tations. Finally, correlations with low Lift values do
not appear in the graph, such as the rule Q04 = E ⇒
NON DROPOUT with Lift=1.15, that is outputted in
the tree.
Note that ExARN provides a lot of additional in-
formation regarding classes. For example, in relation
to the dropout class, it may be noted that other items
can be influencing it, such as “Q10=A”, “Q05=C”,
“Q03=B”, etc. The rules related to these items have a
good Lift value (>=1.25), indicating that they should
be explored. The same is true for the non-dropout
Unlike the previous case (without undersam-
pling), the complementary view that ExARN offers
in relation to that expressed in C4.5 is clear. Note that
this view is important because of the classifier’s poor
performance in predicting the dropout class, even bal-
ancing the dataset. Finally, it is interesting to note that
dominant items did not appear on the graphs, which
means that, in a sense, the classes are separable.
This work presented the ExARN approach to treat the
dropout problem as a complementary view to what
is commonly used in the literature, i.e., classification
through C4.5. For this, experiments were performed
with data from one of the Etec’s courses. ExARN was
found to be an interesting approach to understand the
factors that lead a student to dropout. In addition, it is
a good alternative for unbalanced datasets.
It is important to note that the C4.5 focuses on im-
proving accuracy to make good predictions, with in-
terpretability being a secondary result, while ExARN
on presenting statistically significant correlations that
exist among items, with prediction being a secondary
result. Therefore, it can be noted that it is interest-
ing to treat the problem with different views, to help
the user to better understand the problem. This is a
gap identified in the literature, described in Section 2,
since only few works combine techniques and use hy-
brid solutions. Thus, efforts should be made to pro-
pose solutions following this idea. Multiple views are
needed when the focus is to understand the domain,
not only classify.
As future work we intend to propose a hybrid so-
lution to the dropout problem, mainly because it is
an important and unbalanced problem. As an indirect
result, an effort must be done in Etecs to store more
information about students to try to better map their
We wish to thank CAPES and FAPESP (2019/04923-
2) for the financial aid.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education