over current conflict resolution policies by proposing
a full preference-based solution .
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the most of existing collaborative configuration ap-
proaches rely on a pre-designed processes where ac-
tivities of some stakeholders would have side effects
on those performed by other stakeholders.
The resulting lack of flexibility is likely to be
a limitation when resolving conflicts as the adopted
resolution strategies do not consider the preferences
of stakleholders thus do not ensure their satisfaction.
Therefore, we presented in this paper a novel ap-
proach of collaborative configuration capable of re-
solving conflicts according to preferences of stake-
The experiments carried on were made to evalu-
ate the feasibilty of the approach. We consider that
in the future several controlled experiments must be
conducted to assert the usefulness of this work.
This work was financially supported by the REVAMP
EOTP R5L220003801 project.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering