Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Joschka Kersting and Michaela Geierhos
Semantic Information Processing Group, Paderborn University, Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, Germany
Keywords: Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis.
Abstract: This paper deals with aspect phrase extraction and classification in sentiment analysis. We summarize current
approaches and datasets from the domain of aspect-based sentiment analysis. This domain detects sentiments
expressed for individual aspects in unstructured text data. So far, mainly commercial user reviews for products
or services such as restaurants were investigated. We here present our dataset consisting of German physician
reviews, a sensitive and linguistically complex field. Furthermore, we describe the annotation process of a
dataset for supervised learning with neural networks. Moreover, we introduce our model for extracting and
classifying aspect phrases in one step, which obtains an F1-score of 80%. By applying it to a more complex
domain, our approach and results outperform previous approaches.
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) aims at
finding expressed opinions towards attributes of
products or services. Sentiment analysis (or opinion
mining) experienced a large interest during the last
years due to a growing amount of user-generated
content and missing methods to make use of them.
However, the focus so far was on identifying an
overall sentiment of full documents or sentences. This
is, however, not sufficient when it comes to
conflicting sentiments on different aspects of a
product or service. Consequently, ABSA was
invented in order to identify aspects in natural
language texts and calculate the corresponding
sentiment expressed by users. This has led to
numerous studies (Liu and Zhang 2012; Sun, Huang,
and Qiu 2019; Tang et al. 2016) and shared tasks
(Wojatzki et al. 2017; Pontiki et al. 2015; Toh and Su
2016; Danda et al. 2017). Yet the research so far, has
mostly neglected or omitted the existence of aspects
represented implicitly by phrases rather than directly
and only by nouns. What is more, in order to make
use of the widely available reviews, an understanding
of why users rate how is required (McAuley,
Leskovec, and Jurafsky 2012). Hence, ABSA is an
important field to be investigated.
There are three main approaches in sentiment
analysis research. These are document, sentence-
level as well as aspect-based sentiment analysis.
While the first only covers an overall sentiment for a
whole document, the latter supposes that there is just
one sentiment expressed per sentence. Hence, cases
are neglected in which even opposing sentiments for
the same aspect or opinions regarding different
aspects in a sentence are expressed. The following
sentence serves as an example: “The doctor was very
friendly but he did not offer to shake my hand.” In
this sentence, the friendliness of a physician is rated
two times by the bold printed expressions. Finding an
expression such as the latter may be easy for a human
but hard for a machine.
1.1 Domain of Research
This paper deals with the domain of physician
reviews. ABSA in this domain cannot be performed
by keyword spotting, because of implicit mentions
and the use of phrases for expressing opinions about
the usually personal, trustful and sensitive services
(Bäumer et al., 2017; Kersting, Bäumer, and
Geierhos, 2019). However, most of ABSA research
proposes that nouns are representative for aspects or
at least settles with nouns (and noun phrases)
explicitly mentioned as aspect indicators (Pontiki et
al., 2016b; Nguyen and Shirai, 2015; Qiu et al., 2011;
Hu and Liu, 2004; Blair-Goldensohn et al., 2008;
Chinsha and Shibily, 2015). This has reasons: Many
reviews are written about products or services. There
exist search goods, i.e., products such as smartphones
or keyboards (e.g., smartphone: battery, memory),
which can be interchanged and will roughly be the
Kersting, J. and Geierhos, M.
Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009349903910400
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 391-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
same every time. And there are experience goods,
whose performance can only be evaluated after
experiencing them due to their subjective, every time
different nature (Zeithaml, 1981). However, most of
ABSA research was done focusing on products (De
Clercq et al., 2017) or such services using rather
simple vocabulary. Even experience goods such as
hotels receive reviews based on nouns describing the
breakfast, bed, etc. These can be characterized as
experience domains rather than services.
The area of physician reviews is characterized by
experience goods, but its nature is that of very special
services with private and personal components. Each
treatment performed by a health care provider is
unique. Personally provided services are usually
reviewed on the basis of the behavior of the staff.
Components of this are empathy, reliability, but also
the ambiance of the rooms (Zeithaml et al. 1990). The
reviews can be found on Physician Review Websites
(PRW). Examples for PRWs are Ratemds
in English,
in German or Pincetas in Lithuanian
. On a
PRW, users can rate their physician quantitatively
using stars or grades and qualitatively by writing a
review text. Typically, the grades can be assigned to
different aspects such as the competence of the
physician. Besides grading, the PRWs also offer
blogging functionality, appointment services and
more. However, while many physicians feel unfairly
treated and to not want to be rated, legal repercussions
are the consequences. Users feel anonymous even
though they can be identified by the PRW or by the
physician on the basis of the review texts. Trust is an
important issue regarding PRWs (Kersting, Bäumer,
and Geierhos 2019; Bäumer et al. 2017; Apotheke-
Adhoc 2018).
1.2 Contributions
In general, ABSA has three subtasks of which this
paper addresses two: Aspect term extraction and
aspect category classification, but not aspect polarity
classification (De Clercq et al., 2017). What is more,
we contribute by advancing the field of ABSA with
phrases implicitly indicating rating aspects. These
phrases are often complex and in their form of
appearance not frequent. Additionally, we use
German as a complex and morphologically rich
language. We use the service domain of physician
reviews due to its broad variety of fields (professions
and diseases) and sensitive, health-related nature.
Here, we contribute by presenting our dataset in
Available at
Jameda can be accessed at
Pincetas can be found at
general and the annotated texts. Moreover, we present
a neural network for aspect phrase extraction and
evaluate it in one step without separating the step of
identifying phrases and classifying them in contrast to
the procedures used at shared tasks such as (Pontiki
et al., 2016b).
The outline is as follows: The second section
presents related literature and the third section our
dataset. Here, we present the whole dataset as well as
the aspect categories and our annotated data. The
fourth section deals with our method and the
implementation of a neural network aimed at
identifying aspect phrases in German physician
review texts. The fifth deals with the evaluation and
discussion of our proposed dataset, domain and
system. The last section concludes the paper and
draws implications for future work.
The identification and extraction of aspects
texts is the core task in ABSA (Chinsha and Shibily,
2015). This distinguishes it from tasks such as
classification where grades for a text document are
predicted. Further steps are the identification of
opinion words related to aspects and their polarity
(positive or negative sentiment) (Chinsha and
Shibily, 2015). Besides, sentiment analysis has to
tackle other issues such as the detection of sarcasm or
analyzing emotions (Zhang, Wang, and Liu 2018).
Hu and Liu (2004) published one of the earlier
works on ABSA. Typical examples of such works
deal with products such as smartphones: “The screen
is perfect, but the voice quality sucks.” When this
review is published on the online shop page of a
smartphone model, recognizing the aspects is trivial,
e.g., by focusing on noun phrases (Pontiki et al.,
2016b; 2016a) or using topic modeling based on a list
of seed words as it was performed by earlier studies
(Mukherjee and Liu, 2012; Zhao et al., 2010). Some
researchers stated in their annotation guidelines that
“[a]n opinion target expression [...] is an explicit
reference (mention) to the reviewed entity [...]. This
reference can be a named entity, a common noun or a
multi-word term” (Pontiki et al., 2016a). They used
annotated datasets in several languages (not German)
in order to extract aspect terms, polarity, etc. for
domains such as hotels or restaurants. For the
extraction of aspect phrases and their classification,
the results vary and are almost all below 50% (Pontiki
Also referred to as feature, topic or target extraction or
identification (Chinsha and Shibily, 2015).
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
et al., 2016b). Other researchers used constituency
and dependency parsing in order to identify relevant
words which are mostly nouns, too (Nguyen and
Shirai, 2015). However, the problem with nouns is the
assumption that aspects are mostly directly
mentioned by words. There are explicit mentions of
aspects that come in the form of nouns and noun
phrases, and there are implicit mentions coming with
every other possible construction such as adjectives,
verbs, etc. For instance, “expensive” would refer to
the price of a smartphone (Liu, 2012). The data of the
current paper, which will be presented in the next
section, contains implicit aspect mentions by all kinds
of word types and forms. Some scholars go as far as
extracting only the most frequent nouns and grouping
them into synonym classes for the aspect phrase
extraction (Chinsha and Shibily, 2015).
There are other works like Wojatzki et al., (2017),
who use customer reactions from different channels
such as twitter instead of reviews. They annotated a
dataset in order to identify aspects in texts. And try to
find the corresponding words or phrases. Still, they
neither use customer reviews nor data from a
sensitive domain such as the health care sector. What
is more, all aspects in Wojatzki et al., (2017) are
related to the main German railway company and are
thus not as diverse as those related to all physicians,
their professions, possible diseases and the sensitive
patient-physician relationship (Kersting, Bäumer, and
Geierhos, 2019). Many aspects can be described with
nouns (e.g., atmosphere, train ride, connectivity).
Hence, this approach touches the field of the present
paper, but has still a different domain, approach and
dataset. However, De Clercq et al. (2017) build an
ABSA pipeline for Dutch retail, banking and human
resources data in order to contribute to ABSA by
using data form service domains. They rely on earlier
studies that recommend seeing aspect term extraction
as a sequential labelling task using Inside, Outside,
Beginning (IOB) tags (Bird, Klein, and Loper 2009)
for marking the beginning, inside and outside tokens
of aspect phrases. They use more than 20 classes per
domain. Their data are annotated manually. While
they achieve very high scores for aspect term
extraction, their category classification results are in
part below 50%. According to their chosen domains
and examples, the aspect terms seem to be nouns.
Other scholars follow an unsupervised path for
building an ABSA system (Garcia-Pablos, Cuadros,
and Rigau 2018; Mukherjee and Liu 2012; Zhao et al.
2010). Garcia-Pablos, Cuadros, and Rigau (2018) use
a list of seed words in order to find aspects in large
data quantities. A problem with such approaches is
that topic models find clusters and topics that are not
comprehensive for humans and thus miss the point for
ABSA (Mukherjee and Liu, 2012).
When it comes to physician reviews and PRWs,
there are numerous studies dealing with them in
general and with their sensitive data (Emmert,
Sander, and Pisch, 2013; Emmert et al., 2012;
Bäumer et al., 2018; 2017; Kersting, Bäumer, and
Geierhos, 2019). Medical diagnoses are among the
hardest things to evaluate (Zeithaml, 1981) and
physician reviews are utterly important for the choice
of the right physician (Emmert et al., 2013), while
most ratings are positive (Emmert, Sander, and Pisch,
2013). These studies underline the importance of
physician reviews. What is more, physician reviews
have a specific vocabulary and PRWs require trust
(Kersting, Bäumer, and Geierhos, 2019).
The dataset consists of German-language physician
reviews from several PRWs located in three German
speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland).
3.1 Data Collection and Overview
Data collection took place in mid-2018, from March
to July. For downloading the data, a distributed
crawler framework was developed. At first, the
websites were manually checked for an index. The
index sites were collected in order to directly access
the physician’s (sub-)sites and save the corresponding
reviews and ratings. We followed the rule of not
causing too much traffic in order to keep the costs for
the community as low as possible. Thus, data
collection took several weeks (Cordes, 2018). All
results were saved in a relational database.
We collected reviews, ratings and additional
information concerning the physician and the office:
e.g., opening hours, address and further training. We
regard this information as useful for the future.
Additionally, we collected data from an English, a
Lithuanian and a Spanish PRW which enables
qualitative comparisons, e.g., regarding the use of
rating classes. The German-language PRWs are
Jameda, Medicosearch
and Docfinder
. General
statistics can be found in Table 1.
Medicosearch can be reached at
Docfinder can be found at
Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Table 1: Statistics for German-language PRWs.
PRW Jameda Docfinder
Physicians 413,218 20,660 16,146
Review Texts 1,956,649 84,875 8,547
Professions 293 51 139
Avg. Rating 1,68 4,31 4,82
Rating System
(best to worst)
1 – 6 5 – 1 5 – 1
Men/Women 53/47% 71/29%
No Data
Length (Char.) 383 488 161
As can be seen, most physicians are listed on
Jameda, while fewer are available on Docfinder and
Medicosearch. However, the Austrian Docfinder and
German Jameda are visited much more than
Medicosearch, according to reviews. The ratings are,
as stated before, very good on average. Interestingly,
Jameda and Medicosearch have a higher number of
professions, which may come from listing non-
official professions and specializations. Non-German
reviews were excluded for further steps.
3.2 Rating Categories
The aspect categories to be annotated were identified
on the basis of qualitative methods. Here, we used the
available categories that can be assigned on Jameda,
Docfinder and Medicosearch, e.g., “friendliness”,
“explanation”, etc. A set of rating categories were set
up by discussing them in the team and semantically
merging them. In Table 2, we present a selection of
the categories given on the websites, which built the
basis for our choice. Jameda has the most categories,
but it presents only a selection for certain professions
on its website (Table 2).
For the aspect term extraction and aspect category
classification, we built a manually annotated dataset
in order to use it for supervised machine learning. For
this paper, a first set of categories was chosen which
consequently was annotated in 11,237 sentences:
“friendliness”, “competence”, “time taken”,
. All categories apply to the physician
as the aspect target (/entity target/opinion target).
In most cases, systems combine aspect target
extraction and aspect extraction (Zhang, Wang, and
Liu 2018). In general, we identified three opinion
targets in our data: the physician, the team and the
doctor’s office (e.g., “parking situation”).
Only few data were available.
All translated from German: "Freundlichkeit”, “Kompetenz”,
“Zeit genommen”, “Aufklärung.”
Additionally, we have the target of a general
evaluation with only one aspect; an example sentence
is the following: “Satisfied all round.”
Table 2: Rating classes on PRWs (selection; translated from
German) (Cordes 2018).
PRW Rating Classes
Treatment, counselling/care,
commitment, discretion, explanation,
relationship of trust, entering into
concerns, time taken, friendliness,
anxiety patients, waiting time for
appointment, waiting time in the
practice, opening hours, consultation
hours, entertainment in the waiting
room […]
“dentist” on
Treatment, explanation, mutual trust,
time taken, friendliness, anxiety
patients, waiting time for an
appointment, waiting time in the
practice, consultation hours, care,
entertainment in the waiting room,
alternative healing methods, child-
friendliness, barrier-free access,
practice equipment, accessibility by
telephone, parking facilities, public
Overall assessment, empathy of the
physician, trust in the physician,
peace of mind with treatment, range
of services offered, equipment of the
practice/premises, care by medical
assistants, satisfaction in waiting time
for appointment, satisfaction in
time in the waitin
Relationship of trust (the service
provider has taken my problem
seriously), relationship of trust (the
service provider has taken time for
me), information behavior (the
service provider has informed me
comprehensively), information
behavior (the declarations of the
service provider were understandable
for me), recommendation (the service
provider has fulfilled my
expectations), recommendation (I
recommend this service
The four named classes are distinguished clearly
before we describe the annotation process in detail:
“Friendliness” refers to the degree of devotion of
the physician. That is, does the physician treat
his/her patients respectfully and kindly, is he/she
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
nice or nasty when greeting them, does he/she
look them in the eye? Examples (aspect phrases in
bold, translated from German):
“He was very friendly and his assistants are very
“She did not even greet and did not listen.”
“Competence” deals with the (subjective)
expertise of the physician. It asks whether the
raters felt that the doctor knows what to do and
how to do it. It does not ask for the treatment
quality in general and it does not ask for
friendliness, empathy, etc. The general
competence is also included by this category. This
means that whether a physician is good in his/her
profession, “knows his job” or knows how to
reduce anxiety is regarded as competence.
“He was very competent and has a conscientious
“Time taken” refers to the time a physician uses
in his appointments. Time is crucial for a
treatment and the felt quality of a treatment.
Patients may see it as positive, negative or even as
a necessity that a health care provider takes
enough time to treat them. In German, especially
when it comes to this category, there are words
which are between words such as “take” and
“time”, comparable to the English phrase:
“She took a lot of time and […].”
“The only drawback is that the practice is always
overcrowded, so the personal consultation is
rather short.”
“Explanation” describes the way the physician
explains diseases and treatments to his patients.
Here, patients want to be informed well. This class
should be differed from the class “time taken”
accordingly, as a long conversation indicates the
amount of time used but the details mentioned or
the questions the physicians asks deal with the
“After a detailed clarification, the treatment was
started immediately.”
“I was very well informed about my disease
pattern, the consultation was excellent.”
The classes can be distinguished clearly. In most
cases, muli-word phrases need to be annotated, only
nouns or single words do not indicate a category.
However, there are cases in which a distinction
between classes is not natural even for human beings
and thus we provide the brief explanations above.
However, for annotators, we created guidelines and
documented cases that are on the edge. The
annotation process is still very complicated because
the phrases and the complexity of German sentence
structure make it more difficult (e.g., word order may
be changed quite freely).
3.3 Annotation Process
The process started by splitting the language reviews
into sentences using the spaCy library (ExplosionAI,
2019). Annotation at the sentence-level instead of the
document level is more efficient, especially when
having aspects represented by complex phrases. What
is more, Pontiki et al., (2016b) also annotated at the
sentence level. However, we have roughly over 2
million sentences of reviews.
We then annotated 10,000 sentences to indicate
whether they contain an evaluative statement. Based
on this, after having achieved a high agreement
among annotators, we built a Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) classifier in order to calculate a
probability for every sentence to determine whether it
contains an evaluation or not. We saved all sentences
with a probability of over 50% randomized to a file
and used them for the annotation of aspect phrases
and their categories. We regarded this as a better
approach compared to the use of seed words as
performed by other scholars (Cieliebak et al., 2017).
Our vocabulary, when it comes to the description of
aspect classes, is complex and oftentimes consists of
longer phrases. Thus, we expect a narrowed selection
of sentences when using seed words for our dataset.
The dataset was annotated mainly by one person
while two other people contributed. The annotators
are all specialists who discussed and reviewed the
annotations. Of 11,237 sentences, 6,337 contained at
least one of the four classes, 4,900 did not. It was
possible to annotate several aspects in one sentence.
Our annotations are stored to a database and were
exported into text files for further processing.
Tokenization is saved here, too. The average sentence
length in tokens can be found in Figure 1. Most
sentences are short, while there is a certain number of
longer ones as well.
The following sentence is a good example based
on sentences from the dataset (translated from
German): “Competence [competence] and
connectedness [friendliness], a good match: Dr.
Meyer knows what he is doing [competence] and is
cordial [friendliness] and takes time [time taken]
for the patient, his explanations are great
[explanation].” The aspect phrases are printed in
bold, categories bold and in brackets. Here, the
example delivers an idea of common phrases. Mostly,
users write the way they speak. They rate the same
thing with longer phrases or short words – often not
Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
nouns – even several times in the same sentence. This
is different in comparison to Pontiki et al. (2016b) and
Wojatzki et al. (2017). However, compared to Pontiki
et al. (2016b), our dataset is larger (e.g., for English
in the laptop domain: 3,308 sentences; Dutch in the
restaurant domain: 2,286 sentences). Furthermore,
Pontiki et al. (2016a) includes only one of potentially
several mentions of the same opinion target phrase or
aspect entities. The dataset of Wojatzki et al. (2017),
however, seemed larger at first to us, but reducing it
to sentences with annotated aspect phrases reveals
that it is only slightly larger than ours (roughly 2,000
sentences more).
Figure 1: Number of tokens per sentence.
The annotation task was serious due to the nature
of our data and we calculated the inter-annotator
agreement on the basis of tagging, that is, every word
received a tag with its class and every word not being
annotated received a tag with a “None-class” (see
Section 4). We randomly selected 337 (3%) of the
data that were annotated by the main annotator
before. Then, the other two, re-annotated them from
scratch. We achieved sufficient agreement scores as
can be seen in Table 3. We calculated Cohen’s Kappa
(Cohen 1960) for each two of three annotators using
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The agreement
among annotators is substantial with a minimum of
0.722 and a maximum between R and J of 0.857.
According to Landis and Koch (1977), all values
between 0.61 and 0.80 can be considered as
substantial agreement, values above 0.81 as almost
perfect. We regard those values as good for our
dataset. What is more, we calculated Krippendorf’s
Alpha (Krippendorff, 2011) using NLTK (Bird et al.,
2009) for all three annotators at once. Here, we
achieve a score of 0.771 which can be seen as a good
value, where 1.0 would be the best. Alpha provides
several advantages such as calculating it for many
annotators at once (not only two). Missing data and
any number of categories can also be used
(Krippendorff, 2011).
Table 3: Inter-annotator agreement between annotators R,
B and J.
Annotators R & B R & J B & J
Cohen’s Kappa 0.722 0.857 0.730
for all 3
In this section, we briefly describe our approach to
perform aspect phrase extraction and the
classification of aspect phrases on the basis of our
annotated dataset. At first, we describe paths we
followed in search for a working system. We scanned
the literature for building the ideal extraction system.
For example, Liu (2012) proposes four approaches to
extract aspects: Extraction (1) using frequent noun
(phrases), (2) by making use of opinion and target
relations (3) by supervised learning (4) based on topic
modeling (Liu, 2012). We tried them and had to
conclude that only supervised approaches are
promising. This came from test results as well as from
the related literature section. For instance, topic
modeling did not find clearly separated topics as
humans would define them. Frequent nouns lead to an
extremely low detection rate for aspects and the
extraction of relations produced no usable results. We
used spaCy (ExplosionAI, 2019) for dependency
parsing and results of Kitaev and Klein (2018) for
constituency parsing to find candidate phrases.
Moreover, we built several machine learning
architectures for IOB tagging of which our final
approach was the best.
Literature indicated a superiority of IOB tagging
(De Clercq et al., 2017). This seems unsuitable for our
case, as we have long phrases with differing start
words that may not be as predictable as in named
entities. Examples are “Mr John Doe” and “John
Doe” in comparison to our data (in German): “Dr.
Müller hat sich viel Zeit genommen” (translated: “Dr.
Müller took a lot of time”) in comparison to “Dr.
Müller nimmt sich für seine Patienten viel Zeit.”
(translated: “Dr. Müller takes a lot of time for his
patients.”; In German, “for his patients” must be
annotated along as it stands in the middle of the
phrase.) However, while IOB tagging does not fit, the
idea is sufficient when leaving out the Beginning (B)
tag in favor of only I and O. We tried both and the
binary IO tagging proved to be the best solution.
When it comes to sequential labeling tasks, studies
suggest using a Conditional Random Field (CRF) in
combination with a bidirectional Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) (Toh and Su, 2016) that extracts
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
features, which we did. We did not use additional
features as mentioned by other scholars, e.g., named
entity information or token lemmas, as we rely on
user-generated content that has too many mistakes
and nouns are not dominant for us. Nevertheless, tests
with Part-of-Speech tags and other common features
did not improve our results. The architecture of our
system can be found in Figure 1.
Figure 2: Model architecture.
Our architecture builds mainly on a bidirectional
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber, 1997) for extracting features from the
sequential text data in both directions, using words
before and after the current one. A time-distributed
dense layer aligns all those features, before we hand
them over to a CRF that considers the whole sentence
in order to assign tags. The “BatchNormalization”
layers are meant to keep the activation smaller, i.e.,
normalized. The dropout layers are used to prevent
overfitting as our manually annotated dataset is
relatively small. The input consists of sentences
whose tokens were vectorized. At first, we used our
tokens together with their tags in the form of “I-
friendliness” or “O” for a non-relevant word.
That is, we directly trained the system for
detecting aspect phrases together with their category.
Secondly, it was crucial to have pretrained vectors.
We trained our vectors on all of our sentences with
further measures for avoiding incorrectly split words
and using only lowercase. Interestingly, vectors with
300 dimensions turned out to work best for the model.
This dimensionality helps to avoid overfitting and
increasing recall, especially in comparison to a
smaller dimensionality such as 25. What is more,
current solutions such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018)
(in its German, cased version by Deepset (2019))
were outperformed by our vectors, which may be
caused by the user generated nature of our data, its
specific vocabulary and the better knowledge
embedded in our vectors. The embedding layer in
Figure 1 does contain all vectors. We trained our own
vectors using FastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017). As
user-generated content contains a lot of mistakes, we
lowercased it to exclude such errors. Our embeddings
are enriched with subword information (character n-
Grams), which is helpful when dealing with user-
generated content to cover mistakes. We used the
skipgram algorithm proposed by Bojanowki et al.,
(2017). It learns vector representations of words that
can predict words appearing in the context. We spent
time for parameter tuning and testing other model
architectures using CNNs, more RNN layers, other
types of RNNs, models without CRF layers, etc. Our
parameters showed best results with values such as a
dropout of 0.3, a small unit size of 30 in the LSTM
layer, RMSprop as optimizer, a small epoch size due
to a small dataset and a batch size of about 10.
Table 2 presents our evaluation results such as
precision, recall, F1-score per label as well as
accuracy and an average per measure. While our
accuracy of 0.95 is high, we regard our F1-score as
more important. The F1-value of 0.80 is unweighted
and can be regarded as good, especially in
comparison to results in Pontiki et al., (2016b) or
Wojatzki et al., (2017) who barely reach values of
0.50 in a domain with less complex wording and
language while they separate extraction of phrases
and classification of them which leads to forward
propagation of errors. Furthermore, authors such as
Toh and Su (2016) trained separate models for each
category which may leads to better results, but we
trained a unified model that obtains superior scores.
We also did this in order to do not get overlapping
aspect phrases for different categories.
Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Table 4: Evaluation results
of our model (self-trained and
BERT embeddings.
Measures P R F1 P (B) R (B) F1 (B)
I-explanation 0.81 0.71 0.76 0.73 0.67 0.70
I-friendliness 0.75 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.69 0.72
I-competence 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.69 0.65 0.67
I-time_taken 0.85 0.80 0.82 0.87 0.77 0.82
O 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.97
Accuracy 0.95 0.94
Average 0.81 0.78 0.80 0.80 0.75 0.78
However, our precision scores are generally better
than our recall scores. We think that this comes from
a rather small amount of annotated training data.
During training, overfitting was an issue and thus it
was a goal to improve the recall: We want our model
to be applicable to new data and therewith contain a
relevance in application. Next to our self-trained
embeddings, we tried BERT embeddings. Still, our
own embeddings achieve better recall and overall
scores: The current recall values of 0.67 to 0.80 (and
0.98 for label “O”) are regarded as favorable,
especially when taking into consideration that F1-
scores of 0.76, 0.75, 0.67, 0.82 and 0.97 are more than
satisfying when considering the domain and data. The
accuracy shows a very high value of 0.95 which can
be explained by the fact that generally, the “O” label
appears mostly and thus boosts the accuracy score,
thus we relate on F1. Furthermore, we regard it as
crucial that precision and recall are not too far apart.
This is the reason why we prefer our model with
embedding layer and self-trained word vectors over
BERT vectors. As Table 4 reveals, BERT
embeddings (Devlin et al., 2018) enable our model to
achieve an F1-score of 0.67 for “competence”, the
same as for our embeddings. While on average, the
precision scores are 0.80 compared to 0.81, the recall
is lower with 0.75 to 0.78. This is why we prefer our
model which, as we think, also reflects our user-
generated data better. However, BERT embeddings
are remarkable while being not trained on our domain
and it is helpful to have embeddings that are
calculated for every word depending on its context
words (Devlin et al., 2018).
To discuss our evaluation scores, it can be said
that a direct comparison to other models and studies
is not possible. This comes from the dataset we built
and presented earlier in the third section. However, a
comparison as indicated to the commonly presented
values in studies dealing with shared tasks and their
numerous results achieved in them indicates the
superiority of our approach. While IO tagging
combined with an LSTM-CRF model lead to success,
self-trained word vectors finally enabled the
P = Precision, R = Recall, F1 = F1-score, B = BERT
evaluation scores in Table 2. Numerical scores can be
misleading. Hence, we regard a manual evaluation as
crucial. We wrote several sentences that we regard as
edge-cases and cases that can be hard to classify in
general. However, the aspect extraction and
classification performed by our model is more than
Additionally, we annotated a dataset with high
inter-annotator agreement scores. Having used fewer
human resources, we achieved comparable Cohen’s
Kappa scores to Wojatzki et al., (2017), even though
they do not clearly indicate scores for the aspect
spans. Their inter-annotator agreement for aspects
lies between 0.79 and 1.0. Pontiki et al., (2016b) use
the F1-score for the annotator agreement. We
consider this score to be difficult to compare.
At first, we introduced the topic of ABSA. Here we
indicated issues that are currently not sufficiently
addressed. What is more, we enhanced this
understanding in the literature section by presenting
current approaches and general ideas from the area of
ABSA. However, there is still much work to be done
in order to expand research from common reviews for
products and services to linguistically cover more
complex review areas and languages, before ABSA
can serve for further domains. Then, we present our
data. Here, we collected a large number of review
texts of which we use the German-language texts to
train word embeddings and extract a number of
sentences that were annotated. We annotate four
classes related to a physician performing a health care
service: “friendliness”, “competence”, “time taken”,
“explanation.” Our annotated dataset currently
consists of 11,237 sentences. We plan to further
expand the process to other categories and opinion
targets such as the doctor’s office and the team. We
also provided examples and comparisons to other
datasets, named details of the category differentiation
and calculated an inter-annotator agreement that
achieves good scores.
We then described our method for extracting and
classifying aspect phrases. This includes the model
building process as well as the process of parameter
tuning and details regarding word embedding
training. However, we mention what has not led to
success as well as difficulties for aspect extraction
performed by a machine learning system.
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Lastly, we evaluate and discuss our performance
scores. Here, we compare our model with self-trained
word embeddings to BERT embeddings. In opposite
to other scholars, our approach performs two steps in
one: aspect phrase extraction and classification.
Nevertheless, we outperform other approaches such
as Pontiki et al., (2016b) though we use another
domain and dataset. However, we regard this domain
as a complex one using the morphologically rich
German language.
In the future, we not only plan to build more
annotated datasets, but want to include the opinion
extraction part, too.
This work was partially supported by the German
Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative
Research Centre On-The-Fly Computing (SFB 901).
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