not. Clearly, Numbas feedback made it easy to assess
a range of answers to mathematical questions that
students submit as algebraic expressions or as
numbers. The teacher can also benefit from the ease-
of-use of Numbas to create challenging mathematical
tasks with different and varied levels of difficulty.
The results cannot be generalized due to the limited
number of participants (N=15). However, some
preliminary conclusions can be drawn for the use of
Numbas in teacher education.
Firstly, the study confirms that affordances and
constraints emerge at the technological, student,
classroom, mathematics subject, and assessment level
in the context of teacher education, where Numbas
was used to test students’ mathematical problem-
solving skills in a master course on the use of digital
tools for mathematical learning. The affordances and
constraints reported in this study are specific to the
particular context of teacher education.
Secondly, considering the affordances of Numbas
that emerged at the assessment level, it appears that a
combination of various types of feedback may be the
most effective form to support mathematical
understanding. The way Numbas shows where a
student has gone wrong, giving a full working
solution, and not only a right or wrong answer, giving
a detailed solution to a task with additional comments
on mistakes, and other mathematical misconceptions
provide useful information that can make students
more confident in their mathematical learning. Thus,
Numbas fulfils some of the functions described by
Shute (2008) and Hattie and Timperley (2007).
Nevertheless, teacher assistance is still important
because of the constraints and limitations of Numbas.
Future research will focus on both students’ and
teachers’ perspectives, and a triangulation of their
views. It will also include more varied tasks that
visualize mathematical concepts, resources such as
Geogebra dynamic figures and videos, and the ability
to let students make graphs that contribute to more
variety, and the opportunity for the teacher to design
intrinsically motivating tasks. Students will thus be
able to receive information and feedback tailored to
their activities, and teachers will receive better
feedback on both students’ successful and failed
solutions and their thinking processes. Finally,
collaborative tasks should be addressed in future
work as collaboration becomes increasingly
important in mathematics education.
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