Usability and Sense of Presence in Virtual Worlds for Distance
Education: A Case Study with Virtual Reality Experts
Aliane Loureiro Krassmann
, Alex Eder da Rocha Mazzuco
, Miguel Melo
Maximino Bessa
and Magda Bercht
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Usability, Sense of Presence, Virtual Reality, Virtual Worlds, Distance Education.
Abstract: This case study presents a virtual reality experts’ evaluation of a desktop-based virtual world developed
towards distance education, under the perspectives of usability and sense of presence, which are considered
factors that can potentially influence learning outcomes. Among the results, data from usability and sense of
presence were positively correlated. The sense of presence was achieved, with participants losing track of
time while performing the activity. Experts agreed that the virtual world is easy to use and can prepare students
for the real-world task. The findings outline positive and negative points that must be addressed in order to
optimize the experience of distance education students.
Virtual Reality (VR) technology allows the creation
of interactive Virtual Environments (VE) in 3D
graphics. Applied to education, it allows students to
experience subject matter that would be difficult if
not impossible through conventional methods, in
addition to providing a more stimulating and
motivating environment, where learning can be both
challenging and fun. These aspects are special factors
for those who work alone at home, as is the case of
distance education students (Whitelock et al., 2000).
There are different levels of immersion in VR.
With the use of Head-Mounted Displays (HMD),
such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, VR systems can be
fully immersive, when the users’ field of view is
obstructed by the display (Christou, 2010). That is
when the stimuli from the physical reality are
suppressed, and from the VE are increased. However,
besides the need for costly devices, these settings
involve high-end computer systems and specific
technical knowledge, somehow restricting the
widespread use in formal education. Schott &
Marshall (2018) add the disadvantage of
cybersickness, saying that we are still unable to
display fully immersive and believable VE without
making a significant number of users feel nauseous.
Virtual world platforms, on the other hand, are
desktop-based semi-immersive VR systems, which
only require a conventional workstation for use, with
interaction provided by a default monitor interface
and controlling devices like mouse and keyboard
(Christou, 2010). Two known examples are the
Second Life and the OpenSimulator (OpenSim),
which are user-friendly platforms, with a sizable
developing community since the 2000s. Even though
unable to provide the same kind of immersive and
realistic experience, users can still interact in first or
third-person perspective, navigating freely through a
VE (Leung, Zulkernine & Isah, 2018). Therefore, it
becomes an affordable alternative, especially feasible
to be widely used in distance education.
When users are projected in a VE, usually through
their avatars, they can have the feeling of “being
there”, which is called the sense of presence. It refers
to the psychological state of experiencing more the
VE rather than the actual physical location, or the
perceptual illusion that the experience is non-
mediated (Lombard & Ditton, 1997). By allowing
students to feel authentic, this construct is considered
a key feature to ensure the transfer of knowledge from
virtual to real world (Dengel & Mäzdefrau, 2018).
Although the sense of presence is usually
associated with higher levels of immersion, studies
have argued that equivalent ratings can be achieved
Krassmann, A., Mazzuco, A., Melo, M., Bessa, M. and Bercht, M.
Usability and Sense of Presence in Virtual Worlds for Distance Education: A Case Study with Virtual Reality Experts.
DOI: 10.5220/0009350401550162
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 155-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in semi-immersive conditions (e.g. Schroeder et al.,
2017). Additionally, Lee, Wong & Fung (2010) found
that the sense of presence was significantly and
positively correlated to learning outcomes in such
settings. In the study of Natsis et al. (2012), it was in
the monoscopic viewing condition (semi-immersive)
that users achieved better learning outcomes.
Usability, by its turn, is a factor that seems to
influence both performance (Schroeder et al., 2017)
and the sense of presence in a VE (Chow, 2016).
Szczurowski & Smith (2017), for example, explain
that failed interactions, which do not match expected
results, are likely to have a negative impact on the
sense of presence. Consequently, if users lack the
intention to engage in interaction with a VE, they will
likely feel present in the immediate physical
environment rather than in a mediated one. On the
other hand, if they find a VE to be useful and feel
confident in using it, they will be more willing to
suspend the disbelief and allocate attentional
resources to the mediated environment (Chow, 2016).
However, although the desktop-based virtual
world platforms have been explored for over 20 years,
few interface advancements concerning usability
(e.g. realism and natural ways of interaction) were
observed, aggravating a scenario in which the student
is, usually, unfamiliar with the VR technology.
Generally, studies focus on investigating the users’
perceptions, creating a gap of experts’ opinion.
In this sense, the objective of this study is to
perform an evaluation of an educational virtual world
with VR experts, before applying it with the target
audience of distance education students. We believe
they can have a more critical look, by knowing the
best of what the VR technology can offer, and on the
other hand, being aware of its overall limitations and
drawbacks. The evaluation is made under the
perspective of important aspects for learning in VE
(usability and sense of presence), by means of the
following research questions (RQ).
RQ1. What is the VR experts’ usability evaluation of
an educational virtual world?
RQ2. What is the VR experts’ sense of presence in an
educational virtual world?
Giving that the sense of presence has been
associated with a distorted experience of time relative
to the outside world; that is, a loss of the track of time
(Wallis & Tichon, 2013), a third RQ is proposed:
RQ3. Did the VR experts’ lost track of time in an
educational virtual world?
Few studies have included those specific variables
in the investigation of educational virtual worlds.
Ntokas, Maratou & Xenos (2015), for instance,
present a usability and presence evaluation of an
OpenSim virtual world which simulated a Computer
Science scenario. Overall, the results for usability
were considered acceptable, and for the sense of
presence were high. The authors conclude that the VE
contributed with an average improvement of 19.4%
of the students’ learning, suggesting as future work
the investigation of correlations between usability,
presence and educational value.
Naya & Ibáñez (2015), by their turn, analysed the
experience of young students in a virtual field trip,
also based on OpenSim. The objective was testing the
viability of the virtual world as a platform for
educational activities. Three main aspects were
analysed: usability, presence, and learning. The
authors conclude that the use of virtual worlds may be
limited yet still powerful and thus not negligible.
The difference of this study consists of evaluating
these variables (except learning) with a sample of VR
experts, adding the temporal dissociation in the
investigation of the sense of presence. We consider as
VR experts professionals and academics with, at
least, one year of experience in developing and
investigating the use of VR technology, employing
high-tech systems, devices and tools.
This research has an explorative case study design. In
the following sections, we present the subjects, the
educational activity developed in the virtual world,
the instruments and the procedure.
2.1 Subjects
We used a non-probability convenience sampling,
composed by 11 VR experts, being 10 (90.90%) male
and 1 (9.09%) female, aged 21-32 years (M=25.18,
SD=3.34), who are investigators and developers in
the MASSIVE laboratory (acronym for Multimodal
Acknowledgeable multiSenSory Immersive Virtual
Environments) from the INESC TEC, Portugal. Their
time of work with VR technology ranges from 1 to 10
years (M=3.00, SD=2.65). They were asked if they
have previously used a virtual world platform like
Second Life or OpenSim. Five answered yes
(45.45%), and only two have used it for development
purposes. That is, the majority have just worked with
more updated high-tech platforms, such as the Unity
engine and 3D Max.
Finally, participants were asked to rate their level
of interest in the subject addressed in the virtual
world, in a 5-point Likert scale. Five demonstrated a
level of interest (45,45%), and four manifested a level
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of disinterest (36,36%). The remaining two (18,18%)
rated themselves in the neutral point of the scale.
Thus, the sample is divided regarding the interest in
the subject presented in the VE.
2.2 The Virtual World Activity
The OpenSim virtual world is part of the AVATAR
Project (Portuguese acronym for Virtual Learning
Environment and Remote Academic Work), from the
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It
was implemented the version in client-server
mode. With a bandwidth of 100Mbps, it supports a
load of approximately 20 users simultaneously. The
Singularity viewer, also free, is the software installed
on the client-side to render the 3D graphical part,
selected due to the compatibility with the native
language of the participants (Portuguese).
Focusing on the discipline of Financial
Mathematics, the virtual world activity covers the
curricular topics of percentage, simple and compound
It occurs in a building simulating an
accounting firm, populated by automated Non-Player
Characters (NPC). They express themselves bodily,
tapping on the keyboard at their workstations, and
verbally, participating in a textual narrative about the
company processes. As one way to evoke a greater
level of presence is the use of sound (Whitelock et al.,
2000), office-related background sounds are triggered
by the avatar’s presence throughout the environment.
The 3D objects that compose the scenarios were
created in part manually, and in part by importing
files from free online repositories. Didactic videos
from the Youtube repository were added. The scripts
were programmed in Linden Scripting Language
(LSL), including one routine to register the time each
user spent in the VE.
Students navigate the VE in a third-person
perspective, and are given the role of a trainee on the
first day of work, having to pass through five offices
in order to be admitted. Fifteen objective questions
are proposed along the way (a quiz with three
questions in each office).
At each office, the student is received by the
“chief”, who briefly explains the responsibilities of
the department, and then requests to answer the quiz,
which was developed using the Heads-Up Display
(HUD) device (Figure 1 - top). Among the choices of
answer, there is the button “Help”, which rotates the
users chair to a screen with a short didactic video
related to the subject matter. There is also a
“Calculator” button to help solving the questions.
After going through the five offices, the student
receives the news that he/she has been accepted into
the company and can start the internship. Then, is
instructed to sit in a workstation, placed in a room
similar to a corporate workspace (Figure 1 – bottom),
in which is congratulated and receives the total score
in the activity. The estimated time to perform the
activity is around 40 minutes.
Figure 1: Screen capture of the quiz (top) and the workspace
In this sense, the virtual world activity has two
main educational objectives for distance education:
1. To provide students with a differentiated fixing
exercise, in which they will practice the knowledge
acquired in the discipline;
2. To provide students with the opportunity to
engage and reflect on the socio-cultural practices of
the accountant profession, experiencing the real-
world task of being admitted in a company.
The virtual world can be applied to a number of
courses with the Financial Mathematics discipline,
and with other topics/areas, following the same or a
different type of narrative, as for example Human
Resource Management or Business Administration.
2.3 Instruments
The following three main instruments were used to
collect the data.
1. General Perceptions questionnaire: three 5-point
Likert scale questions and three open questions that
were elaborated focusing on the overall feedback
regarding the pros and cons of the virtual world.
Usability and Sense of Presence in Virtual Worlds for Distance Education: A Case Study with Virtual Reality Experts
2. System Usability Scale (SUS): ten 5-point Likert
scale questions (Brooke, 1996), interweaving positive
and negative assertions. We used the validated
Portuguese version from Martins et al. (2016).
3. ITC Sense of Presence Inventory (ITC-SOPI):
forty-four 7-point Likert scale questions (Lessiter et
al., 2001). The items are divided into four
dimensions: Ecological Validity/Naturalness (EVN),
Engagement (E), Spatial Presence (SP) and Negative
Effects (NE). We used a reduced 35 item Portuguese
version from Vasconcelos-Raposo et al. (2018).
Given that the sense of presence is related to the
sense of losing track of time (Wallis & Tichon, 2013),
we also analyse the user’s estimated time in the VE,
to compare it with the actual time of experience.
2.4 Procedure
Participants were informed about the overall purpose
of the study and signed a consent and demographics
form. Then, they were individually seated on a
workstation with headphones and were explained the
actions necessary to perform the activity. They were
requested to observe the operation and features of the
virtual world, thinking on the practical use by the
target audience. Time limits were not established.
After the experience, they were asked to answer the
instruments in printed format, being requested to
consider their expertise in VR technology. Finally,
they were thanked and dismissed.
The presentation of results is divided by instruments
of research. To allow a fast identification of pros and
cons (or strengths and weaknesses) the scores are
presented in decreasing order.
3.1 General Perceptions
Table 2 shows the results of the three closed questions
of this instrument, indicating that the idea of using
such virtual worlds platform in the distance education
(GP1) was the most positively evaluated item
(M=4.73, SD=0.47). Similarly, participants almost
totally agreed that they would like to have this
resource at their disposal if they were distance
education students (GP2, M=4.45, SD=0.82).
When asked about how well the virtual world can
prepare students for the real-world task portraited in
it (GP3), although in less proportion, participants
agreed with this possibility (M=4.27, SD=0.65).
Table 2: General perceptions evaluation.
Question M SD
GP1. Is using the virtual world a good
idea for the distance education mode of
4.73 0.47
GP2. If you were a student of a distance
education, would you like to have a
similar virtual world at
our dis
4.45 0.82
GP3. How well can virtual world
training prepare for the real world task
in it?
4.27 0.65
In the sequence, the first open question asked the
experts’ opinion about the strengths of the virtual
world (GP4). In general terms, they mentioned that
the OpenSim platform makes it easy to simulate
environments, any situation, anywhere. They
emphasized as positive the various spaces of the VE,
that it is aesthetically well developed, and the
interaction with characters, mentioning that “avatars
help in realism”. Also, the opportunity to explore the
work world without leaving home was highlighted,
saying that “distance is no longer an obstacle”.
Besides that, they added the possibility of a having a
preview of how a company can actually be, the ability
to get their full attention, and that “there is a
connection between two worlds (real and virtual)”.
Similarly, participants were asked to talk about
the weaknesses of the virtual world (GP5). They
mentioned the lack of: a) interactivity from the
avatars; b) uninterrupted background sounds; c)
immersion and multi-sensorial levels of immersion
(e.g. haptic). Furthermore, they highlighted the
technological limitations of the OpenSim platform,
with the failures of connection, the (too much) lag and
delayed response in actions, and that a long exposure
may eventually create eye fatigue or headache.
Finally, participants were asked to provide overall
feedback, with suggestions of improvements for the
virtual world (GP6). One said that it’s difficult to
improve it because it seems to be already using the
full capabilities of the software, which was
corroborated by other two who mentioned changing
the game engine or improving graphics and
interactivity. The remaining suggested a stronger
interaction with the avatars and to enrich the stimuli
at the auditory sense level, with the use of more
background sounds throughout the VE.
3.2 Usability Evaluation
By performing the SUS analysis procedure, the
overall result obtained was 68.40, which represents an
‘OK’ (acceptable) usability evaluation, on the C
percentile (Brooke, 1996).
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3 presents the usability results, maintaining
the original mean values of reverse items. It shows
that the five positive assertions received scores
ranging from 3.27 to 4.00, allowing to infer that none
of the usability items was totally approved.
Table 3: The SUS evaluation.
System Usability Scale items M SD
U7. I would imagine that most people
would learn to use this system very
4.00 1.01
U5. I found the various functions in this
system were well integrate
3.82 1.17
U3. I thought the system was easy to use 3.73 0.90
U9. I felt very confident using the
3.55 1.33
U1. I think that I would like to use this
system frequently
3.27 0.60
U10. I needed to learn a lot of things
before I could get going with this
2.45 1.14
U2. I found the system unnecessarily
2.18 1.00
U4. I think that I would need the support
of a technical person to be able to use
this system
2.18 1.14
U6. I thought there was too much
in this s
2.09 1.04
U8. I found the system very
cumbersome to use
2.09 1.10
The questions with the highest score address that
most people would learn to use the system very
quickly (U7, M=4.00, SD=1.01), and that its various
functions were well integrated (U5, M=3.82,
SD=1.17). Subsequently, the system was considered
easy to use (U3, M=3.73, SD=0.90), with participants
feeling confident in using it (U9, M=3.55, SD=1.33).
The positive assertion with the lowest score
questioned if they would like to use the system
frequently (U1), receiving an evaluation close to the
neutral point of the scale (M=3.27, SD=0.60).
However, it is not an objective of the virtual world to
be revisited, as it was configured as an activity to be
performed once.
In the bottom half of Table 3 are the negative
assertions. That is, lower scores correspond to better
evaluation. As a result, the scores ranged from 2.45 to
2.09, which represents a partial disagreement with the
aspects addressed, but not a total disagreement as it
would be ideally expected. The less disagreement
(more negative evaluation) occurred regarding the
need for the user to learn many things before get
going with the system (U10, M=2.45, SD=1.14).
In the sequence, participants partially disagreed
that the system was unnecessarily complex (U2,
M=2.18, SD=1.00) and that they would need the
support of a technical person to be able to use it (U4,
M=2.18, SD=1.14). Finally, the items with the most
disagreement (more positive evaluation) refer to the
system having too much inconsistency (U6, M=2.09,
SD=1.04) and being very cumbersome to use (U8,
M=2.09, SD=1.10).
3.3 Sense of Presence Evaluation
Figure 2 presents a graphic with the ITC-SOPI
results, identifying each item’s dimension by colour.
It allows observing that just one item (P17) received
a mean score in the “partially agree” point of the scale
(M=4.09, SD=0.83), and the remaining received
lower scores. This item refers to sensing that the
scenes depicted in the VE could really occur in the
real world. Thus, it can be inferred that participants
agreed that the virtual world was successful in its
attempt to simulating an accounting company.
Figure 2: The ITC-SOPI results.
Usability and Sense of Presence in Virtual Worlds for Distance Education: A Case Study with Virtual Reality Experts
Other six questions received mean scores with
values higher than 3.50, but lower than 4.00, which
indicates neutral to a partial agreement. They refer to
subjects feeling that they could interact with the VE
(P3, M=3.91, SD=0.70), that they were not just
watching something (P10, M=3.73, SD=0.90), that
they had the sensation of moving in response to the
VE (P11, M=3.73, SD=0.79), that they felt
participating (P33, M=3.64, SD=0.92) and involved
with the VE (P1, M=3.55, SD=0.69), and that they
lost track of time (P2, M=3.55, SD=1.04). Thus, these
aspects, which refer mostly to the SP dimension
(~66.66%), although not fully contemplated, emerged
as with the more potential to stimulate the
participants’ sense of presence in the virtual world.
The last ten items, in the lower extreme of Figure
2, are mostly from the NE dimension (60%), which,
as it would be expected, received the lowest mean
scores. The items with the most disagreement
(partially to totally), thus most positively evaluated,
refer to participants feelings nauseous (P22, M=1.27,
SD=0.65) and disoriented (P1, M=1.27, SD=0.47).
The disagreement was less for the NE items referring
to the feelings of eye strain (P18, M=1.64, SD=1.12),
headache (P32, M=1.55, SD=1.21) and dizziness
(P12, M=1.45, SD=0.82). The negative effect with
the highest score (M=2.00, SD=1.18, partially
disagree), refer to participants feeling tired (P8).
However, the other 40% of items in the lower
extreme of Figure 2 are from the SP dimension,
indicating that participants partially disagreed that all
their senses were stimulated at the same time (P27,
M=2.09, SD=1.14) and that the characters and/or
objects could almost touch them (P6, M=1.82,
SD=0.60). Participants more strongly disagreed that
the temperature changed to match the scenes (P25,
M=1.45, SD=0.82) and that they could almost smell
different features of the VE (P19, M=1.36, SD=0.67).
Although these aspects can be related to immersion
and imagination of users while interacting with a VE,
they can be more easily stimulated physically by
multi-sensory devices, which are usually not
contemplated by virtual world platforms.
Shapiro Wilks’ test indicated that data from the
ITC-SOPI dimensions (except the NE) and the SUS
score do not have a normal distribution. Therefore,
the Spearman’s correlation test was run, showing a
positive significant correlation between the EVN
dimension and the SUS score (r=0.815, p=0.002).
In a complementary analysis of the sense of
presence, it was investigated if subjects lost track of
time while performing the activity. To this end, their
estimated time was compared with the actual time of
experience, detected by the system logs. Signs of
losing track of time were inferred when this
difference was higher than five minutes. Table 4
presents the results of each participant, showing the
majority of cases (n=6, 54.54%) in this situation.
From these, four (~67%) spent more time than
estimated (More Than Estimated=MTE), and just two
(~33%) spent less time than estimated (Less Than
Estimated=LTE). The differences were also more
discrepant in the first case, with individuals spending
almost double the time estimated (ID 5 and ID 7).
Table 4: Time of the experiences in the virtual world.
ID Estimated
time (min.)
Actual time
Difference (more
than 5 min.)
1 10 00:13:30 No
2 20 00:21:45 No
3 15 00:18:22 No
4 60 00:50:52 LTE
5 30 00:56:51 MTE
6 30 00:46:32 MTE
7 18 00:32:10 MTE
8 30 00:38:35 MTE
9 25 00:28:04 No
10 15 00:18:12 No
11 40 00:34:45 LTE
However, although the dissociation of time can be an
indication of the sense of presence (Wallis & Tichon,
2013), it was not observed any pattern of association
between these values and the ITC-SOPI scores.
The results show that, although knowing more cutting
edge technologies, the VR experts were positive to
the idea of using the OpenSim platform in the
distance education mode of instruction, mentioning
that it has the potential to prepare students for the real-
world task of being admitted in an accounting
company. The opportunity to explore the work world
without leaving home was highlighted.
Concerning suggestions of improvements, one
refers to increasing the auditory stimuli, making it
uninterrupted, as there were moments with no
background sounds, causing discomfort while using
headphones. Even though participants did not clearly
make this connection, it allows agreeing with
Whitelock et al. (2000), when arguing that this an
important component for the sense of presence.
As negative points, the VR experts emphasized
the technological limitations of the OpenSim
platform, as slowness and failures in interaction. In
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
this sense, they see as difficult the possibility of
improvements, due to software limitations. Although
the OpenSim community is still active, with the last
version ( launched in January 2020, few real
advancements from previous versions were observed.
We speculate that, besides the platform code
foundation limitations, there’s an effort to maintain
the easiness of access and development, limiting the
evolution of this open-source project.
In what concerns usability, none of the SUS items
was totally approved; a result that can also be linked
with the platform limitations. The aspect most
positively evaluated corresponds to the fast speed in
which people would learn to use the system. Despite
that, the importance of instruction was highlighted,
pointing out the need for users to learn many things
before using the system properly. This result suggests
an agreement with the study of Naya & Ibáñez
(2015), in which the operation of the interface
obtained very high marks, even though their
participants were children in their first experience.
In the matter of the sense of presence, in
accordance with the general perceptions feedback, the
most positively evaluated aspect refers to participants
agreeing that the scenes depicted in the virtual world
could really occur in the real world. Also, they
highlighted as positive the feeling of interacting with
a VE instead of just being watching something, as it
would be, for example, in a video about the subject.
Another aspect that contributes with the inferring of
presence, lies on the fact that most VR experts were
not correct on guessing the time spent in the VE,
spending mostly more time than estimated. This
result corroborates with the self-report on the ITC-
SOPI instrument, in which participants demonstrated
a neutral to a partial agreement regarding losing the
track of time. Thus, it can be suggested that they had
a feeling of dissociation of time while doing the
activity in the OpenSim platform.
Besides that, the Spatial Presence dimension
emerged as with the more potential to stimulate the
user’s sense of presence. However, some items from
this dimension, related to level of multi-sensorial
stimuli, were also raised as weakest points, a result
that would be expected by the use of a desktop-based
VR interface with no addition of multi-sensorial
devices. This contradictory finding can also be related
to the divergent opinions regarding participants’ level
of interest on the subject matter of the VE. In the
study of Natsis et al. (2012), for example, students
who were more interested in the subject experienced
higher levels of spatial presence.
The negative effect that emerged as with the more
potential to prejudice (or reduce) participants’ sense
of presence refers to the feeling tiredness. This
finding can also be linked with the problems in the
OpenSim platform, evidenced in the previous
analysis, which could have made them feel bored.
Given that there’s not much to do about the
limitations of the platform itself, and that more
interaction with the VE could also mean more
problems, one action that could alleviate this negative
effect is to reduce the size of the virtual world,
consequently reducing the time of experience.
The data from the usability evaluation and the
Ecological Validity/Naturalness dimension of the
sense of presence were positively correlated. This
dimension is related to believability, realism,
naturalness and solidity of the environment. In this
sense, we corroborate with research that suggest that
these aspects are intrinsically associated, and
therefore must be planned together (Chow 2016).
In this study, a semi-immersive VR alternative, a
virtual world activity developed on a desktop-based
educational OpenSim platform, was evaluated by VR
experts. Usability and sense of presence issues were
diagnosed through specialized feedback, collecting
suggestions to optimize the experience of a target
audience of distance education students.
Answering the research questions, the usability
evaluation can be classified as intermediate. That is,
the VR experts see the potential of allowing students
to easily participate in a simulation of a company, and
the positive aspects of such an approach as a learning
tool, especially to distance education students, which
usually work alone at home, and have few or no
opportunity of professional practices. However, the
weaknesses of the platform were not denied, as
slowness and failures in the interaction. The
component analysis gave us indications of
improvement points that should be prioritized.
The sense of presence evaluation can be classified
as positive. Participants demonstrated that a level of
realism was achieved, even with graphics far from
detailed. Tiresome was highlighted as a negative
aspect that must be treated in order to improve the
user’s sense of presence. This finding indicates the
need for balance between a clean interface and levels
of interactivity between avatar and objects. It
contraries the study of Naya & Ibáñez (2015), using
the same platform, in which the activity lasted about
two hours. The authors claim that this is a similar time
to the real-world activity they simulated (a museum
visit), and obtained high rates for sense of presence.
Usability and Sense of Presence in Virtual Worlds for Distance Education: A Case Study with Virtual Reality Experts
Usability and the dimension referring to realism
in the sense of presence were positively correlated,
indicating that improvements in usability can reflect
on the believability of the VE. Alternatively, it means
that a better usability of the system can collaborate to
higher sense of presence and its associated benefits.
To answer the last research question, it was
identified that the VR experts did lose the tracking of
time while performing the activity. That is, it retained
their attention to a point in which they did not see time
passing by. This result demonstrates that even not so
realistic semi-immersive desktop-based VR
platforms have the potential to promote the
concentration of users and retain their attention,
which are useful aspects for education. Also, it shows
indications of presence through dissociation of time.
Besides the drawbacks inherent of a case study,
with the use of a small convenience sample, the
divergent level of participants’ interest on the subject
addressed in the virtual world is a limitation of the
study, which might have contributed to the
impossibility of correlating all dimensions of
presence to usability, or the dissociation of time to the
ratings of presence. Further research should focus on
investigating a larger sample, allowing to compare
the outcomes with different groups of interest on the
subject. In addition, it would be useful to compare the
results with a sample of non-VR experts, and with the
same virtual world in a full immersive setting.
This work is financed by National Funds through the
Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia within project UIDB/50014/
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education