Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support
Anton Borg
1 a
, Jim Ahlstrand
and Martin Boldt
1 b
Blekinge Institute of Technology, 37179 Karlskrona, Sweden
Telenor AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
e-Mail Time-to-Respond, Prediction, Random Forest, Machine Learning, Decision Support.
Maintaining high degree of customer satisfaction is important for any corporation, which involves the customer
support process. One important factor in this work is to keep customers’ wait time for a reply at levels that are
acceptable to them. In this study we investigate to what extent models trained by the Random Forest learning
algorithm can be used to predict e-mail time-to-respond time for both customer support agents as well as
customers. The data set includes 51, 682 customer support e-mails of various topics from a large telecom
operator. The results indicate that it is possible to predict the time-to-respond for both customer support
agents (AUC of 0.90) as well as for customers (AUC of 0.85). These results indicate that the approach can be
used to improve communication efficiency, e.g. by anticipating the staff needs in customer support, but also
indicating when a response is expected to take a longer time than usual.
An important element in any corporation is to main-
tain high-quality and cost-efficient interaction with
the customers. This is especially important for in-
teractions between the organization and customer via
customer support, since failing to resolve customers
issues satisfactorily risk negatively affecting the cus-
tomers view of the organization. Further, in a prolon-
gation this might affect the overall reputation of the
organization. In highly competitive markets, a single
negative customer service experience can deter poten-
tial new customers from a company or increase the
risk of existing customers to drop out (Halpin, 2016),
both negatively affecting the volume of business.
For many customers e-mails still account for
an important means of communication due to both
its ease and widespread use within almost all age
groups (Kooti et al., 2015). As such, implementing
efficient customer service processes that target cus-
tomer e-mail communication is a necessity for cor-
porations as they receive large numbers of such cus-
tomer service e-mails each day. Furthermore, the cus-
tomers expect short response times to digital mes-
sages, which further complicates the customer service
process (Church and de Oliveira, 2013).
In this study we investigate the possibility to use
supervised machine learning in order to predict when
an e-mail response will be received, time-to-respond
(TTR) or responsiveness. The semi-automated cus-
tomer service e-mail management system studied ex-
ists within one of the bigger telecom operators in Eu-
rope with over 200 million customers worldwide, and
some 2.5 million in Sweden. When these customers
experience problems they often turn to e-mail as their
means of communication with the company, by sub-
mitting an e-mail to a generic customer service e-mail
address. Under-staffing might impact the efficiency of
customer support, negatively impacting customer re-
lations. However, while over-staffing might produce
quick responses, it might also result in customer sup-
port agents being idle. Consequently, it is important
to be able to predict the customer support workload in
order to successfully schedule personnel and improve
communication efficiency (Yang et al., 2017).
Customer service e-mails, provided by the tele-
com company, contains support errands with differ-
ent topics. Each customer service e-mail might con-
tain different topics, and the importance of each topic
might be of varying importance, depending on the
customer. Different topics require different actions
by customers, and thus would require varying time
before a response can be expected. The content of an
e-mail within a topic, e.g. invoice, might also affect
time-to-respond, as certain actions are more compli-
Borg, A., Ahlstrand, J. and Boldt, M.
Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0009347303050314
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 305-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cated than others. Further, a customer service e-mail
might contain two paragraphs of text, one detailing
a technical issue, and the other one an order errand.
As such, the e-mail topic would be sorted as Invoice,
TechicalIssue, and Order. This would further affect
response time.
1.1 Aims and Objectives
In this study we investigate the possibility to predict
the time-to-respond for received e-mails based on its
content. If successful, it would be possible to adjust
the schedules for customer support personnel in or-
der to improve efficiency. The two main questions
investigated in this work are as follows. First, to what
extent it is possible to predict the time required by
customer support agents to respond to e-mails. Sec-
ond, to what extent it is possible to predict the time it
takes customers to respond to e-mails from customer
support personnel.
1.2 Scope and Limitations
The scope of this study is within a Swedish setting,
involving e-mail messages written in Swedish sent to
the customer service branch of the studied telecom
company. However, the problem studied is general
enough to be of interest for other organizations as
well. In this study, e-mails where no reply exists have
been excluded, as it has been suggested to be a sep-
arate classification task (Huang and Ku, 2018). Fur-
ther, time-to-respond (TTR) is investigated indepen-
dent of the workload of agents, and the content of the
Time-to-Respond, or responsiveness, can affect the
perceived relationship between people both posi-
tively and negatively (Church and de Oliveira, 2013),
(Avrahami and Hudson, 2006), (Avrahami et al.,
Investigations into mobile instant messaging (e.g.
SMS) indicates that it is possible to predict whether a
user will read a message within a few minutes of re-
ceiving it (70.6% accuracy) (Pielot et al., 2014). This
can be predicted based on only seven features, e.g.
screen activity, or ringer mode.
Responsiveness to IM has been investigated, and
been predicted successfully ( 90% accuracy) (Avra-
hami and Hudson, 2006). The paper where limited
to messages initiating new sessions, but the model
where capable of predicting whether an initiated ses-
sion would get a response within 30s, 1, 2, 5, or 10
minutes. Predicting the response time when inter-
acting with chatbots using IM have also been inves-
tigated, within four time intervals < 10s, 10 30s,
30 300s, and > 300s (Accuracy of 0.89), but also
whether a message will receive a response (Huang
and Ku, 2018).
Similarly to IM, response time in chat-rooms have
also been investigated, with one study finding that
the cognitive and emotional load affect response time
within and between customer support agents (Rafaeli
et al., 2019). In a customer support setting, the cogni-
tive load denotes e.g. the number of words or amount
of information that must be processed. TTR predic-
tions have also been investigated in chat rooms (AUC
0.971), intending to detect short or long response
times (Ikoro et al., 2017).
However, it seems that there is little research that
have investigated predicting the TTR of e-mails in a
customer support setting. This presents a research gap
as it has been argued that e-mails are a distinct type
of text compared to types of text (Baron, 1998). Re-
search indicates that it is possible to estimate the time
for an e-mail response to arrive, within the time inter-
vals of < 25 min, 25 245 min, or > 245 min (Yang
et al., 2017). Similarly, research has been conducted
on personal e-mail (i.e. non-corporate) (Kooti et al.,
2015). However, this investigates quite small TTRs
which, although suitable for employee e-mails, might
not conform to the customer support setting according
to domain experts. Further, the workload estimation
of customer support agents work resolution benefits
from an increased resolution, i.e. more bins.
The data set consists of 51, 682 e-mails from the cus-
tomer service department from a Swedish branch of
a major telecom corporation. Each e-mail consists of
subject line,
send-to address,
sent time, and
e-mail body text content.
Each e-mail is also labeled with at least one label. In
total there exists 36 distinct topic labels, each inde-
pendent from the others, where several of these might
be present in any given e-mail. The topics have been
set by a rule-based system that was manually devel-
oped, configured and fine-tuned over several years by
domain expertise within the corporation.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Description of the Features Extracted or Calculated from the Data Set.
Feature name Type Value range Description
Text sentiment Float [1, +1] Text sentiment of an e-mail ranging negative to positive.
Customer escalated Boolean {0, 1} Whether customer changed between messages in thread.
Agent escalated Boolean {0, 1} Whether agent changed between messages in thread.
Old Boolean {0, 1} Whether a message is older than 48 hours, or not.
Text complexity Float [0, 100] Indication of the text complexity.
Sender Categorical Text The e-mail address of the sender.
Message length Integer 1 Number of characters in each e-mail message.
A DoNotUnderstand topic label acts as the last re-
sort for any e-mail that the current labeling system
is unable to classify. Those e-mails have been ex-
cluded from the data set and each e-mail has been
anonymized. Further, ends of threads have been ex-
cluded from the data set (i.e. e-mails where no reply
exists), as that has been suggested to be a separate
classification task (Huang and Ku, 2018).
The e-mails are grouped into conversation threads,
and for each e-mail the date and time sent is avail-
able, enabling the construction of a timeline for each
thread. Further, it is possible to shift the time-date
information in each thread by one step, so that the
future sent time is available for each e-mail in the
thread. As such, this data can be considered the TTR.
In order to adjust the resolution of the TTR, the date-
time where binned into groups (Avrahami and Hud-
son, 2006). The bins were decided by consulting
with the telecom company and thus using their do-
main knowledge. Six bins where utilized: response
within 2 hours, between 2 4 hours, between 4 8
hours, between 8 24 hours, between 24 48 hours,
and more than 48 hours. The bins are considered as
the class labels.
The data set is divided into subsets, by topic and
sender. The topics Credit (n = 6, 239), Order (n =
2, 221), and ChangeUser (n = 1, 398) are used to in-
vestigate this problem. Further, similar to the work
by Yang et al. each topic is divided into one set
for e-mails sent from the telecom corporation and an-
other set for e-mails sent by the customer (Yang et al.,
2017). In this case, the agents can be considered a
more homogeneous group (similar training and expe-
rience), whereas the customers could be regarded as
a heterogeneous group (different background and ex-
periences). As such, six data sets have been created.
The class distribution in the data set is exempli-
fied by ChangeUser topic in Figure 1 for agents and
Figure 2 for customers. A majority of the messages
have a TTR within two hours, followed by a TTR
longer than 48 hours, 8 24 hours. A minority of
messages have a TTR between 24, 48, or 2448
hours. Consequently, it would seem that messages get
responses ”immediately”, the next day, or after two
Figure 1: ChangeUser Agent TTR Class Distribution.
Figure 2: ChangeUser Customer TTR Class Distribution.
3.1 Feature Extraction
For each e-mail in the data set, seven features are cal-
culated or extracted. A summary of all features used
in the study are shown in Table 1. First, Vader senti-
ment is used to calculate the Text sentiment for each e-
mail (Hutto and Gilbert, 2015), (Rafaeli et al., 2019).
As the primary language in this data set is Swedish, a
list of Swedish stop-words was used
. However, the
Swedish stop-words were extended by English stop-
words, as a fair amount of English also occurs due to
Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support
the corporate environment.
Second, for each message it was calculated
whether the customer or support agent responding
participating in the conversation had changed over
the thread timeline, denoted by the Boolean variables
Customer escalated and Agent escalated respectively.
A change in e.g. customer support agent indicates
the involvement of an agent experienced in the cur-
rent support errand. However, related work indicates
that as the number of participants increase, so do the
time to respond (Yang et al., 2017). The variable Old
denotes if the message has not received a response for
48 hours or more, as per internal rules at the company.
A Text complexity factor for the text is also calculated
as per
CF =
× 100, (1)
where x is the e-mail content (Abdallah et al., 2013).
Consequently, Equation 1 is the number of unique
words in the e-mail divided by the number of words
in the e-mail. A higher score indicates a higher com-
plexity in the text, which can affect the TTR (Rafaeli
et al., 2019). It should be noted that there exist differ-
ent readability scores for the English language, e.g.
Flesch–Kincaid score (Farr et al., 1951). However,
the applicability of these on Swedish text is unknown.
Finally, the Sender and Length of the e-mail is also in-
cluded as variables.
This section describes the experimental approach,
which includes for instance the design and chosen
evaluation metrics.
4.1 Experiment Design
Two experiments with two different goals were in-
cluded in this study. The first experiment aimed to
investigate whether it is possible to predict the time
a customer support agent would take to respond to
the e-mail received. As such, the experiment used the
data set containing e-mails sent by the customer and
tried to predict when the agent would respond. In this
experiment the independent variable was the models
trained by the learning algorithms described in Sec-
tion 4.2. The dependent variables were the evaluation
metrics described in Section 4.4, of which the AUC
metric was chosen as primary.
The second experiment is similar to the first one,
but instead uses the data sets containing e-mails sent
by the customer support agents, thus aiming to predict
when the customer will respond. As such both the in-
dependent and the dependent variables were the same
as in the first experiment.
Evaluation of the classification performance was
handled using a 10-times 10-fold cross-validation
approach in order to train and evaluate the mod-
els (Flach, 2012). Each model’s performance was
measured using the metrics presented in Section 4.4.
4.2 Included Learning Algorithms
Random Forest (Breiman, 2001) was selected as the
learning algorithm to investigate in this study. It is a
suitable algorithm as the data contains both Boolean,
categorical, and continuous variables. Initially a SVM
model (Flach, 2012) was also evaluated, but since
Random Forest significantly outperformed the SVM
models, they were excluded from the study. The rea-
son to why the SVM model showed inferior perfor-
mance is not clear. Although it is in line with the “No
free lunch” theorem, stating that no single model is
best in every situation. Thus, models’ performance
varies when evaluated over different problems.
The models trained by the Random Forest algo-
rithm were compared against a Random Guesser clas-
sifier using a uniform random guesser as baseline (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011), (Yang et al., 2017).
4.3 Class-balance
In order to deal with the class imbalance of the dif-
ferent bins, a multi-class oversampling strategy was
used that relied on SMOTE and cleaned by removing
instances which are considered Tomek links (Batista
et al., 2003; Lema
ıtre et al., 2017). Using only over-
sampling can lead to over-fitting of the classifiers as
majority class examples might overlap the minority
class space, and the artificial minority class exam-
ples might be sampled too deep into the majority class
space (Batista et al., 2003).
4.4 Evaluation Metrics
The models predictive performance in the experi-
ments were evaluated using standard evaluation met-
rics calculated based on the True Positives (TP), False
Positives (FP), True Negatives (TN), and False Neg-
atives (FN). The evaluation metrics consists of the
-score (micro average), Accuracy, and Area under
ROC-curve (AUC) (micro average).
The theoretical ground for these metrics are ex-
plained by Flach (Flach, 2012). The first metric is
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Agent TTR Predictions. (b) Micro Averaged AUC for Agent Predictions (3a) and Cus-
tomer Predictions (3) over the Different Topics.
Figure 3: Customer TTR Predictions.
the traditional Accuracy that is defined as in Equa-
tion 2 (Yang, 1999):
Acc =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP +FN
It is a measurement of how well the model is capable
of predicting TP and TN compared to the total number
of instances. For the multi-class case, the accuracy
is equivalent to the Jaccard index. Accuracy ranges
between 0.0 1.0, where 1.0 is a perfect score.
However, in cases where there is a high number
of negatives, e.g. in a multi-class setting, accuracy is
not representative. In these cases the F
-score is often
used as an alternative, as it doesn’t take true negatives
into account (Flach, 2012). Similar to the Accuracy,
the F
-score ranges between 0.0 1.0, where 1.0 is
a perfect score. It is calculated as described in Equa-
tion 5, based on Equation 3 and Equation 4. In this
study micro-averaging was used as the number of la-
bels might vary between classes (Yang, 1999).
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall =
T P + FN
= 2
Precison Recall
Precision + Recall
For micro-averaging, precision and recall are calcu-
lated according to Equation 6 and Equation 7 respec-
tively, where n is the number of classes.
+ ... + T P
+ ... + T P
+ FP
+ ... + FP
+ ... + T P
+ ... + T P
+ FN
+ ... + FN
Hamming loss measures the fraction of labels that
are incorrect compared to the total number of la-
bels (Tsoumakas et al., 2010). A score of 0.0 rep-
resents a perfect score as no labels were predicted in-
The AUC metric calculates the area under a curve,
which in this case is the ROC. Hence, the AUC is also
known as the Area under ROC curve (AUROC). AUC
is often used as a standard performance measure in
various data mining applications since it does not de-
pend on an equal class distribution and misclassifica-
tion cost (Fawcett, 2004). A perfect AUC measure is
represented by 1.0, while a measure of 0.5 is the worst
possible score since it equals a random guesser.
The results are divided into two subsections, one for
each of the experiments described in Section 4.1.
5.1 Experiment 1: Customer Agent
Response Prediction
Figure 3a shows the micro-averaged AUC over the
different topics for Random Forest and the random
guesser when predicting support agents’ e-mail re-
sponse times. As expected, the random guesser mod-
els have a worst-case AUC metric of 0.51. While
Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support
(a) Random Forest. (b) Agent TTR Prediction Performance per Class for Random
Forest (4a) and Random Guesser (4a) for the Customer Support
Topic Order.
Figure 4: Random Guesser Baseline.
Table 2: Agent Time-to-Reply (TTR) Results.
Topic Model Accuracy (std) AUC (std) F
-score (std) Hamming (std)
ChangeUser Random Forest 0.8720 (0.0214) 0.9232 (0.0128) 0.8720 (0.0214) 0.1279 (0.0214)
Baseline 0.1758 (0.0324) 0.5055 (0.0194) 0.1758 (0.0324) 0.8241 (0.0324)
Credit Random Forest 0.8149 (0.0096) 0.8889 (0.0057) 0.8149 (0.0096) 0.1850 (0.0096)
Baseline 0.1822 (0.0082) 0.5093 (0.0049) 0.1822 (0.0082) 0.8177 (0.0082)
Order Random Forest 0.8442 (0.0310) 0.9065 (0.0186) 0.8442 (0.0310) 0.1557 (0.0310)
Baseline 0.1535 (0.0114) 0.4921 (0.0068) 0.1535 (0.0114) 0.8464 (0.0114)
the models trained by the Random Forest algorithm
show interesting predictive results with an overall
AUC metric of 0.90, which significantly outperforms
random chance.
Figure 4b shows the absolute confusion matrix
for the predicted agent response times vs. the true
agent response times for the Random Forest algo-
rithms (Figure 4a) and the Random Guesser baseline
(Figure 4). The matrix shows the aggregated results
over the different test folds showing that the Ran-
dom Guesser baseline classifier randomly appoints
the classes. In contrast the Random Forest model has
a clear diagonal score that indicates significantly bet-
ter prediction performance compared to the random
This is supported by the results shown in Table 2
in which the Random Forest models have AUC scores
slightly above or below 0.9. In fact the 95 % con-
fidence interval of the AUC metric for each of the
three class labels ChangeUser, Credit and Order were
0.92 ± 0.026, 0.89 ± 0.011 and 0.91 ± 0.037 respec-
tively. This indicates the the models have a good
ability to predict the TTR over various class labels.
This is further strengthened when evaluating the pre-
dictive performance in terms of accuracy or F
instead. Although using these metrics, the Random
Forest models still performs well above 0.80, whereas
the Random Guesser baseline models are associated
with useless scores at 0.18, or worse. Figure 4a fur-
ther indicates that the models have a slightly higher
misclassification for label 0, and 5 compared to the
other labels. This indicate that TTR prediction within
2 hours and beyond 48 hours are slightly more diffi-
cult to predict.
5.2 Experiment 2: Customer Response
Similar to the previous experiment, Figure 3 shows
that the Random Guesser baseline models have an
AUC metric of 0.50 while the Random Forest models
significantly outperforms that with a metric of 0.85
when predicting customers’ e-mail response times.
Similar to the results in Section 5.1, Figure 5b shows
the absolute confusion matrix for the predicted agent
response times vs. the true agent response times for
the Random Forest models (Figure 5a) and the Ran-
dom Guesser baseline models (Figure 5).
The matrix shows the aggregated results over the
different test folds that clearly show the increased pre-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(a) Random Forest. (b) Customer TTR Prediction Performance per Class for
Random Forest (5a) and Random Guesser (5) for the Cus-
tomer Support Topic Order.
Figure 5: Random Guesser Classifier.
Table 3: Customer Time-to-Reply (TTR) Results.
Topic Model Accuracy (std) AUC (std) F
-score (std) Hamming (std)
ChangeUser RF 0.7760 (0.0231) 0.8656 (0.0138) 0.7760 (0.0231) 0.2239 (0.0231)
Random 0.1592 (0.0223) 0.4955 (0.0134) 0.1592 (0.0223) 0.8407 (0.0223)
Credit RF 0.7486 (0.0088) 0.8491 (0.0053) 0.7486 (0.0088) 0.2513 (0.0088)
Random 0.1798 (0.0055) 0.5079 (0.0033) 0.1798 (0.0055) 0.8201 (0.0055)
Order RF 0.7640 (0.0154) 0.8584 (0.0092) 0.7640 (0.0154) 0.2359 (0.0154)
Random 0.1527 (0.0216) 0.4916 (0.0130) 0.1527 (0.0216) 0.8472 (0.0216)
dictability performance for the Random Forest mod-
This is supported by the results shown in Ta-
ble 3 where the Random Forest models have F
around 0.75, whereas the Random Guesser baseline
have F
-scores around than 0.15. Further, the Ran-
dom Forest model have mean AUC scores between
0.85 and 0.87. In fact the 95 % confidence interval
of the AUC metric for each of the three class labels
ChangeUser, Credit and Order were 0.87 ± 0.028,
0.85 ±0.011 and 0.86 ±0.018 respectively. Although
the metrics are slightly lower compared to the results
from the first experiment, this similarly indicates the
potential in predicting TTR for e-mails.
Similar to Figure 4a, Figure 5a indicates that the
model have a higher misclassification for label 0 and
5 than the other labels, indicating that a TTR within
2 hours and beyond 48 hours are more difficult to
predict. Two things are different from Figure 4a.
First, label 3 is also more difficult to predict. Sec-
ond, the misclassifications are slightly worse than for
Figure 4a.
The results presented in Section 5 indicates that it
is possible to predict the response time for customer
support agents, as well as the response time for when
customers will respond to e-mails received. Orga-
nizations can benefit from these conclusions in (at
least) two scenarios. First, by aggregating the cus-
tomer TTR, it is possible to more accurately predict
the workload of agents the next couple of days. This
can be useful for either increasing the workforce, or
shifting personnel working on other topics. Secondly,
given that a predicted customer TTR is low, it might
be advisable for support agents to focus on other e-
mails with a low predicted agent TTR while waiting,
in order to be able to respond quickly the customers
eventual reply.
Predicting the support agents TTR is also use-
ful since it can be used as a proxy to indicate the
emotional and cognitive load associated with each e-
mail (Rafaeli et al., 2019), enabling more experienced
agents to handle them, planning the agents’ workload
(e.g. several low agent TTR e-mails, or a few long
agent TTR e-mails). Further, predicting agent TTR
Predicting e-Mail Response Time in Corporate Customer Support
allow for customers to be alerted when a support er-
rand is predicted to take a longer time than usual.
Even though the feature set of this experiment is
based partly on related work and partly on domain
expertise, it is important to investigate that the mod-
els have not learnt trivial solutions. For this reason,
a random tree in the Random Forest model has been
extracted and visualized using the Graphviz frame-
work (Gansner and North, 2000), of which a sub-tree
can be seen in Figure 6. This tree indicates that the
model has indeed not learnt a trivial solution when
predicting TTR.
As a way to further investigate the internals of the
models trained by Random Forest, the ELI5 model in-
terpretation framework was used to estimate the fea-
tures’ impact on the model’s class assignment. Ta-
ble 4 shows the relative impact each feature has on
the predictive result in the Random Forest model. The
most highly ranked feature is Sender followed by the
Message length and Text complexity, which seem rea-
Table 4: Feature Weights for a Model Predicting Customer
Weight Feature
0.2988 ± 0.0899 Sender
0.2094 ± 0.0770 Message length
0.2092 ± 0.0772 Text complexity factor
0.1685 ± 0.0724 Text sentiment
0.0598 ± 0.0365 Old
0.0544 ± 0.0322 Customer escalated
0 ± 0.0000 Escalated
An example of an instance being predicted using a
Random Forest model can be seen in Figure 7, where
the probability and feature impact is shown for each
possible response time bin. This particular instance,
is a true positive as it is correctly assigned to the 4-8h
bin with an accuracy of 0.98 %. The most signifi-
cant feature in favor for this decision is Sender that
is assigned a weight of +0.324. The feature BIAS is
the expected average score based on the distribution
of the data
. In this case, the BIAS is quite similar
between the classes as the data, after the preprocess-
ing, are balanced between the classes. Overall, this
analysis of feature impacts indicate that the model has
picked up patterns in the e-mails that are relevant for
predicting TTR. Thus, it can be concluded that the
models have not learned useless patterns from arte-
explaining-prediction-xgboost-model, accessed: 2020-02-
facts in the data sets.
The results from both experiments in this study
suggests that the models’ performance are in line with
results from related research in the problem domain
of instant messaging: 0.71 accuracy (Pielot et al.,
2014), 0.89 accuracy (Huang and Ku, 2018), 0.90
accuracy (Avrahami and Hudson, 2006). These re-
sults compare well to the results in this study. See Ta-
ble 2 and Table 3 that have accuracy scores between
0.81 0.87 and 0.74 0.77 respectively. Thus, com-
pared to the state-of-the-art, the results presented in
this study indicates improved performance (AUC
0.85, F
0.84, accuracy 0.82 in mean perfor-
mance for agent TTR), compared to the best perform-
ing model among related work that was ADABoost
(AUC = 0.72, F
= 0.45, accuracy = 0.46) (Yang
et al., 2017).
Finally, the problem was investigated separately
for support agents and for customers. The results sug-
gest that it is easier to predict the time to respond for
agents, than it is for customers (c.f. Figure 4a and Fig-
ure 5a). This supports the prior statement that in this
setting the agents can be considered a more homoge-
neous group due to similar training and experience,
whereas the customers could be regarded as a more
heterogeneous group of persons with different back-
ground and experiences.
This study investigated the ability to predict e-mail
time-to-reply for both customer support agents as well
as customers in a customer support setting. The re-
sults indicate that it is possible to predict the time
agents will take to reply to an e-mail with an AUC of
0.90, using seven features extracted from the e-mails.
Further, that it is possible to predict the time-to-reply
for customers to respond with an AUC of 0.85. These
conclusions can be used to anticipate the staff needs
in customer support, but also indicate to customers
when an e-mail might take a longer time than ex-
pected to respond to. Additionally, given that time-
to-reply can be indicative of emotional and cognitive
load, it can also be used to better tailor message pri-
oritization, e.g. messages with a high cognitive load
might be more efficiently handled by senior customer
agents, and messages with a lower cognitive load by
junior customer agents.
As future work, it would be interesting to evaluate
this prediction in practice. Such an evaluation would
be two-fold. First, to what extent can this be used
to more effectively predict workload of the customer
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Sub-Tree Extracted from a Random Tree in a RF Model.
Figure 7: Prediction Explanation for a Random Instance in the Test Set for Customer TTR Prediction. The Instance Is a True
Positive, Where an Response Were Sent between 4-8 Hours from Receiving the E-Mail.
agents. Second, does it actually improve efficiency to
map cognitive and emotional load to different agents
based on experience.
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