Recommender Systems based on Scientific Publications:
A Systematic Mapping
Felipe Ciacia de Mendonc¸a
, Isabela Gasparini
, Rebeca Schroeder
and Avanilde Kemczinski
UDESC - Santa Catarina State University, Joinville, SC, Brazil
Recommender System, Scientific Publications, Systematic Mapping.
Recommender Systems are intended to recommend items according users’ preference, resulting in greater
satisfaction to them. Among the objects of study that may be recommended are scientific articles from venues
such as conferences and journals. However, there are still many challenges in this area, such as effective
analysis of textual data as well as improvement of the recommendations produced. In this paper we investigate
the state-of-the-art. For this purpose, we have applied the systematic mapping methodology (SM), considering
165 articles selected from the search string. Applying the inclusion criteria resulted in 78 articles, and applying
the exclusion criteria resulted in 38 articles to answer the defined research questions. As result, it is possible
to know which evaluation approaches, algorithms, and metrics are being used, as well as which databases are
being studied for research in the area.
Technology has brought many significant advances
in our society, however, also brought some conse-
quences. Among them, there was an increase in the
amount of data in different application domains Tan
et al. (2009). Such increase has led to a qualitative
change in the methods of processing data, and there
are different analyzes that can be performed to extract
predictions, temporal analyzes, and other useful in-
formation to aid decision making Nassirtoussi et al.
(2014). Understanding users’s interests has become
increasingly complex as a result of the growing mass
of data Skiena (2017). This challenge has given rise
to Recommender Systems (RSs), which, reduce the
user’s difficulty in finding items they want more ef-
fectively and faster Park et al. (2012).Thus, there is a
reduction of information overload delivered to users
through personalized information.
Among the types of data that need proper treat-
ment there are textual data, which bring greater com-
plexity in processing compared to numeric data Bru-
nialti et al. (2015). In this case, complexity can
be attributed to different interpretations, grammar,
spelling, and even by languages. Examples of textual
data are scientific publications from events such as
conferences, workshops, symposiums, as well as jour-
nals. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) area
enables this study, allowing the discovery of valu-
able information from publications through syntac-
tic and semantic analysis of texts. NLP analyzes in-
cludes: Text Summary, Textual Linking, Prediction,
Categorization, Topic Segmentation, Information Ex-
traction, In-Text Sentiment Analysis, among others
Skiena (2017). In this paper, the application domain
is the scientific publications, in order to explore how
researchers have been using RSs to recommend pub-
lications and venues based on textual data from scien-
tific publication.
Some systematic bibliographic research devel-
oped for the subareas related to this study are high-
lighted such as: Machine Learning Malhotra (2015);
Palaniappan et al. (2013); Portugal et al. (2017),
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Brunialti et al.
(2015); Nassirtoussi et al. (2014); Pons et al. (2016),
and Recommender Systems (RSs) Champiri et al.
(2015); Park et al. (2012). However, there are no sys-
tematic reviews or mappings for RSs based on scien-
tific publications using textual analysis. Therefore, as
a way of knowing the state-of-the-art developed for
recommendations based on scientific publications, it
is essential to carry out a systematic mapping on the
subject. Thus, the aim of this paper is to identify the
Ciacia de Mendonça, F., Gasparini, I., Schroeder, R. and Kemczinski, A.
Recommender Systems based on Scientific Publications: A Systematic Mapping.
DOI: 10.5220/0009356307350742
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 735-742
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
state of the art in RS based on scientific publications.
To this end, a systematic mapping of the literature was
A systematic mapping is a study that seeks to identify,
evaluate, and interpret all available research relevant
to a particular research question Kitchenham (2004).
Therefore the objective of this Systematic Mapping of
Literature (SML) looking for articles that have devel-
oped, evaluated or described Recommender Systems
focusing on scientific publications, to suggest publi-
cations or scientific articles. To conduct this system-
atic mapping we applied the process proposed by Pe-
tersen et al. (2015).
This mapping aims to answer the Main Re-
search Question: “How are Recommender Systems
(RS) being used to assist in choosing publication
venues?”. To this end some secondary research ques-
tions (SRQs) have been defined in order to help an-
swer the main question: SRQ1. From which coun-
tries are the institutions of the authors of the pub-
lished studies? SRQ2. How old are the publication
of the studies? SRQ3. Which are the type of pub-
lications (journals, conferences)? SRQ4. Which RS
approaches are being used? SRQ5. Which databases
were used? SRQ6. Which algorithm(s) are being
used? and SRQ7. How is the recommendation pro-
cess evaluated in terms of metrics?
Secondary questions aim to guide research to find
current and relevant work. Each of the questions
was answered by analyzing the articles resulting from
the search performed.Based on the elaborated re-
search questions, the search performed in the Sci-
entific Search Engines (SSEs) used the Wazlawick
(2017) method as a reference, which suggests inves-
tigating the technique itself that will be used and the
target area of the research. The seach string used in
each SSE is available online
According to Buchinger et al. (2014), who con-
ducted a quantitative analysis with 40 available Scien-
tific Research Engines, the following mechanisms are
relevant to the Computer Science area and are among
the top 10 in their analysis: ACM DL, IEEE Xplore,
Science Direct, Springer Link, and Scopus. Search
strings tailored for each SSE are available online
The number of articles returned for each SSE is
shown in Table 1. The initial idea of the search string
has been adapted for each SSE because a few results
are different of the expected given that some SSEs
automatically recognize plural words, and others do
not have the same appeal.
Table 1: Number of Publications per SSE.
Scientific Search Engine N
of Publications
Springer Link 3594
Scopus 106
ACM Digital Library 34
IEEE Xplore 18
Science Direct 7
Total 3759
The selection of systematic mapping studies consists
of applying a set of objective and subjective criteria
(inclusion and exclusion) to be included or excluded
from the classification. First, the objective crite-
ria (OC) were applied, which were defined as follows:
Objective Criteria (OC): OC1. Publication Date:
Any publication date; OC2. Type: Scientific Articles;
OC3. Language: English only; OC4. Availability:
Available for download; OC5. Access: free or avail-
able from our university; and OC6. Size: Full Papers
(with 4 or more pages).
As a result, Springer was removed from this study
because the filters applied returned more than 3000
articles, which made manual filtering difficult. Based
on the 165 articles captured from the search engines
ACM DL, Science Direct, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore,
the inclusion (IC) and exclusion (EC) criteria were
applied as follows: Inclusion Criteria (IC): IC1. In-
clude articles that effectively address the research fo-
cus; IC2. Selection of primary works. Exclusion Cri-
teria (EC): EC1. Derived articles (translations, ex-
tensions, etc); EC2. Studies that did not involve RSs
with scientific articles; EC3. Duplicate articles; EC4.
The article without an abstract;and EC5. Studies that
could not be fully accessed.
Forty duplicate articles were found and 87 articles
were rejected by the inclusion and exclusion criteria
as shown in Figure 1. At the end of the selection of
articles by applying the inclusion and exclusion cri-
teria, the final result of 38 articles was obtained for
the systematic mapping. The list of thirty-eight arti-
cles selected in this systematic mapping is available
From the thirty-eight resulting articles, their meta-
data was extracted and the articles were analyzed.
Among the data that were analyzed are: year of pub-
lication, location of authors’ institutions, and venues.
After classifying these data, we began the analysis of
the articles, based on reading, understanding and ex-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Number of articles for each scientific search en-
gine (SSE).
tracting information that would be useful to answer
the research questions. The information extracted in-
cludes: recommender system approaches used in each
article, databases used to compose the system for each
work, algorithms chosen for use in the system, and
metrics used to evaluate the RS.
In this section, the results of the systematic mapping
are presented, based on the data extracted from the 38
resulting articles, as well as the analyzes performed in
the selected articles.
3.1 From Which Countries are the
Institutions of the Authors of the
Published Studies?
After performing data extraction, the 38 resulting ar-
ticles were analyzed in order to answer the Main Re-
search Question. However, this requires answering
Secondary Research Questions (SRQ). According to
Figure 2, it can be seen from which places are the in-
stitutions of the authors who have published on the
subject of this mapping, thus answering SRQ1. The
USA and China stand out from other countries in this
segment, followed by some first world countries such
as Italy, Germany and Australia.
3.2 How Old are the Publication of the
It is seen that the studies are very recent. Figure 3
shows a timeline of articles years, with the oldest be-
ing from 2008. This shows that this subject began to
be studied 10 years ago, and has been growing gradu-
Figure 2: Number of articles by country.
Figure 3: Timeline with years of publications.
3.3 Which are the Type of Publications?
In response to SRQ3, which concerns publication ve-
hicles, the numbers show diverse events and journals.
Among the journals, there were 10 different journals,
with only one study each. In the tables 2 and 3 it
can be seen that among the conferences, there were
28 articles published at events such as conferences
or workshops, 24 of which were distinct, with only
one of them standing out with more than one occur-
rence, the ACM Conference on Recommender Sys-
tems (RecSys) conference with five publications. It is
noted that for these topics of study, the authors seek to
publish more at events such as conferences and work-
shops rather than journals.
3.4 Which RS Approaches are Being
Supported by the approaches of Taghavi et al. (2017),
Adomavicius and Tuzhilin (2005), Burke (2002,
2007), Ibrahima and Younisb (2018), Ricci et al.
(2015), and Jannach et al. (2010), we sought to clas-
sify the studies according to the Recommender Sys-
tems approaches that were the most used in order to
respond to SRQ4. The use of the approach by models
based on collaborative filtering had a total of seven-
teen papers (44.7%), while ten papers (26.3%) used
the content based approach as shown in Figure 4. In
Recommender Systems based on Scientific Publications: A Systematic Mapping
Table 2: List of events where articles were published.
# Conference
1 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)
2 ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP)
3 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
4 ACM workshop on Research advances in large digital book repositories and complementary media
5 Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia)
China National Conference on Chinese Computational Linguistics International Symposium on
Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data (CCL2015, NLP-NABD
7 IC3K 2013; KDIR 2013 and KMIS 2013
8 IEEE International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom (SmartCity)
9 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
10 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
11 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS)
12 International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI)
13 International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)
14 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR)
15 International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
16 International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI)
17 International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS)
18 International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)
19 Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL)
Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL)
21 Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development conference (KEOD)
22 LWA joint conference
23 Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (NCCA)
24 Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR)
Table 3: List of journals where articles were published.
# Journal
The Data Base for Advances in
Information Systems
2 Decision Support Systems
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
4 IEEE Access
5 IEEE Transactions on Big Data
International Journal of Technology
Enhanced Learning
7 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
8 Journal of Systems and Software
9 Mobile Networks and Applications
10 Procedia Computer Science
addition to the traditional approaches, there were also
hybrid studies with seven studies (18.4%), as well
as a knowledge-based research (2.6%). Other dif-
ferent models (7.9%) includes: Markov Chain Based
Model, Ontology Based Model, and Time Context
Based Model.
Figure 4: Main Approaches in Recommender System.
As can be seen in Figure 4, almost half of the ap-
proaches studied applied the Collaborative Filtering
model. In order to investigate further, charts were
made with the subcategories of this model, we have
identified the occurrence of four model-based ap-
proaches, two of them were approaches that used
Machine Learning algorithms and the other two ap-
proaches used Matrix Factorization. Finally, thir-
teen studies used the Neighborhood-based approach
as seen in the subdivisions of approaches in the chart
in Figure 5.
A traditional approach which was also widely
used is the content-based approach with ten stud-
ies. They were also divided according to their sub-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Neighborhood-based Approaches.
classification, with the presence of eight studies that
used mathematical models and only two studies using
Machine Learning algorithms.
In addition to studies with unique approaches, hy-
brid approaches were also cited resulting in seven
studies as can be seen in Figure 6, highlighting the
so-called ’mixed’ approaches, which are based on the
merging and presentation of multiple classification
lists in only one, that is, the main algorithm will pro-
duce recommendation lists that can be merged into
a single classified recommendation list Taghavi et al.
(2017). Hybridization of recommendation systems
combine techniques for higher performance, trying to
use the advantages of one technique to correct the dis-
advantages of another.
For example, in collaborative filtering there is the
problem called Cold-Start, in which the system is un-
able to recommend new unrated items Jannach et al.
(2010). The content-based approach does not face this
kind of problem, as recommendations are based on
the content of the items that are most easily available
Ricci et al. (2015). Presumably, most of the hybrids
approaches merge the collaborative and content-based
filtering techniques.
Figure 6: Hybrid Approaches.
Besides the mixed approaches, there are studies using
Feature Augmentation and Feature Combination with
one study each. The difference between these two ap-
proaches is that in Resource Combination there are
two components: the actual recommending system,
and the contributing system of the recommending sys-
tem. The contributing component inserts resources
into the recommending system source, and the recom-
mending system work with data modified by the con-
tributing system. The Feature Augmentation hybrid is
similar to the Feature Combination hybrid, however,
it is more flexible and adds smaller dimensions as the
contributor produces new features.
3.5 Which Databases Were Used?
SRQ5 aims to identify which databases were used for
the studies, as researchers needed a large amount of
academic data. For this reason, most databases are
based on scientific search engines, indexers, and dig-
ital libraries. The most used was the base CiteULike
with 10 uses shown in Figure 7. There was also em-
phasis on the use of proprietary databases by the au-
thors, being impossible to say the origin of the data
that were used. The databases that contained only
1 use were grouped into Other, among them there
are: ACL Anthology Reference Corpus, ACM DL,
ArXiv, BDBComp Digital Library, Dspace Publica-
tion Database, LitRec, Mendeley, Scopus, Scholarly
Publication Recommendation Dataset, among others.
Figure 7: Most used databases.
3.6 Which Algorithm(s) are Being
The methods and algorithms applied to generate, or
even improve, recommendation systems are as di-
verse as possible. Therefore, to respond to QS6, the
algorithms used by the authors were observed and
categorized using the taxonomy of the recommenda-
tion systems development phase proposed by Taghavi
et al. (2017). This taxonomy classified the methods
and algorithms according to similar execution modes
as can be seen in Figure 8, accounting for a total of
58 algorithms used in the studies. Often, the algo-
rithms had a few variations between models because
they were versions of the same algorithm model.
In content-based RS approaches, Machine Learn-
ing algorithms are used, as well as Vector-based
Representation algorithms. In contrast, collabora-
tive filtering-based RSs work primarily with Neigh-
borhood Methods, representing the largest percentage
Recommender Systems based on Scientific Publications: A Systematic Mapping
Figure 8: Most Used Algorithm Categories.
among studies: 24.1%. In Figure 9 we see the subcat-
egories of neighborhood-based methods. The most
used is Similarity Measure based algorithms with
seven studies divided into Rating-based or Ranking-
oriented algorithms. Classification-based algorithms
used the following metrics: Cosine Similarity, Google
Distance Similarity, and Pearson Algorithm.
Figure 9: Neighborhood based methods.
Among the other methods, Top-N Recommenda-
tions used the Randomwalk algorithm, K-Nearest-
Neighboor (KNN) used the algorithm of the same
name, and Best Item Recommendation used the
neighbor-weighted algorithm.
In addition to neighborhood-based methods that
are typically Memory-based approaches, Model-
based approaches are represented by Latent Factor
Model methods which can be verified as shown in
Figure 10. These include probabilistic models that ap-
ply Machine Learning algorithms, besides an article
that used the KNN algorithm. Matrix Factorization
methods employed different types of algorithms such
as: Exposure Matrix Factorization, Singular Value
Decomposition, and Time-aware Factor Model.
In Figure 11, it is possible to verify Machine
Learning methods based on the use of classification
algorithms: Naive-Bayes Classifier, Support-Vector
Machine Classifier (SVM), and the proprietary algo-
rithm Cavnar-Trenkle, as well as the use of clustering
algorithms: K-Means and K-Medoids.
Other methods also identified were a study based
on the MapReduce process, studies based on the
Figure 10: Latent Factors Methods.
Figure 11: Machine Learning Algorithms.
Markov Decision Process and two studies on the Arti-
ficial Neural Networks (ANN) using Recurrent Neu-
ral Networks (RNN).
As mentioned here, in addition to Machine Learn-
ing algorithms, as content approaches as well, we
use vector representation using methods such as the
TF-IDF (Measure Frequency Inverse Measure Fre-
quency) metric and also algorithms such as the Roc-
chio Algorithm with 6 and 2 models respectively.
The rest of the Recommender System approaches
use mostly the same algorithms as the collaborative
methods and the content-based methods cited. In ad-
dition to that, they also have the methods derived from
graph theory as can be seen in Figure 12. Among
the algorithms found in the studies were: Page Rank
Algorithm, Community Partition Algorithm, Greedy-
order Algorithms, HITS Propagation Algorithm, and
the Graph-based Ranking.
Figure 12: Graph theory based methods.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.7 How is the Recommendation
Process Evaluated in Terms of
Seeking to respond to QS7, which aims to know the
ways of evaluating a recommendation system, we
sought to verify through studies which metrics were
used to measure accuracy, recovery time, acceptance
rate, and etc. In the investigated studies, it was found
that three of the thirty-eight studies had not yet evalu-
ated or did not mention how the recommendation sys-
tem was evaluated. Evaluation metrics are critical to
verifying that the approach used is working well and
how we can improve the system. Figure 13 shows the
types of metrics most used by the studies. Single-use
metrics were grouped into Other, such as Confidence,
Diversity, Novelty, Robustness / Stability, Scalability,
Serendipity, and Confidence. Although similar terms
appear as Confidence and Trust, they have different
meanings. The Confidence metric is defined as the re-
liability of the recommendation and the system’s con-
fidence in its recommendations and / or predictions,
and can be reported by the system confidence score
Taghavi et al. (2017). The Trust metric refers to users’
confidence in the recommendations provided by the
Figure 13: Metrics used in the studies.
In addition to the less used metrics previously men-
tioned with each use, there was also the application
of metrics such as Coverage using algorithms such
as Measure User Coverage (UCOV) and also met-
rics to measure the Utility presented by the recom-
mendation system. However most studies have ap-
plied the use of metrics to measure the system’s Accu-
racy which is divided into three subcategories: Rank-
ing measures/Ranking accuracy accuracy), Relevance
measure/Classification accuracy, and Rating Predic-
tion Accuracy. In Tables 4 and 5 it is observed which
measures were used in terms of the types of accuracy
The last subcategory Rating Prediction Accuracy
used the Mean Percentile Rank (MPR) and Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE) metrics.
Table 4: Accuracy Metrics- Ranking Measures/Rank Accu-
Ranking Measures/Rank Accuracy
Average Reciprocal Hit Rate
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)
Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
Normalized Distance-based Performance Measure
Table 5: Accuracy Metrics - Relevance Mea-
sure/Classification Accuracy.
Relevance Measure/Classification Accuracy
Mean Average Precision (MAP)
Mean Average Weighted Precision (MAWP)
Recall x Precision (interpolated)
The study of the Recommender Systems area through
a systematic literature mapping allowed us to identify
the state-of-the-art of Recommender Systems focus-
ing on scientific publications. It is clear that the area
is relatively new given the number of articles grow-
ing in recent years, and with a half-life
of 10 years.
In addition, there are several recommender systems
with similar purposes and classic approaches, how-
ever, always seeking to improve these systems with
new methods and algorithms. Among the new ap-
proaches that have been used is the recurrent neural
network model, with good results, but only with fur-
ther work will be able to prove the efficiency of the
model. Among the most used databases were CiteU-
Like and DBLP, although DBLP is not a database but
an indexer of other databases.
The use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in
Recommender Systems in studies is still small, prov-
ing to be a good research gap, confirming the expecta-
tion that it is a prominent area. Thus, as a future work
we intend to develop a Recommender System based
on scientific search engines (SSEs), recommending
publication vehicles for researchers, so that they know
where to publish their scientific works based on the
textual data of their articles.
Estimated elapsed time for an article to receive half
of all citaations it will have throughout its lifetime Diniz
Recommender Systems based on Scientific Publications: A Systematic Mapping
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems