quence associated with the element by hundred then
dividing the result by n (the size of Table 1 or the total
number of evolution styles involved in the search for
sequential patterns). As an output, the algorithm pro-
vides a two-column table where, to each architectural
element is associated its rate of evolution or to each
actor its rate of participation in evolution operations.
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ture. In addition, we evaluated the proposed evolu-
tion paths and defined some algorithms to define se-
quences, determine sequential patterns and compute
the architectural elements evolution rate and the ac-
tors participation rate in evolution operations.
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to a evolving software system in production , then to
an urban architecture evolutions in order to propose
a model that is easily usable, prospective and predic-
tive, allowing us to analyze, estimate and predict fu-
ture evolutions of urban architecture.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering