Table 3: Average rotation parameter values across classes of ModelNet10. The values are reformatted to be positive angles
between 0 and 360.
Class r
Bathtub Bathtub 319.2 100.5 57.8 185.2 223.4 98.3 350.6 167.4 14.2
Bed 264.3 196.3 103.7 208.5 186.2 194.4 267.9 246.3 81.2
Chair 198.6 91.2 243.7 47.4 161.2 87.9 240.5 47.3 203.4
Desk 88.4 80.2 130.9 206.6 86.5 112.8 291.7 233.2 351.4
Dresser 58.0 145.7 353.1 148.4 346.4 125.3 47.0 2.2 35.4
Monitor 218.9 279.0 58.1 10.4 30.3 331.4 90.7 285.6 346.1
Night stand 85.3 336.1 175.9 246.4 169.4 278.7 317.0 137.6 302.9
Sofa 306.1 86.9 109.2 311.1 22.5 321.4 96.9 47.0 76.2
Table 299.8 85.2 126.5 215.1 221.9 245.5 237.1 50.6 128.4
Toilet 277.0 325.3 215.5 255.6 192.2 19.8 278.4 193.4 348.2
Average 211.6 172.6 157.4 183.4 164.1 182.4 221.8 141.1 189.7
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be efficiently computed and implemented using low-
cost matrix multiplications. Moreover, we show that
our experimental architecture gives competitive results
to state-of-the-art with a relatively shallow design, in
3D object recognition task. Finally, we empirically
demonstrate that fusing learned and hand-crafted fea-
tures results in improved performance, as they provide
complementary information.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods