business models and the changing role of OEMs
caused by current trends in the automotive industry,
hampering the OEMs willingness to make vehicle-
generated data accessible. These economic barriers
could be overcome by forcing OEMs to provide ac-
cess to vehicle-generated data using government reg-
ulations but also by building market pressure. An ad-
ditional finding regarding economic barriers that we
would like to mention is that several interviewees ex-
plained that the availability of a critical amount of
data would be necessary to gain experiences with
new business models. However, current legal reg-
ulations hamper the collection of data, i.e., purpose
limitation, and the competitive situation in the auto-
motive market. This creates a catch-22 situation, with
data not being made accessible due to missing expe-
riences and missing experiences due to missing data
availability. Barriers in the social category arise due
to a lack of trust of end-users in organizations han-
dling their data. A measure to overcome this barrier
could be end-user empowerment. Technological bar-
riers are mainly concerned with large amounts of data
that have to be transmitted, as well as a lack of stan-
dardization between data providers. Edge computing
could address the first of these barriers, while the lat-
ter would profit from increased collaboration between
OEMs. Even though we also identified organizational
barriers, we deem them as insignificant since intervie-
wees described them as easily solvable.
Limitations of the validity of the presented re-
search arises from the focus on the German automo-
tive market and the limited number of 21 intervie-
wees. Future work could address these limitations
by analyzing barriers and drivers for the emergence
of the API Economy in other sectors to enable cross-
case conclusions.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems