light is launched to the dielectric channel waveguide
laid across the gap. There is no significant effect on the
output SPP mode when the TM polarized light is
launched to the dielectric channel waveguide. Only
when the TE polarized light is applied, lossy higher-
order SPP modes are excited in the output SPP mode
and the propagation loss increases remarkably
depending on the shape of the gold strips, which
suggests that modulating guided SPP mode is possible
using the excited higher-order SPP modes. These
phenomena can be applied to plasmonic signal
generator in which plasmonic signals are invertedly
generated from optical signals. Introducing metallic
structures such as a photonic crystal in the gap will
increase the modulation efficiency when plasmonic
signals are copied from optical signals in the G-
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government (MSIP) (No. NRF-2017R1A2B2009128).
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