sor, showed good measurement accuracy, thus some
deviation from expected values, shown in figure 3
only results from the fixation on the bike. The GPS
also worked as expected, i.e., the marked points on a
map corresponds to the real path taken by the cyclist,
with no significant deviations.
This work presents a concept of a connectivity plat-
form and a IoT based solution embedded on bikes.
The results showed that the chosen hardware works
as expected and the collected data is valuable to de-
termine road features and cyclists behavior. The plat-
form services were tested in laboratory with a bike-
sharing system concept.
As future work, we would like to develop the me-
chanical concept of a smart lock, in order to have the
on-board unit (IoT layer) embedded on it. The man-
agement layer also needs further developments. The
first step will be to test the services as payment or
bike renting in a controlled environment, and the re-
solve some issues that may appear and test it in real
The data collected by sensors proved his impor-
tance, with exception to the lateral distance. It is im-
possible to distinguish real overtakes from confined
environments as shown in Section 5, thus it needs
the development of a mechanism in which the cyclist
could mark real overtakes.
The routing recommendation engine is functional
with four criteria, distance, travel time, comfort and
safety. However it considers mainly static data from
external data sources as OpenStreetMaps. To take
more serious conclusions, we need to test the on-
board unit (IoT layer) in fleet of bikes, in order to
have a significant dataset. It also would give us bet-
ter insights about cyclists profile and preferences. Our
system is prepared to provide the sensor and GPS data
through an API, thus third party entities can use it, in
order to create their own recommendation systems or
to help stakeholders or policy makers making the best
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033769 - ”Ghisallo –
ao e Desenvolvimento de uma nova
ao de comutac¸
ao urbana, assente num novo
conceito de ve
ıculo el
etrico de pr
oxima gerac¸
– ”Ghisallo - Research and Development of a new
urban commuting solution, based on a new concept
of a next-generation vehicle”.
UID / EMS / 00481/2019-FCT
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