A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy:
Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation
Petra Unterberger
, Manfred Mayr
, Maximilian Tschuchnig
and Peter Haber
Business Development & Economics, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Puch/Salzburg, Austria
Business Informatics, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Puch/Salzburg, Austria
Information Technology & Systems Management, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Puch/Salzburg, Austria
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Blockchain, Commons, Platform Economy, Network Economy.
Abstract: The network economical sharing economy, with direct exchange as a core characteristic, is implemented both,
on a commons and platform economical basis. This is due to a gain in importance of trust, collaborative
consumption and democratic management as well as technological progress, in the form of near zero marginal
costs, open source contributions and digital transformation. Concurrent to these commons-based drivers, the
grey area between commerce and private exchange is used to exploit work, safety and tax regulations by
central platform economists. Instead of central intermediators, the blockchain technology makes decentralized
consensus finding, using Proof-of-Work (PoW) within a self-sustaining Peer-to-Peer network, possible.
Therefore, a blockchain-based open source mediation seems to offer a commons-compatible implementation
of the sharing economy. This thesis is investigated through a qualitative case study of Sardex and Interlace
with their blockchain application, based on expert interviews and a structured content analysis. To detect the
most commons-compatible implementation, the different implementation options through conventional
platform intermediators, an open source blockchain with PoW as well as Interlaces’ permissioned blockchain
approach, are compared. The following confrontation is based on deductive criteria, which illustrates the
inherent characteristics of a commons-based sharing economy.
The sharing economy has gained increasing social
acceptance, driven by socio-ecological, economic
and technological changes (Botsman 2013, online). It
has the potential for more sustainable business using
digital transformation (Baier et al. 2016, 23-29) by
shifting emphasis on open networks (Benkler 2006,
4-5), trust and more efficient resource usage (Siefkes
2016, 50, Baier et al. 2016, 35-38).
However, the practice of the sharing economy by
conventional platform providers shows an
intensification of capitalism. In a grey area between
market and state regulation (Sundararajan 2016, 3,
26-27) platform providers enrich themselves
(Reillier, Reillier 2017, 2), without assuming
responsibility for safety or local regulations (Slee
2015, 49-53; Martin 2016, 153).
To ensure that the potential for more sustainable
business is not lost in the platform economy, a
commons suitable implementation must be found
(Klapper, Martin, Upham 2017, 1395). For this
purpose, this paper examines a blockchain-based
open source Peer-to-Peer (P2P) mediation, which
enables direct interaction of peers on the basis of
democracy and self-preservation (Nakamoto 2008, 1-
3). The corporation Sardex in cooperation with the
EU-research project Interlace offers a complementary
market based on a blockchain application. Due to
them taking responsibility for social and local issues,
they are used as case study in this paper.
The main contributions of this paper are to
investigate the implementation compatibility of a
commons-based sharing economy through a
blockchain-based open source mediation and to
identify deductive criteria, which illustrate the
inherent characteristics of such a commons-based
sharing model. Therefore, the network economic
context of the sharing economy with its sociological
and technological drivers is analysed and the different
implementation options through conventional
platform intermediators, a blockchain with PoW and
Interlaces´ permissioned blockchain approach are
compared in regard to their commons-compatibility.
Unterberger, P., Mayr, M., Tschuchnig, M. and Haber, P.
A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy: Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009345600720079
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2020), pages 72-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-422-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Extensive debates in different contexts lead to various
research focuses and interpretations of the sharing
economy. This contribution focusses on high impact
sharing economy concepts and divides them into a
commons and a platform-based sharing economy.
2.1 Related Work
The main bulk of sharing economy research is
focused on network economic concepts and business
models, while other researchers predict fundamental
changes in economic paradigms.
Sundararajan (2016), Evan and Schmalensee
(2016) as well as Reillier and Reillier (2017) analyze
the usage of network effects within the sharing
economy and which business models can be derived
from it. Tirole (2017) delves towards technical issues
of two-sided platforms, concerning the
transformation of business, work and regulation.
Botsman (2013) recognizes technological, social,
ecological and economic drivers of the sharing
economy and that its success is based on convenience,
transparency and participation.
Benkler (2006) predicts a revolution of our
economic paradigm through cooperation and
allocation of information goods to marginal costs,
close to zero. Rifkin (2014) expands upon this
concept by digital transformation and the inclusion of
the communication, energy and logistics
infrastructure, resulting in disappearing marginal
costs, also for tangible goods.
Driven by cultural changes at the beginning,
Bardhi and Eckhard (2012) investigate the shift from
ownership to access and ascertain, that sharing
economy is motivated by cost-effectiveness and
convenience (2015). Siefkes (2016) criticizes that,
while social welfare improvements can be realized
through responsible usage of technology in the sense
of Ostroms commons, negative effects on the labor
market and contradictions of fundamental cost-cuts
by investment-intensive goods will arise.
Sharing economy as a pure intensification of the
capitalistic system is represented by Slee (2015). Non
abidance of laws, profit maximization of individuals
and exploitation of communities in combination with
exponential growth are challenging social states.
This paper builds on the introduced work as well
as the academic work “Eine Commons-gerechte
Umsetzung der Sharing Economy” (Unterberger
2019) to investigate a commons-compatible
implementation of the sharing economy.
2.2 Terminology - Sharing and
Network Economy
The sharing economy is positioned between market and
state planning by using the decentral internet structure.
It enables the direct exchange (Rifkin 2014, 342; Slee
2015, 9) of unused digital and physical resources
(Botsman 2013, online) between members of digital
communities on a high scale (Sundararajan 2016, 38)
(Table 1, S1.1, S3.4). Commons of the sharing economy
are characterized by non-exclusion (Moglen 1999, 21-
22; Benkler 2006, 61-63) and decreasing rivalry in
consumption (Merten, Meretz 2005, 305-309). Their
purpose is to sustain members with useful goods.
Revenues and costs from usage and contribution are
generated and allocated democratically and self-
governing within the community (Ostrom 1999, 116-
118; Siefkes 2016, 51-52) (Table 1, S2.3, S3.1 and
S3.4). In comparison, the platform economy is market
based and capitalistic, organized via crowd-based
networks (Parker, Van Alstyne, Choudary 2016, 15).
Thus it enters a grey area between private and business
exchange (Sundararajan 2016, 26-27).
Due to the core of the sharing economy being its
decentralized character, it is dominated by the
network economy (Evans, Schmalensee 2016, 21).
Two-sided markets, where sellers and customers can
interact with each other, aim to use positive, indirect
network effects, which attract new members on the
supply as well as on the demand side and avoid
negative externalities (Parker, Van Alstyne,
Choudary 2016, 29-31, Tirole 2017, 379-387),
resulting in a positive feedback loop. Such demand
based economies of scale are responsible for the
disproportionate growth of successful sharing models
(Shapiro, Varian 1999, 174) (Table 1, T1).
Social change and technical innovations depend on
each other. In order to keep the focus on these two
drivers of the sharing economy, ecological and
economical aspects are not explicitly discussed. The
sharing economy was developed as a niche in
different areas of life, evolved to bring regimes into
question with its social values, culture and economic
paradigm (Martin 2016, 149-150, 158; Baier et al.
2016), as well as close to zero marginal costs, open
source software and digital transformation (Benkler
2006, 52; Rifkin 2014, 107).
A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy: Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation
3.1 Sociological Drivers
The commons-based sharing economy empowers
peers worldwide to create, share and develop
together. This exchange is based on trust and social
capital (Cherry, Pidgeon 2018, 939-940), which is
primarily generated by decentralized reputation
systems and photographs (Ert, Fleischer, Magen
2016, 63) (Table 1, S4.1, S4.2 and S4.4).
Moreover, a cultural shift can be recognized from
ownership, which loses its status function, to access,
which enable flexibility for a rapidly changing,
dematerialized society (Baradhi, Eckhardt 2012,
883). This is shown by collaborative consumption,
where time, resources or skills are shared and
exchanged directly between peers (Rifktin 2014, 329-
330) (Table 1, S4.3 and T4.3).
Even the economic paradigm is challenged by the
emergence of the democratic and self-organized
commons-based sharing economy. Commons realize
their maximum value due to non-exclusion and self-
management (Rose 1986, 774, 779-781). According
to Ostrom (1999, 116-118) this requires certain rules
which can be adapted to global peer production. Key
roles are the consideration of local circumstances,
direct democracy, transparent structures and
governmental recognition (Benkler 2006, 3, 275)
(Table 1, S1, T2.3, S3.2, S3.3 and S4.2).
However, within the platform economy,
contributions are not shared, but made available by
micro-entrepreneurs for an untaxed fee (Martin 2016,
153) with reputation systems being criticized to be
inadequate in replacing safety or hygiene regulations
(Slee 2015, 117-130). Moreover, platform
economists use access for cost efficiency as well as
convenience and apply government regulations to
their own benefit (Bardhi, Eckardt 2015, online),
while owners can arbitrarily decide which peers they
grant access (Slee 2015, 49). This is highlighted by
Hardin (1968), who in comparison to Ostrom (1968,
1244-1248) assumes the failure of commons in the
long term, since humans primarily pursue their
individual benefits. Additionally, users have no say or
control but have to bear the risk of breaches of
agreements or laws (Slee 2015, 52-53; Klapper,
Martin, Upham 2017, 1395).
3.2 Technological Drivers
Information goods are the basis of the sharing
economy and can already be produced and distributed
at almost zero marginal costs, which describes
optimal productivity (Rifkin 2014, 12-14, 18),
devolving power from resource scarcity and making
human communication capacity the key resource
(Benker 2006, 52) (Table 1, T1.1 and T4.4).
Table 1: Categorization of commons-based sharing economy variables (Interpretation of the introduced sociological and
technological drivers).
S Sociological T Technological
1 Economic
S1.1 Positioning between market and state –
Combination of value creation and sharing
T1.1 Two-sided networks – Demand-based economies of
scale, Positive externalities
S1.2 Self-management T1.2 P2P networks
S1.3 Democracy
T1.3 Distributed Platform
2 Users and
S2.1 Distinction of users and resources T2.1 Open source license
S2.2 Control of users and resources – Simple conflict
resolution mechanisms
T2.2 Traceability and transparency – Reputation systems
and safety standards
S2.3 Economic commons – Goods and services,
reducing rivalry
T2.3 Digital commons – Digitalization of goods and
services, marginal costs near zero
3 Institutional
S3.1 Allocation and acquisition T3.1 Transaction flow
S3.2 Coherence with local conditions T3.2 Differentiation of local and global networks
S3.3 Recognition of the state T3.3 Legal compliance
S3.4 Supply of stakeholders – Unused resources
T3.4 Availability
4 Social Values
S4.1 Social capital – Sociological trust T4.1 Social welfare – Technological trust
S4.2 Access – Non-exclusion, sharing T4.2 Open source software
S4.3 Collaborative consumption T4.3 Direct P2P exchange
S4.4 Social interaction T4.4 Communication capacity as key resource
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Open source software for example can be
developed in modules from peers (Benkler 2006, 64-
66), with GPL licensing e.g. ensuring that everyone
has the freedom to use and develop software and that
the results are subject to the same requirements
(Stallmann 2015, 3). (Table 1, T2.1, T4.1 and T4.2).
The technological drivers of the sharing economy
are based on the transformation of these advantages
from the digital to the physical world. The combined
use of the internet, apps, artificial intelligence,
additive manufacturing and blockchains enables P2P
exchange in real time at low transaction costs. The
Internet of Things (IoT) can coordinate the
communication, energy and logistics infrastructure
thus also reducing marginal costs of physical goods
drastically for them to become freely accessible
(Rifkin 2014, 30, 36, 105-107). A free, social and
highly efficient commons-based sharing economy,
can replace capitalism on a large scale by turning
technical progress to social progress (Rifkin 2014,
22-24) (Table 1, T2.3 and T3.4)
Nevertheless, the increase in productivity via
automation not only leads to cheaper products, but
also a high level of unemployment. Capitalism is
largely maintained by monopolies and the marginal
cost theory cannot be applied to physical goods with
high fixed costs (Siefkes 2016, 40, 45-50). On the one
hand, open source software and content aims to
ensure freedom and social welfare. On the other hand,
property rights of developers and artists are violated
by illegal pirated copies (Gates 1976, online). Also,
since platform economy has its focus on profit
maximization (Slee 2015, 184-186), it might lead to a
surveillance capitalism (Zuboff 2015, 75-76, 85).
In addition to apps, social networks and the IoT,
blockchains are technological innovations with high
impact, as they can help to realize a commons-based
sharing economy without the abuse of platform
providers. This is because the blockchain, with its
inherent P2P-structure and democratic behaviour,
seems to be in line with the sociological and
technological drivers discussed in chapter 3.
4.1 Blockchain – Definition
A blockchain is a decentralized database of single
data blocks that contain transactions. Each block
consists of the hash of the previous block,
unconsolidated transactions and a number used once.
The resulting chain displays transactional historical
correctness, which can be verified through the
cryptographically secure connecting hashes
(Nakamoto 2008, 3-4; Hughes et al. 2018, 64).
In order to ensure open access and control, the
decentralized structure must meet the requirements of
consensus finding without a central instance and self-
preservation (Swan 2015, 1). PoW enables this
through the solution of a mathematical problem
which correctness is verified by a majority. This
approval is reflected by the integration of the solved
data block and processing of the next block. If several
blocks are sent for verification, the block accepted by
the majority is preferred (Nakamoto 2008, 1, 3,
Nofer, Gomber, Hinz 2017, 184), resulting in a voting
process similar to direct democracy. This complex
processing requires computing power, which is
provided by so called miners, which are usually
compensated for their service in e.g. crypto currencies
(Swan 2015, 16).
4.2 Pro and Cons of a Blockchain
The decisive advantage of a blockchain is its
decentralization and digitalization, which enables
peers to exchange transactions directly (Husain,
Roep, Franklin 2019, 6). Therefore, trust in
intermediaries, such as platform providers becomes
obsolete (Swan 2015, 17). Both, users and miners in
a blockchain can act anonymously. However, studies
illustrate that network analysis can identify user
groups (Sixt 2017, 32-33). Maximum transparency is
provided by the historical database, which can be
monitored and has to be stored by all peers (Koch,
Pieters 2017, 2). It is traceable and immutable due to
PoW (Nakamoto 2008, 3), as long as not more than
50% of peers agree on adding a false block. The
distributed data store and an increasing number of
network nodes lead to scaling problems in the long
term (Barber et al. 2012, 410).
Therefore, the blockchain technology is suitable
to help a commons-based sharing economy to break
through, as central platform providers are no longer
needed, due to decisions and maintenance of the
platform being directly managed by the peers at near
zero marginal cost. Trust is replaced by a
mathematical algorithm and anonymity makes human
interaction obsolete. However, legal, energy and
scaling problems must be taken into account when
using blockchains as a platform for sharing economy.
A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy: Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation
In order to investigate, if a commons-compatible
implementation of the sharing economy is possible
using blockchain technology, a qualitative case study
is performed. Therefore, Sardex in cooperation with
Interlace and its blockchain application are empirical
5.1 Methodology – Qualitative Case
A structured content analysis according to Mayring
(2015) is used as qualitative evaluation method due to
the novelty of the issue and therefore needed open,
explorative access and consideration of the social
Therefore, the company Sardex S.p.A. in
cooperation with the Horizon 2020, EU-research
project Interlace (No. 794494) and their blockchain
application are selected for a case study. Qualitative
data material, such as expert interviews with P. Dini
(2019) and E. Hirsch (2019) as well as the whole
Sardex and Interlace consortium are analysed. The
two academic experts have objective, specialized
key-knowledge, due to their research, consulting and
control functions within Sardex and Interlace.
The case is evaluated based on criteria for a
commons-based implementation of the sharing
economy. These criteria, which can be seen in Table
1, are derived from the drivers and the definitions of
a commons-based sharing economy and expanded
trough the evaluation of the Sardex and Interlace case
study. The variables are structured via deduction of
terms regarding intention and extension (Tatievskaya
2005, 53-54) and illustrated in a multidimensional
category system. Due to strong relations between
sociological and technological criteria, they are
analysed in reference to each other and further form
four main rubrics. The category “Economic Focus”
deals with its economic position, management and
maintenance issues. “Users and Resources” includes
the necessary characteristics of participants, goods
and services regarding their commons-compatibility.
How these users get in touch and deal with each other
as well as how these resources are allocated and
acquisitioned is defined within “Institutional rules”.
Issues regarding interaction and allocation beyond
institutional rules with the focus on trust and sharing
in the sense of commons are discussed within “Social
values”. The rehashed data is analysed, assigned to
the appropriate variables and evaluated with a
qualitative content analysis.
5.2 Sharing Economy by Sardex and
This section evaluates the realization of the sharing
economy by Sardex in cooperation with Interlace and
its blockchain application empirical in reference to
the deductive commons-based criteria.
Under an economic focus, Sardex offers a
complementary market based on mutual credits, trust,
goods and services with a virtual network as a key
resource. Through the Interlace blockchain, interest
free loans become traceable and scale to other regions
with almost zero transaction costs (Dini et al. D2.2
2018, 13-15; Dini, Hirsch 2018, D3.2, 12). Each peer
can submit or reject each transaction, copy the entire
chain and disconnect from the system at any time
(Hirsch 2019, 8-11). Sardex ensures distributed
control, but does not implement a completely open
blockchain to pursue social values and the monetary
interests of investors (Dini 2019, 2, 6-7) (Table 1,
Users and resources are controlled central by
Sardex. Registered companies are distinguished
based on their communication and economic as well
as financial interaction possibilities (Dini et al. D3.1
2018, 9-12).
Institutional rules define the allocation and
acquisition of mutual loans within Sardex. They are
provided on the basis of real economic potential (Dini
2019, 9) and implemented via smart contracts. (Dini
et al. D3.1 2018, 7-8). A balance between local and
global requirements is technologically supported
through distinction of a community, application and
infrastructure Layer. Legally prescribed taxes and
rules are paid directly and observed (Dini et al. D2.3
2018, 8). (Table 1, S2.1, S2.3, S3.3, T3.3 and T3,5).
Sardex and Interlace focus on social values, which
are based on ethical considerations and implemented
through judgmental technology. The foundation of
Sardex is sociologically and technologically trust.
Furthermore, it prioritizes solidarity, local culture and
mutuality, which are implemented through controlled
technology by Interlace (Dini et al. D2.3 2018, 10-12;
Dini 2019, 11-12) which is open and free of charge
for copies, modifications, extensions and publications
to everyone (Dini D1.1 2017, 4-5) (Table1, S4.1 and
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
This section compares Sardex in cooperation with
Interlace in regard to the theoretically derived criteria,
crucial for a commons-based sharing economy, with
the possibilities of a permissionless blockchain as
well as a typical platform economic system to get the
most compatible one. To which extend a blockchain-
based open source mediation enables a commons-
compatible practice, is answered by linking the
introduced theory to empiricism.
Economic focus: A permissionless blockchain,
Sardex with Interlace and traditional sharing
platforms, each generate value by providing peers the
ability to transact directly with each other in almost
real time. While a permissionless blockchain offers
this completely distributed, Sardex provides this via a
complementary market with mutual credits and
platform economy in a capitalistic grey area between
commerce and private business. While peers manage
and maintain the permissionless blockchain by
themselves, central intermediaries charge high
commissions. The centrally managed Sardex, e.g.
collects an annual membership fee for maintaining
the technological infrastructure (Dini, Hirsch 2018,
D3.2, 41). An open blockchain with PoW is governed
democratically, while neither platform providers nor
Interlace can make majority decisions.
Users and Resources: The inclusivity of a
permissionless blockchain also comes with problems,
since it is unable to exclude peers and traded content
is uncontrollable. In contrast, Sardex gives its
participants access to interest-free credit while
supporting social interaction. Platform sharing
models usually give strangers access without social
interaction or respect to the needs of the commune.
Institutional Rules: Control in blockchains is
completely distributed and trust is replaced by
algorithms, whereas trade in the platform economy is
based on P2P rating systems. While Sardex complies
with all laws as well as tax regulations and is
recognized by the state and international authorities,
a permissionless blockchain only implements
regulations that are passed by the majority of peers.
In contrast, platform intermediators try to shift the
responsibility for law-abiding or transparent
transactions to its peers.
Social Values: Blockchains with their own
currencies in tokens tend to be subject to speculation.
In contrast, Sardex with Interlace offers trade on basis
of actual economic potential by maximal
transparency. Nakamoto (2008), with his publication
of the blockchain through Bitcoin, makes trust in
intermediaries obsolete and revolutionizes P2P
exchange, while Sardex is based on trust and takes
supra-regional rules and local culture into account. In
contrast, traditional sharing platforms have no regard
for the needs of the commune.
The compatibility of a commons-based
implementation of the sharing economy through
blockchain-based open source mediation varies
between different criteria. While it meets the variables
concerning the economic focus best and is compatible
with most of the institutional rules, social values suffer
under the direct democracy and inclusivity, which
leads to issues regarding self-serving users, who
exploit the system for trading e.g. illegal resources.
This shows that a blockchain based open source
mediation on itself is incompatible with a commons-
based implementation of the sharing economy.
Based on the findings in chapter 6 and under the
prevailing conditions, that individuals act
opportunistic within a capitalistic system, a
combination of a permissionless blockchain and a
publicly voted central system is recommended. This
results in a suitable technology that ensures
traceability, distributed control and takes local and
social considerations into account.
While consensus building through PoW can be
used to participate in a direct democratic way
regarding commons investments and mediation, an
elected group of stakeholders can take responsibility
for law-abidance and commons compatibility, like
representative democracy. Thus, decentralised
majority voting is used to integrate peers into the
administration and to make them aware of their
responsibility towards society. To enable mutual
allocation and acquisition of tangible commons, such
as 3D printers or solar panels, they can be financed by
investing a percentage of the transaction volume in
order to aid most members. Further, such mutual and
effective collaboration enables investments in state-
of-the-art technology. This aims to attract more users
and lead to positive, indirect network effects. The
group of representatives are also elected by the
majority and financed by fees, which are
automatically paid by transactions. The amount of fee
A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy: Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation
is determined by the members democratically and can
be checked in the historical database.
In summary, a commons-compatible
implementation of the sharing economy is possible by
combining a permissionless blockchain-based open
source software with a publicly voted central system.
While PoW enables majority voting, distributed
control and transparency, a group of local
stakeholders are able to take responsibility of laws
and cultures in the sense of commons.
This paper deals with the drivers of the network
economical commons-based sharing economy and
investigates the various compatibilities by comparing
different implementations through conventional
platform intermediators, an open source blockchain
with PoW and the permissioned blockchain of Sardex
in cooperation with Interlace in regard to commons-
characteristic criteria. Based on that confrontation,
the compatibility of a commons-based
implementation of the sharing economy through a
blockchain-based open source mediation is explored.
To summarize, network effects enable rapid
development of both, commons-based and platform
economic sharing economy. Blockchain technology,
with its decentralized, historical database and
consensual finding with PoW seems to have potential
for a commons-compatible implementation of the
sharing economy. However, the single case study of
Sardex in cooperation with Interlace and their
blockchain application illustrates, that in practice the
distributed, permissionless blockchain only does this to
a limited extend. This neutral technology realizes
democracy and independence from intermediators.
Therefore, it is subject to the will of the majority, who
prefer monetary benefit maximization under
anonymity. In comparison, a permissioned blockchain,
used for distributed control and transparency, supports
a more commons-compatible implementation, as long
as the central authority takes social responsibility.
Most contradictions result from the implementation of
a commons-based sharing economy through platform
economy, but even the adapted blockchain application
cannot meet all commons criteria, as the evaluation of
the paper shows. Therefore, a combination of a
permissionless blockchain-based open source
mediation with a publicly voted central system is
recommended for a commons-compatible
implementation of a sharing economy based on
transparency, democracy and taking supra regional as
well as local social needs into account.
The conclusion, that direct democratic technology
fulfils most of the economic and institutional
requirements, but does not lead to a commons-based
trade, has consequences. It results that a commons-
compatible implementation is not advantageous for
majority of peers, or that they are unable to estimate
the long-term effects of current decisions, thereby
reaching limits of direct democracy. Both, this
recognition as well as the prognosis that the platform
economy will continue within our capitalistic system,
makes further research obvious. This includes the
analysis of the effects of progressive automation on
the labour market as well as the consequences of
permanent data collection and use within capitalism.
We thank Hermann Rauchenschwandtner, FH-Prof.
Dr. Dr., Salzburg University of Applied Sciences,
who provided insight and expertise that greatly
assisted the research.
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