and user re-
sponses. Negative expressions had more false posi-
tives, especially expressions of fear and disgust. The
most successful expressions in both tests were the ex-
pressions of joy and anger, as well as sadness. One
hypothesis is that these emotions have less cultural
variation and are more recognizable regardless of fa-
cial and local characteristics. The Deaf community
response with the generated expressions was positive
as well as the SVM and KNN results; this represents
an important step in integrating complex facial ex-
pressions into avatars for automatic signal language
synthesis, using computational parameters, as it is al-
ready done with manual elements.
There is a lacking concerning facial parameter for
sign language avatars, despite the importance of ex-
pressions in communication. This work presented a
proposal of non-manual markers for sign language fa-
cial expressions automatic generation following com-
putational descriptive models such as CORE-SL, inte-
grating complex elements for automatic generation of
facial expressions unified to manual signals. As main
contributions the parameterized computational model
that allows the generation of base expressions and
secondary interpolations was presented, enabling the
representation of any expression based on fine control
of facial regions.
The behavior of facial landmarks was also ana-
lyzed through Spatio-temporal modeling and applica-
tion of PCA, FA and EDVA algorithms, which define
the correlation between facial regions and the main
expressions. These results are important to under-
stand how to computationally generate complex facial
expression interpolations.
A dataset with facial expressions generated using
the proposed model was created and validated using
machine learning algorithms and presented to the deaf
community with positive acceptance of the facial ex-
pressions and emotions synthesized, The results ob-
tained so far represent a starting point in the inte-
gration of facial expressions for sign language for-
mal representation through 3D avatars, with a con-
trolled representation of expressions through well-
defined parameters. Future works can define relations
between base expressions and interpolations and ap-
ply the parameters presented in other 3D meshes re-
inforcing the generality of the model. In addition, it
is essential that morphosyntactic elements, defined in
each sign language, be integrated into the model.
This work was financially supported by the S
Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants
#2015/16528-0, #2015/24300-9 and Number
2019/12225-3), and CNPq (grant #306272/2017-2).
We thank the University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
and Universidade Federal do Paran
a (UFPR) for
making this research possible.
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Facial Expressions Animation in Sign Language based on Spatio-temporal Centroid