In this work we presented the scenario of an uncer-
tain obstacle in automated driving. The example was
used to motivate and explain the use of POMDPs. We
derived its components and explained the functional-
ity of the ABT solver. Even though the chosen sce-
nario was kept simple, it is complex enough to point
out five different difficulties that have to be overcome
when trying to solve a real world problem. At the
simpler scenario with a fixed obstacle position, we
demonstrated the impact of the UCT-factor, balancing
exploration versus exploitation, and suggested using a
suitable estimate for the Q-value-function. Extending
the scenario to include continuous hidden states and
observations brought further problems. Namely, we
could show the need for discretizing observations in
order to prevent a degenerated tree, and pointed at the
influence of the particle filter. Lastly, the advantage of
using a heuristic function as a first estimate for a belief
value was explained.
Even though we did not solve a burning problem
in this work, we hope to pave the way for others into
POMDP-based behavior planning by bringing insights
into the mechanisms. Especially at the advent of paral-
lelizing solver algorithms (Cai et al., 2018), promising
to alleviate the massive drawback of the computational
burden, we expect to find POMDPs in more and more
applications. Apart from speeding up the algorithms,
we see need for further research in handling continuous
observations. Perhaps, smart discretization combined
with progressive widening may help in that regard.
This research was supported by AUDI AG.
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Tutorial on Sampling-based POMDP-planning for Automated Driving