Detection of Privacy Disclosure in the Medical Domain:
A Survey
Bianca Buff, Joschka Kersting and Michaela Geierhos
Semantic Information Processing Group, Paderborn University, Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
Identity Disclosure, Privacy Protection, Physician Review Website, De-anonymization, Medical Domain.
When it comes to increased digitization in the health care domain, privacy is a relevant topic nowadays. This
relates to patient data, electronic health records or physician reviews published online, for instance. There
exist different approaches to the protection of individuals privacy, which focus on the anonymization and
masking of personal information subsequent to their mining. In the medical domain in particular, measures
to protect the privacy of patients are of high importance due to the amount of sensitive data that is involved
(e.g. age, gender, illnesses, medication). While privacy breaches in structured data can be detected more
easily, disclosure in written texts is more difficult to find automatically due to the unstructured nature of
natural language. Therefore, we take a detailed look at existing research on areas related to privacy protection.
Likewise, we review approaches to the automatic detection of privacy disclosure in different types of medical
data. We provide a survey of several studies concerned with privacy breaches in the medical domain with
a focus on Physician Review Websites (PRWs). Finally, we briefly develop implications and directions for
further research.
A website where users can create profiles and choose
pseudonyms, leads them to assume a high degree
of anonymity. If users compose posts under a
pseudonym or even altogether anonymized without
publishing any name, they feel safe to disclose pri-
vate information. However, users are often not aware
of the fact that even a limited amount of personal in-
formation can lead to identification (B
aumer et al.,
2017; Yang et al., 2012; Kersting et al., 2019). Con-
sequently, this gap between perceived and actual
anonymity is problematic when users disclose infor-
mation unintentionally, accidentally and/or without
taking note of it. This is more likely to happen in an
online environment such as a Physician Review Web-
sites (PRW) than in a less anonymized setting where
they probably would not have revealed this private in-
formation (B
aumer et al., 2017).
Privacy is a hot topic that raises concerns and con-
troversies. Hence, measures and laws to protect in-
dividuals’ privacy are constantly created and refined.
This applies not only to health data intended to be
investigated, published or shared, but also to other
data published on the Web, e.g. on social network-
ing sites or forums. The medical domain specifically
deals with a high amount of sensitive data. Conse-
quently, privacy protection is an important subject in
this sector, because privacy disclosure can have many
negative impacts on the person concerned (Cofone,
2017; B
aumer et al., 2017).
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview
of existing research in the field of privacy disclosure
and privacy protection in the medical domain. Sev-
eral studies have focused on these topics (Mendes and
Vilela, 2017; Dankar and El Emam, 2012; B
et al., 2017; Li et al., 2010). The majority of re-
search focuses on structured data that is often created
by professionals, such as physicians or in contexts of
medical studies (El Emam et al., 2009; Gal et al.,
2008; Kim et al., 2014). However, there are large
amounts of textual, unstructured data such as review
texts on PRWs which so far cannot be anonymized
easily (B
aumer et al., 2017). Privacy protection is a
challenge here.
Existing privacy protection measurements such as
k-anonymity (Samarati and Sweeney, 1998) focus on
structured data. In contrast, natural language con-
tains a ”large number of unstructured (not predefined)
sensitive attributes” (Li and Qin, 2017), hence those
models are not applicable on this type of data. In
the medical domain specifically, besides sensitive fea-
Buff, B., Kersting, J. and Geierhos, M.
Detection of Privacy Disclosure in the Medical Domain: A Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0009347506300637
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 630-637
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tures such as names of persons and places, informa-
tion about patients symptoms, diagnoses and treat-
ments is disclosed. The biggest obstacle of privacy
protection in natural language data is therefore the de-
tection of sensitive information in the free text in the
first place. Only subsequently can the disclosure of
attributes be prevented.
The corresponding paper is structured as follows:
First, the background and terminological information
are provided on the relevant concepts. Then, chal-
lenges that arise in the research field of privacy pro-
tection are discussed before some computational ap-
proaches and applications concerning the detection of
privacy disclosure and anonymization are presented.
Finally, further directions and perspectives are sum-
marized in the discussion and conclusion.
The concept of privacy is not easy to grasp and not
defined comprehensively and universally in the liter-
ature. Instead, various definitions of privacy co-exist,
depending on the data concerned and the specific use
case. Mendes and Vilela (2017) provide an overview
and conclude that ”the main idea of information pri-
vacy is to have control over the collection and han-
dling of one’s personal data”.
When sensitive information is revealed, this can
potentially be harmful for the individuals involved. A
differentiation can be made between identity and at-
tribute disclosure. The first means that due to infor-
mation leakage, a certain individual can be identified
out of a set of people. Attribute disclosure signifies
that for a certain individual (known or unknown), the
value of a certain attribute can be inferred (Duncan
and Lambert, 1989). An example would be when the
data shows that every 30-year-old male patient who
went to a specific hospital was presented with the di-
agnosis of a certain illness. Then it can be concluded
that a man who is 30 years old and was treated in this
hospital must have had this diagnosis. The conclusion
can be drawn no matter if the individual’s concrete
identity is known or not (El Emam, 2011).
In the literature, there is the differentiation be-
tween explicit identifiers, quasi-identifiers and sen-
sitive attributes (Mendes and Vilela, 2017). Explicit
identifiers directly allow the identification of an indi-
vidual, i.e. names and medical health numbers fall
in this category. Quasi-identifiers (e.g. age, gender)
are non-sensitive insofar that when considered sepa-
rately, they do not link directly to a specific individ-
ual. Sensitive attributes are confidential and specific
to individuals, for instance a certain disease of a cer-
tain patient. Taken separately, quasi-identifiers and
sensitive attributes do not directly lead to an individ-
ual’s identification. Nevertheless, linkage attacks are
still possible, i.e. identification attacks exploiting the
combination of attributes or additional background
knowledge (Fung et al., 2010). This is especially
threatening when the data set contains many variables
and unique combinations of attributes occur, which
facilitates identification (Martnez et al., 2012). De-
identification of a data set always includes the mask-
ing of all explicit identifiers (El Emam, 2006) and of-
ten the additional anonymization of quasi-identifiers
and sensitive attributes (Fung et al., 2010; Snchez
et al., 2013).
It is not clear-cut what exactly counts as a sen-
sitive attribute. Some systems that focus on privacy
in a broader sense and that apply machine learning
classification algorithms treat all named entities (e.g.
names, locations) as sensitive (Snchez et al., 2013).
Regarding official regulations for privacy protection,
governments play an important role in defining sensi-
tivity. In the United States of America for instance,
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) describes the regulations and limitations
concerning private information (HIPAA, 1996). This
act defines 18 pieces of Protected Health Information
(PHI) that have to be masked in any medical docu-
ment prior their publication in order to preserve the
patients’ identities. Examples for PHI identifiers are
names, email addresses, dates and social security or
medical health numbers.
With regard to means to protect privacy, the aim
of so-called privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM)
techniques is to mine data while ensuring that no crit-
ical amount of sensitive information is disclosed. In
this context, the term utility describes the data quality
remaining after the application of the privacy protec-
tion measure(s). This includes a natural trade-off be-
tween the information loss and the level of privacy
(Mendes and Vilela, 2017). Ideally, the measures
taken to protect privacy should minimize the informa-
tion loss while maximizing the data utility (Martnez
et al., 2011).
To protect the individuals’ identities in a data set,
several operations on the data can be applied (Fung
et al., 2010): Such as suppression (i.e. the entire re-
moval) of sensitive attributes or generalization, mean-
ing that exact numerical values are generalized to a
broader interval of values. Categorical data can be
generalized to a broader term, e.g. the specific profes-
sion mechanical engineer to the hyperonym engineer.
In addition, perturbation can be applied, meaning the
replacement of the original data. More concretely, the
values can be randomized, swapped or supplemented
Detection of Privacy Disclosure in the Medical Domain: A Survey
with additional synthetically generated data. This is
not an exhaustive list of possible operations; a more
detailed overview is provided by Fung et al. (2010).
Implementations for data anonymization, called
privacy models or privacy metrics, aim at protect-
ing identity, typically by making use of the masking
operations described above. Popular models are for
instance k-anonymity (Samarati and Sweeney, 1998)
and l-diversity (Machanavajjhala et al., 2006). These
models stem from the database domain and ”compute
the level of privacy depending only on properties of
the data” (Wagner and Eckhoff, 2018). Consequently,
anonymization can be applied to all individuals in the
database, for instance by generalizing a certain sensi-
tive attribute so that individuals cannot be identified.
In the medical domain, PRWs are receiving in-
creasing interest by patients and the research commu-
nity (Emmert et al., 2012). These websites are a for-
mat for Internet users to share experiences about the
perceived quality of received medical care. Online
on a website such as the German PRW
users can give both a quantitative and a qualitative rat-
ing of their treatment. More concretely, they not only
give the physician grades on various pre-defined di-
mensions (e.g. friendliness, treatment, practice equip-
ment), but also report qualitatively on the provided
health care in the form of (written) free text.
Research concerning PRWs has focused on as-
pects such as the choice-making process of patients:
Several studies (Emmert et al., 2009; McLennan et al.,
2017; Okike et al., 2016) come to the conclusion that
PRWs should not be used uniquely as a measure to
finding a good and suitable physician. Reasons for
that include that there is not necessarily a correlation
between the rating and the actual quality (Okike et al.,
2016) and that only a minority of patients writes re-
views on PRWs, which limits the representativeness
(McLennan et al., 2017). Furthermore, some studies
investigated the content available on different review
websites and studied in detail and qualitatively what
patients say about their physicians (Emmert et al.,
2012, 2014). Overall, the results indicate that patients
tend to assess the physicians positively in their re-
views (Emmert et al., 2013; Ellimoottil et al., 2013;
Kadry et al., 2011). Notions of trust and relationships
between physicians and patients have been focused
on as well (Kersting et al., 2019). Increasingly, PRWs
are investigated under the aspect of sentiment analy-
sis, aiming at identifying aspects and sentiments in the
free text automatically (Brody and Elhadad, 2010).
Available at
In the following, we name several challenges regard-
ing the concept of privacy, sensitive attributes and nat-
ural language data. A fundamental challenge is the
definition of privacy and sensitive attributes according
to the concrete data (Shah and Gulati, 2016). Depend-
ing on the respective domain, privacy concepts have
to focus on different aspects. For instance, a location-
based service uses information from the GPS mod-
ule of the user’s smart mobile device. This presents
a privacy threat insofar that the constant collection
of GPS data can provide insights into details such as
the user’s home and office address (Han et al., 2018).
Consequently, an approach to protect user’s privacy in
a location-based service has to tackle different chal-
lenges than an approach concerned with privacy pro-
tection in the medical domain.
With the enhanced and more sophisticated data
mining techniques, data collection has become eas-
ier and more large-scale. Yang et al. (2012) show that
even a limited amount of (seed) information accessi-
ble on social networks can be enough to identify the
majority of users. Li et al. (2010) come to a simi-
lar conclusion: It is easily possible to utilize various
sources (e.g. different social networks, commercial
search engines) to link the sensible pieces of informa-
tion to the corresponding identities.
In the medical domain, even though regulations
such as the HIPAA give concrete definitions of iden-
tifiers that always have to be protected, such as names
and medical health numbers, the masking of just these
attributes is often not enough. Snchez et al. (2013)
found out that there exist semantic correlations be-
tween sanitized (i.e. masked in some way) and not
sanitized attributes that can potentially be exploited
and lead to privacy threats. In addition, Dankar and
El Emam (2012) report of correlations between differ-
ent data fields, such as drugs and diagnoses. Here, in-
consistent anonymization can lead to distortions and
contradictions. Then, the utility of and the trust in
the data is decreased. Consequently, more research
needs to be done to investigate not only the potential
threats posed by PHI identifiers. Attributes going be-
yond them have to be taken into consideration as well,
just like the underlying correlations existing between
several attributes. It is still a matter of research to de-
fine the critical amount of revealed information that
threatens privacy.
Concerning other types of data, a challenge for
privacy protection is the nature of unstructured nat-
ural language data. The automatic detection of sen-
sitive attributes in unstructured data, such as health
reports, is difficult (B
aumer et al., 2017; Ganu et al.,
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Selection of studies focusing on de-identification in structured and unstructured medical data.
Authors Data Details of the method
Structured Data:
Ayala-Rivera et al. (2014) health data anonymization using differential privacy
Gal et al. (2008) health data extended model of k-anonymity and l-diversity
El Emam et al. (2009) health data extended model of k-anonymity: Optimal Lattice
Kim et al. (2014) health data streams delay-free online anonymization & late validation
Unstructured Data
Snchez et al. (2014) electronic healthcare
automatic sanitization with usage of external know-
ledge bases (e.g. WordNet, SNOMED-CT)
Meystre et al. (2010) electronic healthcare
survey of dictionary-based and machine learning-
based techniques
Li and Qin (2017) medical text records clustering & value enumeration
Luo et al. (2016) medical text records double-reading/entry system for creation of a data-
base and modularization for anonymization
Meystre et al. (2014) clinical notes comparison of different text de-identification
Dernoncourt et al. (2017) patient notes bi-directional LSTM neural network
Gardner and Xiong (2008) pathology reports conditional random field for attribute detection and
subsequent k-anonymization
aumer et al. (2017) physician review
named entity recognition, lexical patterns, string
similarity algorithms
2012). The PHI identifiers defined in the HIPAA gen-
erally follow a regular structure, e.g. ZIP codes or
emails, or stem from a finite set of options, e.g. lo-
cations (Snchez et al., 2014). In contrast, attributes
such as diseases or medication can be expressed in
various ways in natural language. The missing con-
sistent surface structure complicates pattern matching
and machine learning approaches that are more easily
applicable to structured PHI identifiers (Snchez et al.,
2014). The following review from a PRW contains
several privacy breaches: I live down the street of
Dr. Mayers practice and go there since I was a lit-
tle child. I am 39 years old and since I gave birth to a
little daughter five years ago, we visit Dr. Mayer to-
gether. He also helped me with my hemorrhoids last
year, even though he practices in an utterly different
field. In this review, a woman honestly talks about the
good performance of her health care provider (HCP).
On the one hand, the details she adds about herself
and her medical history make the review more cred-
ible and valuable. On the other hand, however, the
sensitive attributes that she reveals can lead to iden-
tification by people she knows or even by strangers
having additional background knowledge. Moreover,
the HCP himself would probably be able to identify
her, since HCPs always have a lot of (sensitive) infor-
mation about their patients at their disposal.
The high variance in natural language data com-
plicates the automatic detection of privacy breaches.
Examples are words like mother or father: The se-
mantics inherent to these words disclose the gender of
the person (female or male) and their family status (at
least one child) (B
aumer et al., 2017). In natural lan-
guage, it is not clear-cut and well-defined what con-
stitutes as a sensitive attribute that discloses too much
information about a certain individual. Another chal-
lenge inherent to user-generated content is the follow-
ing: Online reviews about the medical services that
patients received typically incorporate a large amount
of grammatical and typographical errors, in addition
to idiosyncrasies (e.g. in the usage of abbreviations)
aumer et al., 2017). Even in the case of medi-
cal reports about patients written by doctors, where
one might expect a shared standard and higher qual-
ity, there tend to be similar mistakes, peculiarities and
sublanguage characteristics, due to the time pressure
and other constraints (Pestian et al., 2007). These in-
consistencies complicate the automatic detection of
the privacy disclosures.
This section introduces several approaches to and ap-
plications of privacy protection and de-anonymization
in the medical domain. Table 1 provides an overview
of the presented studies.
Detection of Privacy Disclosure in the Medical Domain: A Survey
4.1 Structured Data
Privacy protection in structured medical data relies
for instance on the privacy-preserving models k-
anonymity and l-diversity (Ayala-Rivera et al., 2014;
Dankar and El Emam, 2012). There exist several
improvements of these models, such as the one by
Gal et al. (2008). The authors extend the models to
structured data that has multiple sensitive attributes,
and not just one. This is sensible since data about
patients is generally so high-dimensional that it in-
cludes more than one sensitive attribute. Another
study introduced an extension of the k-anonymity al-
gorithm that is applicable to health data sets, the Opti-
mal Lattice Anonymization algorithm (El Emam et al.,
2009). This improvement of k-anonymity decreases
the information loss and produces globally optimal
de-identification results.
Kim et al. (2014) focus on the online anonymiza-
tion of health data streams. The individual inputs are
anonymized immediately with counterfeit values, so
there is no delay in the continuous transmission of
data. This approach differs from previous ones where
a certain amount of data has to be extracted before
privacy-preserving measures can be applied on the re-
spective batches, leading to a significant time delay.
Additionally, the authors ensure a high data utility by
applying late validation to limit the amount of created
counterfeit values.
4.2 Unstructured Data
Privacy protection in unstructured data typically fo-
cuses on a certain clinical document type: e.g. on
medical patient records, discharge summaries or clin-
ical free text (Meystre et al., 2014). Considering as-
pects such as the uniqueness of answers to open ques-
tions possibly leading to identification, textual values
can be regarded as quasi-identifiers that have to be
anonymized, just like numerical identifiers (e.g. age)
(Martnez et al., 2012).
Because the ”utility of textual information is
closely related to the preservation of its meaning”
(Martnez et al., 2012), semantic knowledge is often
incorporated to find a reasonable balance between
data quality and user privacy. For instance, Martnez
et al. (2012) make use of the semantic knowledge en-
coded in the ontology WordNet. By merging semanti-
cally similar values into indistinguishable groups, the
k-anonymity property is satisfied. This way, the au-
thors’ technique preserves the meaning of the textual
values and thus a high data utility.
Another approach that relies on external knowl-
edge bases (e.g. WordNet and SNOMED-CT, a
healthcare knowledge base) is described by Snchez
et al. (2014). The authors propose an automatic saniti-
zation method applicable to textual data such as elec-
tronic healthcare records. The semantic knowledge is
used to generalize private attributes (e.g. diseases) as
well as semantically related concepts (e.g. symptoms)
while still preserving a good data utility.
Li and Qin (2017) also focus on the anonymiza-
tion of medical text records for subsequent shar-
ing. Their approach begins with the clustering of
the textual records into several groups according to
the health-related information. Then, the sensitive as-
pects such as the age of the patient, date of the medi-
cal care, or the hospitalization are enumerated in (sep-
arate) lists so that the exact values cannot be asso-
ciated with the individuals. This value-enumeration
guarantees a proper degree of anonymization while at
the same time leading to less information loss than the
altogether masking of the aspects.
aumer et al. (2017) apply natural language pro-
cessing techniques to automatically detect privacy
breaches in reviews published on PRWs. They found
out that the combination of private information dis-
closed in the natural language reviews and the pro-
vided meta data can enable de-anonymization. The
fact that this is possible, even though websites like have already implemented mechanisms
to detect severe privacy breaches such as personal
names, makes it more important to figure out ways
of how to protect users’ privacy online.
Luo et al. (2016) present an approach to ex-
tract structured information from unstructured medi-
cal records. Their main goal is the automatic creation
of a semi-structured database, not privacy protection
itself. Nevertheless, the authors highlight the impor-
tance to protect data privacy and apply measures to
this end. They divide the extracted medical data into
separate modules so that identification across these
modules is impossible.
There exist further studies that investigate pri-
vacy protection of unstructured data such as clinical
text (Meystre et al., 2010, 2014; Gardner and Xiong,
2008). Even neural networks are used for this pur-
pose: Dernoncourt et al. (2017) trained a bidirectional
long short-term memory neural network on the de-
identification of patient notes. Their network outper-
forms other state-of-the-art systems and succeeds in
modeling the variations of natural language.
Most privacy-preserving approaches deal with larger
data sets that comprise information about many in-
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
dividuals. When it comes to protecting the privacy
of users on PRWs, it would be necessary to detect
breaches before the users decide to publish their re-
views. This is an additional challenge since an ap-
plication has to detect breaches individually in every
single review and not in a larger collection of reviews.
Therefore, models that protect privacy relative to a
batch of data points are not applicable in this usage.
There seems to be an inconsistency between a per-
son’s assessment of the value to protect one’s pri-
vacy and the willingness to give it up and sell it (Mc-
Donald and Cranor, 2010; Cofone, 2017). This phe-
nomenon is referred to as privacy paradox (Cofone,
2017). Users’ motivations should be investigated so
that implementations can be fit better to the needs and
attitudes of the users. Min and Kim (2015) provide
an overview of the costs and benefits that users take
into account when considering (the extent of) using
a social networking site. The perceived security and
control they have of and over their data is a signif-
icant factor in the cost-benefit calculation. Further-
more, Dankar and El Emam (2012) provide insights
into patients’ concerns and uncertainties, especially
when they are unsure about the further usage of their
private information. Hence, further research should
investigate the various privacy concerns of different
users. Taking these into account for development,
new applications are more likely to be accepted and
When patient data is published or shared, measures
are taken to protect the individuals’ privacy. This is
important since from an ethical and social viewpoint,
patients generally assume that their data is treated
In the field of privacy protection, research should
not only focus on structured data that is easier to ana-
lyze and anonymize. The increasing amount of natu-
ral language data that is available on and mined from
the Web makes more research in this direction much-
needed. Measures for privacy protection in general
first have to arrive at sensible definitions of the con-
cepts privacy and sensitive attributes. Concerning un-
structured natural language data, the additional chal-
lenge of detecting the private attributes in the free
text further complicates the problem. Especially user-
generated content is still a type of data that is too sel-
dom focalized by studies.
On the basis of the observations and research gaps
presented above, we are planning to further investi-
gate the breaches that users commit online on PRWs.
Our goal is to build a system that automatically de-
tects privacy breaches that users produce online. We
are not aware of a working software solution that
serves this purpose. The intended software would
raise users’ awareness concerning their privacy reve-
lations by highlighting the infringements on-line and
before the user decides to publish his or her post.
This way, accidental disclosure of sensitive informa-
tion could be prevented.
This work was partially supported by the German
Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative
Research Centre On-The-Fly Computing (SFB 901).
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