This paper presents a traffic light detection and recog-
nition system based on convolutional neural networks
for Taiwan road scenes. A two-stage approach is pro-
posed with first detecting the traffic light position, fol-
lowed by the light state recognition. It is specifically
designed to handle the arrow signal lights. In the traf-
fic light detection stage, the map information is used
to facilitate the detection by restricting the ROI. Two
cameras with different focal lengths are used to cap-
ture the near and far scenes. In the recognition stage,
a method combining the object detection and clas-
sification is presented. It is used to cope with the
problem of multiple light state classes in many urban
traffic scenes. The proposed end-to-end unified net-
work with shared feature maps has greatly reduced
the training and inference computation. The experi-
ments carried out using LISA dataset and our dataset
have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed
The support of this work in part by the Ministry
of Science and Technology of Taiwan under Grant
MOST 106-2221-E-194-004 and the Advanced In-
stitute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations
(AIM-HI) from The Featured Areas Research Cen-
ter Program within the framework of the Higher Ed-
ucation Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education
(MOE) in Taiwan is gratefully acknowledged.
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Detection and Recognition of Arrow Traffic Signals using a Two-stage Neural Network Structure